Father of Homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
You probably can relate to this situation I experienced early in my homeopathy journey. I knew the power of homeopathy based on the amazing cures that I had experienced in my own life and the lives of others, including my pets and livestock. Still, I sometimes found myself at a loss when a well-meaning friend or relative asserted that homeopathy has no scientific proof or research to back it up.
Quite the contrary is actually true. Homeopathy has a rich history of research behind it. In fact, its discoverer, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, was a methodical scientist in his exploration of the principle that “like cures like.” Unfortunately for his family, in the very beginning, some of his research consisted of conducting “provings” on them and documenting their symptoms. I’m sure it made for lively dinner conversation. What symptoms am I going to develop this week? (more…)
Do you hear that? Soft and quiet… It’s the velvety sound of a baby sleeping peacefully. But it wasn’t like that earlier tonight or any night this week, for that matter.
Until Mom found the correct remedy, this now peaceful bambino was a screaming, back-arching bundle of nerves. No amount of rocking, feeding or cuddling did the trick.
That’s when this mom turned to her homeopathy notes.
After such a long winter, I love that the robins have come back to my front yard. It’s only been a few weeks since they’ve arrived.
Their presence used to usher in the worst of my allergies. But not anymore!
I suffered from allergies
As a young woman, I suffered from allergies so debilitating that they kept me secluded indoors and sensitive to the world outside my door.
The more visits I made to the allergists; the more drugs I took; the worse I felt. I began to realize that it was best to avoid the allergist, not the allergens.
If you had told me years ago that I would someday no longer suffer from this, I would have told you that you were crazy. Until I was cured after consulting with a homeopath. Did you hear me? CURED! (more…)
“I thought hernias could only be eliminated with surgery! You mean your hernia is gone from taking homeopathic remedies?”
Marcus was unconvinced.
Yet his squash partner, David, was indeed better.
And he had to admit, the bump was gone when only last week their game had been canceled because of it.
Even David’s doctor acknowledged the recovery. But not after re-reading the chart. (more…)
As a homeopathic consultant for many years, I find the inspiration of the homeopaths before me to be of encouragement and worthy of emulation.
Besides Mother Teresa, I look to Dr. Dorothy Shepherd as a beacon of light in our world of interest-group medicine and symptom-masking drugs.
Dr. Shepherd, my posthumous mentor, was an English medical doctor practicing in hospital clinics and emergency rooms after WWI. She used the conventional methods learned in medical school, hospitals and clinics.
Then, as luck would have it, she learned of homeopathy via the veterinarians and homeopathic physicians abounding in England at the time. So, she returned to medical school. This time it was a homeopathic medical school she attended. (more…)
1.) Bones, Fat and Cream:
Build and maintain healthy teeth by keeping a plentiful amount of calcium-rich and high-fat foods in your daily diet. For robust bones, drink raw milk daily. High-quality cheese is another good source; go for raw cheeses whenever you can. Yogurt and kefir are two superb dairy foods, and they’re even more digestible thanks to their live enzymes and probiotics. Skip the reduced-fat version, and if you’re ambitious, make your own.
Foods cooked, baked and fried (yes, I said fried) in coconut oil, butter, tallow or lard provide high fats, as does the skin of chickens, nitrate-free ham and bacon. Don’t forget to include marrow bones in this equation too.
I teach my students and clients that it’s always best to get your nutrients from foods … or superfoods … not vitamin pills. Not only are nutrients in their original food source easier for the body to access and absorb, but they are also found in conjunction with other vitamins, minerals and fats that help the body utilize the food to its fullest potential.
In short, don’t short-change yourself with pricey supplements; they’re frequently made of questionable ingredients, such as soy, and can lead to an excess of a given nutrient. That can lead to vitamin toxicity, which is highly unlikely if you eat your nutrients instead of taking them. (more…)
March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and it won’t be long before the usual health experts trot out to urge us all to get colonoscopies.
Although that “kick in the butt” might sound like a good idea, the rate of serious complications from colonoscopy screening is ten times higher than any other commonly used cancer screening test.
According to Konstantin Monastyrky, the author of Fiber Menace, “the odds of being killed or injured by the side effects of colonoscopy may exceed your odds of getting colorectal cancer in the first place.”
He further points out that the procedure is far from infallible. It not often fails to catch colorectal cancer in many cases, but can also cause, contribute to, or accelerate the growth of colorectal and other cancers.
How so? (more…)