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03:51 Courtney’s story: being an herbalist, using remedies for breech birth, and being a doula
11:40 Bursitis, arthritis, food allergies and their remedies
22:19 Nola’s story with the vole: Ledum and HyperArs for an animal bite
27:30 Reacting versus responding: Don’t panic
Birthing Series Part One: Turning a Breech Baby
Ditch the Gatorade and Make My Son’s Homeopathic Electrolyte Drink
Surviving Infections on the farm with Homeopathy
Podcast 34 – Dads with Audacity: These Fathers Know Best!
The Secret Life of a Colicky Baby
You are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.
Courtney: The moment you start panicking, you’re freaking out and thinking of all the things you have to do and making that mental list. You know, take a deep breath and just realize that the best thing to do is nothing. Just wait. Just wait until you can make that choice rationally.
Kate: You are listening to Podcast Number 40 at joettecalabrese.com.
Joette: Each day from my office, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe and I want to share them with you. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines. Your successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful. I can’t keep these successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporters, we bring you a mini podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview dads with audacity. See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy.
Kate: Today, we have a very special guest joining us. I’m excited to welcome Courtney here with me today. We’re going to be talking about how homeopathy has really changed her life and her family’s life. She’s going to share with us a lot of stories that she has about how she uses homeopathy with her family, everything from animal bites to bursitis, arthritis, and birthing those babies. Courtney, thanks for joining us today.
Courtney: Thanks. It’s great to be here, Kate.
Kate: We’re excited to hear about your story and get to know you a little bit. Because it’s always, I think, fun for people to get to know some of the people that work with Joette behind the scenes. I’m excited for people to get to meet you and to hear about your story. So, Courtney, where are you from?
Courtney: I’m from New York. I live probably about an hour and a half south of Buffalo.
Kate: So, you live sort of near Joette?
Courtney: Yes, I don’t live far from Joette. Joette lives just outside of Buffalo as well.
Kate: You’ve gotten to know Joette by working with her. How many years have you worked with Joette now?
Courtney: I’ve worked with Joette for about six years now. I assist in marketing. So, I’ve done Joette’s social media. So, a lot of people who have taken Joette’s classes and are on her student forum page — because Joette, if you’ve taken her class, you can join the online student forum which is hosted off Facebook. I moderate that group along with another girl. So, a lot of her students will probably recognize who I am because I’m often posting on there or commenting on posts or answering questions, that kind of a thing. Also, anytime Joette has a new course that we’re launching, I help launch it, and I take out advertising for it and that sort of thing.
Kate: A lot of people probably hear from you but they don’t know that they’re hearing from you.
Courtney: Yes. Now, they get to hear my voice. They see my picture. They’ve heard of me that way but now they get to know a little more about Courtney.
Kate: Exactly, exactly. I think that’s really fun.
It’s interesting. When we were talking, you told me a little bit about yourself as far as your background in natural medicine. You have some pretty interesting things. You’re pretty wise, I think. I look forward to learning from you, because you are a certified herbalist, right?
Courtney’s story: being an herbalist, using remedies for breech birth, and being a doula
Courtney: Yes, that’s right. Before I came to homeopathy, I was actually really interested in herbs and did a lot of wildcrafting. We live out in the country. So, I would find herbs and make tinctures out of them, and use that as medicine for myself. That was probably right before I had kids. So, I wasn’t really using herbs a lot with my kids. Now, we mostly use homeopathy and have been. Homeopathy is our family’s main source of medicine. It has been for a good five or six years. I found it right before I started working with Joette. We’ve had some really good results — especially with little kids. I have three little kids. I don’t feel like herbs are always the best choice. They can be harmful. Homeopathy is gentle. It has been really good for us in the last six years when I’ve been pregnant or my babies are really little. I never think twice about using homeopathy.
Kate: One of the reasons you liked homeopathy is that when you were pregnant, you didn’t have to worry about using homeopathy. But herbs, it was a little tricky — which ones to use during a pregnancy or not. So, that was probably a selling point — one of them for homeopathy for you, right?
Courtney: That’s exactly right. Herbs, you have to be careful. There are things that you can’t have when you’re pregnant; obviously, can’t give it to your newborn baby. So, homeopathy is a perfect fit for that time, the childbearing years. It’s such a nice thing to have a kit when you’re pregnant so that if you come down with the flu or even if you’re having like, sciatic issues, you don’t have to worry about resorting to allopathic medicine. Herbs — the solution isn’t always herbal because herbs can be too harsh to take when you’re pregnant. So yes, that was a big turning point for me, honestly. It’s just when we started having a family, I needed something that I could use for my babies and use on myself. Homeopathy was the ticket.
Kate: Courtney, I think that is a really good point because a lot of people ask. They want to know: Can you use homeopathy when you’re pregnant? And say you have a baby or a young child, they’re concerned about are there cautions for using homeopathy with young children or when you’re pregnant? I know there are a couple of things. So, maybe we can talk about that for just a minute.
Courtney: Definitely, that’s a good point. There are some remedies that Joette advises that people be careful about using or just avoid during pregnancy. The ones to be aware of when you’re pregnant are Pulsatilla, Apis and Sepia. I will say that during my last pregnancy, I was using Pulsatilla. So, I don’t really think that it’s a matter of something like dangerous — avoid them. But, like it’s not something you want to use in excess. Like if you really need Pulsatilla, you could probably talk to a homeopath and find out what the safe way to use it is. I just think that sometimes we make blanket statements like, “Be careful around these remedies.” Because you don’t want just anybody to come and read a blog about it, and start taking big doses or high potencies and possibly get themselves into trouble.
Pulsatilla is one that’s actually used to turn babies. So, you can use that in pregnancy. Actually, the reason I used it was to turn my baby. Because I think it was 34, 35 weeks at least, Avery, my last baby that I was pregnant with was breech — completely breech, like head up and not even transverse. He was straight up breech. I was planning to birth him at home. So, all of my babies have been born at home. My midwife, I came in for my appointment and she was like, “Oh my goodness. He’s breach.” I was like, “Oh, what does that mean?” She said, “Well, you might not be able to have him at home,” which was really kind of scary for me. So, I talked to Joette, and she told me Pulsatilla. I think I only took two doses of it. It works very quickly.
Kate: That’s amazing.
Courtney: I had, previous to that, tried things like there’s [An incorrect website is mentioned in the podcast. The correct website is spinningbabies.com], I think that’s the website. But, it was very overwhelming to me, Kate. I didn’t have that much time to kind of get things moving. When you’re that far along and your baby’s breach, even the homebirth midwives were like, “Yes, Courtney. You need to do something.” I felt like, “Oh my gosh, I have to hurry up and act. I have to do something.” So, I first tried this website. When you go to that website, it gives you all these factors like hundreds of things you have to do. It was very overwhelming to me.
The nice thing was as soon as I was thinking clearly, I messaged Joette. She was like, “Yes, that’s an easy one, take Pulsatilla.” It just seems so simple, compared to what I would have to go through laying on an ironing board upside down and moving this way, that way, and doing all this stuff. I was just like, “Oh my gosh, that is so easy. Take a little tablet and you’re done.” You know what I mean? It was so beautiful to know that that’s all that I would have to do, and it honestly worked. It was amazing.
Kate: Wow. That’s so awesome. And I know Joette, I think, has written about that in her blog. She has some information on that too. So, you actually have helped people deliver babies, right?
Courtney: Yes. Before I worked with Joette, I was certified as a doula. A doula is a support person during birth. It’s very different from a midwife. You don’t deliver babies, but you actually just support the mom through labor. For many years, I did that. I had a natural childbirth course that I wrote, and I taught that. So, I had lots of people come through that with me. I had all my babies at home, so I really understood that. I went to a lot of home births with a couple of the local midwives here.
Kate: I imagine that you probably used homeopathy, did you when you were attending some of these births and helping the moms?
Courtney: Oh, definitely. Gelsemium 30 is one that I’ve used many times for exhaustion in labor, especially with first-time moms. It’s very common for birth to take a long time. My first birth was 36 hours. I know Joette talks about her first birth being long. Gelsemium is a great remedy to have because obviously labor is the hardest work we do. It’s so tiring. So, I’ve used it many times with women in labor. I’ve also used Joette’s Gatorade recipe. I don’t know if you know that one, Kate, with the cell salts.
Kate: Yes, I do.
Courtney: That’s a great tonic for getting the electrolytes and just boosting energy when you’re not only working outside and it’s hot, but when you’re giving birth.
Kate: That’s a great idea. I never thought of using that with birth, but that is really good.
Courtney: If you go to Joette’s page in the upper right corner, there’s a search bar. If you enter Gatorade or “Ditch the Gatorade” which is the actual title of it, it will definitely bring it up.
Kate: Tell us a little bit about your family. I know you’ve used homeopathy with your children and even your husband. We heard, actually, from your husband in another podcast. But people probably don’t know this. But your husband was on one of the “Dads with Audacity” podcasts, wasn’t he?
Courtney: Yes, he’s Mark in that podcast. Mark is he’s very athletic. He likes to run. He has a lot of sports-related injuries. We joke in our family that Symphytum is Mark’s spirit animal, because he’s had a lot of good relationship with that remedy. It has helped him a lot. Bursitis is one that we dealt with, that includes Symphytum. Bursitis is like inflammation in the knee. Mark used to have repeated bouts of bursitis. I think that seems to be the case from what I’ve heard is that it tends to come and go and flare up. It’s that kind of infection type thing. The protocol for that that I got from Joette is Symphytum 200 mixed with Rhus tox 30. You just take it twice a day.
Kate: Then how long does it usually take before you see some change in his symptoms?
Courtney: For Mark — and actually my little boy, he had it one time too. I was so nervous because he came down with it the night before we were going to get on an airplane and travel. I was like, “Oh no.” He’s getting this knee thing. It was hot to the touch. It was painful. Previous to that experience, Mark had had a flare up. For Mark, it doesn’t last too long. It’s maybe, like with this protocol, three days to a week. Then he can kind of stop taking it.
For other people, if it’s happened for a long time, they have to take it probably longer. Usually what happens is they’ll have another flare up after that they will be less severe, and maybe go away quicker. There even may be another flare up after that but then, they eventually, if you employ this protocol, you never have it again. Like, that’s kind of the trend which is usually the trend with homeopathy. It sort of roots it out completely.
Kate: Right, that’s what I love about homeopathy that we don’t get with many other natural medicine options. I mean sometimes, but homeopathy really gets to the root of the cause. I know for instance my daughter and her asthma, we’re really seeing a change using homeopathy where before it was just managing the symptoms.
Courtney: Yes. You’re not managing the symptoms. You are actually rooting it out. That is also different from allopathic medicine, but also herbs, a lot of times, it’s just managing symptoms. They have to keep taking the turmeric or whatever it is you’re taking over and over again.
Kate: Right. So, I think people need to remember that a well-chosen remedy can really make a change, not only in just the symptoms but for the long term — that eventually, that whatever, bursitis, hopefully, Mark won’t have it in the future.
Courtney: He hasn’t either. It has been a year, and I want to say three —maybe a year and six months. So, we have not had any sign of it. It’s pretty awesome.
Kate: Prior to that, how often did he use to get it?
Courtney: Prior to that, he would get it possibly twice a year at least. So, we’re having a good run of it right now, definitely.
Kate: Your mom, too, she also had some good success with homeopathy.
Courtney: Yes, definitely. So, my mom, she has had hip replacement surgeries on both of her hips. I think she’s currently up for another hip replacement. She’s trying to kind of stave herself off for a while so she can get through and just pushing it into the future a little bit. So, last she visited, let’s see, I’m trying to think. It was last month. So, a little over a month ago, she came for a visit. She was having a lot of pain. It’s hard for her to sit still for a long time. So, if we’re on a car ride or something like that, she can get achy because she has arthritis.
I started to give her Rhus tox. A lot of times when my family is in town, I’ll start to just give them homeopathy if something’s going on, somebody’s got a stomachache or whatever. I gave her Rhus tox, twice a day while she was with us. I just gave her Rhus tox 200 because that’s what I had. But I probably gave it to her for like four, five days, I don’t know, something like that. So then, she went home and I kind of like, “Well, I might not hear from her about this. But if it helps, I’m sure she’ll get a hold of me.” Lo and behold, a couple of days after she got back home, she was like, “What did you give me?” I had her order Rhus tox off the internet. I sent her a link. I messaged her a link right to where she could order it with the right potency so that there wouldn’t be any confusion at all. She could just have it sent right to her house.
Kate: Great. So right now, she’s kind of holding steady putting off that hip replacement surgery, right?
Courtney: Yes, so far so good. We’re hoping to get her through some more months as long as we possibly can. Because hip replacement surgery is like a lot of surgeries, they don’t last forever. She’s already had her hip replacements done, and she wants to make sure she can kind of put it off as far into the future as she can.
Kate: Let’s talk a little bit about your son. You have — how many children you have and tell us a little bit about your children.
Courtney: So yes, I have three children. My oldest is 9. I have a middle girl and she is 6. My youngest son is 3.
Kate: So, one of your children, you used a remedy with them, because I think I remember you telling me that they were really colicky.
Courtney: Yes. My first born was very colicky. I didn’t really understand what was going on. I mean I felt like I was in a daze for several months after I had him. Like, “Oh my gosh, what’s going on?” I didn’t know the difference between him and other babies, like, what was normal. But it ended up the symptoms became very, very clear. It was every single evening for four or five hours at least. He was just inconsolable. I actually had this routine where I would sit on a big exercise ball, and I would bounce him and at the same time kind of pat his back while I was bouncing him. That’s the only thing that would really soothe him.
Kate: Oh my gosh.
Courtney: I would do that for hours.
Kate: Oh my gosh, you are so bringing these memories back that I had with my daughter. I had an exercise ball, and we would do the same thing. I didn’t know about homeopathy when she was first born. Oh, my goodness, I wish I had.
Courtney: I believe he ended up having food allergies. The first thing I did was eliminate food from my diet to just kind of test and see, truly, if this was the issue. It ended up being that way. Like I ended up realizing that almost everything was causing him pain. It was just really frustrating. I didn’t have coffee at that time. I really liked coffee. Chocolate bothered him. He was like the meanest baby ever, I swear. I couldn’t eat anything that I liked to eat. I couldn’t have milk. I couldn’t have sweets.
Ultimately, what we realized is that he had an allergy. The biggest one was wheat. So, of course, I’ve taken all of Joette’s courses. I took the Good Gut, Bad Gut course. I immediately realized he needed to be on Bovista. I started giving him Bovista, and his sensitivities have pretty much, I mean, he can pretty much eat anything. We are very careful still with wheat. We don’t go overboard. But, I will tell you right now. He’s on a bagel kick. It’s probably been for like two weeks now. He has a bagel, a big, wheat-filled, crusty, delicious bagel every single day — and has not had an issue. If I’ve done this a couple of years ago even, he would have had diarrhea. It would have been horrible! So, we’ve had so much progress with Bovista with him. It’s amazing.
Kate: Also, what do you give him for the diarrhea then?
Courtney: For diarrhea, we were giving him Nux vomica 30, twice a day. If he had eaten wheat and got diarrhea, we would start the Nux vomica, or just continue him on it if we were already doing it. We don’t give him Nux vomica anymore because he doesn’t have diarrhea the way he used to have. He’s much better. He just, right now, is taking the Bovista, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to start weaning him off that even.
Kate: We found Nux vomica to be helpful as well with when kids have tummy aches kind of regularly, and I think it’s something that they ate. It’s been very helpful for us as well. What did you use for your son when he was colicky? Why don’t you tell us about that?
Courtney: When he was colicky, I gave him Colocynthis. I think I just gave him a 30 dose on that because, at that time when he was a little baby, all I had was the 100-remedy kit.
Kate: Which is a great kit, I mean that’s a perfect kit to start off with.
Courtney: Absolutely. That’s the perfect gift to get any expectant mom. Instead of coming to the baby shower and bringing some diapers and an outfit, give her a homeopathy kit. Or get a couple of people together and put in for homeopathy kit. That’s a lifesaver. To know that you’ve got something when your baby is upset or something happens, that’s the best gift that a mom could have.
Kate: I agree. It’s been a lifesaver, literally, for us.
So, your daughter, you had an interesting experience with your daughter that I want to hear about. Go ahead and tell us about Nola.
Courtney: So, Nola’s six. Last summer, this story, it really kind of summarizes her personality completely. Every time I think of it, I’m like, “Of course, this happened to her.” We live in the country. We have goats. We have a little farm. My kids are always running around outside. We have a cat. The cat actually got a hold of a vole. So, the whole family got to learn what a vole is and the difference between a vole and little mouse. Because at first, I thought it was a mouse. But it wasn’t, it was a vole.
Kate: Are you talking about a vole, V-O-L-E, not M-O-L-E, right?
Courtney: That’s right, a vole. A vole looks like a mouse. If you actually Google it, you’ll see a picture. It’s just a little bit different. So, anyway, the cat was playing with it. It wasn’t dead. Nola saw the cat playing with this vole and saw how cute it was, and she could not help herself. I was sitting right on the porch with her. I couldn’t really figure out what was going on. But, she ran off to the cat and she’s like, “Oh my gosh, so cute, so cute.” I think she’s talking about the cat, but she’s talking about the vole. She goes to grab the vole, and it literally latches onto her finger. She’s like trying to shake it off of her finger — like throwing her hand around and stuff and screaming at the top of her lungs.
I’m running off the porch like, “What is going on?” I see this thing. I take her hand and pulling it really hard one time and the thing goes flying. Of course, I’m just … oh my gosh. My mind just started to run. It was just like what is this now? I have to deal with this. She can have rabies. What do I do? What do I do? I’m like I need to call the pediatrician. I need to call the disease control people. I need to get her rabies shot. I don’t know what is going to happen here. This is a kid that’s never gotten a vaccination at all nor had any antibiotics. I am just losing my mind.
Lo and behold, this is a piece of advice I’ve heard Joette actually give people before. And, I don’t remember where I heard it; it might have been in one of the courses. But she said, in the moment of an emergency, your first response — especially as a mom — is to lose it and freak out, and think of all the things you need to do. For some, like, “Hydrogen peroxide, let’s clean this out. Let’s go!” Or whatever. I remember her saying, “Actually, the best thing to do is nothing.” Just don’t. Because usually our first responses aren’t the best response because there’s a difference between reacting and responding. I think that I was totally reacting in that moment. I was like, “Oh my gosh, what do I do?” I called my husband. I called everybody.
I sent Joette this email. I still laugh at it today because literally I keep every single email and question that I’ve ever asked her in a file. This one is hilarious. The subject line has like asterisk and it’s like, “EMERGENCY.” If you read this email, it sounds like I’m a crazy person. I’m like, “Nola just got bit by a vole.” I don’t think at the time we even knew it was a vole. We ended up touching it, and we weren’t sure if we needed to have it to test it or whatever. We ended up touching it and putting it in this little box. Then we could actually release it later because we didn’t have to worry about rabies.
I did talk to someone from CDC or something — the health department, that’s who I talked to. I talked to someone from the health department and they were like, “Okay, ma’am, you do not need to bring her in for rabies shot. You do not need to worry about rabies. If it was a bat, that would be different. But, an animal like a mouse (that is so tiny like this), if it did indeed get bit by another animal that had rabies, it would have died. It wouldn’t have made it through that attack. So, the chances are so low that you would actually be putting her through worse things if you took her to get rabies shots.”
But, I didn’t really worry about that so much anyway because there’s a protocol for rabies. I mean I just feel like I’m pretty lucky to be able to work for Joette. I can take her courses. I know homeopathy so well now. I am just grateful, so grateful for it. So, I had the remedies I needed. I emailed Joette. She messaged me back. She said take Hypericum 200 mixed with Arsenicum 200 twice a day. That’s the typical infection kind of protocol. Then I also did give her Ledum 200, twice a day for one week because the bite is a puncture wound. Ledum is what you want to give any time there’s that kind of a wound.
Kate: Great thinking. So, good, okay, what a scary story. I think I would have done the same thing. Courtney, that’s what I love about talking to you — is that your message, I feel like as a mom and as a doula and all the things that you’ve learned working with Joette and your experiences, you’ve learned not to panic. Even if you do, then you think about it a little bit and think, “Okay, I can just really take some time and think about these things before I have to react.” Then you can actually, like, not react but …
Courtney: Respond.
Kate: Respond, yes. Good, I couldn’t think of the word.
Courtney: That’s how I like to think of it, responding versus reacting. There’s such a big difference.
Kate: Yes. You talked a little bit about that, too, even with birthing and everything. Just how when things like that happen, an emergency like you went through, you feel like, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I got to do something right now!” We can think, “No, just calm down. I have some time. I’m just going to think clearly about this.” But, I think that’s hard for moms, don’t you think?
Courtney: Absolutely. That brings in full circle because that was a lesson I learned early on as a doula. In the hospital setting especially, that’s one of the worse things. When you bring a first-time mom into the labor room — and one of the things that almost any doula will tell you, is that you never bring a mom in when she’s in early labor. You got to set up your little tricks at home, to kind of get her through the early stages of labor. Because the longer she’s there at the hospital, the more likely that the doctors — and I don’t mean that these doctors are like out to get people, it’s just a part of what their procedure is — but, the more likely it is that they’re going to have an intervention, whatever it’s going to be. It’s going to be an IV, a drug, a C-section. You definitely want to wait it out as long as you can, so that that’s less likely to happen.
But lo and behold, there are many times when Mom decides she wants to go in absolutely without a doubt early. Or something goes down and the doctors are going to put that forward that, “Hey, we need to make a decision on this right now. You need to have C-section. This is what we think.” The pressure is on. It is incredibly hard to get through those moments, because you do feel like you’re in an emergency. They know what they are doing. I remember early on using that technique of, “Actually you don’t own this time. We get to make the decisions here.” When you are able to stay in your power about it, you get to dictate the courses, what’s going to happen.
So, that’s a trick that I learned is to say, “Well actually, we need about 10 minutes to talk alone.” If you don’t tell them that you want to be alone in the room, they’ll stand there and watch you talk. Asking them to leave is very important and to have that time. Because literally, 5 or 10 minutes can be the difference between a C-section or not a C-section. You sit there and you talk to the mom and give her the options. Discuss what her plan is, and remind her of her intentions and that kind of thing. It can really make the difference in a situation like birth. So, it’s a nice thing to start learning when you’re pregnant or early on, to not freak out. The freak out moment really doesn’t help anything — even though we all do it. That’s what kids do to us. They tend to push the buttons just the right way so that we can get upset about things.
Kate: I think that happens even when our kids have come down with the bad flu or cold or something. They get a really high fever or they’re in a lot of pain. We start to panic, right, and feel like, “Oh my gosh!”
Courtney: Yes, definitely. I think that every family has their trigger. If your family was dealing with an ear infection and it was really freaking you out, I would just be like, “Oh yes, no. I’ll take an ear infection any day. That’s fine. We’ve gone through multiple ear infections with homeopathy.” Strep throat, that might really freak a lot of people out. You always get the ones you don’t expect. So, it’s easy to theoretically talk about, “Oh yes, we’ll do this and whatever.” But when it comes down to it, it’s usually not the easy one that you get. I never expected to have to deal with rabies. I’m prepared for strep throat, not that. That really was ridiculous.
Kate: That again just leads to what we were talking about, don’t panic. You have time. You can think about things. Just take your time.
Courtney: That’s right. If you can instill that into your head that the moment you start panicking, you’re freaking out and thinking of all the things you have to do and making that mental list — take a deep breath and just realize that the best thing to do is nothing. Just wait. Just wait until you can make that choice rationally. Then if you’ve got the information from Joette’s blogs, you’re one step ahead. You can just go on and do a search and help yourself out. You don’t have to go into the panic mode. So, homeopathy is like, when you’ve got that in the bag, it’s so nice to just be able to do something that you feel good about.
Kate: Right. And, that doesn’t have side effects.
Courtney: Exactly.
Kate: Things happen. So, I don’t know. People laugh at me. But when I go anywhere, I take a lot of homeopathic remedies. And when I travel, oh my gosh, one suitcase is usually half-filled with homeopathy. I remember people teasing me like my husband or whatever. I’m like you’re going to thank me if something happens and I have the right remedy. Do you know what? It has happened. Emergencies have happened. I’ve had the right remedy. Otherwise, it would have been a trip to the doctor.
Courtney: I’m the same way. I have a whole cupboard at home of remedies and things. I have a habit of buying remedies. I have many kits, you know, keep them around. You have remedies lying around or whatever in places that you think you’re going to need them. Almost anytime I go to Wegmans, I buy Arnica and Pulsatilla, because I just know those are popular ones in our family and might as well have it. I’ve got a little travel kit that always comes everywhere. I just keep fresh ones in there every time. There are certain ones that I feel like we definitely go through. That’s the beauty of homeopathy, too, because it’s not expensive. So, paying 5 to 10 bucks for one remedy that’s literally going to get you through a moment is super inexpensive.
Kate: I know. Courtney, thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge with us and giving us some of the examples of how you’ve used homeopathy. Because I think the more we can share our stories, it’s just so helpful for other people to be able to hear about how we used homeopathy. It gives us more confidence.
Courtney: I think that’s what’s given me more confidence, too, is hearing other moms deal with the same things, and that they used homeopathy and everything was okay. So, that is really what it takes. I agree. And, thank you for having me. It’s been really fun to talk! cx
Kate: You just listened to a podcast by joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shared her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.
Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com.
These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.
*Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
I am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.
Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.
We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.
The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
It is amazing pod cast, Joette. Thank you very much. My confidence level for Homoeopathy remedies is increased and learnt from Courtney’s experience that never react but respond. I am glad that you are teaching Homoeopathy and they help the community. You are creating the Homeopathy community to help others. Thank you very much. Enjoy and celebrate Christmas Holidays. Narendra
This was one of the best podcasts by far! Thank you for the real stories! Super helpful!!!
I used Symphytum/Rhus Tox for a frozen shoulder and when I started exercising more seriously a few months later, my hip bursitis I had struggled with was gone! I can do fifty squats or lunges a day and have no problems. Amazing and wonderful!!!
To uproot food intolerances how many doses of Bovista 200c should you give per day or should it be every other day? Thanks
I generally use it e.o.d.
HI Joette,
I clicked on calc Fluor link in your entry on cell salts and got directed to this podcast page. I couldn’t find anything on calc Fluor here. Where can I find a write up on calc Fluor? Thanks
Google the word “Calc fluor Materia medica” and you’ll likely find more info.
Or should you be interested in learning about all the cell salts as well as more indepth discussion on CF, you may download my presentation “Cell Salts the Easy Homeopathy”.
Thanks a lot Joette for your response and patience. I know I’ve been bombarding you with so many queries,I’m desperate to find a remedy for my hernia to avoid surgery. After I read about the Banerji protocol on your blog, I even wrote to them,but had no hopes for a response as they’re soo busy,and they seemed to concentrate more on cancer.But I was pleasantly surprised to get a response from Dr,Pratip Banerjee. He’s suggested Ipecacuanha 200 ch and plumbum metallicum 200 ch for two months. Wondering if the Lycopdium Im taking right now will interfere with these remedies? Thanks again.
It will not interfere.
Ok Joette,thanks very much.Appreciate your quick response.