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A Homeopathic Remedy for Teachers’ Stress

Teachers have so much on their plates. More and more, middle and high school teachers are faced with disciplinary problems while they strive to maintain a peaceful environment in their classrooms.

One teacher told me that after a long day, she’d come home, lay her clothes out for the next morning and sleep until then, when the whole routine started all over again!

To ensure that you get your much-needed and well-earned Zzz’s, let me offer you a remedy lesson. It could help you become an A+ teacher!

As a homeopathic consultant/educator, teachers frequently come to me for help. Many deal with stress that comes in the form of wakefulness, anxiety or even a nervous stomach.

Sleep can be disturbed when the load of responsibilities and paper work pile high. The remedy Nux Vomica, 30C can be a gift if you frequently wake at 3 AM and can’t fall back to sleep because your mind is wide awake, thinking of the impending day’s tasks.

Those who need Nux vomica can also be plagued with digestion issues such as constipation, bloating, gas and other gastro intestinal complaints. Irritability is a common symptom, too.

It has been repeatedly shown that when Nux Vomica, 30C  ir?t=homeopathywor 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B001GCU2JKis taken four times in one day and then repeated one
week later, sleep and calm are restored and gastro intestinal problems melt away.

(But remember, the specific symptoms listed above must be present, in order for this remedy to do its work. A different set of symptoms calls for a different remedy altogether.  This can make choosing a remedy a bit more confounding, but it’s worth all the effort!)

After the correct remedy has been chosen, sleep can be restored and the peripheral issues will melt away. Can we ask for more?

If Nux vomica doesn’t complete the job, a call to a classical homeopath can be beneficial. It may mean deeper work needs to be addressed.  

There are literally hundreds of homeopathic remedies available, which have been shown to eliminate stress-related problems unique to teachers. A homeopathic consultant can sort through them to find the perfect remedy for you. And when you learn this lesson, pass it along to colleagues and parents.

Homeopathy is medicine without side effects, is safe and most importantly, it works!


The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Pinworms and Colds; Who Needs Them? Protect Yourself, Teachers!

Can you think of anything worse than the thought of pinworms?  Because pinworms are a common childhood infection, regrettably, they're prevalent  in schools, too.

Consider this your first lesson in homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a method of medicine that has the gentle and powerful ability to deal with easily spread infections, such as pin worms and colds.

Let’s look at two homeopathic remedies that have a reputation of protecting teachers (and students) who’ve been exposed to these common childhood sicknesses.

When the classroom epidemic is pinworms, there is a great little remedy that is reputed to be just as powerful, not only to eliminate them, but which can be used as a prophylactic.

(Remember, the alternative is not a pleasant one. Conventional medicine will suggest a medicine that is a vermicide.  The suffix “cide” means to kill.  This means that the active ingredient is a pesticide of sorts, which kills the worms. We want to get rid of the worms, but not at the expense of harming the body with a vermicide.)

Instead, the remedy Cina creates an unfriendly environment so that the worms will expel themselves.  Cina tincture can be used by taking 6 drops in water, then sipping the water throughout the day for 15 days in a row.  It should be repeated one month later in the same manner. This is the advice of practicing homeopaths of India where this kind of infestations is even more prevalent than in the U.S.

Homeopathy has helped many teachers from getting contaminated with this insidious infection even when nearly the entire class is affected.

For colds, my favorite remedy for our family is Oscillococcinum.  In France, it is the top selling, over-the-counter medicine of any kind.  They use it as the premiere remedy to abort a cold or flu before it comes on or before it comes on in full force.  The French take it as a preventative as soon as the first student begins to sniffle and then one day each week for a month, then one day each month until the cold season is over.

Plenty of other Europeans and Americans use it too.

That’s because the protection it offers can be significant, as long as it’s taken before the symptoms get a foothold.  Oscillococcinum is reputed to be particularly valuable when the colds and flu’s come about during the wet and cold seasons, such as autumn and spring.  Some say it’s infallible.

All of these remedies are available at health food stores and many pharmacies and will cost no more than $15.  Additionally, homeopathy will not interfere with any meds you may already be taking.

If you find that your health is too often plagued by the latest illness in school, give homeopathy a try.  It may even become the discovery you innovate in your next science class.

Pinworms and Colds; Who Needs Them? Protect Yourself, Teachers is solely intended to provide a format in assisting the student in learning the principles of Homeopathy.   It is in no way to be considered a substitute for a consultation with a health professional.

Back to school? 5 Tips to outsmart lunch menus!

Children learn many things in the school, don’t they? Math equations, pronouns, sports and games, but the last thing you want them to soak up is a taste for nutritionally vacant and maybe even harmful foods.  Cafeteria foods are notoriously unhealthy and gross. (I remember visiting with the head cook at my son’s school and found that nearly every item in the pantry contained MSG.)

Yes, they must go to school, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t learn invaluable lessons from you and their lunch box, too

Here are 5 easy and fun snacks to snuggle in their lunch box:

  • Surprise Pot! A bell pepper opened to look like a jack-o-lantern stuffed with different surprises for each child. Try carrot or celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, cheeses cut into fun shapes, raisins, grapes or dried cherries and top the pepper again with its little cap.
  • Pirate Loot! Skewered slices of apples, pears, peaches, etc., on little plastic swords. (Remember to dip the fruit in lemon juice so that it retains its color!) 
  • Cheese Poppers! Old fashioned popcorn, drenched with butter and coated with Romano cheese, oregano, basil, garlic, salt and pepper. (Hot sauce is a nice touch if your child(ren) enjoy spicier foods.)
  • Cinnamon Milk! Send them with a thermos of warmed raw, unpasteurized, non-homogenized whole fat milk with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a splash of vanilla extract.
  • Pick-Up-Sticks! Cut stick-size pieces of carrots, celery, cucumbers and peppers and toss along with fresh green beans. Make an easy dip of sour cream and chives for them to dip. (If you’d like a sweeter option, try stick-size slices of apples, pears and nectarines with a homemade dip of yogurt and raw honey.)

Check out these and other fun ideas in my audio CD, “Secret Spoonfuls. Confessions of a Sneaky Mom”!


11 Ways to Get Whole Foods into Your diet; Make Your Own in a Jiffy

What do I mean by whole foods? I mean pure foods….. Those foods that are not adulterated by pasteurization, homogenization, preservatives, denaturing and manipulative processes.

I mean foods as they are and as God intended. True, there are some methods that we’ve come up with, to enhance beautiful and whole foods, but it’s only to add an extra spark of vitality and never to take it away. I don’t recommend eating any product that’s been so far removed from the original, that there’s practically nothing of the original left in it. Instant mashed potatoes? Dried cheese powders? Breakfast cereals? 1% milk? Abominations, every single one.

Try these 11 ideas instead:

•  Make your own calcium-rich Vinegar: Place several eggs (still in the shell) in a canning jar, and cover with raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. After a day or so, the shell will have dissolved, discard the eggs, and strain the vinegar through cheese cloth. What you have left is a calcium-rich vinegar, which you can use in cooking and in your next Salad Dressing.  Better than any calcium tablets on the market..and free!

•  Make your own Salad Dressing. Easy and edifying. Use your calcium-rich vinegar and cold-pressed olive oil. Add some spices, onion powder, Celtic salt and pepper.

•  Make your own Bone Stock. This is the easiest way to get calcium. Minimal effort produces a nutrient dense source of gelatin and protein and a delicious start to any soup or grain. Use it for soups, casseroles, sauces and the liquid for cooking your rice, beans and pasta.  (Check out my CD, “Secret Spoonfuls” for this and other great recipes)

•  Make your own Thick Homemade Crockpot Yogurt. An ancient food, delicious on its own, in smoothies, in dips, or even added to bread recipes.  Remember to use whole fat milk.

•  Make your own Pickled Cucumbers. Great as a snack, on the go or on the side. Long lasting and packed with healthy enzymes  (Check out my CD, “Secret Spoonfuls” for this and other great recipes)

•  Make your own Kombucha. Easy to make, refreshing but more importantly, great for you.

 •  Make your own sweets, like my…Moose Mounds and In-the-freezer-Cookies (Check out my CD, “Secret Spoonfuls” for this and other great recipes). Wait ‘till you taste these

•   Make your own Breakfast. Start your day with proteins like eggs and bacon fried in bacon fat (nitrate free and free range, of course!). Try this instead of cereal, toast or bagels.

•   Make your own Breakfast Smoothie. (Check out my CD, “Secret Spoonfuls” for this and other great recipes) Fast, delicious and easy.

•  Make your own Mayonnaise. Use raw eggs, olive oil, mustard and lemon juices. Avoid soybean, corn, safflower and canola oils and instead use almond oil.  Inexpensive, quick, gourmet and nutritious.

•  Find your own Dairy Farmer and drink local raw milk! Ask around at Farmer’s Markets and small farms.

Ouch! I Got Stung!

What to do when confronted with a bee sting?

Turn to Ledum  & Apis*-these are premier bee sting remedies. If there’s coldness to the site, but ironically, the stung area feels better with cold, look to Ledum 30. The protocol is to give one dose, every 1-2 hours, until improvement or for up to 3 days.

Apis, on the other hand, is perfect for stung areas that are warm to the touch, burning, red and swollen.  The swelling might also be edematous and remote.  That is, if the sing is on the foot, the ears may swell. Try 1 dose every 1-2 hours, until improvement or for up to 3 days.

You may also administer two cell salts: Ferr phos 6x and Kali mur 6x, every 1- 2 hours, until improvement. Use these on alternating hours from Ledum or Apis.

Remember, if the reaction is severe or if there is anaphylaxis, seek medical care immediately. Along the way, administer the appropriate remedy.  Generally, Apis in a high potency is best suited for allergic reactions.

*Pregnant women in the first trimester should not take Apis repeatedly.

Hot, Hot, Hot

My 18 year old is working in the landscaping business this summer.  He’s in the hot sun all day, and so I worry.  I'm less concerned though, than I might be because I have homeopathy.   And so does he.  Every morning he makes a homeopathic electrolyte concoction  that he carries with him on the job.  Water just isn’t enough in temperatures in the 90’s.


Here’s what Peter drinks all day.  I recommend it to anyone who is exposed to high heat and or excessive sweating.


Peter’s Homeopathic Electrolyte Concoction


  • 16 pills of Bioplasma (from your health food store)
  • 16 pills of Nat sulph 6x (from your health food store)
  • ¼ cup acidophilus bifidus yogurt or kefir
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon or lime juice
  • maple syrup or raw honey, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon Celtic salt
  • ½ cup coconut milk (optional)


Fill the remainder of the gallon with ice water and be sure to shake before each drink. Enjoy!


Natural Treatment of Burns with Homeopathy

Homeopathy can be of good aid when burns are at hand.  The best way is to have a homeopathy kit on hand so that instant assistance can be achieved. External sprays, gels or drips, as well as internal methods, will be useful and will all work in tandem. Take the oral remedy every 2-4 hours and stop whenever there is improvement. External application should be reapplied as needed to keep the area moist and protected.

On a nutritional note, the daily intake of cod liver oil that supports the skin with vitamins A, D and E is very helpful.  Instead of buying synthetic forms of these vitamins, it is more valuable and economical to take this time-tested supplement.  Begin taking cod liver oil internally after any burn and continue as a daily fare.

For first-degree burns, including sunburn, Calendula salve or lotion will be useful in reducing pain and swelling.  For this kind of burn, Urtica urens 30, taken internally, will aid in the pain and aid in the overall countenance of the sufferer. Take it every 3-4 hours or until relief is obtained, then stop.

Second-degree burns should be met with the same as above, but if there is not enough relief, then consider taking Cantharis 30.  It, too, should be taken every few hours and stopped when relief ensues.

Third-degree burns should not be addressed with anything topical until after the healing process has been well underway for some time.   It would be prudent to leave the sprays and ointments until after your healthcare provider has given the OK.  Internally, the best choice for pain and the “shocky” feeling is Cantharis 30.  It should be used every three hours or so or until relief is at hand.  If there is no improvement, consider working with a homeopathic consultant. Meanwhile, medical care is paramount.

Electrical burns can be greatly aided by the use of Phosphorus 30 taken internally in the same fashion as above.

All homeopathic remedies are gentle and have been regulated by the FDA since its inception in the 1940s.  Unlike modern drugs, never has a homeopathic medication been removed from the market by the FDA. What methods of medicine can boast such a record? Homeopathy has the ability to grant us more personal empowerment and responsibility via an elegantly simple method of healthcare.  It has been practiced for nearly two centuries and has withstood the relentless test of time and the vicissitudes of many attacks because it works.  There is a timeless quality to real truths.

Homeopathy is the medicine for busy lives. There is nothing like the ability to take care of ourselves and our family with confidence and information that we can rely on. Homeopathy delivers that. It is inexpensive, gentle and most importantly, it works. Make it the mainstay of your first aid kit.

“Health is not random,” says homeopath, author and mother, Joette Calabrese HMC, CCH. Her book Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy and her CDs “Perform in the Storm, a Homeopathy First Aid” and “Secret Spoonfuls; How to get Healthy Foods into Kids Without Getting Caught” are collections of experiences as a skilled homeopathic consultant and mother. Her lively, entertaining examples and solutions of what to use for the most common ailments a homeopath is confronted with, have graced national journals such as Homeopathy Today and Wise Traditions. The author, practitioner, and mother splits her time between working with clients throughout the U.S. and abroad and speaking in arenas such as Chautauqua Institute, national radio shows and college campuses. Join her at  www.homeopathyworks.net for events, forums and consultations.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquiries and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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