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For God, For Humanity…For Homeopathy

A note from Joette:   I asked my new assistant to do some research on the Vatican’s use of homeopathy.  She filled me in on some striking information.  And now, I want to share it with you, too.

Whether Catholic or not, it’s appropriate for the upcoming season of Lent and food for thought. Enjoy!


Italy was rescued from the ravaging cholera epidemic during the first half of the 19th century.

That’s a fact.

But did you know that the Holy Pontiff saw that it was homeopathy that did the good work? That’s right.  From within the Vatican, the successors of St. Peter himself bestowed accolades and great honors upon homeopaths!

Two popes, in particular, made sure to recognize those physicians who used homeopathic medicine to save many lives from succumbing to the disease.

What’s more, they not only recognized the accomplishments of homeopathic physicians, but actively integrated and encouraged homeopathy within the Vatican.

Yes, indeed.  The Vatican has a history of honoring homeopathy.

Popes publicly acknowledged that homeopaths served the “princes”- “princes” meaning the popes, dignitaries and common people who were cared for by homeopaths.

And so to that end, a famous Italian doctor,

Dr. Settimio Centamori, a homeopathic physician, was awarded the Grand Cross.

(The Grand Cross was the highest honor.)

Bestowed upon a layperson for his work in homeopathy!

This was after his homeopathic treatment restored health to those who had suffered from the deadly cholera epidemic.

But, Pope Gregory XVI didn’t just recognize homeopathy’s effectiveness in the hands of the good doctor, but also issued a Papal Bull, which in cases of emergencies, allowed even the priests to administer remedies.

So Catholic priests administered homeopathic remedies under the orders of the Pope.

Then, Pope Pius IX, continued to honor the works of homeopaths and granted Dr. Charge, the Order of St. Gregory the Great.  This is one of the Five Orders of the Knighthood of the Holy See.

Great honors indeed.

Like Dr. Centamori, Dr.Charge saved many from the cholera epidemic. Among those people cared for by him, only 2.9 % died as compared to up to 70% of those who died after being treated in the conventional hospitals!

What about the pope’s personal treatments?

Well, Pope Leo XIII’s chronic tracheal infections became less serious with homeopathy.

And his homeopathic care apparently added years to his life…… He was the Church’s oldest pope, when he died at 93.

So you see, the Vatican doesn’t just evangelize the Gospel message, but the good news of homeopathy, too!

Fine, you say, that was back in the 19th century, but what about more recently?

Homeopathy still has its place within the Vatican walls. The late Pope John Paul II was cared for by the respected homeopathic, Dr. Francesco Negro.

He had a choice of any physician, yet, not unlike other learned and noteworthy citizens of Europe, he chose a homeopath.

So, as a Catholic,  I have to acknowledge, if homeopathy is good enough to have been bequeathed with the Papal Grand Cross, is good enough  for Pope Gregory XVl, Pope Pius lX , Pope Leo Xlll and Pope John Paul II,  I guess it’s good enough for me![i]

[i] In writing this article, I referred to Dana Ullman’s informative book, The Homeopathic Revolution; Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Use Homeopathy


Joette Calabrese,HMC,CCH,RSHom is certified classical homeopath who teaches and consults with  folks the world over via phone and SKYPE.   For a FREE download of 11 Toxins and How to Antidote Them With Homeopathy go to Homeopathyworks.net and find it on the “Free Downloads and Articles” section of the homepage.  Then, consider scheduling a FREE 15 minute conversation with Joette to see if homeopathy is a fit for you or your child’s health strategy.




Shrove Tuesday Gumbo

Here’s a  traditional recipe to start Lent

  • 10  oz  andouille sausage  but if you can’t find a good source without nitrates and from quality pork, then  Polish, Italian or any smoked sausage will do.
  • 2 cups chicken meat
  • raw shrimp (preferably wild)
  • ½ cup crab meat

2T lard, tallow or duck fat

  • 1 stick organic butter
  • file powder (optional) found at gourmet stores
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 whole lemon
  • 2 cups okra ( this is optional because some don’t like okra, but I like a more traditional gumbo)
  • 2 T fresh parsley
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 1 cup chopped bell peppers
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 8 medium chopped organic tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup chopped garlic
  • 1 sprig fresh  thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh oregano
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp cayenne(I like more)
  • 1 tsp ground peppercorns
  • 1 tsp  Celtic or other whole salt
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 2 cups dark beer. (Optional but adds depth)
  • 2-3 cups  bone stock. (Homemade is best)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1/4 cup flour or arrow root for thickening



Slice sausage and fry in lard, tallow or duck fat until lightly crisp. Remove  sausage and place in a bowl. In the same pan, fry  chicken pieces on both sides. Set to the side with the sausage.

In the same pan, saute chopped onion, celery, bell peppers, okra and garlic  a few minutes until tender. Add more fat if needed.

In a large pot, combine spices, tomatoes, meat, stock and  beer. Bring to a simmer. Add bay leaves and cover.

Make a roux by melting ½ stick butter in a small pan and then sprinkling four into it until it thickens and is slightly browned.  If you’re on a gluten free diet, do the same with arrowroot powder. You will need to constantly stir this mixture so it doesn't burn.

Add roux to gumbo, cover and simmer for about 2 hour, stirring from time to time.  A few minutes before serving, add the shelled shrimp.  As soon as they pink up, add the juice of the fresh lemon, remove bay leaves, add file powder and serve over cooked rice.

It tastes better the second day, so you might want to prepare this in advance.


Serves 8-10


Shrove Tuesday Gumbo

Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday is March 8

Here’s a  traditional recipe to start Lent

  • 10  oz  andouille sausage  but if you can’t find a good source without nitrates and from quality pork, then  Polish, Italian or any smoked sausage will do.
  • 2 cups chicken meat
  • raw shrimp (preferably wild)
  • ½ cup crab meat

2T lard, tallow or duck fat

  • 1 stick organic butter
  • file powder
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 whole lemon
  • 2 cups okra ( this is optional because some don’t like okra, but I like a more traditional gumbo)
  • 2 T fresh parsley
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 1 cup chopped bell peppers
  • 3 chopped garlic cloves
  • 8 medium chopped organic tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup chopped garlic
  • 1 sprig fresh  thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh oregano
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp cayenne(I like more)
  • 1 tsp ground peppercorns
  • 1 tsp  Celtic or other whole salt
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 2 cups dark beer. (Optional but adds depth)
  • 2-3 cups  bone stock. (Homemade is best)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1/4 cup flour or arrow root for thickening



Slice sausage and fry in lard, tallow or duck fat until lightly crisp. Remove  sausage and place in a bowl. In the same pan, fry  chicken pieces on both sides. Set to the side with the sausage.

In the same pan, saute chopped onion, celery, bell peppers, okra and garlic  a few minutes until tender. Add more fat if needed.

In a large pot, combine spices, tomatoes, meat, stock and  beer. Bring to a simmer. Add bay leaves and cover.

Make a roux by melting ½ stick butter in a small pan and then sprinkling four into it until it thickens and is slightly browned.  If you’re on a gluten-free diet, do the same with arrowroot powder. You will need to constantly stir this mixture so it doesn't burn.

Add roux to gumbo, cover and simmer for about 2 hour, stirring from time to time.  A few minutes before serving, add the shelled shrimp.  As soon as they pink up, add the juice of the fresh lemon, remove bay leaves, add file powder and serve over cooked rice.

It tastes better the second day, so you might want to prepare this in advance. Incredible!

Serves 8-10


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Almond Flour Pizza Crust

3 cups almond flour

1/2 cup parm cheese

1/2 tsp sea salt

2 tsp oregano

2 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp basil


6 tbsp olive oil

4 eggs


Mix all dry, mix all wet, mix together – 2 heaping tsp on parchment paper

Cover with parchment paper, spread out into small circles.  Cook shells 10-12 mins

@ 350 – you can keep in fridge or freeze and use as needed.


Use as individual shells with any toppings.  I use olive oil, homemade pasta sauce, harvati cheese,

Organic pepperoni a little more oregano on top – cook 350 10 mins.


Also use for garlic toast, olive oil, garlic salt, cook @ 350 10 mins…then broil till brown.



Nancy A. Beale


Thick Homemade Crock Pot Yogurt

Did you know that making delicious, nutritious yogurt could be as easy as prepping a few ingredients and leaving them in your crock pot for several hours? Here is my easy to follow method for making crock pot yogurt.

  • Start your crock pot to get it a bit warm for about 10 minutes.

  • Pour 1-2 quarts of whole, raw milk in your crock pot and keep it at the low setting for 3 hours.

  • Turn it off and allow the milk to sit for 2 hours or longer.

  • Add 1 (2 if you’re making 2 quarts) cup of whole, plain yogurt into a bowl and add an equal amount of the warmed milk.

  • This should be mixed well and when added to the pot, mixed well again.

  • Wrap the crock pot in a beach towel and put aside in the warmest corner of your kitchen until the following day.

Now it is ready to be eaten or put in the refrigerator where it will thicken even further.

Please note: some crock pots do not have a low enough setting to keep the milk warmed without actually cooking it.  If your crock pot has a “warm” setting, that setting would probably work well for making this yogurt.

Cranberry Almond Loaf

¾ cup creamy roasted almond butter, at room temperature
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 large eggs
¼ cup arrowroot powder
1 teaspoon Celtic sea salt
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup dried apricots, chopped into ¼ inch pieces
½ cup dried cranberries
¼ cup sesame seeds
¼ cup sunflower seeds
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup sliced almonds, plus 2 tablespoons to sprinkle on top
olive oil for greasing
blanched almond flour for dusting

  1. In a large bowl, blend almond butter, olive oil and eggs with a handheld mixer until smooth
  2. In a medium bowl, combine arrowroot powder, salt and baking soda
  3. Blend arrowroot mixture into wet ingredients until thoroughly combined
  4. Fold in apricots, cranberries, seeds and sliced almonds
  5. Grease a 3 ½ x 7 ½ x 2 ¼ inch loaf pan with olive oil and dust with almond flour
  6. Pour batter into loaf pan and sprinkle remaining sliced almonds on top
  7. Bake at 350° for 40-50 minutes until a knife inserted into center comes out clean
  8. Let bread cool in pan for 1 hour, then serve

Yield 1 loaf


Courtesy of Elena’s Pantry Blog:  http://www.elanaspantry.com



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