Thanksgiving evokes happy memories of turkey, stuffing, cranberries and pie. But I recall an incident with turkey a few years ago that had me quite alarmed. Fortunately, homeopathy, as usual, saved the day.
I foolishly left some leftover turkey out on the counter for two days. (Not something I normally do! But I wanted to separate it from the daily trash, and I simply hadn’t gotten to it.)
And, to my horror, my husband, Perry, ate it.
“Yum!” he said after he finished the bowl.
“You ate that?!!” I didn’t want to alarm him, but I was certain this wasn’t good.
Not surprisingly, within half a day or so, he came down with a severe case of food poisoning. (more…)
Buster, the Bad Office Dog, was running in the fields by our pond a few months ago, when he apparently stepped into a hole or a depression in the ground. He let out a yelp and came limping back to us. He refused to put any weight on his back leg while yelping. Our poor dog was obviously in severe pain.
Now, sometimes a dog will limp for a bit but gradually start using the leg when the initial shock wears off. Not Buster. He was not about to put any weight on that leg for any reason.
As usual, I gave him a few doses of Arnica 200 for the initial pain and trauma, about 3 times per day for a few days.
But by the end of the week, the leg was no better. Buster was not putting any weight on it, and he would nip if anyone touched his hock. Fortunately, we have a holistic vet friend who lives just minutes from us and who is an excellent diagnostician. She said Buster had a torn meniscus. (more…)
Question: I was speaking with my classical homeopath yesterday about the Banerji Protocol, and he was saying that remedies can suppress disease, especially in higher doses than 30C. He says that this form of homeopathy is more like allopathic medicine and can have unwanted side effects that may show years later or even just create energetic disharmony within the person. I so appreciate all that you teach to moms to help them care for their families and empower them. I have had positive experiences with what you have shared and want to continue to learn from you, and I am now confused by what he said. Could you please speak to this in hopes of clearing up some of this confusion?
Answer: Ask your homeopath if he uses Arnica for old head injuries or after surgery or if he uses Belladonna for strep infections. How about Arsenicum for dysentery? Ledum for bites? If so, he’s using a protocol that is not strictly classical. (more…)
When Jessica was a girl, houses might be decorated with carved pumpkins or corn stalks. Nothing like the kind of embellishments of today.
Elaborate graveyard scenes. Frightening noises and music. Things that jump out at you. Today, some people go out of their way to try to scare others.
Jessica’s two boys, 13-year-old Nick and 8-year-old Jamey, nagged for days that they wanted to go to the big Haunted Hayride. Jessica had some nagging reservations, but the boys seemed assured that they could handle the “fun.”
(Sometimes our gut is smarter than our brain.) (more…)
Violet was facing a dilemma.
She had dandruff.
Not much of a problem, you say?
Well, in her case it was. Violet has owned a beauty salon for 20 years. She fashioned herself an expert on every skin and hair product on the market.
The anti-aging creams, acne gels, hair lighteners, hair dyes, dandruff shampoos: she had tried and applied them all.
Yet over the years, her skin grew dry, and she had an increasingly itchy scalp, complete with embarrassing white flakes. (more…)
The Connors' third child, Michael, is chubby, robust and with clear skin except for one little problem. He has a history of convulsions nearly every time he falls asleep. No one on either side of the family had neurological issues or seizure disorders. The parents were understandably distraught.
Mother Caroline was doing everything she could to be a good mother. She provided nutrient-dense meals including raw milk and homemade fermented vegetables. She had been studying homeopathy and using it wherever she could since her first baby was born. For the Connors family, it was a no-brainer to integrate the best of both modalities. But this problem was beyond her abilities.
So, Caroline set up an appointment with the family homeopath, and their first step was to compile a timeline to reconstruct what had happened in Michael’s short life, including procedures and drugs that might have been used. (more…)
With Ebola and Enterovirus continuing to dominate news stories, contagious disease and the potential for global pandemics are a source of anxiety and worry for many.
I find myself reminiscing about my visits to Calcutta, India, to study with the homeopaths at the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation Clinic. At the top of this blog, I’ve posted a photo I took while I was in India. The crowds of people milling around that public square are typical of practically everywhere I visited in that great city. (more…)