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Podcast 21-When to Use a Doctor; When to Trust Yourself

Vintage still life. Vintage compass lies on an ancient world map in 1565.

In this podcast, we cover:
02:28   What is Discernment
11:30   Have The Knowledge
16:40   Own The Remedies
21:15   Know What You’re Looking For
26:17   Diagnosis
31:10   Selecting The Right Doctor
42:03   Finding the Good Doctors


Podcast – 20 – Moms with Moxie, A New Miniseries

Moms with Moxie 1280x760 v1

In this podcast, we cover:

3:19   Why we love homeopathy

5:30   Gaylyn’s story

18:33  It’s a gift

20:15  Teaching it to our kids

23:06  Being homeopathy missionaries

25:16  Success stories

We’ve got another podcast for you here at joettecalabrese.com. We’re introducing a new miniseries called “Moms with Moxie.” (more…)

Podcast 19 – My Skinny, Little Arm Got Allergy Shots

doctor making vaccination to the patient

In this podcast, we cover:

1:58 A   Allergic, Joette’s new course

6:50 B   How the allergies started 

20:42 C  Miasms or inherited taint

36:54 D  Who should take the course and why

46:36Kali bichromium for allergies


Podcast 18 – Study Groups and Flame Retardant Pajamas


In this podcast, we cover:

1:50  A  The origin

7:14  B  Being prepared

12:54 C  A little history

19:00 D  The importance and content of the study group

27:40 E  Motherhood

Today we look at the heart of Joette’s mission, which is to make homeopathy very usable and accessible to moms and families.

In this podcast, we talk about Joette’s brand new system she is launching called, A Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Book Curriculum

If you’re new to JoetteCalabrese.com or even if you’ve been with us for a while but haven’t known how to get started, this episode is pretty exciting because it’s your launch pad into the world of homeopathy.

Listen here or download to your personal device.

If you are on the fence and just can’t decide if this is what you should do…listen and hear what motivated Joette and so you can make an informed decision for you and your family.


Podcast 17 – Homeopathy Can Help Mothers Care for Their Children – New (and Not So New) to Homeopathy Part l


   I share in this podcast the harrowing experience I had with my firstborn child and how that changed the way I raised all of my children. 

     I explain that Homeopathy is more than home remedies, herbs, and vitamins; how it used to be prevalent in the US and is still widely used in Europe, South America, and India.

     Homeopathy is a simple – yet intelligent and elegant – way to physically help your family.  


Podcast 16 – Shut UP! How Taking Drugs Shuts Up Symptoms and Causes New, More Sobering Ones Later On


In this podcast, we cover:

0:46 A Taking prescription drugs starts in the pediatrician's office.

3:06 B Statin drugs on lowering cholesterol.

19:40 C Rooting out cardiac problems with Arsenicum album.

35:14 D Lachesis for heart problems during menopause.

40:30 E Heart conditions could be symptoms of other health conditions.

46:10 F Learn to say no.

Shut UP! How Taking Drugs Shut Up Symptoms and Cause New, More Sobering Ones Later On:

Cardiac Disease Can Stem From This Abuse While Homeopathy Can Resolve It 


Podcast 15 – You Must Fail

In this podcast, we cover:

0:50 Joette failed 17 times on a real estate exam

7:43 Don’t eat defeat

12:29 Perseverance and commitment in treating your family

17:30 Antibiotics and why we should avoid them

27:23 Change your way of thinking when it comes to treating common diseases

This is my favorite subject: how to defeat failure.

It helps to know when somebody else can (or has) overcome something, no matter how big or small, because only then can you start to believe you are capable of doing so, too.

Failure is not a shameful word. In fact, we must fail in order to find the right path to success. Stopping or giving up before you reach success is what separates the mediocre from the mighty.

I invite you to listen to/read my story and hopefully gain some inspiration from it.

Here’s the Banerji Protocol take- away from today’s podcast:

Lycopodium 200 mixed with Arsenicum 3, twice daily for bloating and a belly that’s distended.




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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

Combo pac lg

Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

cell salts300x200

The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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