Today is traditionally met by eating too much candy. If that’s already your issue, I’ve previously discussed how to address the effects chocolate can have on your metabolism in Put Down That Chocolate. (more…)
One might think retirement would mean unburdened relaxation — a reward of serenity for a lifetime of hard work and stress.
Perhaps for some. (more…)
We expend a great deal of energy attending to those who need care. It’s only natural.
But who provides care for the caregiver? (more…)
For those of you in my generation, a significant concern is caring for our aging parents. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you probably know that both of my parents have already passed. But I cared for them both. My mother even lived with my husband and me during her final years. (more…)
Yes. There can be too much of a good thing.
A certain amount of the fungus Candida albicans normally inhabits our mouths. It serves a purpose — to help with digestion. However, when an overgrowth of Candida occurs, oral thrush appears! (more…)
As you can imagine, I get loads of questions. Some queries are posted here in the comments; some come through Facebook; some are emailed to my office. I’m just glad they’re not all snail-mailed to me on paper. I’m not that tall. I’d be buried alive! (more…)
In Walt Disney’s film, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” Sneezy was adorable and humorous. In real life, however, excessive sneezing can be embarrassing, unpleasant and sometimes downright distressing. (more…)