By now you probably know that I oppose the overuse of antibiotics practiced by conventional medicine. Through its focus on managing the symptoms of illness rather than uprooting the cause, modern medicine has created a state of depleted health for many.
Antibiotics suppress symptoms such as fever and ear infections but at a cost. Generally, they drive the pathology deeper into the body until it re-emerges later as a more serious problem. This is why one illness follows another shortly after the use of drugs to “control” the symptoms of the first.
And gastrointestinal problems such as food intolerance emerge shortly after rounds (sometimes only one) of antibiotics. (more…)
Back in the '80s when I was birthing my first child, it was difficult to find a doctor who would agree to the kind of experience I wanted.
My idea of birthing was one in which I did all the work, and the midwife or doctor stood by in case I needed them. No drugs. No procedures. No interference.
I did everything I knew to make that happen. (more…)
“Read the Science. Raise Your Hand. Ask Your Questions. Learn the Facts.”
Many of you have asked very good questions so I know you are learning the facts.
1) I can’t see my insides … how do I know if my gut is good or bad? (more…)
Gandhi said, “Homeopathy is the most refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently.”
My family and I live on 15 acres in the Boston Hills of New York where we built our house and pond. We laid out our land to keep chickens, ducks and bees and to raise our family. I’ve experienced the anticipation and thrill of watching a bulldozer reshape the earth to our family’s needs.
In taking on this project, we knew there was a good deal at stake if we uprooted a spring or dismantled a stand of apple trees, so we learned as much as possible on the subject before permitting the powerful bulldozer to rearrange our land.
Antibiotics are like a bulldozer. They rearrange our insides. Just as we knew that our decision in 1994 would impact the terrain even today, so must we consider what an antibiotic can leave in its wake decades, even a lifetime, later. (more…)
I’ve been asked by Boiron, a world-class homeopathic manufacturing pharmacy, to give a series of my homeopathy tips. This one focuses on stress and sleep solutions. (more…)
Yeast Infection
Vaginal yeast infection, also called candidiasis, is a common problem of women caused by the overgrowth of the fungus candida albicans. This fungus normally resides in the body but is kept under control by lactobacillus bacteria.
A healthy immune system will maintain a correct balance between the yeast and the bacteria, but if this balance is upset, the fungus can get out of hand. Some things suspected to contribute to the overgrowth of candida include the use of antibiotics, birth control pills and immune-suppressing drugs such as steroids; eating refined sugar and processed foods; or ingesting certain trigger foods, such as bread and baked goods, even honey and too much fruit. (more…)
Happy 4th of July, America! And here's a valuable homeopathy tip.
I know. I’m two weeks late, but that weekend I spent a grand time with my extended family. And the ideas for this blog came to me as we sat around my cousin’s bonfire and watched fireworks over Lake Ontario.
So, indulge me and take a look at this postponed message that I hope will help direct and simplify your life. (more…)