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Joette interviewed for Natural Parenting Center blog

Tell us some of the important nutritional basics for nourishing our kids:

The most important basics in the kitchen  are also the most  interesting to kids  so they can easily get involved.   Making raw cultured dairy such as raw yogurt and  kefir are science and life  projects  at their best.  So are fermented vegetables. It teaches kids not only that food has life and can chemically change with  the right inoculants, but it trains them to make something from  nothing.  This is  the way we need to think. If we can learn to make something from a simple raw material, we will become more independent which leads to an admirable lifestyle and robust health. This is one of the fundamentals upon which we, as first-rate mothers need to build.



What else embodies this?  While most will simply throw out the bones and feet of the chicken, venison, beef, I encourage moms to make something  even more nourishing from  what at first glance appears to be nothing.  Bone stocks are the foundation of good respiratory health, joint suppleness, brain  acuity and reproductive vigor. So I entreat moms to make bone stocks regularly.  Then use the stock to make soups, cook their rice in it,  simmer their beans in it, and even boil their pasta in it.   It makes everything we eat infused with nutrient dense gelatin and vitamins that would otherwise be thrown into the garbage.


It’s also paramount that we have snacks available  that are kid pleasing.  On my blog  I make a point of offering snack recipes that fulfill  three standards.  They must  be nutrient dense, delicious  and filling.  Why filling?  So that you can offer them your treat just before they leave for a birthday party or a school function.  When they arrive stuffed to the gills with coconut truffles that are nutrient dense, they won’t find much room for  soda and commercial cake. A full belly  has little interest in junk food.




Tell us some of the fundamentals of learning to treat our children homeopathically:

The more children you have, the easier it is, because it’s a matter of experience.   (‘Another good reason to have larger families!)  But if you  happen to have a small family, I love to share the little tricks that  as a homeopath I’ve gleaned through the years from taking care of so many  families.  One, is to do whatever you can to choose the “right” remedy at the onset.   Then stick with it. Don’t  second guess yourself.  For example, if a child has the croup, stay with  Aconitum for  at least 4 doses to insure that you’ve allowed the remedy to act fully.  If  after 4 doses, there are no changes, then retake the case.  That is;  look at what has come to the fore.  It should be enough different that the new remedy will present itself  via the symptoms.  For example, if a child has a  croupy cough (sounding like a seal barking)and you’ve given Aconitum four times, without any measurable improvement, then you  know that in the triad for croup,  the next remedies to consider will likely be either Hepar sulph or Spongia. What I teach in my audio courses is to be able to differentiate  between these remedies and to know some of their  associated remedies so that you have a pathway to follow. Sometimes the differences can be very subtle. Other times it’s just a matter of knowing the top remedies  of a particular illness.   So, for croup, the top remedies are 1) Aconitum 2) Hepar sulph  3) Spongia.



And interestingly enough, they often show up in that order. The need for Aconitum for croup usually presents earlier in the evening or before midnight, while, Hepar sulph  often  appears after midnight and Spongia  emerges around 3 AM.  This  is just  another tool in determining the  correct choice.


There are other triads as well.  Miranda Castro coined the acronym “ ABC of Fevers” in this way:  1) Aconitum 2) Belladonna 3) Chamomilla . It’s a great way to remember that if it isn’t one, its likely to be only one of  two more.   And if you know some of the characteristics of each, it will fall into place rather easily. This is how I like to teach moms.  Make it easy, easy, easy.


What do you love about your work?

When taking a case,  it’s  the story that makes it  appealing because you  are let in on the intricacies of a person’s life.  Those lovely and sometimes not so lovely idiosyncrasies make it a fascinating  story. Folks share the most poignant aspects of their lives. I get to peer into their religious beliefs, loves and aversions and family dynamics.  It’s a rare opportunity to  get to know other humans on a  deep, private level.  They hand me their pearls  and it is my responsibility to embrace them  with dignity and honor. I  feel privileged being respected and trusted enough to be included.



Then the intellectual excitement is in the cracking of the case;  finding the little clues  represented in the symptoms and exciting causes,  that offer pieces to the puzzle. I usually put together a time line of the bench marks in the persons life so we can gain perspective on what happened  and in what order.  It gives the overall picture  continuity and then we can step back and say “Oh!   The colitis started right after taking those antibiotics!” This gives us a powerful springboard from which to find the perfect remedy.



When it comes to teaching moms how to  gain autonomy in their family’s health,  I become a mom on a mission. My passion is in knowing that others can  cure themselves and their families.   Knowing Homeopathy and high density nutrition has given me such might as a mother, that I can’t help but want to pass on the good word. That’s why I  produce audio downloads  and teach moms online.



As  one who has seen the glaring inadequacies and  condescending attitude of modern medicine, sad modern food choices and  an oft meddling government,  I’m fiercely pro-family.  Being an Italian American, only adds to this stance.   I grew up believing that  your family is the team upon whom you can fully depend.   It means that the curriculum of the family is the most important aspect of life. And within that setting only a mom with the commitment to make her own foods and treat her family as often as she can will become a potent mom.   Mighty mom means mighty family and that means magnificent kids.


What are some examples that are not on your site from your own life or your children's life that demonstrate the power of this way of eating and homeopathics for healing?


Well , I’ll tell you an incident that occurred only last weekend  to my husband who is a professional ski instructor.  He took a nasty spill, rolled and landed (hard) on the back of his neck. When he finally came to, there was a crowd of concerned skiers and the ski patrol gathered around him. I’m still not sure how he got home, nor is he, but he was clearly dazed, confused and shaken up quite a bit.


Now, since we live on a ski hill in New York, and my family  spends every snowy hour they can on the slopes, I’ve made certain they each have a bottle of Arnica Montana  in their ski parkas.   This time, however, Arnica was not the best choice because of the fact that he was dazed and wobbly, so the pain was not as important as his state of mind.



I gave him  Nat sulph1M  and within half an hour , he grew a smile on his face that indicated the  transformation.  “Thank you” , he said.  “My mind was fuzzy and I felt fragile and confused.”  There are so many incidents in my life in which Homeopathy has given my family and me the kind of power all families ought to have available.



Our son had fear of a big exam that was forthcoming  a few weeks ago but was calmed by Gelsemium  taken every 4 hours. He aced the exam, but more importantly, he was not uneasy the morning of the exam.   A few months ago, my father had a suspicious lump appear only to have Lycopodium resolve it within 2 days.



But the most profound story is the one about my Aunt Mary.  Unfortunately, this one is not  bestowed with a happy ending. Aunt Mary  was my Godmother with whom I was very close. We spoke on the phone  weekly.  Years ago I had given her a Homeopathy kit so she could  call me should she needed my help. Well, one night she slipped  and sprained her ankle.  Normally, she would have called me to get a remedy, but this time, she just went to the doctor without phoning because she knew I had a busy week that week.   I  would’ve indeed recommended she have her ankle looked at to  be certain it wasn’t a break and then a Homeopathic remedy for the pain, swelling and quick healing.



Instead, on the way home, my uncle stopped at a drug store to get Darvon, following the doctor’s instructions. That night, she took the Darvon and within 6 hours, she died in her bed. The “cause of death” was  cardiac arrest, however, no one in my aunt’s very large family had ever had  heart issues and only weeks prior,  she had been given a “clean bill of health” from the very doctor who prescribed Darvon.  Down to my toes,  I knew it was the Darvon, so did my mother and my uncle.  When I reviewed the dangers of the drug online, it was logical that the drug had caused her death.   Now 2 years later, class action suits are sprouting everywhere against the manufacturer.   The FDA has finally banned Darvon and Darvocet. Just for the record, it’s been prescribed since 1957. The reason it was taken off the market?  It causes cardiac abnormalities and arrest in people who don’t have a history of heart disease, even in recommended doses.  How many unsuspecting folks have been poisoned by this drug  in  the last 40 years with the cause of death appearing to be something else?



This kind of loss is always difficult.  But the salt that stung the wound deeper is that  1st, my aunt trusted the doctor to give her  something that was safe and 2nd that the very remedy that would’ve offered her quick and more importantly,  a harmless method of healing was only 20 feet away in her medicine closet…… in her Homeopathy kit!



This is the kind of story that I hear on a regular basis from clients and students  from all over the U.S. As mothers and others, we need to protect our families and the only way to do so is to arm ourselves with knowledge:  Homeopathic and nutritional.  Well, there’s also the protection we gain from holding to our faiths and scrutinizing what is taught in the schools.   But it means diligence.


I entreat all mothers to not be a “good little patient”.  Be the one who questions every decision a doctor suggests and knowing your alternative options.    This is not a time for compliancy.  Be a fierce lioness when it comes to your family.  Be a mighty mom….read, study, educate yourself.  And then get to the job at hand…of being the most protective person in your children’s lives. And when they’re set well, take care of your parents, your aunts and uncles, your friends, pets,  and so on. I can’t think of a responsibility more important than this one.



Essential Oils + Savvy Mom= Mosquito free and guilt-free!

If you want to be safe from mosquito bites, try making your own repellent by using some of the following tested and true essential oils: cinnamon oil, lemon eucalyptus or regular eucalyptus oil (watch out though-these could antidote your homeopathic remedies!), citronella oil, castor oil, orange oil and rose geranium.


I like to mix a part essential oil to 20 parts water. You’ll have the best protection if you use all of these essential oils. Though the price may seem high-these oils last you a long time and if you have them handy, you’re guaranteed safety from those pesky bugs for many summers to come

Hey, What’s Your Cholesterol?

It’s about as casual and common a question as, “How’s it going?” And because cholesterol is made out to be the dirty culprit responsible for high rates of heart disease, many stay on top of their cholesterol levels and try desperately to keep them below whatever the doctors are touting as the now, new dangerous level.

Men of all ages can’t even watch a hockey game without being prodded to “Ask your doctor if Lipitor is right for you”. Well, don’t bother asking. The answer is “No!” Plain and simple.

Lipitor’s website begins with the words, “If you have high cholesterol, you may not even know it.”  Well, that’s true. If indeed high cholesterol was the cause of heart disease, the reminder and warning might be appreciated, but what the mainstream media doesn’t tell us is this:

  • Cholesterol is not a proven cause of heart disease.

Or this:

  • Diets high in saturated fats and cholesterol do not equate to heart disease or high cholesterol levels.

And this:

  • There is very little cholesterol or saturated fats in the arterial plaque that clogs.

How ‘bout this?

  • Rates of heart failure have doubled since the advent of statin drugs[2]

The truth is, cholesterol-lowering drugs (not cholesterol) cause more harm to the heart than cholesterol levels.

Conversely, Statins are dangerous with their proven crimes:

  • They inhibit the production of a coenzyme, Q10, which the muscles, including the heart need to function.
  • Statins cause heart failure.
  • Statin drugs are a depressant.
  • Statin drugs rob the mind of its cognitive ability.
  • Statin drugs have been shown to cause cancer.

Cholesterol is not the culprit it’s made out to be. In fact, it is a wonderful thing.

Let me repeat: Cholesterol truly is a wonderful thing and necessary to the body.

Did you know that cholesterol is [3]:

  • Made by almost every cell in the body?
  • Waterproof and helps build waterproof cell walls, allowing the cellular function to proceed without impediment?
  • A powerful antioxidant, which helps protect against cancer?
  • A building block for hormones- those that address stress, those that regulate mineral metabolism and blood sugars, and sex hormones, too?
  • Necessary for brain function as well as the central nervous system?
  • Like an anti-depressant? It helps the body make use of serotonin-the chemical that helps make us feel…well, good?

So, if you’re trying to catch cholesterol, you’re going after the wrong perpetrator!

But wait a minute-what about the “good” vs. “bad” cholesterol debate-maybe we shouldn’t be up in arms against all cholesterol, but only the “bad” cholesterol?

Yet, this, too, is an ill-waged war.

The only thing “bad” about the “bad cholesterol”, i.e., LDL (low-density-lipoprotein) is that it carries homocysteine along with the necessary cholesterol, from the liver to other areas of the body.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that we rarely hear about within the cholesterol debate.

Too much homocysteine can damage the arteries and the heart.

Instead of lowering cholesterol levels, endeavor to lower homocysteine levels, which run rampant when our body doesn’t have enough vitamin B6, B12 and Folic Acid.

Unfortunately, this is all too often the case, since the body is ultimately depleted of these vitamins thanks to processed foods (The Heart Revolution, 15). Vitamins B6, B12 and Folic Acid are destroyed by technological advances, which are appealingly called “refined” and “processed”.  Think white: white refined sugars, white flours, canning and heating processes, etc.

Let the case against cholesterol come to a close. It is a beautiful and necessary substance needed for healthy minds and bodies. As is saturated fats and cholesterol rich foods. What we don’t need is a statin drug to cover up symptoms that don’t really even exist and the onslaught of processed foods.

So if you really want to arm yourself against heart disease and truly want to stop worrying about cholesterol levels, try these easy, safe and delicious ideas:

Stock you refrigerator with free-range eggs and raw milk.

Don’t be afraid of fat-soluble vitamins A and D and the butter and lard   from which they are deliciously delivered. Enjoy gourmet, nutrient dense, foods such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil, liver and organ meats from free range animals. Find a friend who hunts and stock your freezer with venison and bones for making genuineheart-healthy bone stocks for your soups.

Eschew canned, processed fruits and vegetables as well as pasteurized dairy, especially ultra-pasteurized. And replace these with homemade or cottage industry provided sources.

Do eat fresh fruits and leafy greens. These are packed with homocysteine- regulating Vitamins: B6, B12 and Folic Acid. Then include crispy, fermented vegetables.

It’s really rather easy.  Just eat like an old time farmer, OR like a European immigrant OR a connoisseur seated at the finest restaurant in Paris or Rome.

Then enjoy your meals knowing that your heart will love it.   In fact,  it  might just have a love affair with genuine food.

Sources and further reading:

Charles T. McGee, M. (1993). Heart Frauds . Coeur d'Alene: MediPress.

Duane Graveline M.D., M. (2009). The Statin Damage Crisis. Duane Graveline M.D., M.P.H.

Kilmer S. McCully, M. a. (2000). The Heart Revolution . New York: HarperCollins .

SHerry A. Rogers, M. (2008). The Cholesterol Hoax. Sarasota : Sand Key Company, Inc.

Uffe Ravnskov MD, P. (2000). The Cholesterol Myths. Washington DC: NewTrends Publishing, Inc.

Joseph Mercola  www.Mercola.com

[1] www.lipitor.com; 4.20.11

[2] www.westonaprice.org

[3] www.westonaprice.org

Instant in-the-Freezer Cookies

(-From “Secret Spoonfuls-Confessions of a Sneaky Mom” CD booklet)

I like this cookie recipe because there is no need to soak the flour. (All grains need to be soaked in lacto-fermented fashion.) Arrowroot is not a grain so there’s no problem with allergies. It is naturally white, too! From this one cookie dough many variations can be formulated. I freeze rolled dough and when in a pinch, I can cut them to size still frozen and pop in the oven. Sometimes I add ingredients to the frozen dough such as walnuts and raisins.

Have your ingredients at room temperature. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Blend    4 sticks of unsalted butter

1 ½-2 cups of Rapidura (Whole can sugar available at health food stores)

1 tsp Celtic salt (Whole salt)

4 tsp vanilla

Add        3 eggs

Reduce speed on blender

Slowly add 5 cups of arrowroot powder or flour

Divide the dough in 4 separate sections and choose your flavors

For Ginger Cookies– Add 1-2 Tbsp fresh ginger

For Tahini Cookies– Add ¼- ½ cup tahini butter (or peanut butter)

For Dried Fruit & Nut Cookies– Add ½ cup walnuts and ½ cup raisins. These are good with ¼ tsp allspice, 1/8 tsp of gloves, ½ tsp of cinnamon, ¼ tsp nutmeg and ½ tsp of ginger.

For Lemon Cookies– Add 1 tsp grated lemon peel. Scrub before grating.

For Orange Cookies– Do the same as above, substituting orange peel for lemon

For Coconut Cookies– Add 1 cup of finely chopped or flaked coconut

For Seed Cookies- (Sesame or Poppy) Add 4 Tbsp of your own seed of choice

Chocolate Chip Cookies-Add shards of organic chocolate bar

Lay each section in waxed paper and roll into a dough roll. Wrap and place in the freezer. They’ll remain fresh in the freezer for 2 months. When it is time to bake, preheat the oven to 375 degrees, unwrap the roll and cut into ½ inch rounds. Place on cookie sheets approximately 1 inch apart and bake for 6-8 minutes.

Transfer the cookies to a cookie rack, cool before eating. They store well in a cookie tin or jar.

MSG; The Flavor We Can Do Without

I make no apologies; I’m a food snob. I despise chain restaurants and I’m often suspicious of locally owned versions too. It’s from experience, not only from culinary disappointments but as a result of MSG illness in my family, just one too many times.

Is it too much to ask that my meal be enjoyable not only while seated, but hours after when my taste buds have long forgotten the experience? No doubt, MSG is the offender contributing to my prejudice.

A Japanese scientist created the chemical brew, MSG, to imitate the flavor-enhancing abilities of seaweed.  In 1969, “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” defined the MSG phenomenon of neurological disorders.

This concoction is not only creeping into our meals but it’s doing so in a veiled way.  Hidden from plain sight, its best to check out this list nom de plume, of counterfeit names associated with it.

Too much MSG can cause headaches, neurological disruptions, and even obesity.   Here are more MSG dangers.

Once, my father had an alarming reaction to MSG, resulting in severe heart palpitations. After that, we spoke to the chef wherever we dined.   Time and again we learned that most chefs had no idea what ingredients lurk in their pre-made sauces, mixes and spices.

Further, I met with the head cook at our son’s school, and found that the advertised “homemade” soup was actually a dried soup mix with some canned vegetables tossed in.  As he and I examined each can and package, nearly every product in the school pantry listed MSG or it’s pseudo name.

So I decided that a little investigating and realigning restaurant and cafeteria allegiances might be in order.  Further,  I learned that I  can get around the MSG impasse with a little planning.

My foremost method is the most obvious.  I make meals at home, using fresh ingredients instead of pre-made.  It’s the only way to insure I have full control, hence the best quality.

However, when I must eat out, it generally means skipping chain restaurants and patronizing the locally owned, upscale ones. ‘Better atmosphere too, I might add.

Alas, sometimes I have to eat at a mediocre restaurant.  So, I’ve devised a few strategies.

First, I order the simplest dish possible: poached eggs, lamb, grilled wild fish or salad without dressing.  Marinades are out and I opt for sautés in butter and grilled.   I inform the server that I want no “salts”, “seasonings” or “spices”.

A word of caution about the word “butter”- it’s often a term bantered ‘round by chain restaurants to mean butter-like concoctions. As my teenage son would say,“eeeew!”

I carry a little salt dispenser in my purse.  It’s quite pretty, actually, resembling a decorative lipstick tube.  And if I know in advance that I’ll be going to a second-rate restaurant, I toss a small jar of my homemade salad dressing in too.  Tiny containers are key from looking conspicuous or offensive.

When my children were small, I’d also transport a bag of crispy nuts or better yet, my own homemade mouse mounds made of coconut oil, raw cacao powder and honey. This not only insured that they were well nourished, but their appetites were satiated before the meal was served.  No room for box-mix cake when you’ve snacked on homemade coconut candies!

So, now when my stomach is growling, I visit my pantry, either my kitchen or the mobile, purse version. If I could install a refrigerator compartment in my Dooney Burke, I’d consider carting butter. All this to avoid MSG?  I know. I question all this effort too, sometimes. Perhaps the reason for my irregular behavior has to do with the disappointment of having  visited the wrong pantry once too often!

Homemade Vanilla Extract

When you read how simple this is, you’re going to wish you had know about it years ago.  Goodness!  I’ve spent a lot of unnecessary money on the store-bought version before I learned about this.


The recipe:  (if you could call it that)

You  break up about 10 vanilla beans either dried or  not, into small pieces and put  them in an amber bottle  of 1 pint of the finest alcohol you’re willing to buy.  I’ll be honest, I splurge when it comes to my vanilla extract and I buy Courvoisier brandy. It’s  delicious French brandy but I’ve also had decent result with plain old 180 proof vodka.

Let it sit in a cool dark place for at least a month or so.


Then it’s vanilla extract!  I often present it as a housewarming gift  after decanting  to a lovely bottle.

As the volume goes down, I add more alcohol and I’m often able  to eek out  another rendering.

Here are my sources of vanilla beans that  are usually less costly than buying from the local grocery store.


1)       http://myworld.ebay.com/vanillaproducts

2)       Bulkfoods.com

3)       Penzey’s




Old Fashioned Scottish Oatmeal

When McDonald’s recently announced their new oatmeal breakfast, I thought it was time to   pass along  some information I’ve learned from  the Weston A Price Foundation and have employed in my own home for years.

Real oatmeal; that is oatmeal that is  made the traditional way in Scotland is made with old fashioned oats.    They’re cut, not rolled, however rolled oats will do.


Because of a substance called phytic acid that can interfere with digestion, all grains are best prepared by soaking them in water over night.  The addition of an inoculant, such as a little bit of live yogurt, furthers the  breakdown of  the digestive inhibiting acid.

Here’s the way it has been done for centuries in Scotland and the method we should follow in our own kitchens.


The night before, assemble the following:


  • 2 cups of  dried organic steal cut or rolled oats (never instant)
  • Enough water to cover the oats by an inch or so
  • A tablespoon of plain, live cultured yogurt
  • 1-2 sticks of (preferably raw) butter
  • Organic raisins
  • 1 teaspoon  organic vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon Celtic salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon


Stir together the first three ingredients in a pot. Cover and put aside on the counter for 12-24 hours.  24 hours is best.  In the morning, add another cup of water, raisins, salt and cinnamon and cook for a few minutes on medium heat.  Stir once, reduce the flame to low and cover.  Let it gently cook for another few minutes. Just before serving, add butter and vanilla.

This is authentic Scottish oatmeal yet after soaking overnight, it's nearly as quick as instant.


Now thars a breakfast fit fur traditional lassies and ladies!


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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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