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FAQ About Homeopathy Study Groups


Q:  I have a question and want to call the office. What kinds of questions do Joette’s office staff answer?

A:  Please read or search this entire FAQ page first. The answer may be here! ? My office staff cannot answer any homeopathic-related questions. This includes questions about administering medicines, potencies, X vs. C, vaccines, or other homeopaths. Additionally, they cannot answer any technical questions relating to computer/software problems or issues with Facebook. As I’m sure you understand, my office is extremely busy helping clients, students, and individuals with health problems, and we are simply not equipped to answer all of the questions we receive on a daily basis.


Technical Issues:

The office does not answer any technical questions relating to computer/software problems or Facebook issues.


Q:  I am unable to get a video to load or play/I am unable to get my order to go through. How should I proceed?

A:  First, try using a different browser (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer), restarting your device/computer, using a different device, or asking your Gateway Study Group Leader for help. If you continue to have trouble, please email [email protected].


Q:  I emailed the office and haven’t gotten a response. When will I hear back from you?

A:  My office usually responds within 24-48 hours (except on weekends). If you don’t see a response in your inbox, please make sure to check all available inboxes (such as spam). For instance, Gmail recently started filtering emails into several different inboxes including Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates, and Forums. Other email providers may have a similar setup. Make sure to check all of these folders for an email from either @joettecalabrese.com or @practicalhomeopathy.com addresses. You can change how emails are filtered in your email settings. Also, make sure to add these addresses to your trusted, primary emails.


Frequently Asked Questions

Gateway to Homeopathy

Gateway Study Group FAQ:


Q:  How can I find other Gateway Study Group members to start a group?

A:  I am so happy to have created an incredibly intuitive and resourceful Curriculum for you! Finding the group is the fun part. I have set up a Facebook page. Please go there, request to join, and look at the posts of Group Leaders presently starting groups:


Q:  I don’t have a group yet. Should I wait until I have a group to order my Gateway Study Guide?

A:  No. It is best to order your Gateway Study Guide first so you already have it on hand before you find a group to join. Some groups want to start right away, and there is no guarantee that you will receive your book in time if you wait to place your order (especially during these current times).


Q:  Does each individual group member pay $67.91 USD?

A:  Yes. Each Gateway Study Group participant needs their own Curriculum. This helps ensure that each participant is appropriately registered for the Gateway Study Group Curriculum and is given access to the Gateway Study Group Resource Page. Teaching many from one booklet would violate copyright law.


Q:  I read this entire page. I have another question not listed here. Where do I go?

A:  Please contact your Gateway Study Group Leader. She/he is in charge of answering questions for your group. If the Group Leader does not know the answer, try to brainstorm a solution within your group. If the question still remains, take notes and save it for your Live Q&A with me.


Q:  I know that in order for Joette to appear live to my group, I need a minimum number of students who are present. Now, I would like to schedule Joette to appear LIVE for a Q&A session. How do I do that?

A:  Although the Study Guide references a minimum number of participants to have me join your group for a live Q&A during lesson 6, this is no longer the case. I have come up with the perfect solution: I now combine smaller groups for the Q&A sessions. *Please call my office well in advance to schedule your Live Q&A at 561-537-5900.


Q:  Will Joette take a personal case during our group’s Q&A session?

A:  No. I cannot answer any questions relating to someone’s individual health circumstances during this special time together. Please refer to lesson 6 of the Study Group Curriculum for more details on what kinds of questions I am able to answer while speaking to you live.


Q:  I see that Joette appears as a live guest speaker to Study Group students for a Q&A session (this costs a fee). I also see that she offers free, pre-recorded Q&A sessions. I would like to view the pre-recorded videos instead of paying for the live sessions. How do I gain access to that?

A:  Pre-recorded Q&A’s are located in lesson 6 on the Gateway Study Group Resource Page.


Q:  Can I be a group of one? Can I use the Curriculum as a solo student?

A:  I highly encourage group study, although it is not mandatory. Sharing and discussing with others deepens the learning experience and understanding, though studying as one is alright, too. However, the main goal of the Curriculum is to foster a sense of community with other like-minded folks to help broaden the reach of homeopathy as a safe and effective alternative medical paradigm.


Q:  How do I gain access to the Gateway Study Group Participant Resource Page?

A:  The purchase of the Gateway Study Group Curriculum automatically grants you access to the Resource Page. You must enter a password when placing your order. Be sure you've written down your password for access. Your username is your email address, if you cannot remember your password please use the “Forgot Password?” feature directly below the fields requesting your username/password.


Q:  May I pay the $67.91 in several installments (as this is offered with some of Joette’s other courses)?

A:  This Gateway Study Group Curriculum is not the same as a standard course I otherwise offer. I purposely subsidized the cost of the Curriculum to make it very affordable. At this time, I am unable to increase our costs by adding a payment plan.


Q:  May I call and pay over the phone, as my internet connection is unreliable?

A:  Unfortunately, you must place your order online so you may register yourself for access to the Resource Page. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.


Q:  Does each person place an order individually?

A:  Yes. Everyone must order individually to receive their own mailing of the Curriculum and registration credentials.


Q:  Where do I send my Group Members to sign up for my group?

A:  Direct them to the page where they purchase the Gateway Study Group Curriculum:  https://membership.joettecalabrese.com/gateway-1-info-new/


Q:  Can I see a sample of the Gateway Study Group Curriculum?

A:  Yes, it is available here:


Q:  I’ve taken one (or several) of Joette's courses, like Good Gut, Bad Gut, for example. I also have some Joette’s books/CD's. How much overlap do you think there is between these things and the information taught in the Study Group?

A:  There is indeed some overlap between this Curriculum and the other products I offer. But even if you have taken courses from me before, this Study Group offers something the other courses do not: Community! The purpose of this Curriculum is to allow like-minded individuals to support each other in their homeopathic journeys. That’s why I say (and have witnessed!) that both newbies & oldies to homeopathy will benefit from this!


Q:  How much time per week should we expect to spend on the Gateway Study Group?

A:  There is about an hour of homework for each Study Group class (most of these assignments are simply listening to podcasts). Your group is in control of how long each Study Group meeting lasts, as well as any other time commitments.


Q:  Is the Curriculum mailed as one package with material to photocopy for each person, or are there a certain number of copies included?

A:  Each member will receive their own copy, as the Curriculum is printed on security paper, disabling the ability to photocopy the material.


Q:  What are the videos that come with the curriculum about?

A:  The videos on the Gateway Study Group Resource Page are about homeopathy. They are correlated with the Curriculum and answer questions like: What are remedies made out of? How often should I administer a remedy in an acute illness? Etc.


Q:  How does the Group Leader coordinate watching the videos when she has online students?

A:  Sorry, but I cannot answer questions relating to technical support. Be creative and ask computer-savvy friends for ideas! Some students have tried screen sharing or having everyone watch the video on their own computer (muting themselves to watch), then rejoining the online discussion.


Q:  How can I get my Completion Certificate for access to OHM?

A:  Please ask your Group Leader to use the form provided on the Gateway Study Group Resource Page to submit your name to my office. If you qualify, my staff will send you an email with the Certificate, granting you access to the pharmacy. Be sure to follow the instructions in the email for viewing/printing your certificate.


Q:  Do I have to take Gateway I before I can take Gateway II?

A:  Yes.


Q:  Where do I go to order the Gateway II Curriculum?

A:  You must first log in to your Gateway I Study Group Resource Page. Follow the prompts. Consider purchasing Gateway I And II at the same time, thereby saving postage and handling charges.


Q:  Can I share my Gateway Study Guide with my friend?

A:  Each Gateway Study Group participant needs their own Curriculum. Teaching many from one booklet would violate copyright law; however, a person may share with a minor child or spouse living in the home.


Q:  Can I order all of my participants' Curriculums to be shipped together to save on shipping costs?

A:  Unfortunately, our fulfillment center is not equipped to accommodate this request, and each participant needs to register themselves for access to the Gateway Study Group Resource Page.


Q:  My username and/or password for the Gateway Study Group Resource Page is not working.

A:  Your password may not be the same for your Gateway Study Group as it is for the Free Community.  If you purchased the Gateway to Homeopathy Study Group Curriculum but do not recall your password, please use the “Forgot Password?” feature right below the fields requesting your username/password.


Q:  Everyone else in my group received their Gateway Study Group Completion Certificates except me. Why is that?

A:  First, make sure your Group Leader submitted your name to our office. If not, please ask her/him to do so. If your name has been submitted, please allow 5-7 business days for processing.  When the certificate has been processed you will receive an email with instructions for accessing your certificate. If after 7 business days, you still do not find it be sure to check all of your inboxes, including spam.


Q:  Do I get a discount on kits if I complete a Study Group or a course?

A:  No. Additionally, the Top 100 & 200 kits are no longer available through our office. We recommend ordering directly from Washington Homeopathic Products. https://www.homeopathyworks.com/


Group Purchase FAQ:  

Be sure to read Lesson 5 in your Gateway Study Guide for information on group purchases.


Q:  Do I need 10 people ordering or 10 courses ordered?

A:  You must have 10 people ordering. All ten must have completed at least 5 of the 6 weeks of the Study Group Curriculum.


Q:  What if one person orders more than one course? Does that count?

A:  No. Ten eligible people must be on the group order form. Once you have 10, people may order more than one course if they choose.


Q:  I’m organizing a group purchase. Can I order more than one course?

A:  Yes, though only one course is eligible for the 40% discount.


Q:  How soon will we get access to our courses after we submit the group purchase order?

A:  It takes a few days to process the order and create the links. I ask that you allow at least 7-10 business days. The links for each course purchased are sent to the Group Leader to distribute to the other members of the group.


Q:  Can everyone pay directly or does the group purchase organizer have to collect the money?

A:  The person organizing the group purchase must collect all funds prior to submission to my office. This is why I give a bigger discount to the organizer as a thank you for all of their work.


Q:  What if I don’t want to give the group purchase organizer my credit card information?

A:  You may pay the organizer by check, certified check, money order, or electronic transfer.


Q:  Can anyone take part in a group purchase or do you have to complete a Gateway I Study Group?

A:  You must complete the Gateway to Homeopathy I Study Group Curriculum to take part in a group purchase.


Q:  Will I have immediate access to the Students of Joette Facebook Group? To OHM?  

A:  No. My policy is a minimum of 6 weeks of course study prior to acceptance to the Facebook group and access to OHM. Once you have completed six weeks of study, you may complete the “Conclude the Course” form on the course Resource Page for your Certificate and access to OHM. Once you receive your Certificate, you will then receive a link to request to join the Students of Joette Facebook Group. There are no exceptions.



Q:  Why can’t I order more than one item at a time?

A: Currently, the only items that can be ordered at the same time are the Gateway I and II study guides along with the Materia Medica through the Learning Center.  However, if you want to order more than one Gateway I or II study guide, you must place the orders separately so that the recipients are properly registered for access to the online portion of the curriculum.  Please be sure to use the recipient's email address when ordering, and provide them with the password you chose when placing the order. The recipient can use that password to sign in and then visit the “Your Account” section to change the password to one they will easily remember.


Q:  I ordered the Cell Salts CD or download a while ago. How do I order the transcript?

A:  Please call my office at 561-537-5900 or email [email protected] to place your order.


Q:  Can I order the Survivalist Kit if I haven’t taken the Survivalist Course?

A:  No. Survivalist kits can only be purchased by students of the Survivalist course.


Q:  I did not receive tracking information for my order. Where can I get that information?

A: You will receive tracking information from our office as soon as your package ships.  Watch for an email from [email protected]. Search your email, including your spam folder, for the subject line “Your (product name here) order has shipped.”


Q:   I am tracking my order but it seems to have stalled with no updates for several days. What do I do?

A:  Please continue to track your package using the information provided. You may also reach out to your local post office for assistance locating your package. I have access to the same tracking information that you do and am unable to provide additional information on your package’s status.


Q:  My order was damaged in transit. What should I do?

A:  Please send an email to contact@practicalhomeopathy to let me know what item was damaged, along with photos of the damage. My office will email you with options or instructions for returning your item for a replacement.

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