It’s Christmastime. The sights, the sounds, the tastes and smells …
Those tastes and smells.
Uh-oh. (more…)
“Baby goats are precious when they’re little, but when they get older, watch out! (more…)
I doubt Plato or Aristotle is concerned I will steal their places on a list of Great Philosophers.
However, I must admit, I have been feeling quite philosophical as of late. (more…)
Whether acute or chronic, it can bring your life to a grinding halt. (more…)
In that one nanosecond, Belinda’s life changed.
Jeremy, the husband she loved so much, would no longer be the same carefree, active, robust man she had married.
The years that followed broke her heart. Belinda helplessly watched Jeremy suffer in pain and consequently, become more and more demoralized and emasculated. (more…)
“Not tonight, Honey … I have a headache!”
A bad headache can stop us dead in our tracks.
The pain can keep us from wanting to do anything: make dinner, go to the movies, watch TV, sit outside, play with the kids, watch the sunset, or … well, that either. (more…)
There it was again.
Jeanine woke up each morning to a smoldering rumble of both anxiety and depression. (more…)