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Cheese Pucks

(-From “Secret Spoonfuls. Confessions of a Secret Mom” CD Booklet)


1 cup arrowroot powder

1 cup grated cheese

½ cup butter

1 cup cream cheese

½ tsp salt

½ tsp white or cayenne pepper

Mix arrowroot, salt and pepper; add butter and cheese to form dough. If it is too dry, add more butter; if too wet, add more arrowroot. Roll into a long snake, wrap in wax paper and chill for one hour. Cut into ½ inch rounds. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 5-10 minutes.

These are good hot but remain fresh for weeks, so they are wonderful on trips and for school lunches.


It’s Sunday Morning Pancakes!! Gluten-free Style

In a food processor, blend the following ingredients:

2 cups almond flour

8 free range eggs

1 tablespoon maple syrup

2 teaspoons vanilla

½ teaspoon Celtic salt

½ teaspoon baking soda

Butter a hot griddle or cast iron frying pan and when good and hot, ladle a small amount of batter on to the sizzling surface.   Keep the amount small as these pancakes don’t have gluten, so they don’t have the “glue” to keep them from breaking. Fragile, but delicious!

Load with rich, raw butter and local  maple syrup, then serve with organic bacon and a glass of cold raw milk.  Yum.

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