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4 Strategies for a Perfect Grin

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

March 28th, 2013  |  45 Comments

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1.) Bones, Fat and Cream:

Build and maintain healthy teeth by keeping a plentiful amount of calcium-rich and high-fat foods in your daily diet. For robust bones, drink raw milk daily. High-quality cheese is another good source; go for raw cheeses whenever you can. Yogurt and kefir are two superb dairy foods, and they’re even more digestible thanks to their live enzymes and probiotics. Skip the reduced-fat version, and if you’re ambitious, make your own.


Foods cooked, baked and fried (yes, I said fried) in coconut oil, butter, tallow or lard provide high fats, as does the skin of chickens, nitrate-free ham and bacon. Don’t forget to include marrow bones in this equation too.

I teach my students and clients that it’s always best to get your nutrients from foods … or superfoods … not vitamin pills. Not only are nutrients in their original food source easier for the body to access and absorb, but they are also found in conjunction with other vitamins, minerals and fats that help the body utilize the food to its fullest potential.

In short, don’t short-change yourself with pricey supplements; they’re frequently made of questionable ingredients, such as soy, and can lead to an excess of a given nutrient. That can lead to vitamin toxicity, which is highly unlikely if you eat your nutrients instead of taking them.

2.) Your Toothpowder in a Pretty Dish

Have you read the ingredients in your “all-natural” toothpaste? Eee-u. I bypass the store-bought version for a fraction of the price and the confidence that my ingredients are upfront and pure.

Here’s my recipe:

Mix together the following ingredients and store in a pretty porcelain dish

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • ¼ cup French Clay (found at most health food stores)
  • 1 drop essential oil (I like to use cinnamon oil, but other great choices are clove, anise, fennel, myrrh, rosemary, lemon or even orange or tangerine oils.
  • To use this mixture, just wet your brush and dip it into the toothpowder. Important note: Because baking soda is an abrasive, using too much can be detrimental, so very little goes a long way. Too much powder on your brush can be too abrasive and remove the enamel.


3.) Strong Teeth the Homeopathic Way

It generally takes a good amount of time, but Calc phos 6X and Calc fluor 12X taken thrice daily for many months have been shown to strengthen and aid in the growth of teeth in children. These two remedies make a great combination because Calc phos helps to form bone and teeth while Calc fluor is present on the surface of both bones and teeth.

These remedies are specific for growth as well, and it is not uncommon for children who have problems with their teeth to display other growth issues, too. Remember, the condition of the teeth is a reflection of the condition of the bones.

A simple technique for administering these remedies is to add them directly to jugs of milk. In one gallon of milk, add 10 pills of each, stir, and the job is complete. As your children ingest their milk throughout the day, they’ll get these two remedies in each sip.

4.) Dental Fears Halted with Homeopathy 

I hate the dentist’s office: the sounds, the smells and the awful anticipation. Want a great method of stilling the nerves? Try one of these tried-and-true homeopathics.

Aconitum: The most important remedy for that horrible worry, especially for children, is Aconitum. Those who need it sometimes display anger by stamping their feet and kicking with indignation. As a youngster, one of my sons crawled under the chair and resolutely clung to the underpinnings. No amount of coaxing could unfurl his grip. This was before I knew he had this problem, so we visited the dentist unprepared. A few doses of Aconitum 30 would have relieved the problem.

Gelsemium: For those who are fearful, with a sensation of weakness, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract (like accompanying diarrhea before the dreaded event), Gelsemium will likely improve the sensations. Other concomitant symptoms for the use of Gelsemium include sleepiness, memory loss and confusion.

Argentum nitricum: When the dental patient is more on the animated side, with rapid loquacity and accompanying tremors from fear, then Argenticum nitricum will likely be useful.

In any of these cases, the more intense the situation, the more frequent the repetition. So, my son’s extreme fear would have best been met with Aconitum 30C every 15 minutes until improvement. Usually, it takes no more than 2-5 doses to witness a reaction. Then you stop unless it returns.

There you have it. 32 pearly whites, four ways to protect and keep them. Easy, mostly at-home measures, inexpensive and with just the right amount of guts, spunk and moxie. Learn to treat your family and yourself.

If this intrigues you, consider finding out more. Go to Cure Yourself and Family with Homeopathy and up your self-sufficiency!


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This is something you want to know about. Our good friends at the Village Green Network are hosting a live FREE online Healthy Life Summit… seven exciting days starting March 24, 2013.

If finding time to learn and stay current about a wide range of health topics is important to you, The Healthy Life Summit is an online event you will want to know about. 

As you are all familiar with my learning technique of listening to recordings while I do my chores around the house, you’ll likely want to take advantage of the special discounted price for all of the audio and video presentation recordings.

This summit is a FREE virtual conference happening March 24-30, 2013. 





Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


45 thoughts on “4 Strategies for a Perfect Grin”

  1. Bethany says:

    I took your suggestion about the cell salts when one of my teeth was getting really sensitive and I was worried I might be getting a cavity. Within a couple weeks, the sensitivity went away! My dentist said the tooth looked perfect! I also have been using baking soda, but I mix it with some fine celtic sea salt and some calcium/magnesium powder. My teeth look so shiny and feel so good. My dentist couldn’t get over how pretty my teeth look and how strong! Even my gums are very healthy. I drink raw milk every day, take Fermented Cod Liver Oil and have plenty of butter and animal fats in my diet. At 46, my teeth look as good as they did when I was 18. I also do not use Flouride. I try to share these things with them at the dentist office, but they still don’t believe me. I guess if my teeth and gums continue to look this good in another 10 years, maybe they’ll come around! 😉

  2. Stephanie says:

    I live in Western NY and would love to find a holistic minded dentist. I haven’t been able to find one yet. Could you provide a listing?

    1. admin says:

      If what you’re looking for is someone who doesn’t use amalgams, then there are some choices. If you’re looking for a dentist with a cavitat or follows Dr. Weston Price, or Dr. Higgins’ protocol, I know of no one in the WNY area.

      1. Stephanie says:

        Hi Joette,
        I was looking for someone that follows Dr. Weston Price or Higgins’protocol. But I guess I will use the next best. I haven’t been able to find one since we have moved that doesn’t use amalgams or if they use composite fillings ones without BPA. Some reccomendations would be great. Thanks!

        1. Mary says:

          Hi Stephanie-While doing research to find a dentist who could remove amalgam fillings safely, I discovered Wood Dental in Buffalo. They do NOT use amalgam and have a very interesting and scary video on the website about mercury fillings. Good luck! http://www.wooddental.com/

  3. Mary says:

    This is a super helpful article!

    I am especially happy to learn that the teeth reflect the state of the bones. What an obvious sign.

    Thank you for the good advice!

  4. Lorraine says:

    What is your opinion on regular dental visits? I feel like if they’re not broken, why fix anything. Are regular cleanings really important if I practice good regular dental care with brushing and flossing?

  5. Liz says:

    Such an important part of health! I think it is also important to try to keep you teeth, and keeping the teeth healthy is the first step in this.

  6. Rosanna says:

    Dear Joette,

    Thank you so much for this very informative article! My son just had a dental appt. He is 16 years old. The dentist discovered his first cavity in his molars( 2 of them). He said hopefully, only shallow. He wants to schedule him for dental fillings.
    I’m excited to try your protocol and hopefully my son’s cavity will be reversed. We scheduled for June. Hopefully, this is enough time to fix his cavity naturally!

    Thanks you Joette. How I wish I can be a student of yours. I try my best to keep my boys as healthy as possible and not to go to the conventional doctors.
    You are the best Joette!


  7. Megan Saxbury says:

    wow and so many people into some natural still tell me that using baking soda will take of my enemal cuase the dentist told them so. I have rad online that people have used for years with know problems. I go back and forth between baking soda and peroxide with water.

  8. Jerian says:

    My son has very crowded teeth, (I didn’t find out about good food until after I had all my babies). I am working with an ordontist and a myofacial brace to allow for natural widening of his jaw and no braces. We have a problem with a very, very low gum on his bottom two front teeth. The ortho wants to do a gum graft on my 10 year old if his gum doesnt get better after we removed 4 of his baby teeth.

    Are there any remedies to promote regrowth of gums?


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m sorry , but I cannot take cases in this forum and that is what would be required for me to offer a remedy suggestion. I would however encourage you get the opinion of another pediatric dentist or 2, particularly one who is a biological dentist before making this kind of decision.

  9. Kristy says:

    Where can I find the calc flour 12X? I have been able to find 6X but not the 12X.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You can try Washington Homeopathics in W. Virginia or Helios in England.

  10. Gerri says:

    A question on Calc phos and fluor: if using the OHM remedies do I also use 10 pellets per gallon of milk or less?

    Thanks, Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      10 pellets will likely work.

  11. Kelly says:

    Any suggestions for strenghtening teeth? I can see lines that look like cracks (so I’m worried they will one day but they’ve been there for decades) but also was recently told at the dentist that I have a pocket in one of my teeth due to a calcium deficiency. Been off dairy products for 8 mos due to testong positive for an allergy to it (not really a surprise too much.) Thanks!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The answer to your question is a bit more complex than you might think. First, its important to correct the food intolerance issue so that dairy is no longer a concern. THe remedy choice for this ought to also fit the dental problem as well. THis can be done by working with a homeopath. So the answer is yes, but in your case, its not one remedy that will do the trick.

  12. Annie says:

    Hello 🙂
    Is there a directory for homeopaths that are knowledgeable in bones/dental? I saw a homepoath locally but this person did not seem confident with helping my teeth/gums/bones (I had other health issues as well like chronic fatigue and hair loss and skin condition, and he focused on that. But I have a very serious tooth/gum issues going on and I really need to work on it ASAP. Gums started receding the last few years and cavities set it….it is not slowing down now. Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Feel free to contact my office and we can discuss your concerns. I have worked extensively in this arena, including with my own dental issues. 716.941.1045

  13. sahmpaw says:

    What are your thoughts on regular dental visits and x-rays? I have not had an x-ray in 5 years (and thus have gotten kicked out of a dentist practice recently). I really don’t see the point – the last x-ray of a tooth I had done because I was in severe pain but nothing showed up on x-ray but they still recommended a root canal. I went to a holistic dentist still no evidence of decay. It was trigeminal neuralgia (had I known about Hypericum that might have done the trick!). I ended up seeing a homeopath and she cleared it with a Strep Pyogenes Nosode. All along it was a strep infection!

  14. Miserelle says:

    Hello Joette, Thanks for the article.
    I heard of Calc phos being good.
    A homeopath suggested giving my son calc phos 30 to strenghten his immune system. apparently he “proved” as he started limping (growing pains) … once stopped the remedy, it passed within a few days.
    Now I am scared to use calc phos with him, even if in a 6x ….. should I try again anyway?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Either the potency was too high or simply wasn’t needed. Additionally, unless there’s a specific condition, it’s best to not use a homeopathic.

  15. Miserelle says:

    Thank you, so I shouldn’t try calc fluor to keep teeth healthy, either?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If there’s a condition of dentition, its an excellent medicine. But if there is no problem, I’d just give them bone stock or yogurt to keep healthy.

    2. Sarah says:

      Hi Joette! I appreciate this post! My daughter suffers from dental anxiety. I also have Boiron X-ray on hand for before and after dental X-rays. Is there any contradiction in giving both aconitum and x-ray before a dental visit?

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

        key in “Joette Calabrese Anxiety” on my blog.

  16. Carrie L Cheek says:

    My baby is 11 months and she has a tooth that has come in crooked about 4 months ago. She is also small for her age. I had thought about trying Cal phos 6x and cal flour 12x for her to help her. I have breastfed exclusively but have not always had dairy as I show an intolerance (thyroid reaction) to dairy including raw cow milk. I try to leave in Ghee and occasionally butter. I drink eat soup from home made stock and eat liver and liverwurst to help out since I can’t do milk. I have planned on starting raw goat milk with her once she turned 1 to help her out. Should I go ahead and start the cal phos and cal flour diluted in water thrice a day or just wait until I start the raw goat milk to see if it works itself out.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I can’t advise you on this forum but its a good idea to do all you can to move her along.

  17. Rachel B says:

    I like the idea of putting the Calc Pos and Calc Fluor in milk for my children so they can drink it throughout the day. Is it possible to do this with Bioplasma, and longterm? (taken in milk vs. water, all 12 cell salts instead of just two at the same time, and Calc Fluor and Calc Pos within Bioplasma are at a lower dilution than you recommend above…)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, it can be done with Bioplasma but I prefer zeroing in on a particular condition rather than throwing the entire kitchen sink at them.

  18. Kat Cooper says:

    I’ve got calc phos 6x and calc fluor 6x (only ones that I could get)
    I am wanting to add it to a gallon of water…can’t get any raw milk right now….no body around has any at this moment. It is for my almost 2 year old and almost 4 year old. Their enamel is wearing off and dentin is showing….teeth are chipping away. We had two of my soon to be 4 yr olds teeth removed because they became nubs. She has main two front top teeth but they are withering away as well.
    Should amount be 10 of each of the above , both put into the same gallon of water?
    If yes, how much should be taken daily/how much should they drink?
    I thank you so much for this article
    Louisiana gal

  19. Sadaf says:

    Hello frnds,
    My 30 months old boy have some cavities on front tooth. He don’t take any intakes of juices, chocolates, any sugary food. But he doesn’t drink milk also. I completely breastfed him till 2 years. Now dentist says for crown but they need to give anaesthesia, which i really don’t want. I blve jn homeopathy since childhood. Can i give him Calc phos 3x and calc ferrum 3x

    Please advise.

  20. Carrie says:

    I take calc fluor 12x and calc phos 6x for tooth sensitivity confirm decalficiation from dentist. 6 weeks into it I started noticing vaginal burning, right ovary discomfort, and some rectum pressure. I thought maybe I could be proving calc Fluor due to possible hemorrhoids. It doesn’t make sense to be proving if I have the tooth sensitivity that has not acted yet. I have had great improvement taking this protocol in mood. Much happier,,, more energy, more patient. I have had better skin, and a wart began to heal. I have also needed to go to the chiropractor less. I don’t know whether to continue the protocol for the sensitive tooth and treat the other issues separately, or if I should stop the protocol to see if there was any proving. I just don’t understand why the other issues came up. I have not had issues with yeast or hemorrhoids in many many years. I have not changed my diet any. I am also a nursing mother and have been for 16 months.

  21. kc says:

    If there is no 12X available, only 6x or 30, what would you recommend?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      6 is better than 30 but you can purchase 12x on Amazon made by Boiron. Or go directly to Boiron and get a discount by using the code”joette” in the discount code box.

  22. Olga says:

    Hi Joette! I’m new to French clays and was wondering if you use a certain one? Apparently they have green, pink, red, and yellow. Also, will this homemade toothpaste help remineralize my teeth?

    Thank you!

  23. Michelle says:

    Hi! Can the four pellets of calc phos and calc fluor dissolved in 4 ounces of water be given to any age, infants and toddlers.

    Thank you


    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, any age.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Any age.

  24. sonia says:

    when adding the calc fluor and calc phos to a 4 oz bottle of water, does that bottle have to be succussed like one does with the other regular homeopathic remedies, if for example one needs to stretch them.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      It’s not required but some consider it of value to do so.

  25. Christine says:

    Do you address receding gums in any of your courses or is it best to make an appointment with you?

  26. Leah Reizes says:

    Hi.would this protocol help widen a small palette instead of using a palate expander?

  27. Leah Reizes says:

    An orthodontist recommended my child have a palate expander because of a narrow palate. To prevent crooked teeth etc. Would taking this protocol potentially remove the need for expanding the palate, because it would help the teeth remain straight?

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