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Joette Says…

Men can maximize their output and minimize their downtime. Homeopathy has the ability to set your compass on course with success.  This is not an empty promise, because homeopathy, a natural medical model, stimulates the body’s ability to bring it to its best economy.

Downtime is unproductive, whether it be a simple cold that requires you to sleep more or an injury that keeps you out of your game. Even psychological issues can force the brain to become, not only unproductive, but irritable or uncreative.
The remedies homeopathy employs are without side effects, so they’re safe and have stood the test of time.  They go after the imbalances by stimulating the body's ability to bring about health.  This is because the promise behind homeopathy’s laws of nature includes the law that the body is always in search of equilibrium.  We experience illness when that equilibrium is stalled or suppressed. The stalling process is often a result of the use of meds. They kill the messenger instead of allowing the body’s natural process to complete.  Homeopathy, on the on the other hand, uses the process to its advantage and stimulates the healing process that is a natural direction.

Homeopathic remedies can be self prescribed for simple injuries and illnesses of common origin or can be addressed with a homeopathic consultant for fine tuning the areas of greater depth.  In either case, homeopathy’s focus and reputation is to resolve the problem, not cover it up. Sounds like a plan.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Homeopathy Is…

Homeopathy can turn the day around for someone who is sick. All it takes is a well chosen homeopathic remedy. Take Bella, for example. She came home from 4th grade feeling woozy. Within minutes of entering the warmth of her house, she began vomiting and it was down right relentless. She was weakened, cold and frightened. Her mom had recently taken a seminar on using homeopathy to treat ailments at home. She quickly paged through her new book and found the remedy that most closely resembled Bella’s symptoms. She gave her Arsenicum album and within 15 minutes, Bella fell asleep on the bathroom floor. When she woke an hour later, the vomiting had passed and now she just wanted something to drink. Although the nausea was still present, she and her mom were grateful for the end of the violent response. The nausea passed an hour later after her mom gave her another dose of Arsenicum album. “Wow”, thought Bella’s mom, “this worked like a charm”. She was convinced. Never again did she consider anything but homeopathy for her family’s ills. It was homeopathy for Bella’s family from then on. Homeopathy. The intelligent medicine. No side effects, low cost and, of course, effective.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Joette Says…

Health was never like this and more is the pity. The health and wellbeing of our kids is paramount, yet we have allowed antibiotics, analgesics and a myriad of other questionable meds to be administered to the youth of America. Only a generation ago, our grandparents would have been suspicious of a drug that had a small print warning of side effects. Today, we think nothing of subjecting our children to these atrocious drugs. It’s time to turn the tide. Think as independently as possible. Think homeopathy. It takes years of study to become a certified homeopath. Yet, a parent can easily accomplish seemingly miraculous work at curing her child of ear infections, fevers and even injuries with a small commitment to learning basic homeopathy. It is not unusual for a mom to eliminate the use of antibiotics and painkillers from her child’s world with homeopathic remedies. Consider becoming your family’s healthcare provider. Homeopathy. Medicine of empowerment.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Five Homeopathic Remedies For Holiday Over Eating and Drinking

The holidays are the time for over eating and drinking. So what can we do to prepare? Have the following remedies on hand and then pass the turkey, potatoes, pie, and wine.

The best way to use these homeopathic remedies is to take one dose every 3-4 hours over the period of 1-2 days. When improved, stop.

  1. When over eating has caused nausea that you wish would just produce vomiting to get it over with, then your remedy is Nux Vomica, 30X.
  2. Nux vominca is also a capitol choice for the proverbial hangover. It will end nausea and vomiting in relatively short order.
  3. When relentless vomiting is the main symptom, try Ipecac 30c
  4. When there is simple indigestion and over acidity, then Natrum Phos. 6x.
    can be taken every hour. Use in place of antacids.
  5. For true food poisoning such that causes chills, stomach pains and anxiety then Arsenicum Album, 30X, Tablets, should be taken. This is best saved for when your turkey is tainted.

Try these tried and true homeopathic remedies for the holidays and you might just find it easier to enjoy all of them.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and best to you and yours for a joyful New Year!

Homeopathy Tips

Tip: It is vital for the health of those who live in cold regions to eat a diet high in good quality fats such as butter, whole raw milk, whole cheese and cod liver oil.

Tip: Ferrum Phos 6X is a wonderful cell salt for colds and flu when there is inflammation. I've always taught that it could be used at the onset of any inflammation, but it can also be used prophelactically. That is, before the need arises. Used in this way, it has proven effective again and again. 4 pills = 1 dose, taken 2 -3 times daily until the flu season is over. Homeopathic remedies are quite safe in 6X potency as long as they are used judiciously.

Tip: The best way to keep from getting any acute illness such as the flu or colds is to keep your constitutional care current. A visit to your homeopath every 6 weeks (if problems remain) is a good rule of thumb.

Homeopathy Tips

Herbal tip: Echinacea angustifolia has a worldwide reputation for enhancing the immune system. If you are blessed enough to have it growing in your garden, harvest its roots and make your own tincture, following the instructions in a good herbal book. If your closest source is the health food store, then buy the highest quality liquid. Liquid preparations are usually fresher than capsules so they don’t lose their strength. I like the brands Gaia and Herbpharm. It has been shown that drawing up 20-25 drops in the pipette, putting in water and sip 1-2 glasses per day. The recommended use is ¼ of the amount for children. Echinacea is recommended as a preventative for only a few weeks and during a cold or flu. Prolonged use causes its ability to diminish. Some people are allergic to Echinacea, so watch for allergic signs after trying a small amount. It has been shown that most people have only positive results.

Nutri-tip: Minimize or eliminate your sugar intake. It creates an acid/alkaline imbalance that is fodder for viruses.

Homeo-tip: For the cold and flu season, the best way to boost your immune system homeopathically is to get the correct constitutional remedy. That is a remedy that takes the entire person into account, including, perhaps, susceptibility to colds and flu. This is found by working with your homeopath. Short of constitutional care by a homeopath, the next prophylactic technique is to purchase the remedy Oscillococcinum, sometimes wisely named “Flu Solution”. Most health food stores and some large grocery stores carry it. One dose taken before you get the flu and taken 1 time each month until the flu season has passed is the most efficacious method. The dose is the same for an infant as for an adult. I suggest, however, if you are presently under constitutional care and already taking a remedy, that you not do this unless the flu presents a serious threat to you or you’ve checked with your homeopath.

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Joette’s Materia Medica

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu

Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid

Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet

Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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