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09:33 Advice for Learning Homeopathy
11:58 Stories of Medicines Used for Animals
20:00 Stories of Medicines Used for Humans
32:15 Carry Your Remedies
Skin, the Ugly Truth: Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments, Chronic or Acute, with Homeopathy
The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy
Sepia for Mother's Day! This Time for Headaches
Double, Double Boil and Trouble
The Eyes Have It: Chronic Dry Eyes
Dental Infections and Bone Spurs
RuralHillCreations on Etsy
My blog, podcasts, Facebook Live events and courses
Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum
Kate: This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast Episode Number 115.
Joette: Joette Calabrese here, folks. I’m happy that you’ve joined me for my podcast today. You’re in for a treat. From my virtual classroom, I’m privileged to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe. Their successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful, and I can’t keep their triumphs a secret. I want you to hear the excitement my students experience, too. So, you can be inspired by their unique stories.
With the help from Kate, my reporter, I bring you a podcast series I call, “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview “Dads with Audacity” or “Teens with Tenacity.” See how regular mothers and others — average folks who love healing those around them — have gone from freaking to fabulous by simply applying what they’ve learned using what I call Practical Homeopathy®.
Kate: Hi. This is Kate, and I want to welcome you back to the Practical Homeopathy® podcast. I have a very sweet friend here with me today. Her name is Elaine.
I'm excited to talk to you, Elaine, because we've just been chatting on and on about homeopathy. And, actually, I had to stop us because we were just sharing so much information — so much good information — that I wanted Joette’s listeners to hear what we were saying.
I'm excited because you have a lot of things to share. You've studied homeopathy quite extensively. You're in school. You've taken quite a few of Joette’s courses. You help other people. You get calls. You just told me about a veterinary that called you. You have a lot to share. I am just thrilled to welcome you to the podcast, Elaine.
Elaine: Thank you for having me, Kate. I'm really excited to be here.
Kate: Yes. Tell us about your background.
Elaine: Well, my background is I am actually a college instructor, a nutritionist. I mostly teach nutrition. Sometimes I teach a drug course for the criminal justice students. I love my job. I love working with older, college age, as opposed to young kids. I have two grown daughters. One seriously believes in homeopathy. One is torn, not sure. So that’s a little bit about me.
I've dabbled in homeopathy years and years ago when my kids were really little, but I really only knew a little bit about Arnica, Calendula, Oscillococcinum. That's kind of about my limit. I knew I believed in it, but I really didn't know where to go. I didn't even know how to find a homeopath, if I’d wanted to.
Kate: Right. You were telling me about the tubes, and all you knew was you pick up a homeopathic medicine and what it says to use it for on the tube.
Elaine: I remember Thuja because Thuja, it is so common today. I’ve been hearing about it, but I remember picking up Thuja and going warts. Okay, I don't have warts. I put it back on the shelf. There was only one thing on each tube. Now of course, we know each remedy takes care of multiple things, but they can only put, like, one thing on the tube. I was kind of confused by that, so I really left it alone. And they didn't have all these wonderful books that they have today.
Kate: Right, so many resources. In fact, we were just comparing materia medicas and repertories and having fun reading the introduction to those.
If you own a materia medica or a repertory, I want to encourage you, even the Banerji protocol book, go to the beginning and read because there's a lot of extra information that you can learn in those books — just a wealth of information. So, definitely start at the beginning.
Let's talk about how you found Joette and what you've done with homeopathy — kind of your progression throughout the years since you've learned that it's more than just what it says on that little tube.
Elaine: I guess the hardcore stuff started four or five years ago when my asthma got really bad, kind of peaked, and I had two really bad asthma attacks that scared me. So, I went to my regular doctor, and she wanted to put me on two different inhalers and one or two different pills — mostly steroid based — and I was very upset. I didn't have a problem with the emergency inhaler, but I did not want to put steroids in my body.
I just said, “There's got to be another way.”
Her comment to me was, “No, this asthma is a chronic condition. You have to learn how to live with it and how to treat it. There is no cure for it.”
I kind of left there thinking, “I'll find a way.”
So, it started about that same time. I started doing a lot of research, a lot of digging. I actually did start taking a couple remedies on my own. Then I bumped across Joette's website and kind of started reading a lot of her blogs and listening to her podcasts. And I fell in love with her take on homeopathy and decided to become a client.
It took me a while because I had fill out the paperwork and think about it, right? I finally sent the paperwork in about a couple years ago. I did meet with her as a client. It really did help me … I think I was on the right track; she told me I was definitely on the right track … help me come up with other remedies and some other problems that I was dealing with like migraines.
That’s about it. I didn't really have a lot of health issues, but the asthma and the migraines were very, you know, very, say, frustrating. The asthma was very scary to me.
Kate: Right. So, do you still have the asthma?
Elaine: It is, I would say, 90/95% gone — or better. Occasionally, I have a … and I think it’s part of … there are some allergies. I have the spring allergies which I think is what triggered some of the asthma or spasms. But to be honest, some of the remedies I have taken have really helped those. Mostly S.O.S., I take Kali carb which has been wonderful when I have any kind of wheezing.
Kate: So, what you're saying is Kali carbonicum, and what potency do you use?
Elaine: Kali carbonicum 200 will pretty much stop a wheezing attack right in the middle of it. It just stops. It's really interesting, fascinating. Every time I take it, I go, “How long is this going to take?” And I'm surprised every time. It takes like 30 seconds — maybe a minute.
And then, sometimes, I often have a lot of clearing of my throat and mucus production due to allergies, and Ipecac 30C, literally, within one to two minutes, will clear my throat and everything will calm down. It'll pretty much dissipate, go away.
Kate: That's great. I think a lot of people have problems with that. I don't know if there's just more allergies going on in the world or what, but it seems like a pretty common problem.
Elaine: In so many people. I was what they call age-onset asthma. I didn't have it my whole life. So, when I developed it probably 10 years ago, maybe 15 years ago, I just used the emergency inhaler once or twice when I’d have a cold, but that’d never go away. Then I had these two asthma attacks. I knew something else was brewing. I think it was just culminating, the combination of allergies with the asthma and all of a sudden … and my age, probably getting a little older.
Kate: You've consulted with Joette. You’ve taken many of her courses. In fact, I think you said you own how many courses?
Elaine: I think I have six now.
Kate: Six.
Elaine: Not counting Gateway I and II. I actually started with the Gateway I, and I ran the class myself. I got just about five friends of mine and myself, and we had a ball with it. I was going to do the Gateway II when we saw you had a class online. We thought, “Let's not wait. Let's take the class with Kate.” So, we actually all took the Gateway II with you.
I had already purchased the Skin class. I was kind of working on the Skin class while doing the Gateway II, and I really enjoyed the Skin class.
Then the next one was the Allergic?! Then the Pain class. I really wanted to take a live class with Joette just to see if it was different, right? It was really good information.
I have a few others. I haven't finished all of them. The Survivalist is one of my favorites. I'm about a third of the way through that one.
Like I said, I have six of those done. I plan on doing all of them, but it takes time.
Kate: Yes. And you're busy. You're also going to school for homeopathy.
Elaine: Yeah, yeah. The nice part is its part time, (so you can go part time, because I still work full time), but it's very interesting. Doing that and taking Joette's classes, it's pretty much my spare, my free, time is homeopathy.
Advice for Learning Homeopathy
Kate: Right. Looking back Elaine — how you started and the classes and consulting and going to school — maybe give us some advice. Looking back, what would you do or what would you recommend that people do? Because you've gone through a lot of trial and error, you've done so many different things. Tell us what you think would be helpful.
Elaine: That's a good question because had I known, I think my sole research was good because I was really getting into some good stuff and some good books. But had I known, I really would have started with the Gateway classes right away because I learned so much basic information that I already had, but I had it from like 10 different sources. Everything was in Gateway I and II. I would tell anybody, do that first.
Also, I think the Facebook Lives and the podcasts are wonderful. I would tell everybody to be part of those. If you want to go a little bit deeper, I belong to the Mighty Members, Joette’s Mighty Members. That's kind of fun, a little more detailed, a little more depth than the Facebook Lives, but I would start there.
Then when you really want to delve in, take one of Joette’s courses. I did it kind of backwards.
Kate: Yes. Then if you're interested in pursuing education maybe from there, you would say?
Elaine: Yes. Absolutely. Well, you and I were saying earlier, there's so much information out there on homeopathy. Taking a couple of classes through Joette would be the best, a good secondary step or third step before you really contemplate going to college or going to further your education (like going for a certificate), because that is trying to say, where do you want to go? Do you want to go online? Do you want to go international? Do you want to stay in this country?
Of course, I'm really looking forward to Joette's Practical Homeopathy® Academy when that starts.
Kate: Yes. You said you're going to fit that into everything else that you're doing.
Elaine: I hope to. I hope to. So, just pick and choose but start small and then add on. There’s plenty to do just with Joette’s Mighty Members, her website, and her courses.
Stories of Medicines Used for Animals
Kate: So, let's get into some of the nuts and bolts of how you've used all these medicines that you've learned about over the years. Tell us some stories.
Elaine: Okay, well, I guess I could start with some of my cat and dog stories. I have two dogs and two cats. I kind of started with them. Your own kids or your own animals are your kind of like guinea pigs. I've saved so much money not going to the emergency clinic for my animals.
My cat … Cats are interesting. Cats can't throw up or get sick because they can get dehydrated really easily, whereas dogs, it's not that big a deal. My cats, on occasion, about twice a year, they will throw up. They don't go outside. They’re indoor cats, but they still get stomach aches occasionally. I just gave them Nux vomica one time and within 5-10 minutes, they were back to normal. I was like, “Okay.” I used the Nux vomica on my cats every time they throw up and don't want to eat.
Kate: Hey, that's a good tip. I've used Arsenicum album. I think I've used it in the 30th potency when I've had a cat that has thrown up, and it stopped it. What potency did you use of the Nux?
Elaine: I think it was 30. Yes, just 30.
Kate: Okay.
Elaine: Then one cat, I couldn't get it in his mouth no matter what. I know it's best to get it in their mouth. A friend of mine told me you can also put it in a water solution and wipe it in their ears or the top of their head. But, I sprinkled it on their food, and he ate it, and he still got better.
Kate: That's good. Yes, I put some drops in some water, and then I put the cat’s face near the water and splashed it on the mouth area.
Elaine: That would work. The other cat, I put it in his mouth real easily. But the one …
Then my daughter called me one day kind of nervous because her cat was acting really funny, not eating and kind of salivating and making funny noises with its mouth. She was getting ready to rush her to the emergency room. She said, “Do you have anything I can try?”
I'm like, “Try the Nux because it sounds stomach and same kind of symptoms.”
Sure enough, she texted me back in 10 minutes. She was, “You're not going to believe this. She's totally normal and eating her food.” So, I probably would have done the Arsenicum album, like you mentioned, if that one didn't work. But it worked on her cat and my two cats.
Kate: Yes, I think the other thing about with Nux vomica, I’ve used it with our dogs as well, because when they go outside, who knows what they get into. Even the cats indoors like, what do they actually ingest because, you know, cats tend to play with and eat a lot of things that they're not supposed to. So, that is it. A wise choice. Yes.
Elaine: That's a perfect segue to my dog, my one dog, who's a Staffordshire Terrier who likes to eat anything. He was down in the basement with the kitties. And he loves the cats, but he ate one of the cat toys. We didn't know until he couldn't pass it about a week later. He couldn’t throw it up, and he couldn't pass it.
So, we took him to the emergency. Sure enough, he had swallowed a fuzzy catnip toy. It was stuck in the very early part of his intestines in the duodenum area. So, he had to undergo emergency surgery to remove the cat toy.
It was complicated because he has Addison's disease. His body doesn't produce cortisol. He does take a very low-dose prednisone. But it complicated the surgery. He was very sick. He was in the emergency room intensive care for six days. I finally brought him home on the sixth, and they didn't release him because he wasn't going to eat. I think he didn't want to eat because he wasn't home. Because as soon as we brought him home, he started eating, but he was very, very sick. His entire stomach was blood red from a bruising from the surgery. So, they were very good though. They let me bring in all my homeopathy kits and let me treat him.
Kate: Nice.
Elaine: Yes, I gave him Arnica for the bleeding. I gave him Staphysagria for the incision site. (I think that was a 200.) I gave him Calendula for the skin, the skin area. I'm trying to think what else. Hypericum for nerve. Dogs and cats don't tell. They can't talk, right? I gave him Hypericum. I do think they helped. He was stable. He just wasn't allowed to come home because he wasn't eating.
But the sixth day, we brought him home ,and he would eat small amounts. I really do believe that the remedies helped him stay stable while he was in the intensive care hospital. That was a really scary, a scary thing.
Kate: Yes.
Elaine: The chiropractor that takes care of … she does people and dogs. She had had a cat who seemed to have some issues and asked the cat's owner if she would like to talk to me and my friend because we were both in homeopathy school. You know, we're not homeopaths, but we are learning. Would we want to talk to her about her kitty?
We met with her, and we talked with her. Her cat was afraid of everything, hiding everywhere, picked on by the other cat. So, we talked about it. We repertorized it — meaning we looked in the repertory and tried to look up just the same as an animal is a person, right? We looked at fear, hiding, afraid.
We basically came up with Aconite 30, one dose and to try that. We asked her to have Thuja 30 on hand because he came to her as a three-month-old kitty having had like multiple vaccinations pretty much all done in the same day. So, we didn't know if he was having leftover reactions from that. But the Aconite works so beautifully, she stopped there and didn't go to the Thuja.
I said, “Call me if you have any questions. We'll proceed if he's backtracking or becoming afraid again.”
Kate: Yeah.
Elaine: That was kind of fun.
Kate: That's great!
Elaine: Yes. Let's see. My daughter has a dog who gets pneumonia. She has some health issues, and she gets pneumonia very easily. So, we gave her the pneumonia protocol which was really Kali carbonicum and Antimonium tart. I'm not sure, I want to say 200 each.
Within two days, her pneumonia was under control and not coughing. She uses that probably once or twice a year, and she can tell because of her breathing with allergies will get very, very raspy and mucousy. She will use the pneumonia protocol on her dog.
The only other animal one: I had a friend whose kitty cat … No, I'm sorry, it was her dog who had a very bad UTI, bladder infection. We thought she sounded more like Medorrhinum which is a nosode for UTIs. One dose — one dose — and the dog went to sleep.
Kate: Oh, my gosh!
Elaine: I know. We were surprised. The next day, she was totally fine. She was going to the bathroom every 15 minutes for about six hours.
Kate: Before?
Elaine: Before. Before the Medorrhinum.
Kate: Wow.
Elaine: That was a shocker.
Kate: I know. I feel like when I've used homeopathy with animals, they've responded so quickly. So, people who talk about homeopathy being a placebo, and it's the placebo effect, they clearly haven't seen homeopathy work with animals.
Elaine: Right. Right. Babies and animals. There's no placebo.
Kate: Right. Exactly.
Stories of Medicines Used in Human
Kate: Let's move to people. Tell us some of the stories with people.
Elaine: I'm going to start with my favorite one because this was a shocker. One of my best friend's husband had ankle surgery this past December. He had fallen off a ladder putting up Christmas lights on the house, and he broke his ankle.
She was really excited. She wanted to use the homeopathy and so did he! He didn't want to do any of the traditional pain meds afterwards.
We had him mostly on Arnica 200 and Hypericum 200. I think I said he could take the Hypericum 1M if the pain got really bad. I don't even think he used the 1M. I think he was able to keep with the 200. He did not take any traditional allopathic pain medications.
We also gave him Staphysagria and Calendula. I believe they were also in 200. The Calendula might have been 30C for skin health and the incision.
Calc phos for the bone because he had splintered … he actually broke the bone. Symphytum and Calc phos, and we think the Symphytum was the magic. He went to the doctor two weeks later. He was in a boot, but he had the boot on like one of those carts because he couldn't put any weight on it at all. Two weeks later, he was going to the doctor. He was so frustrated with the boot. It was banging into everything, and he wanted to get off of it.
The doctor was like, “It’s very doubtful you will be putting any weight on your foot even with the boot on.” So, he went to the doctor that day and they x-rayed it and the doctor couldn't believe his bone healing. They said, “You can walk around on the bone. You can walk around in the boot now.”
Kate: Wow. Two weeks?
Elaine: Two weeks with a shattered ankle. He had two plates in there and multiple staples, and he was allowed to walk with the boot and put pressure on it.
Kate: Wow!
Elaine: That was, I think … My friend and I, we were shocked by that. We thought that was amazing.
For my migraines, I used the protocol Picricum acidum 200 and Belladonna 6. I think the protocol is for 3C, but I couldn't get 3C anywhere in the United States. I used the 6C, and it works amazing. Just within not even five minutes, the migraine will have calmed down.
I still get some sinus headaches. I'm a headache person. I get sinus headaches on occasion, definitely not migraines, and the Sanguinaria 30 or 200 … I try to go to 30 if it works. If it doesn't work, I try the 200. The Sanguinaria works beautifully for any kind of sinus, forehead sinus pain.
Kate: You can actually find some of those medicines on a blog called Sepia for Mother's Day! This Time for Headaches. Well, that was in 2016 that that blog was posted but that I know has the Picric acid and the Belladonna on there. So, if you want to look up, and you need some other ideas, Joette writes about Sanguinaria as well on that blog. If you have headaches, you might want to check that blog out.
Elaine: Yes, it's an excellent blog.
I have two different friends who have … One friend has a chronic problem with cysts, boils, pimples — I guess they're all pretty related. I had one friend who had an emergency cyst from a headgear that she was wearing where she teaches exercise classes. (They sterilize it, but she's like, “I don't know if somebody forgot to one day.” She said, “I have no idea.”)
She was going away the next day on vacation to Mexico. She was frantic because she didn't have time to go to the doctor’s. She's like, “Is there anything I can take with me?”
So, I suggested that she take the protocol … I sent her to Joette’s blog, Double, Double Boil and Trouble and to use the protocol for cysts or boils. It's Hepar sulph and Belladonna. She actually emailed me the next day from Mexico and said it was almost gone after two doses. She stayed on it for a few more days, but after two doses, it was almost gone.
Now my other friend who has the chronic cysts, she said it works within three to four days. It probably happens two or three times a year. But every time, it works. And she thinks that the time in between the cysts occurring is getting longer each time. I told her that's one of the hallmarks that it's probably rooting out the problem in that she's having it ess often.
Kate: Right. Yes. That's something you look for is how often the problem occurs or how long it lasts …
Elaine: And the intensity of the pain.
Kate: Yes. Those are what we call the three magic markers.
Elaine: That's the magic markers. How can I forget that? I knew that.
Kate: Right, that's in the Gateway study guide.
Elaine: Yes, exactly. That's why I love going to the Gateway book.
Kate: Yes.
Elaine: I have three really short, easy, acute problems that happened to me. They're my stories I tell friends when I'm trying to get them interested in homeopathy.
I had a wasp sting — I know this has happened to many people. I picked up the hose last summer, and a wasp was on the handle. And just a horrible sting. There was no stinger in my hand, but it was immediately red, swollen, a big bump. I thought, “Well, I'm going to experiment on myself,” right?
So, I took the Apis 30 — just 30 because I had it handy — and I counted. I literally counted to 20. The redness was almost gone, and the pain was gone. About five minutes later, I had no swelling, no redness, nothing. I was like, “Okay, fast, fast.”
My other fun one was my dog slammed my finger — running full force slammed my finger — the first joint on the corner of a wall. It was, you know, how you get a bruise, a very bad bruise. It was immediately turning purple, swollen. And anybody who knows me, I have my nails done, I thought, “Oh God, I'm going to not only lose my nail, I'm going to lose part of my finger.”
I took the Arnica. I took Arnica 30C that night, and I thought, “Oh, I'll do it again in the morning. I'll just see how bad it is.” The next morning, all I had left was a very thin purple line long the cuticle. The swelling was completely gone.
I don't think I even took a second dose. By the end of that day, you couldn't even tell I hit my finger. That was kind of interesting.
Then my other acute one was I grabbed the pan — the potholders slipped in the oven. I was taking a pan out of the oven.
Kate: That sounds horrible.
Elaine: Yes. I got a blister almost immediately. It wasn't too big. It was like moon-shaped on my index finger. I thought, “Oh, Lord.”
So, I took Cantharis 200 for burns. And I had some Cantharis in a cream also, so I put that on my finger. Again, within about two hours, the blister had gone flat. It was still there, but it was completely flat. The next day, the blister had completely reabsorbed. It was gone.
Kate: Did you take the Cantharis again?
Elaine: Yes, I took it once before bed because like I said it was still there but flat. I only took it twice. The next morning, it was completely absorbed.
Kate: You know that would have lasted for days.
Elaine: Yes, when you see a bruise appear that quickly.
I have a couple that I have used with my boyfriend. He has a chronic problem. He has a heel spur, a bone spur. I believe there's a protocol for bone spurs. I think it doesn't matter if it's in the shoulder or the heel. He takes the cell salt called Calc fluor and Hekla lava 30C is the remedy.
It's been about six months, but the heel spur is almost gone. You have to really push hard. He can feel it, but it seems like it's almost gone now.
He also tends to have very … his eyes, the wind, too much computer … his eyes get very dry and very bloodshot. I used Euphrasia, Euphrasia 30, which is for eye health. There's a really good blog Joette has called The Eyes Have It: Chronic Dry Eyes. The photo really stands out because the photo in the blog is a woman with really bloodshot eyes. We use Euphrasia 30 for my boyfriend's eyes, and it works after maybe one or two doses. It's pretty much gone the next day.
Kate: Going back to when you were talking about the bone spurs, Joette did a Facebook Live, and I believe it's called Bone [Dental] Infections and Bone Spurs. You can look up that Facebook Live video as well.
Elaine: Right, and he did have shingles a couple of years ago. I mean, he had a good case of it, but he didn't have it horribly. He really didn't want to take any medication. I'm not even sure there is anything if you have an outbreak of shingles.
The protocol for shingles was Antimonium crud. We did that. I think it's twice a day for a few days. And I would say by the fourth or fifth day, it was tolerable. The blisters were almost gone.
Kate: Yes, a friend of mine had shingles, and I know she found Hypericum very helpful for the pain.
Elaine: Yes, for the pain.
Kate: Yes. This is a good learning point here. If ever you need to look up what remedy to use for a condition, just Google even Joette and then the name of the condition, and you'll find things oftentimes on that condition and see what to use.
In our Gateway study group last night, we were just talking about this because people were asking, “Well, what would we use for this, or what would we use for this?”
We just said, “You know, just go and Google it.”
It's good to learn to use Joette’s name and then Google and you'll often find the information that you need.
Elaine: I do that all the time because I want to share, I want to just not tell somebody what to take, I want them to read about it, so, I look it up for them if they can't find it. But if they can find it on their own …
If not, I'm looking it up all the time and sending them the actual link.
Kate: That's great. You know that whole thing about teaching a person to fish.
Elaine: Right.
Kate: Because then you can tell them just Google “Joette Calabrese” or even just “Joette.” Her name is so unique that you can often just Google “Joette”.
Elaine: Exactly, and it almost always pops up. There are usually two or three different things that will pop up, and I look at all of them to see which one is the easiest to understand or the most recent one that she's written.
Kate: Right.
Elaine: The only other friend one that really pops out at me is I had a friend who had hot flashes and mostly hot flashes with sweating. I believe we used the Lachesis 30, and it worked beautifully. She just used it S.O.S. When she had a really bad hot flash, she took it, and they gradually diminished over a couple of weeks. She's pretty much hot flash-free as far as I know.
Kate: Nice. When you say S.O.S, explain what you mean by that.
Elaine: Emergency, like I'm having an acute thing at the moment. Like I had a hot flash, so she would treat the hot flash at that moment. It wasn't really a chronic because it wasn't happening all the time.
Carry Your Remedies
Kate: All right, thank you. Well, Elaine, you've really given us a lot of information. This is a packed podcast. But let's just wrap it up and tell us anything else that you've learned from your experience over these years of study that you want to share with the listeners today.
Elaine: I guess the only thing I would add to the earlier tips we talked about is to not leave home without some remedies with you.
I have two very small pouches that I carry some remedies in. One is just for me, for my asthma. And then I have another slightly larger one that has very common things in it like Arsenicum album, Apis, Arnica so that I can share it with a friend if they hurt themselves (hit their head, neck and give them some Arnica). I probably have six remedies in that kit, but they're all emergency remedies. I almost always can help somebody or help myself by having those two little pouches with me.
Kate: What do you put the medicines in?
Elaine: I have little EMF-protected pouches that I think I learned about from you, Kate, from the Gateway II class. And I bought them from the woman that you purchased your little …
Kate: Yes, my friend Sue. She's so sweet. She has a store on Etsy called RuralHillCreations — all one word. She sells those. Yes.
Elaine: I bought three or four from her. I have a friend who bought a bunch. I have one that I carry around. If I'm going to share a little remedy with somebody, I'll put it in there so I can take it with them.
Kate: Yes. Great. Thank you so much for your willingness to talk to us and share all of your wisdom. I look forward to talking to you again after you're done with more of these courses and school that you're doing. I don't know. It was very fun talking to you today.
Elaine: Thank you, Kate. I've enjoyed it immensely.
Joette: As I hope you know by now, on my blog, podcasts and Facebook Live, I offer as many protocols for simple conditions as I can — for free, without affiliates or advertising.
But let me be clear. When it comes to more complex conditions, it’s key that you learn how to use these medicines properly. I want you to be well-trained. So, I save discussions of the more involved methods for my courses in which I walk students through each method with step-by-step training.
In these podcasts, I focus on those students of mine who have already tunneled in and learned how to take care of themselves, family, friends, and pets, and even livestock using homeopathic medicine. Many of these students began their education by participating in one of my Gateway to Homeopathy study groups. And now, after taking one or more of my courses, they’re well-trained to use my specific brand of homeopathy.
I hope listening to this podcast has inspired you to follow in their footsteps. With the proper training, you, too, can nurture and protect the health of your family and loved ones with Practical Homeopathy®.
Kate: You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Pandora, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify and iHeartRadio.
Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.
These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.
I am looking forward to hearing this kind & inspirational podcast. My family is facing a strange situation with the Covid debacle, specifically magnetic clavicles, despite NOT being vaccinated. Graphene oxide is said to be the cause of the Magnet Gate scenario. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
Medorrhinum is a very hard remedy to find is the company Urenus compatible to Boiron?
If you’re a student or client of mine, you may purchase from OHM. If not, Helios in the UK sells it.
Hello Joette,
Can Heckla Lava help with mandibular tori? (Bone growth on the mandible) My tori are growing toward each other across the floor of my mouth. Thank you!