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Pond Perfect

2012 07 11 Pond Dock scaled

I make no apologies.

I’ve always hated exercise.

It’s tedious.


I beg  forgiveness from those of you who are ardent sports enthusiasts, but despite many attempts,  nothing’s quite stuck.


Running? Not my style.

Yoga?  Too still for me.

Swimming?  The chlorine negates any benefits the exercise might offer.

Exercise classes?  I hate to be a music snob, but I’ve always found the music to sound like elevator music.


For years my husband and I took ball room dancing, and that’s where I found nirvana.  The music, the party atmosphere, the required attention to detail and then oh, the movements…I loved it all.


Unfortunately, this particular exercise requires a partner and my husband is not always willing.  So I’ve had to find another way to move after a day on Skype and writing at my keyboard.


Two years ago, we built an acre pond that finally allowed me to find exercise bliss.


The weather here in New York has been gorgeous lately and I’ve had swimming thoughts upon which I’ve recently been acting.


My family completed building a dock last week, hence I don’t need to wade into ankle-deep muck.


So I’m swimming daily!


And it isn’t even boring.  We have domestic ducks who quack at me from the marshy side of the pond and the frogs croak out the bass as I paddle by their quarters.


If I go early in the morning, I get a great jump on my day.


I think I’ve found my niche!

Feeling the Heat?

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If you’re one of the millions who faced power outages this week due to severe storms, I’m sure you are feeling the heat.  Soaring temperatures and high humidity can be a cause for concern, especially for the elderly and children.  If at all possible, use your common sense and get to a cooler location.

Heat stroke is extremely serious and requires emergency treatment.  Luckily, it can be prevented.  Staying hydrated is of utmost importance.  Try my refreshing homeopathic electrolyte drink.  It’s especially good when profuse sweating depletes electrolytes faster than you can replace them.

As we’ve learned, homeopathy helps to gently bring the body’s system back into balance.  When we experience symptoms from being overheated, it is a signal that the body’s internal cooling system is overtaxed and can’t function properly.  Therefore, we should consider a homeopathic remedy to gently stimulate the system back into alignment.

Try one of the  three remedies described below.  If symptoms are severe, administer a dose in the 30th potency every 15 minutes until improved.

Glonoine:  Pay attention to the eyes and the expression.  If Glonoine is needed, the eyes will be glazed over with a blank, fixed look.  The pupils will probably be contracted as well.  Cold sweats may be present.  The body may be cold, but the head will probably be hot.  A racing or barely perceptible pulse is also of note.  Exhaustion may be so severe that speech is impossible.

Belladonna:  This remedy has some similarities to Glonoine such as a cold body and hot heat and a blank stare, but the pupils will normally be dilated when Belladona is required.  A red face is possible with Glonoine, but paleness may also occur.  However, Belladonna is always associated with a burning red color.  As a memory trick when I was learning homeopathy, I kept a card on Belladonna in my red robe.  Any of the following symptoms can also point you toward the use of Belladonna: involuntary stool or urination, twitching limbs, bending the head backwards, and extremely deep sleep.

Aconite:  Remember that we think of Aconite for symptoms that come on extremely quickly.  This remedy is also associated with agitation, restlessness, and anxiety so if these states are present, Aconite may help.  Additional clues can be contracted pupils, a strong pulse, and a feeling of heat throughout the whole body, not concentrated in the head like Glonoine and Belladonna. 

Once you have chosen the remedy that best fits the total symptom picture, stick with it for a least three doses.  If not even a slight improvement is noted after that, try giving the second most likely remedy.

You shouldn’t hesitate to seek medical treatment for heat exhaustion or heat stroke, but I have heard many reports from my students of times when they were able to turn around in the ER parking lot because the remedy they took on the way to the hospital worked so quickly!

Happy summer and stay cool!

Flying High…With No Jet Lag

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You’re about to head off on a wonderful summer trip.  Don’t let the dread of jet lag dampen your fun.  Fortunately for you, homeopathy can work wonders for relieving this unpleasant condition.


We can think of jet lag as a disruption of the body’s internal balance.  Restoring equilibrium and setting things to right is exactly what homeopathy does best.  And most importantly, it does it gently.


The next time you travel across multiple time zones keep the following list of remedies handy.  Once you’ve determined the remedy that best fits the totality of your symptoms, take a dose in the 30th potency every 3-4 hours or more frequently if the situation is more severe.




This is the premier remedy for any type of trauma.  Jet lag may not seem like an injury, but it does wreak havoc with the body’s internal clock.  A feeling of weakness and soreness is present because the person is so tired.


Cocculus indicus

A person needing Cocculus experiences nausea or dizziness in addition to  the extreme fatigue of jet lag.  In order to avoid vomiting, she is forced to lie down.  Although this person is tired, she reports feeling too tired to sleep.  Fresh air, food and drink make the condition worse.



The keynotes of the remedy Gelsemium are feelings of exhaustion and mental dullness.  Extreme prostration is also noted.  We can therefore think of this remedy for jet lag where the tiredness is so extreme that there is almost a sense of paralysis because the person needing this remedy has such difficulty even getting out of bed.


Nux vomica

Think of Nux for case of jet lag where the disruption in the body’s internal cycles manifests itself in constipation or gastrointestinal disturbances.  Irritability may be marked along with sleep problems. 



Now that’s you’ve brushed up on what remedies to use for jet lag, you’re ready to hop on that plane.  Here’s one more  homeopathic tip before you go.  Dissolve a few tablets of the homeopathic cell salt Nat mur 6x in water and mist your face during the flight.  Nat mur is made from sodium chloride, the same mineral in our bodies that regulates moisture balance.  This little gem in your water bottle will help you stay hydrated and feel refreshed as you make your final descent to your destination.


Happy travels.  Just remember to take homeopathy with you!


Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH,RSHom is a homeopath and mom who has depended solely on homeopathy and nutrition in raising her family without a single drug….ever!

If you find this kind of information valuable, you can learn more about homeopathy at her site: homeopathyworks.net.  Contact her office at 716.941.1045 to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation to learn if homeopathy might be a good fit with your health strategy.

Get Rid of the Goofy Gatorade

goofy gatorade blog

My son Peter spends his summers working in the landscaping business.  Dehydration is a threat when the mercury spikes into the 80’s.

Gatorade is loaded with questionable ingredients like dyes and artificial flavors and plain old water just isn’t enough to prevent electrolyte loss.

But I've taught Peter well.

Every morning, he mixes up a gallon jug, tailor-made for a long day of sweaty outdoor work.

The electrolytes in this refreshing drink protect his body’s sodium balance while the homeopathic cell salts support potassium and his general vital force.

Try  this electrolyte drink that’s easy to  whip up before a long day of summer exertion.

Peter’s Homeopathic Electrolyte Concoction

•16 pills of Bioplasma (from your health food store)

•16 pills of Nat sulph 6x (from your health food store)

•¼ cup acidophilus bifidus yogurt or kefir

•1/4-1/2 cup fresh lemon or lime juice

•Maple syrup or raw honey, to taste (not too sweet)

•1 teaspoon Celtic salt

•½ cup coconut milk (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a gallon container and fill to the top with ice water.  Shake well.

Mildly sour, with a hint of sweetness.  Remember to shake before each drink.

With homeopathy and smart nutrition, you can say “Bring on the heat!”



P.S. ~Would you would like to learn how to be prepared for epidemics and other crises, as well as all types of first aid situations and sourcing these remedies?  Then you need my upcoming course The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy. Learn more about how homeopathy is THE medicine for when the SHTF. For more information on how YOU can Think Outside of the Box, click here >> https://homeopathyworks.iljmp.com/3/toanu.


Interested in how you can treat your family's everyday ailments yourself?  Check our FREE first aid reference chart here.  It's packed with the info busy moms and dads need in a pinch.  If you'd like to learn more about homeopathy and whether it's a fit for your health strategy, contact our office to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Here Comes the Sun; Throw Out the Sunscreen


In Western New York, summer has finally moved in.  The sun is shining brightly and weekends are filled with barbecues and trips to the beach.

Don’t forget the sunscreen, right?

Not so fast.

Slathering on sunscreen could actually be causing deficiency in Vitamin D.

Some of the functions of Vitamin D include preventing cancer, boosting immunity, and maintaining healthy teeth and bones.  Those who are deficient often feel lethargic and catch colds and other bugs frequently.

Sunscreens can protect against both UVA and UVB radiation from the sun.  UVA radiation is associated with the aging and cancer-causing effects that we are all so worried about, but our bodies use UVB radiation to make Vitamin D! And Vitamin D actually protects us from those very problems.

Even low SPF formulas effectively block UVB rays and prevent our bodies from making Vitamin D.

Is it any wonder why Vitamin D deficiency is being called the new epidemic?

In fact, melanomas often occur on areas that are not exposed to sunlight, suggesting that there are other factors at play other than ultraviolet rays.  I’d guess it has to do with the inability of the skin to properly protect because of a deficiency of Vitamin D.

Dr. Joseph Mercola recently wrote about a boy who was so low in Vitamin D that he had rickets!  The cause was discovered when his mother reported that she was coating him from head to toe in sunscreen whenever he stepped outside.

Instead of sunburn, he was headed towards serious health complications because his body was prevented from doing what it was designed to do.

A usual, it distills down to common horse sense.

Don’t want too much sun for fear of a burn?

Wear protective clothing and spend part of the day in the shade.


Sunburn is never a good thing, but if it does occur, try my go-to natural solution.  Add a few drops of Calendula tincture to some cool water and gently pat it on the burn.  Cantharis 30 is also a great remedy should a burn occur.


Instead of depending on well-marketed skin products,  ill- informed dermatologists, and pop-culture edicts, buy yourself a jar of coconut oil, rub some into the skin and get outside.  And then thank God–the sun is finally here again.

*Some info in this article came the Dr. Mercola’s article that can be found here.





Our 12 month study of homeopathy – How to Raise a Drug Free Family System— has begun.  The second monthly webinar is June 19th.  Joette has decided to add more time to each webinar because there's so much that needs to be covered. She will also offer time at the end for your questions.

There is still time to join! We can priority ship your materials in time for you to participate in the next webinar.

Email us and find out about our easy payment plan. click here

Homeopathy is Purr-fect

carmallina blog

Twelve years ago, I received a call from someone who knew we were in the market for a cat and asked if I’d take a sickly kitten.  Foolishly (or perhaps not), we took on this project and named the little waif Carmelina.


From the onset, the kitty showed signs of weakness but not until a week or two later, did she become seriously ill.   She was so thin that her ribs showed through her skimpy fur.  Since she was not able to get up to eat, we fed her raw milk and egg yolk through an  eye dropper.  Her eyes were weepy with a vague look and she never purred.
Our boys lined a small basket with an old lamb’s wool and gently placed her in it. For days, Carmelina hardly moved and we were certain she’d die.


Based on research in my homeopathic repertory (a list of symptoms that correspond to specific remedies), it became quite clear to me that she needed Sulphur.


How did I know?  Her symptoms clearly matched the keynotes of this remedy.  Her odor was unpleasant and her fur looked ratty.  I also selected this remedy because it’s often a good choice for simple animals like barn cats that are not bred nor vaccinated.

It was around this time that we planned to drive to Florida for a vacation.  In preparation for the trip, the boys packed Carmelina in the back seat between them.   As we traveled on Route 90, they gave her a dose of Sulphur30 every 2 hours.

That night, when we pulled into our hotel stop, Carmelina was carried in her basket into the room with us.  By this time she had already received 4 doses of Sulphur30.  For good measure she was given one more before we retired to bed.

Sometime around midnight we were awakened by an unfamiliar scurrying sound.  We quickly snapped on the lights and found Carmelina under the bed on her back clawing the undercarriage of the mattress while whirling herself all over the slippery floor.  Suddenly, she leaped up and started pawing at our hands.  She was playing for the first time in her life with such passion that you could practically see her smiling!

Except for one other incident later in her life (that I’ll write about in a future post), she’s remained full of the dickens ever since the day she was treated with Sulphur.


Carmelina is a tiny cat, but she’s a great mouser, purrs daily, has sparkling, inquisitive eyes, and a rich and robust life.


Vet bills?  No way. Just a bottle of Sulphur that cost me $13.



Curing my family with homeopathy…..now that’s the cat’s meow.


Would you love to know how to personally treat your family as well as your pets with homeopathy?  Consider joining my 12-month long class How to Raise a Drug Free Family. Each month, our private webinar focuses on a different topic, including pet care.  To learn more, click here!



Oh No! It’s Poison Ivy Again

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That itching.  Those vesicles.  As the mother of three active boys I knew all too well what they meant.  My boys were into the poison ivy again.  Maybe your kids, like mine, have recently made the discovery of a little three-leafed plant that left them covered in blisters that itched and spread wherever they scratched.


Conventional medicine treats poison ivy, as it does most rashes, with oral or topical steroids.  This removes the rash (a short-term solution) by blocking the body’s immune response.  Homeopathic principles dictate that whenever symptoms are suppressed they are not resolved, but rather driven deeper into the body to reappear at a different time and perhaps in a more serious form.  Keeping this in mind, I urge moms to treat their family’s  itchy summer rash themselves, without harmful steroids.


When treating poison ivy, most people who are familiar with homeopathy automatically think of Rhus tox (the Latin name for poison ivy) because it is the remedy made from the poison ivy plant.  Rhus tox is indeed a powerful treatment for poison ivy, but it must fit the symptoms in order to work.  Actually, the most common remedy for poison ivy is Anacardium.


Keep the following list of remedies with their identifying features handy and you’ll be prepared whenever someone in your family accidentally comes in contact with this troublesome plant.


Pay special attention to the location of the rash, the type of pustules that form, and the general demeanor and preferences of the person when making your choice.  As always, anything that seems peculiar is especially helpful in pointing to the correct remedy.




  • Anacardium 30: Think Anacardium for swelling and rashes that itch intensely and burn when they are scratched.  While scratching makes the itching worse by causing the eruptions to becoming red and inflamed, rubbing actually brings some relief to the sufferer.  The symptoms are usually worse on the left side and at night-time.  Warm applications and a warm bed increase the agony, but interestingly, the person usually welcomes a warm drink.   This is generally the 1st remedy to consider, but make certain it fits.


  • Croton Tiglium 30:  The rash that calls for Crot-t  blisters with inflammation and itching.  Common areas of outbreak for this remedy include the scalp, the face in general, near the eyes, the genitals, buttocks, or lower limbs.  Like the Anacardium patient, scratching aggravates and leads to burning and much pain.  Also like Anacardium, the rash may be worse at night and on the left side of the body.

We can distinguish Crot-t from Anacardium by the presence of yellowish eruptions.  In fact, Crot-t is known as the yellow      remedy.  The pustules can ooze yellowish matter, which then dries to form thick grayish/brownish scabs.

Light pressure ameliorates, but the person feels tight all over his body and mentally inflexible and rigid.  Quite frankly, he cannot bear the rash.


  • Graphites 30:  Honey-like symptoms point us to the remedy Graphites.  When the rash is scratched, the resulting discharge is sticky and yellowish.  It may also burn.  The torso and limbs are most often affected and they become crusty-looking.  Relief comes from such rough rubbing and scratching that the sufferer actually tears her skin.  Being wrapped up may improve the situation as well because the person is generally chilly and feels thick and dull.


  • Sulphur 30: When scratching causes the pustules to bleed yet brings relief to the individual, look to Sulphur.  There may be a yellowish or white discharge after scratching, and what remains of the pustule will be crusty and dry. This remedy will be indicated when the person feels better in the warmth of his bed as well as from taking a bath and washing up. Generally, Sulphur symptoms are left-sided and afflict the scalp.  Facial swelling may be present. The person requiring this remedy may be irritable and though the warmth of the bed is comforting, he may be restless at night and have difficulty sleeping.



  • Rhus tox 30: Unlike Anacardium, hot showers actually bring relief to the person needing Rhus tox.  Outbreaks may be on the face, around the eyes, the genitals, and on the palms in particular.  Vesicles may line up along a scratch and the skin itself may actually look angry.  Similarly, the individual is irritable and his mind is restless.  Resting is of no help; movement and dry, warm air ameliorates.  Aggravations include a warm bed, nighttime, and scratching.


Administer the chosen remedy in the 30th potency three to four times a day, reducing the frequency as symptoms improve.  If a lower potency like 12X or 6X is all you have on hand, you can use it, but you may have to administer more frequently.  If you don’t see even the tiniest bit of improvement after the second or third dose, try the remedy that seems to be the next most likely choice.


Prophylactic use

If you’re one of those people who always seems to get a rash if you’re anywhere near a poison ivy plant, I’ve seen excellent results with the following protocol.  Use four doses of Rhus tox 30 in one day at the onset of the season to help minimize the intensity of the exposure.  This is done one day a week for a month.


So although the suffering from this plant is noteworthy, the solution is always near at hand.

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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