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Podcast 64 – Moms with Moxie: “Right Before My Eyes”

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

December 10th, 2018  |  5 Comments

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Joette Calabrese



04:02    The wasp, the jellyfish, and the chipped tooth

08:22    Chemical sensitivity

10:09    Kyle’s stories

13:10    Appendicitis

26:21    Septic tonsils

36:32    Tiffany’s words of wisdom





Calc carb for chronic allergies: Is Homeopathy Enough?

Arnica for the Eyes: Podcast 33: New (and Not So New) to Homeopathy Part II

Surgery: Answering Your Questions

Study Groups: Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum



You are listening to a podcast from practicalhomeopathy.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.


Kate:  This is the Practical Homeopathy Podcast Episode Number 64.


Joette:  Each day from my office, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe, and I want to share them with you. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines, and your successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful, and I can’t keep these successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporters, we bring you a mini-podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview “Dads with Audacity.” See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them, have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy.


Kate:  Hi. I’m Kate. I’m here with Tiffany. Tiffany, welcome to the podcast today.


Tiffany:  Thank you. I am excited to be here.


Kate:  Yes, I’m excited to have you because you have some really great things to share with our listeners today. Why don’t we start up by getting to know you a little bit, Tiffany? Tell us a little bit about you and where you live and your family.


Tiffany:  Sure. I am outside of Houston, Texas. I’ve been married to John for about twelve years now, and we have three kids. My oldest daughter is 9, and my middle son is almost 6, and then my youngest is 3 ½.


Kate:  So, tell us now a little bit about how you came to learn about homeopathy, Tiffany.


Tiffany:  Sure. I absolutely knew nothing about it before two years ago. We had been seeing some functional doctors and holistic doctors trying to get some answers to some questions that we had with some chronic conditions in the family. I enjoyed going to the functional doctors because I learned a lot, but I did not enjoy spending that much money. In the long run, we didn’t ever solve any of the issues. Then I also used essential oils for many years. I still do from time to time for certain things, but I got tired of smelling like the oils all the time.


Then it wasn’t until two years ago in September, I had been praying for a way to help my daughter with some issues that she had — without a functional doctor. A friend of mine was in the room right next to where she was. It was an old house, and so you couldn’t hear between the two rooms. She heard me asking the nurse about different options and things.


So, when the nurse left, she said, “Hey, I’m starting a class in homeopathy next week. Do you want to join?” I said, “Sure!” (even though I had zero clue what it was). I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But I recruited another friend, and then we did the first Gateway to Homeopathy class two years ago.


Kate:  Wow! That was the first time that you’d ever heard of homeopathy?


Tiffany:  I thought, “Well, why not? Maybe she knows something I don’t know.”


Kate:  I bet you’re glad that you did.


Tiffany:  Yes, it has been an amazing two years. It has literally been life-changing. It has become a very huge passion of mine. I honestly cannot imagine going through what we have been through the last two years without having homeopathy. So, I know it was exactly at the right time that we needed this medicine.


Kate:  Yeah. I feel the same way, so exciting — so exciting and life changing. Tiffany, tell us a little bit about some of the ways in which you’ve used homeopathy over these last two years, and how it has helped your family.


The wasp, the jellyfish, and the chipped tooth


Tiffany:  My middle son, we like to say he’s big in everything he does … and that includes him getting hurt. It seems to be a “10” no matter what happens to him. We have treated so many things. He likes to experiment: Like, “Will my head fit through the slats of my bunkbed?” Or, “Will my knee fit through the wrought iron gate outside?” Or, “What happens if I do this?” (And it usually involves him getting hurt.)


Kate:  Oh, no.


Tiffany:  Yeah. With Kyle, we get lots of opportunities to use this medicine. One that happened pretty recently was at school. He got bit by a wasp, walking outside. The nurse called me, and I immediately came and gave him the Ledum. Within a couple of minutes, it had gone down. He had stopped screaming, and he was a whole lot better.


But the fun thing was the next day when I dropped him off at school, the principal saw his leg and said, “Wow! There’s not even a mark there where he got bit by the wasp!” I said, “Nope, there’s not.” I told him that we use homeopathic medicine and it does amazing things.


There was also a time when we were out in the ocean, and he and another little girl got bit by jellyfish. It was pretty bad. Luckily, I brought the Apis to the beach with us and used it on him and the other little girl. Within a half an hour or so, the redness and the welts were down. The dad of that little girl — who’s not into homeopathic medicine at all — was extremely surprised that there were again, no marks at all from where the jellyfish had stung all over their legs. So, that was exciting to let people see the physical evidence of this medicine working, as well as the other aspects of it.


Kate:  Yeah, because they could think it went away rather quickly, but if you see it transform right in front of your eyes, that’s another thing.


Tiffany:  Yes. Another “right before my eyes” was my youngest son. We were in Colorado, and he was 2 ½ at the time (so a year and a half ago). He fell on the cement and chipped a pretty big portion of his front tooth off. When I picked him up, I didn’t know what had happened. He was just stiff, and he was not making a sound. He was clearly in shock. Then I saw the blood coming out of his mouth. So, I rushed him inside.


We were on vacation. Luckily, I had my kit with me. I gave him the Aconite 200, and then I saw his tooth where it had … a big corner of it had chipped off. So, I gave him the Hypericum, and then I alternated with Arnica. It was probably — I don’t know exactly — but within 10 minutes, he was fine. I mean, he still had the blood around his mouth, and I’m sure it was still sore, but he wasn’t complaining.


A 2½ year old, you know, there’s no placebo effect with that. Either they hurt, or they don’t hurt. He was severely in shock when it happened because he was in so much pain. Then within 10 minutes, to see it work so quickly, and I didn’t have to rush him to the emergency room. I didn’t have to go somewhere to get it fixed. I helped him! I took care of that — which is so amazing to have him calm down and to just take care of it. I mean, it’s clean and simple. As Joette said, it’s a beautiful, simple medicine. It really is when you get the chance to see it do things like that.


Kate:  He must have been in a ton of pain like you said. I mean, that poor boy. Oh, my goodness! I can’t even imagine. So, it is so empowering to be able to help our kids, right?


Tiffany:  Yes.


Kate:  To be able to have the medicines that we need at our fingertips and to be able to offer help. Because otherwise, he probably would have been in pain for a long time, and — like you said — in shock. I don’t even like to think about if we didn’t have the homeopathy.


Tiffany:  Yeah. I mean we would have to go to an urgent care place. We were in Vail, so it wasn’t like there was a big place around to go to. You have the medicine with you, and you can use it. It’s just, it’s amazing. I don’t know how else to describe it. You have to be able to use the medicine in situations like that and see it work to be able to get that excited about it.


Kate:  Right.


Chemical sensitivity


Tiffany:  Another way that we’ve used this medicine is that my mom has severe chemical sensitivity. She would miss a couple of days of work when there would be, like, the carpets would be installed or cleaned or the Xerox machine. And she … her whole tongue and her whole throat would swell up. This would last about two days. She would take tons of Benadryl, so then she was knocked out. Basically, it was like two days of just laying in bed.


We started her on the Calc carb for chemical sensitivity a few months ago. Then we also now use the Apis if she gets a reaction. However, she had had very few reactions since we’ve started the Calc carb. If she’s had a reaction, it’s lasted maybe 30 minutes.


So, to go from two days down to 30 minutes, I mean, that’s huge. In her life, this was happening sometimes once a week. So, a lot of her time was consumed with this. It’s like freedom that she has now. She can go places and do things without the fear of having her whole tongue and throat swell up. It’s life changing!


Kate:  It is. It is life changing. So, we’re going to post a link below this podcast to Joette’s blog that talks about how to use Calc carb for chronic allergies. But I’m curious to know when she takes the Apis now, how long does it take to act in her body?


Tiffany:  You can see it acting pretty quickly. But within about 30 minutes, it’s pretty much done.


Kate:  That’s just it? It’s done and she’s good to go.


Tiffany:  I mean, there are sometimes when she needs to take it maybe two or three times. But a lot of times, it’s just that one, single dose, and that knocks it out.


Kate:  Okay, good.


Kyle’s stories


Kate:  I know you have some more great examples with Kyle. So, why don’t you share a few more of those?


Tiffany:  Well, so here’s what’s funny. I wrote down — 48 hours after talking with you the first time, Kate — the things that happened with Kyle because sometimes it really just, it amazes me how much we use this medicine with him. Within 48 hours of talking with you, we were sitting at the table doing homework. He drops his pencil and reaches down to grab it and somehow pokes the pencil directly in his eye.


Kate:  Oh, no!


Tiffany:  Yes, it was pretty bad. Luckily, I had known from a previous podcast that Aconite is the Arnica for eye injuries.


Kate:  It sounds like you’re saying something else. But I know that you’re saying Aconite. Is this your accent coming through?


Tiffany:  Yes, this is Texas. We speak differently down here. Sometimes with these remedies because they are in Latin, I make up my own way of saying them. As long as I know what it is, we’re good to go.


Kate:  Right, that’s totally true, but I think it’s your accent for sure. So, that’s fun. So, you gave him the Aconite.


Tiffany:  Correct. I did, and it worked. It took about 10 minutes for it to calm down, but it did work. So, we’re very thankful for that. Then right after that, he was running around, going crazy, and he ended up biting through his tongue pretty bad.


Kate:  Oh, my goodness!


Tiffany:  And then the following day, as I pulled something out of the oven, he wanted to see what it was. So, his chin touched the casserole dish and burned it pretty bad. So, we used Cantharis, and it worked again very quickly.


Kate:  That’s great.


Tiffany:  Yes, that is one you definitely need to have on hand.


And then afternoon as I was picking him up from kindergarten, he was just grumpy and irritable and just not pleasant to be around. So, a little Chamomilla helped with him at that time. Within 48 hours — and I know Joette says don’t use the medicines all the time — but with Kyle, some days we use them quite a lot.


Kate:  Poor boy! Oh, he’s the one that lives “big,” right?


Tiffany:  He does, he lives very big. He’s an amazing little boy. The other fun thing about him is because he knows this medicine works. He knows it, I mean without a shadow of a doubt.


He has been known to ask his friends’ mothers at times, “Hey, do you use homeopathy? Because it works!” He’s had friends that were sick, and he goes up to them, and he says, “You know, homeopathy works. You should use it.” So, he is a little ambassador for the medicine.


Kate:  Yes!


Tiffany:  He’s going to do amazing things in his life as long as we can keep him from injuring himself too bad.


Kate:  Right. Okay. So now, let’s dive into a couple of pretty big things that happened in your family and how you used homeopathy.




Tiffany:  I’m not the type of person that’s really intuitive when it comes to figuring out what’s wrong with my children … what they might be experiencing. I got a phone call Thursday morning back in May from my daughter’s school telling me she had a tummy ache. I went up to school, and I gave her some Nux vomica because she had some egg that morning. I knew she reacted to eggs to get tummy aches sometimes. So, I thought, well, maybe that was it.


So, I left, and 30 minutes later, I got another phone call saying you need to come get her. She is throwing up, and she’s in a lot of pain. So, I brought her home, and I tried the Nux vomica again. And she just said, “It’s getting worse, Mom. It’s getting worse.” I then tried the Arsenicum album because of the throwing up with it. I tried that for the four doses. I alternated between the two. It was very evident that it was not the right remedies for her. I didn’t know what to think because I was like, “Okay, usually these work. Why aren’t they working?”


Then finally Thursday night, I tried Phosphorous. She was throwing up. Her stomach was very painful. That was the other one I could find in the materia medica that fit her symptoms. She did stop throwing up.


The next day, she was not throwing up, but she was still in a lot of pain. She would say it hurt when she coughed or when she lifted her leg, but she was still able to walk around and do things. So, I didn’t really think a whole lot about it. I didn’t ask, “Hey, is it the right side that’s hurting?” I just said, “Okay. Well, just lay down for a while.”


This went on for two days. She wasn’t throwing up, so I thought, “Well, okay, we’re getting better.” But then on a Saturday night, we went out to dinner to celebrate my mother-in-law’s birthday. I sat in the back of the van with her, and I just casually said, “Hey, does it still hurt?” I touched her on the right side. She jumped out of her seat. I was like, “Wow! It hurts that bad?” She said, “Yes.” Then it occurred to me, “Maybe this is appendicitis!” So, we’re in the van, and I start Googling, “What is appendicitis?”


Then I texted my friend who’s a nurse, “Hey, could this be appendicitis?” Sure enough, she said, “Yes, that’s probably what it is.” We actually went to dinner, and I gave her the Belladonna 6 for the pain because I had that with me.


Kate:  Oh, good.


Tiffany:  That was part of the protocol for appendicitis. What was interesting is for the first time in those three days, she said it doesn’t hurt as bad. So, I knew I was onto something when the pain started getting better. I was like, “Okay, we definitely have appendicitis.” So, I told my husband.


So, we got home, and he said, “We really need to take her to the hospital. We really need to get it checked out.” My niece had had appendicitis, and it ruptured about 10 years prior. So, there was a lot of concern about it rupturing, and what do we do?


In the meantime, I had actually started the Banerji Protocol. I had found it and started it. So, when we got to the hospital — which reluctantly I took her — the nurse checking her in asked her, “What is your pain level right now?” In a very casual voice, she said, “A 2.”


I thought, “Oh my gosh! It’s working! It’s working! We’re here at the emergency room, but her pain now is a 2.”


But we went ahead, and they did the test to find out, you know, is it appendicitis? They did the ultrasound. They did the different workups that they do to figure out what it is. I actually had told the ER doctor that we were using homeopathic medicine. I told her that because we have a very large Indian group here. I thought, well, maybe she might know something about homeopathy. So, I thought it was a safe thing to tell her. Yeah, I do. If the doctors are from India — and we do have quite a lot here — then I share that. I’ve actually had two that knew about it and asked me more questions about it.


So, I told her, and then she then said, “Well, hey, we need to do surgery.” So, I went ahead and started the surgery protocol for her. At this time, it was now 11 o’clock at night on Saturday. She was very anxious about it, so I also gave her some Ignatia. I wasn’t wanting to do the surgery, but you really don’t have much of a choice when you’re in a hospital setting, and they determine that this is something that you need surgery for. So, I went ahead and went along with it. I just gave her the protocol that I knew that she needed to help with the surgery.


Kate:  Plus, she already had this for two days, so you wanted to be safe as well.


Tiffany:  Correct. This was actually the third day going on the fourth day. We were pretty far into this. It wasn’t getting worse though. It had been getting better. I did have some reassurance along the way that this medicine was working. But again, with concerns from family members, I went ahead, and we went to the doctor.


So, she had the surgery.


When the doctor came out to tell us about it, he said, “We caught in the early stages.” I said, “What do you mean the early stages?” Because this is now almost Day 4 that she’s had it. He said, “Well, there were no complications with it. The inflammation around it was very minor. So, it looks like we caught it in time.”


Kate:  Oh, my gosh! Wow!


Tiffany:  I knew we had already got three doses of the Banerji Protocol in her before she had the surgery. I know in my heart that that medicine was working. I know it was working. I know based on the way she was not in pain, by the way that she was getting better, and by the way … what the surgeon said.


When we went to go see her, she was in a lot of distress. She had coughed really bad with the breathing tube down her throat, and it had caused a lot of irritation. So, when we went to go see her after surgery, her heart rate was really high. The nurse kept saying, “I need to give her some more medicine. I need to give her more medicine.”


I was able to convince her. I said, “Can you give her just a few minutes, and let’s see if it gets a little bit better?” When she said, “Yes,” I got that Arnica out of my purse, and I got it in her mouth without the nurse seeing me. I’m telling you, in two minutes, her heart rate went down to 85, and she was fast asleep. She didn’t have to have any other pain medicine right then.


The nurse turned (because she had been typing some things in), and so she didn’t see what I had done. She turned around. She was, “Oh! I guess she is okay now.”


I said, “Yes, now she is okay.”


Kate:  It’s great! I’m laughing because it’s so funny how we have to say, “Oh! I don’t know. Gee! What happened?”


I had to do the same thing. I was in the hospital, and they wouldn’t let me leave without pain meds. I said I don’t need pain medication. Finally, I agreed to take a Tylenol, so they would let me out. Then I had taken homeopathy, of course. Then they were like, “Oh well, I guess that Tylenol must have helped. You’re feeling so much better.” Yeah, it’s kind of sad that we have to do that.


Tiffany:  Yes. It really is. It’s just, again, amazing what this medicine can do.


So, tight now, it was probably 1:00-1:30 in the middle of the night. I was upset because we had surgery and most likely didn’t need it. I was tired. When they wheeled us into the post-op room, the nurse was going over all the medicines that they had given her. I was like, “Whoa! Wait a minute! Why the morphine and all these different things? Goodness gracious! Nobody asked for my permission to give her this medicine.”


I was angry. I told the doctor … I said, “Well, I would like to go ahead and give her Arnica — which is a homeopathic medicine — in the recovery room instead of the medicine that you’re giving her, because I don’t know anything about the medicine that you’re choosing to give my daughter. You have not showed me the side effects. You have not told me anything about it.”


The nurse started asking me questions. “What is Arnica? What does it do? Where do I find it?” So, she started writing notes down about it. It was cracking me up because she was interested in it.


The doctor was like, “I can’t let you use that in here.” I said, “Well then, can you at least not put her on a continuous drip of pain medicine and only give it to her if she needs it.” So, I did convince him to do that. I said, “Look, if she ever is in pain, then you can give her the medicine.” So, he said, “Okay.”


Then, of course, I gave her the homeopathic medicine in there, the Arnica. She never needed any more of the hospital medication. In the morning, she was up. She was dressed. She had eaten some breakfast. She has some of her little friends come and visit her at 8:30 in the morning.


So, she had surgery. We got out of surgery about 1:30 in the morning. At 8:30 in the morning, she has some of her friends, and she was fully fine! I mean, it was obviously sore. It should be!


But the doctor came in. It was a little bit before 9 o’clock. He looked at her, and he said, “Oh! Okaaaay.”


I said, “What do we need to do to get out of here?” He said, “Well, I need to see her walk.” I said, “Okay, Allie, go ahead and get up and walk.” She got up — with one little friend on each side of her, held her arms — and she walked down the hall. He said, “Well, I guess you can be discharged now!”


And then he said, “You can use the Arnica at home to help her.” So, I politely said, “Thank you.”


But I mean … to have surgery at 1:30 in the morning and be released from the hospital at 9:00 AM. I mean, there is something else going on than just placebo effect from this medicine. I mean it has to work.


Kate:  It’s pretty amazing.


Tiffany:  Yeah, I mean, it was frustrating that we had surgery, but it was still another way that my daughter got to see the medicine work. I got to see the medicine work.


But then I also learned some very, very important things at the hospital. One, ask more questions. If I had just said, “Hey, can we just wait 24 hours — leave her here in the hospital — but can we wait 24 hours and then do another ultrasound? (Or even 12 hours.) Let’s check the progress of this appendicitis. Is it shrinking? Is it growing?”


Kate:  Yeah, what would be the risks if you waited just a few more hours?


Tiffany:  Yeah, I mean just, “Hey, lay out the plan for me. What risk do we have here?” And they kept telling us the whole time, you know “The appendicitis, there is no function for it. There is no reason to have it.” You do a quick Google search, and you can see that new evidence shows the appendix is very useful in the human body now.


So, the thing that I learned the most was I need to be asking questions. I need to say, “Can you give me X-amount of hours?” or, “Can you please help me understand more about this?” Don’t be afraid to ask and to really dig deeper than just because, “Oh, we need to have surgery, so go along with it.”


Kate:  Yeah, or even, “What’s the plan? What medicines will you be giving her during the surgery, and afterwards, and all of that?” I think you learned about that during this event as well.


Tiffany:  I did. My daughter was also very creative. She said, “Mom, you could have just put the Arnica on your lips and pretended to kiss me and then give me the Arnica that way.”


Kate:  Cute.


Tiffany:  She’s even thinking, “How are ways we could use this?”


The fun thing about it also was she was back at school on Tuesday. So, that surgery happened Saturday night. I guess it was Sunday morning then at that time, 1 o’clock. Then Tuesday morning, she was back at school.


I had a pediatrician and a nurse that day text me and say they were so amazed at how well Allie was doing. They could not believe how quickly she had recovered from having her appendix taken out.


Then that following week — so seven days after having surgery — we were in Colorado, and we were hiking around. We had to tell her, “Hey, you probably shouldn’t be doing that much. You probably need to take it easy. You should not be doing so much,” because she felt fine. She really felt fine! So again, just a huge testimony to how this medicine can work.


Kate:  Yeah, that’s incredible. What a great way for you to share with other people.


Tiffany:  Yes, I wish we hadn’t had her appendix taken out. But, I am excited that I can share with everyone listening now that you can still have success even if you have surgery; that you can still use homeopathy and still help recover even if you have to go through with it.


Kate:  Yeah, help your recovery be so much faster.


Tiffany:  Yes.


Septic tonsils


Kate:  So, let’s talk about your son, Andrew.


Tiffany:  Yes. So, last year, we all got the flu the first week of December. Everyone in the family got it. I was not real aware of what was going on with my kids because I, myself, was not feeling so well. My littlest guy, he had just turned three. He actually did have strep throat after having the flu which was going around here. It was really common for a lot of the kids to get the flu and the strep at the same time.


But I was not aware of that, and Andrew was not telling me that it was hurting. It was about a week that he just didn’t really talk. He wasn’t really eating. He really wouldn’t open his mouth, and I wasn’t really sure what was going on.


Then I ran into a friend at the store who was a nurse. I said, “You know, what do you think could be going on with him?” She said, “Well, it could be strep. It could hand, foot, and mouth, or it could be tonsillitis.” I said, “Okay.”


Well, we tried opening his mouth to look, and he just would not. He would not open his mouth at all. Then that next morning, his face swelled up. So, I took him into the urgent care just because that didn’t seem like it was the right thing. I’m not intuitive, like I said. But his face swelling up, maybe there is something else going on here. So, we took him in.


The nurse, she had to literally pry his mouth open. He screamed. He screamed and screamed. But when she got it open, she was pretty confident that it was aseptic tonsil. So, she gave us antibiotic to take.


When we got home, I looked at the protocol for aseptic tonsil. I realized I did not have one of the remedies that I needed. So, because I did not have the full protocol, I actually did start him on the antibiotics that night. I did use the remedies that I did have. I had given him a total of four doses of the antibiotic.


We had an appointment Monday morning with an ENT. When we went in to see him, he said, “Wow! I guess the medicine is working.” He was referring to the antibiotics, I’m sure.


He said, “It was definitely aseptic tonsil, but it looks like it’s getting better.” Then he said, “Well, let’s go ahead and do a CT scan just to be sure.”


I said, “Why would you want to do a CT scan if it’s getting better?”


He said, “Well, it’s good to have a baseline in case two weeks later it gets worse. Then we can go back and look at it to see how it’s progressed, or what’s happened to it.”


I said, “You want to do a CT scan on my three-year-old ‘just because?’”


So then, I was questioning him, and he got very defensive and almost angry at me and really was dead set on me having this CT scan before I even left. I very firmly said, “I need to look at my schedule, and I will get back with you.” (I was not going to have a CT scan done for “just in case” on my three-year-old.)


So, we left, and I had actually been able to track down the remedy that I needed. A friend of mine had it, and I picked it up from her. I gave it to him that afternoon. Within 30 minutes of giving him — so, now I had the full protocol — he started talking again, and he hadn’t talked in a week.


I videotaped it because I wanted to show my husband, “Look what just happened! I gave him the medicine, and now he’s completely different.” And then another 30 minutes later, he was so much better. Again, it was just an amazing thing to see when you have the right diagnosis, and then you have the right remedies, how amazing this medicine works and how quickly it can work.


Now, there’s been plenty of times — I can name countless times — where either I had the diagnosis wrong, or I didn’t have the right remedy, and it wasn’t working right away. You think, “Oh! Is this medicine not working? Is it not working?” But there’s human error. I didn’t have it right. But when you do have it right, it’s fun to see it work and fun to be a part of it to know I helped my child. I helped him get better!


Kate:  Right, it’s so empowering. It goes to show you how important it is to have as many of these homeopathic medicines as possible because if we don’t have the right medicine … say we get the right diagnosis. Now we need the right medicine that’s going to help. We need to (number 1) know what to use, and (number 2) have the medicine.


Tiffany:  Correct. And if you don’t have the right medicine, you need to have friends who have the right medicine.


Kate:  That’s right. Exactly! That’s why you need to do those study groups with all your friends, right.


Tiffany:  I’m telling you, it’s a battle out there for our children’s health right now. It really is. I maybe can name a handful of my friends that don’t have one child, at least, with a chronic condition. I mean we have a serious health epidemic going on right now. I feel like we are in a battle. I need as many friends on that battlefield with me that one can have either the right remedy that I don’t have or can help me. There’s been many times where I’ve had to ask them, “Hey, what do you think about this?” Or I get countless texts from them saying, “What do I do in this situation?” We need to have those friends around us.


Kate:  I like what you said about … you call them, “You need to have an ‘army’ around you.” I love that.


Tiffany:  It’s a battle right now … and being prepared.


So, my daughter is reading a book about a Jewish family during World War II that was able to escape before the Nazis took the Jews out of their country. The only reason was because they were prepared. They paid attention to what was going on. They made a plan. They were prepared.


Being educated is great as long as you’re being educated in the right information. I feel like I have the knowledge of this medicine for a reason. It is my purpose right now to make sure and tell as many people as I can about it. I really feel a huge burden to share it with other moms because I know what it’s like to have kids with chronic conditions and not be able to do anything about it.


I also know what it’s like … we had twin boys who were born at 21 weeks, and they died. I went into preterm labor. I kept telling people, “Something is wrong. Something is wrong!” I was under a lot of stress. I kept wanting someone to say, “Hey, here’s what you can do. Here’s something that will help.”


Nobody could offer any hope to me. There was nothing that anyone could do. I need to be that person that can offer hope to someone who needs it. I know there’s remedies that can help stop labor. (Now I know about them!) I know that there’s remedies to help with stress and anxiety and those were the things … If we had had Ignatia and Nux vomica in our house, it might have been a whole different story with our twins.


Kate:  I’m so sorry.


Tiffany:  Again, God allows things to happen for a reason. I’ve been able to help a lot of people because of that. But also because of that, I have a very strong burden to make sure that this medicine is shared with as many people as possible.


I mean, I tell my hairdresser about it. I tell my dentist. When Andrew had his tooth chipped, and we went in to see the dentist afterwards, I told her what we used. She was amazed because the tooth was not wiggly in his mouth as it had been. It had firmed up. So, she was amazed that she saw him, and then we went back, and she saw him two weeks later. She was amazed that it had firmed up so much. So, I’m constantly just telling people.


My son, Kyle (who lives big), he’s asked a few times, “Do people laugh at you because you use homeopathy?” I said, “Yeah, you know what? Sometimes they do, but it doesn’t matter because somebody somewhere needs to hear it. And as long as I keep talking about it, that somebody is going to hear it.”


Kate:  Good words, Tiffany.


Tiffany:  Well, it’s powerful medicine.


Kate:  So, you’ve started a lot of study groups. You’ve been leading and you’re trying to get the word out.


Tiffany:  Yes. This is my third one to teach that we’re working on right now. The fun thing about teaching it is that I learn it better because I have to know it more than they do. Then you have all your friends that are taking it, asking you, “What about this? What about that?” So, then I have to take their cases. (Well, I don’t have to, but I enjoy it.)


Joette says the way to learn homeopathy is to have a huge family, or treat a bunch of livestock, or your friends. That’s how I’m doing it. I’m trying to help as many friends learn about it as I can. Joette’s blog … it’s amazing what she has on there and the podcast. She’s very generous in her information that she gives out. There is so much information on there that people just wanting to look and learn that way, there’s so much.


Kate:  Yeah, that’s a course in itself if you just go through all the blogs and listen to the podcast, right?


Tiffany:  Yes, even looking ahead. Hey, I might have a stroke one day or my parents may have a heart attack. What remedies would I need if that happens? So, that’s what I do in my spare time is I’ll start researching things. What are some likely things to happen in our family? Then I order those remedies, and I learn about them. I make sure that I have them.


Tiffany’s words of wisdom


Kate:  Tiffany, what would you like to say to people today as we wrap this up, sort of a few parting words of wisdom to those who are either just starting homeopathy or have been using it for a while?


Tiffany:  Let’s see. Two main things I hope people get from this podcast. One, you don’t have to be perfect in the medicine. I didn’t get it right every single time. I didn’t avoid surgery. I did not avoid antibiotics with my son, but I learned from it. I still was able to use homeopathy.


If you don’t get it right with the first two remedies, it’s still okay because there is no damage done. But you don’t have to learn it all to be able to start using it. Then as you get to know more about it, and you have these small successes, then when these big issues come along, you have the confidence to use the medicine. You have the confidence to know that the medicine will act.


Then the second thing is just talk about it. Get excited about it! If you’re excited that you’re using it, then share that excitement with others. I tell parents all the time when we’re at the park. When we are out to eat for dinner or the school functions or something, I’m always talking about ways that we have used it. It is very common to have at least one or two people a week asking me, “Well, would it work for this situation?” Or, “Could homeopathy help with this?” Or, “What is homeopathy?” The more you talk about it, the easier it is to talk about it (for one), but the more people are going to be aware of it. The more people that are aware of it, the more people you have on your side to help you with it.


Kate:  You’re making a change, person by person.


Tiffany:  Well, it’s fun to be a part of something that’s bigger than myself. Joette has said many times that homeopathy is an intellectual medicine for moms. That it’s not only fulfilling a desire to help your family but that intellectual desire to learn something. I mean it is.


I love it. I love the medicine. I love being able to share about it. I think it’s amazing. I mean I am so thankful that Joette has made it her mission to share this with us to get the word out about the Banerji Protocols and to make it so easy to learn.


Kate:  Tiffany, thank you so much for sharing your passion of homeopathy with us and all of the ways that you’ve used it. I appreciate you taking the time with us today. Thank you for being here.


Tiffany:  Thank you, Kate.


Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.



These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


5 thoughts on “Podcast 64 – Moms with Moxie: “Right Before My Eyes””

  1. Alana says:

    Excellent podcast, Tiffany! Thanks for being my mentor and for all that you’ve taught me these two years 🙂

  2. Angela says:

    Beautiful testimony!!! I hear that you primarily use protocols. Is that what you stand by for everything or do you ever feel like a different remedy would be better based on the symptoms. Do you start with the protocol then switch if no effect or do you start with symptom matching then move to protocols? Do you have the banjeri book or did you get the protocol info from this site (I.e. where to get the latest and greatest info? I see the banjeri protocol book is from 2013)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I spent 6-13 weeks 10 hour days, 6 days per week every year for 7 years working side by side with the Banerjis and their senior doctors where I observed and recorded over 6,000 cases. On my return each year I collated and organized what I observed and recorded. I use and teach from that as well as my years as a classical homeopath and my own protocols. My blog and podcasts are filled with the easy protocols while my courses are for those conditions that require more in-depth understanding. I know no one else who teaches in this fashion.

      I at least open with protocols.

  3. Melissa Garrido says:

    This was great!!!! How can we know about her classes or get in touch with her?

  4. Laurie says:

    Podcast 64 is one of my favorite. Thank you for sharing your experiences Tiffany!!

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