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Homeopathy Tips

Herbal tip: Echinacea angustifolia has a worldwide reputation for enhancing the immune system. If you are blessed enough to have it growing in your garden, harvest its roots and make your own tincture, following the instructions in a good herbal book. If your closest source is the health food store, then buy the highest quality liquid. Liquid preparations are usually fresher than capsules so they don’t lose their strength. I like the brands Gaia and Herbpharm. It has been shown that drawing up 20-25 drops in the pipette, putting in water and sip 1-2 glasses per day. The recommended use is ¼ of the amount for children. Echinacea is recommended as a preventative for only a few weeks and during a cold or flu. Prolonged use causes its ability to diminish. Some people are allergic to Echinacea, so watch for allergic signs after trying a small amount. It has been shown that most people have only positive results.

Nutri-tip: Minimize or eliminate your sugar intake. It creates an acid/alkaline imbalance that is fodder for viruses.

Homeo-tip: For the cold and flu season, the best way to boost your immune system homeopathically is to get the correct constitutional remedy. That is a remedy that takes the entire person into account, including, perhaps, susceptibility to colds and flu. This is found by working with your homeopath. Short of constitutional care by a homeopath, the next prophylactic technique is to purchase the remedy Oscillococcinum, sometimes wisely named “Flu Solution”. Most health food stores and some large grocery stores carry it. One dose taken before you get the flu and taken 1 time each month until the flu season has passed is the most efficacious method. The dose is the same for an infant as for an adult. I suggest, however, if you are presently under constitutional care and already taking a remedy, that you not do this unless the flu presents a serious threat to you or you’ve checked with your homeopath.

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