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Homeopathic Treatment for Influenza

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Joette Calabrese,HMC,CCH,RSHom
Published in Wise Traditions, Fall 2009, “Malocclusions and Facial Developments”

WTf2009Yesterday, in the house down the block, the Grecos' thirteen-year-old son Anthony got sick. The family was setting up the annual autumn neighborhood party in their yard and Anthony couldn't join in. He was dreadfully weak, had a whistley wheeze, and every breath he took was painful. His eyes were drawn, and he was pale and nauseated. This was one of those illnesses that could easily turn into a bad case of the flu, bronchitis or worse. As a child, his mom had suffered frequent bouts of influenza that had turned into pneumonia. His dad, too, had similar episodes as a youngster. More important, the word on the news was that the influenza season was at hand.

But there is something different in Anthony's life from that of many other children on his block. He has homeopathy as his method of healthcare. In fact, as a result, he has never ingested an aspirin, Tylenol or antibiotic in his thirteen years of life. He is a drug-free kid.

When Anthony was about four, he began catching every cold and flu that was going around. That's when his parents called a homeopath. The homeopath explained to his mom that when someone young or old has frequent bouts of the flu, pneumonia or even colds, that the method of addressing it is to use a particular type of homeopathic remedy called a nosode before the onslaught of an illness. It gently and safely stimulates the body to be able to withstand contagion.

The homeopath recommended one for Anthony that was specific to his medical history and it halted the sinus infections, frequent bronchitis and lingering low level flu-like symptoms that used to plague Anthony. Now his mom gives it to him once each year in the fall. Characteristically, the remedy was chosen specifically for Anthony. Homeopathy is wonderfully individualized.

Had Anthony's parents adhered to the dictates of conventional medicine when he most recently fell ill, he would've been dragged to the doctor's office for an antibiotic, analgesic, inhaler and perhaps a steroid just as the party was gathering for the celebration at their home. Like a cascading row of dominoes, if this illness had been treated with conventional medications, it might have eventually advanced to a future pathology. Instead, because Anthony had taken his homeopathic early in the season his mom only needed to give him a little boost with another remedy, Influenzinum 30C. And with the threat of the flu in their area, she was prepared by giving each member of the family a few doses of Influenzinum 30C as a prophylactic.

Anthony's mom also knows that homeopathy has been shown to not only protect against flu in advance of its symptoms, but to resolve the episode at hand and even minimizes the chance of it recurring soon. If it indeed reappears, it does so with less gusto, doesn't last as long, and her child will have profited by this method of care. That's because she has observed in her children that a developmental leap occurs after a mild illness. Last time it was when Anthony was struggling with math. After that brief, well spent illness liberated by a few doses of the correct homeopathic remedy, he conquered his long division with ease.

Homeopaths as well as astute parents have through the centuries understood that colds, the flu and other childhood illnesses are a requisite prelude to the normal stages of childhood development. That is, illness presses the child to meet the trial of the illness itself, including the emotional challenge that accompanies it. Growth always follows. This ushers the child into the next intellectual, emotional and physical developmental stage. By using conventional medications, this development can be stifled because the disease is not allowed to resolve from within, but is merely suppressed by artificial means. Conversely, it's not uncommon after the use of a homeopathic remedy that the child not only conquers the illness but the parents report that “it seems he has just grown up.” Indeed! Isn't that the progress we want for our children?

Smart mom. This time, after three doses of Influenzinum, Anthony slept twelve hours straight into the next morning. When he woke, he reported an improvement of seventy five percent. Great! Nevertheless, his mom knew it was not over yet. More of the same remedy would be administered, but now less frequently. Two days after this now rather mild illness, Anthony was be back to his thirteen-year-old antics.

Contrast Anthony's experience with that of Jacob, who lives in the blue house down the road. His mother tells Anthony's mom that Jacob has had bronchitis twice this year, not unlike his dad who has always been susceptible to these kinds of infections. Jacob's been on a daily dose of antibiotics since two months ago. The doctor said the bronchitis was from the flu that was going around at that time. But now he has skin rashes, stomach aches and chronic constipation. He sees the doctor monthly for adjustments to his inhaler because it no longer works so well. And it appears that Jacob has developed asthma. Not only has this eighth grader lost time in school, but his mom mentioned he was struggling with reading of late.

Why are these two boys so different? Both families have a history of respiratory illness, both have been exposed to the same flu bugs, and both families live typical American lifestyles, yet how can one so quickly resolve the illnesses that come his way while the other struggles daily? Why, it's the method of care of course! Health is not bestowed randomly. Anthony has an immune system that is strong because his mother has utilized homeopathy to its fullest and doesn't allow the introduction of drugs in her home.

Each illness overcome with the use of homeopathic medicine is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system. Homeopathy is rational, intelligent, with no side effects in the present or the far future, and is profoundly curative.

Two boys. Two families. Two different approaches to health. Which house would you choose?

Home Influenza Protocol

Homeopathy has a reputation worldwide for stimulating the immune system to set it on the right course. For folks who are prone to colds, the flu, sinus infections, ear infections and the like, it is a wise consideration to naturally arouse the immune system so that it no longer results in these pathologies.

However, even without this kind of personal care from a homeopath, there is still plenty that can be done. As a gentle yet frequently successful prophylactic for influenza, the following is the protocol that has been shown to often halt deeper pathology:

At the first word by the authorities of an impending influenza epidemic, each family member can take Influenzinum 30 C, four times in one day, repeated weekly until the threat is over or up to a month. Then one dose can be taken monthly for the duration of the flu season. This will often eliminate the flu altogether but if it still hits home, it will prove to be a milder version because ofInfluenzinum‘s protection.

Meanwhile, at the very first sign of influenza or if there has been exposure to anyone with any respiratory symptoms during flu season, one dose of Influenzinum 30C, followed by one doseOscillococcinum 30C, eight to twelve hours later is a well known protocol. This process should be repeated for three or four days, depending on the seriousness of the presenting illness. If started early enough this procedure will live up to its sterling reputation, particularly during the cold and wet season. Further protection can be achieved by working with your homeopath before an epidemic to individualize and address immunity more fully.

For more detailed information on how to protect yourself from influenza and also treat it, go to homeopathyworks.net and click on You Too Can Protect From the Flu. To purchase Influenzinum30C and Oscillococcinum 30C, contact your local health food store, or our office at (716) 941-1045.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


13 thoughts on “Homeopathic Treatment for Influenza”

  1. Brenda Piatt says:

    Would you consider payments on your special offer? I would love to get it but cannot spend that much at once.

    1. Joe says:

      The formatting of the page is not allowing me to post a new comment at the bottom so I am posting it here.

      How do I give belladonna for fever if I am already giving influenzium 30 for the flu? Can I give them at the same time or should I alternate? HOw much time between each? My 4 year old daughter tested positive for Flu A and is running a 103.5 fever for much of the day. Hoping to help her sleep tonight

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        I separate alternating medicines by about 15 minutes or longer. A 103.5 fever may not be high enough to respond to Belladonna, because Belladonna is for a high fever.

  2. Noelani Boyd says:

    I have been looking for Influenzinum 30c online and I keep coming across 9c and 200c versions that are specific to 2014/2015. The 30c potency seems to only be available in older versions (2012, 2013). Does this matter?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      No. They all work.

  3. Jackie says:

    Would the Influenzium prophylactic also protect against stomach bugs? It seems like little ones are prone to the stomach bug while adults seems to have the influenza symptoms. Just wondering what I can expect from using the Influenzium as a prophylactic 🙂

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Stomach bug is generally not covered by this remedy.

  4. N. Boyd says:

    Can you suggest a protocol for stomach flu, to cure and prevent if a prophylactic protocol exists? We seem to get hit with it every year. My 8 month old baby has a bad case of it right now, and I imagine it will make its way through some or all of the rest of us. Not fun!!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      See my blog titled “Stomach and Gastro Intestinal Ailments” and for stomach flu consider Arsenicum alb, Nux vomica, Veratrum album 1st in either 30 or 200 Select Ipecac if the nausea or vomiting is relentless. Whichever one you choose (choose one) can be taken every 3 hours once the person is stricken. These are not prophylactics. The best prophylactic is to keep the diet supportive. That is, plenty of bone stock,(old fashioned chicken soup) kombucha, kefir or yogurt.

  5. Macg says:

    My son is on antibiotics and steroids ugh for bronchitis. They gave him an inhaler for wheeze. He’s having some side effects. He’s 14 and I’m mainly concerned about the wheeze that development. Is there anything proven to knock these symptoms out?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, there are a few, but I don’t take cases on this forum.

  6. Sandy says:

    For the Influenzinum 30C preventative protocol, will the protocol not be as effective if one of the days during the first month, not all the doses (4) were taken? Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I can’t imagine that missing a dose would make a difference.

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