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Podcast 57 – My Dirty Little Secret

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

August 20th, 2018  |  28 Comments

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Joette Calabrese




01:50    Dirty little secret

08:08    Protecting our family

11:51    Fibromyalgia

15:45    Not to take no for an answer




How I Cured my Fibromyalgia with One Simple Medicine

Rhus Tox 30 or 200

(Symphytum 200 mixed with the Rhus Tox is the Banerji Protocol that I teach now — see Remedy Card below)

Sepia 200 – for motherhood fatigue

Joette:  I have to tell everyone what my dirty secret is?! Okay, well, I think everyone has a little bit of this, but maybe mine is worse.

Kate: You are listening to Podcast Number 57 with Joette Calabrese at practicalhomeopathy.com. Thank you for joining us on today’s podcast as Joette shares her experiences and insights into healing our families with homeopathy. As you just heard in the intro to this podcast, Joette is going to let us in on a little secret. Those of you who know Joette or follow her posts or podcasts might be a little surprised at what she has to share with us today.

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Kate:  So, Joette, you and I are here together today, and we’ve been hashing through some ideas for the podcasts, and what people might want to hear. As we’ve talked, I always have a lot of questions for you, Joette. I could go on and on. But, the thing that intrigued me was — as we were talking — you told me that you have a dirty little secret.

Joette:  Are you going to bring that up today? I have to tell everyone what my dirty secret is?

Kate:  Yes, Joette, you have to tell the world.

Dirty little secret

Joette:  Okay, well, I think everyone has a little bit of this, but maybe mine is worse. I have to admit — I have a temper. Maybe it’s because I’m Sicilian. Sometimes it’s good, but sometimes it’s bad. But I will tell you, it really drives me.

Kate:  I have to interrupt you for a second Joette because I have known you for five years now. (Can you believe that? We’ve known each other for five years.) I have never seen you get upset in the least. I mean I know you’re spunky, but I’ve never seen that side of you. So, this is interesting to me. You know, you got to share more.

Joette:  Well, it’s really all related around my family. You’ve never hurt my family. When it comes to them, I become super protective. I have anger skeletons in my closet. In fact, I have so many of them that they talk to each other and party at night!

Kate:  I’m imagining them dancing around.

Joette:  Yeah, they’re dancing, and the problem is they’re all Sicilian. I think that’s the problem is that this anger comes from this deep-seated desire to take care of the family. I mean, you know all about families in Sicily. But, it has been a problem from time to time. But that’s what’s driven me! It has driven me to such resentment and anger when someone makes a medical mistake or declares something medically regarding one of my family members, and it really gets to my core.

Kate:  That’s understandable. Everyone has that component to their being.

Joette:  Well, yeah, but I’ve actually attacked doctors.

Kate:  Well, what do you mean “attacked,” Joette?

Joette:  Well, not physically. But, I could tell by the look on my father’s face — when I’ve had to practically attack them when my father was around — that he was worried that I might just lunge at them.

Kate:  He was giving you that look like, “Joette …”

Joette:  “Joette, calm down, Honey. Calm down.” I remember one time when my father was in the hospital, and I always stayed with him when he went in. The doctor came, and he said, “We’re going to give you the flu vaccine.” And I said, “No, no, no. My father is not going to get the flu vaccine.” He said, “No, no, it’s our policy to do that.”

I said, “No, no, no. You don’t understand. We have a policy. We have a family policy. My father does not get flu vaccines. End of discussion. Now, if you have a problem with that, I’ll get a cousin who’s an attorney to make it clear to you.” Because they’ve always got these policies and as soon as someone hears policy, they think, “Oh well, maybe I should back off.” No, no, no. You come back — or I’ve always come back — with, “No, I’ve got my own policy. My policy is bigger than your policy.”

Kate:  Yeah, I was going to say …

Joette:  “I hired you pal.”

Kate:  … my policy supersedes your policy.

Joette:  That’s right, that’s right. There was another one. Another doctor came in once and told us about this study that my father could become a part of. He was just trying to get himself published. I know what he was trying to do. He turned to my father. (I could tell that he was a little worried about me. Maybe I had said something before that I didn’t remember, or he could tell by the look on my face and my arms that were folded, and the scowl on my face.) “But he said, “I would like you to be part of this study. Wouldn’t that be a great thing for you to do essentially?”

Before my father could even open his mouth, take a breath, and say anything, I said, “My father is not a lab rat. He will not be part of your study.” And, he backed off. He backed off. He went on to tell us about how important this … “No. He will not be participating in your study.”

So, we have to be like that sometimes. Now, had I thought that my father was going to have to go back to this doctor again and again, I maybe would have softened a little bit. But, I knew he wasn’t going to be seeing this cardiologist again. Because we do have to be careful, they have an awful lot of power — especially if it’s over your children. That’s when you don’t argue, and I’ve talked about this many times before.

So, I’m making it sound like my dirty little secret of having this anger is only mine, but I think that everyone can develop this. I think it’s a good thing to develop. Because if we don’t have a wound that’s rubbed raw, then we won’t come back fighting to protect the rest of the body (or the rest of the person). So, the deeper the wound is rubbed, the more equal on the other end is the anger and resentment and frustration — and even frustration is not a good enough word, as far as I’m concerned — anger and resentment that we have to exert in ourselves in order to come up with the correct solutions.

Kate:  So, if we don’t have that deep “why” within us, then we’re not ready to take those steps that we need to, to be bold, to be protective of our families.

Joette:  Yeah. Had my life been filled with medical successes, had my eczema not been suppressed with steroids, had my asthma not been a result of taking decades of steroids — I mean we could go on and on — had all of those events not occurred in my life, and they were saying this, then I would say, “Wow! Dad, a study! You could be on the leading edge of a study.”

But, I’ve had a lot of experience seeing the medical foibles that were foisted upon my father and myself and my child and my mother, and it goes on and on and on. And I had connected the dots years prior, so that when another dot was being presented to us, I said, “Nuh-uh-uh-uh, no more, no more. We’re done.”

Originally, it was driven by curiosity. “Gee, I wonder if there’s another way to do this?” It goes hand in hand with irreverence. That’s what I’m expressing now is irreverence. Because with irreverence, it fosters an open search for ideas, and then a reverence and respect for life.

So, in a way, you have to build your imagination. Everybody’s got this. You just have to flex it. Imagination is part of the human spirit. It’s the dynamism of the human spirit. So, if you’re trying to build your imagination, you want to imagine that you can take care of many of your family’s ills — maybe not all of them, but how about trying for 50%?

Kate:  So, this is almost like a workout regimen. I mean is that what you’re alluding to?

Protecting our family

Joette:  Yes, you’re flexing your muscles. You know, years ago, I worked with this FBI agent. I found it so fascinating because he taught me about muscle memory. He said that when he went to bed at night, he put his pistol — honest to goodness (I think it was a pistol; I imagine that’s what it was) — that he had on his leg that he wore all day, and he would put it by his bedside in exactly the same place and exactly the same position every single day for years. He was trained to do that so if something happened, all he had to do was reach over and grab it, and his finger went right into the placement, and his hand was holding it in exactly the posture it needed to be held. He said, “It was muscle memory. I just had to do it over and over and over again. After a while, I felt confident that if something came along in my family, if something was a threat because of what I was working on in the FBI, I was able to protect my family.”

Well, you’ve got to have a pistol, first, of your own, so that you can protect your family. After a while when you build that muscle memory, “I can do this,” and then you do it, and then you do it again. It’s not unlike the first time I cured my son of sniffles, I felt alive! “Wow! Look what I just did!” Within two hours — after knowing that a pediatrician would have given an antibiotic that would have kicked the can down the road and cause more trouble later on — I did it in a couple of hours. Holy cow!

Then I cured his strep throat. Oh my gosh! I know what a pediatrician would have said about strep throat. “You got to use antibiotics and the big guns,” so to speak. I don’t mean this to be such a bellicose conversation today about all the anger, pistols.

Kate:  Are you hungry or something today? You’re kind of worked up.

Joette:  Yeah, I think I am. No, I am hungry, as a matter of fact. That’s why I’m talking like this probably. But at any rate, we almost have to stir our anger so that we can get that alpha mother out and onto this theatre, this stage of our lives. Without controversy, as humans, we have no interest in moving forward and examining options.

So, people who live a charmed life and don’t have illness — which is pretty much nonexistent — but if they have mild illnesses, and they trust that the doctor has got the answer, and they take the Tylenol, and the headache goes away. And they have a cyst, and they have it extracted, and then another cyst comes out, now four cysts come up. And then they have not put together all of the strands of understanding that you remove one cyst, and others will pop up later. Or that you treat an illness that’s met with an antibiotic, and you find that there’s another one that shows up shortly after that. If they don’t make that connection, then they just fall for the methods that are handed to everyone.

But, once you realize and make that connection, you sort of can’t help yourself. I urge people to read the book, “Medical Nemesis.” I’m pretty sure it was written by Robert Mendelsohn. We almost have to have drama, we humans, to fan our hostilities and resentments. So, we can say, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What just happened? I can’t believe this happened.” And then we dig and look for the answers. So then, once we start digging and looking for the answers, and we start coming up with a few — maybe just a handful — then that starts to determine our identity.

I mean how do we identify ourselves? Are we someone who’s acquiescent? Who’s passive, and who says, “Yes, Doc. Okay, Doc. Whatever you say,” and believes all that the doctors have to offer? Listen. I’m not saying you throw your doctor off of the ten-story building. I’m saying that you need your doctor to identify conditions. But, don’t for a second believe that that’s the only solution. There are thousands of solutions.

Kate:  Or that he has all the answers, because they can’t possibly.

Joette:  It would be impossible.


Just the other day, there was someone who commented on my blog post. She had commented about the fact that I had cured myself of fibromyalgia. And I had! It was pretty severe. I mean, I was chronic fatigued, and joints were all aching. You’re just touching my tendons, just touching my arm, you push, “Ow. Ow. Ow.” Everything hurt! It was achy. I felt very out of sorts; slept too much. I used Rhus tox. Now, I can’t remember what potency it was. I wrote about it in one of my blog posts. Maybe it was a 200. Maybe it was a 1M. It was long enough ago that I don’t remember.

That is key, mind you. It was long enough ago that I don’t remember. I cured myself of fibromyalgia. And I did it for my aunt. I’ve taught many, many people, and they’ve reported back to me that it has worked.

So, this person wrote and said, “You shouldn’t talk like that. You shouldn’t say on your blog post — and give people false hope — that you cured your fibromyalgia. It must have been some other reason. Maybe you helped some of your symptoms. , fibromyalgia is incurable.”

I thought to myself, “Really? How do you know that? Because what? Somebody told you that or because you haven’t been cured yet?” I would have believed fibromyalgia was incurable because I was told the same thing. But I said, “I’m not going to believe that. I’m going to look further.” And so, I did.

So, I wonder why the person just doesn’t take the Rhus tox. That just confounds me! Oh well, if you’ve had it for all these years and you’ve been told it’s incurable, well, I guess — okay. So that’s what I said on the blog, “Oh, all right. So, I guess you just have to live with your fibromyalgia then. Don’t look anywhere else. Just listen to what you’ve been told and accept it.”

Kate:  Well, the other thing is that some people may think they tried it. It’s not working exactly to the extent that they thought it would, or that it did for you. But you have to remember, there are so many variables: how often are they taking it, what potency? There are so many things that you need to look at. So, you can’t make a blatant statement like that, and say, “It doesn’t work because I did this one thing.”

Joette:  Well, yes and no. Because when we use protocols as I teach them on the blog and in my courses (but I try to give as many away as I can for free on the blog), if you follow the protocols — the right potency, the right frequency — and you have the condition named properly — it is fibromyalgia, right? It’s not a broken arm; it is fibromyalgia — then you will likely have success. It’s when the diagnosis is incorrect — not from your doctor, but that perhaps maybe you have misdiagnosed it. And you didn’t realize that, indeed, it was a broken arm, and it turned out that you were calling it “fibromyalgia” all this time.

Kate:  Or it could be the doctor because that’s one of those things.

Joette:  Could be.

Kate:  I don’t know that they can …

Joette:  Yeah, it’s subjective. No, they can’t. It’s very subjective. Listen. As I’ve said before, my mechanic can’t figure out what’s wrong with my car! He can’t diagnose my car’s problems. How was it that we expect another human being to always understand exactly everything that’s going on in the human body? So, you try, and if it doesn’t act, you try something else. Give it a good shot and try something else if that doesn’t act.

So, I find that very frustrating. But all I can say is as I said on the blog, “Oh, okay.” I don’t even know what to say to someone like that. Really, you don’t get that you should be trying and looking further? Just not sitting back and saying, “Well, I’ve been told …” So, as long as there’s an opportunity to make alternations, and we throw up our hands and we say, “There’s no way,” then we’re never going to get ahead. There’s always a way. Always. Not just in health but in every single concern or problem on earth.

Kate:  I was just listening to someone who was talking about why she was so successful. And she said, “It’s because I learned not to take ‘no’ for an answer. Someone else hears the word ‘no,’ and that’s where they stop. I say, ‘I’m not going to accept that as an answer. Don’t tell me you’re not going to do this or whatever it is,’” and she pursued it. She dove in. She had moxie!

Not to take no for an answer

Joette:  Right. Everyone needs to have had a job in sales. If you haven’t ever had one then you ought to get one, because sales is all about hearing, “No, no, no.” And you keep saying it, “No, no.” And you keep explaining why your product is so great. “No, no, I don’t want it. I’m not interested.”

Then bam! Someone says, “Yes.” Oh, you just made a sale. No one knows about all the “no’s” you had to hear, but you become callous to it after a while. You don’t even hear the word “no.” In fact, if you hear the word “no,” it should get your cockles up and get you thinking, “Oh yeah? I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer!” You don’t have to say that to him, but you think, “That person thinks I can’t do this. I’m going to do it. I’m going to show them and myself — they may never hear from me again — but I know that I can do this.” And it takes that.

Kate:  So Joette, do you think this is something that’s innate in us, or something that we need to learn?

Joette:  Well, I do believe it’s the heartbeat of being a mother. Every quiver of our heart is dedicated to our families. But, I don’t know that everyone recognizes that by going to “the expert” that we can still fight that off — that information that we got. Because it’s only an opinion that this pediatrician or this doctor is giving us. You go to ten more doctors, and I’ll bet you get different answers. But when we are a mother or a grandmother, to be honest, we have no choice. Look to the animal kingdom — minus the animals that eat their young — but besides those … (We’ve all had those days, right?)

But aside from that, if you don’t feel as though you have enough to fight, if you don’t feel as though you’re an alpha mom enough, you probably need a couple of doses of Sepia 200 because you’ve been exhausted by the hormones changing, and too many babies, or too many years of birth control — not too many babies — I mean, having many babies all one after another, or just having had a baby, or having had years of birth control pills. Take a couple of rounds of Sepia 200 for a few weeks. That really gets things up and running again.

Kate:  Right. So, most likely, you get caught in this web of busy-ness and life and kids and stress, and you can’t see clearly.

Joette:  Right. So yeah, you can’t get caught up in the web. You have to parse it out. Think about all the things that we worry about all the time over the last year. Just think about that. Actually, do this: just jot down all the worries that you’ve had and really write them down. I’ll wager that no more than about 2% or 3% were really realized.

If we don’t try, we won’t succeed. It’s important that we realize that a lot of the worrying we mothers engage in is superfluous and never really comes to fruition. So, it’s important to put those aside and start focusing on learning how to take care of your family.

In case you haven’t noticed folks, this is not just about being able to take care of your family’s ills but your mothering style. Our mothering style almost becomes a political statement or more importantly, a human rights movement. It’s about the fundamental dignity of the family.

So maybe my feistiness today has to do with that book by Saul Alinsky, “Rules for Radicals.” Because we can learn even from scoundrels, and he was. His goal was to overturn the American government back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and is still going on today in his political camp. He’s no longer alive, but that is what his goal was. But by learning what radicals do and how they change the political scene, and more importantly, what he taught in his book was how to change your thinking so that you can become a radical.

And in a way, we have to be that way inside of us. We don’t want to go out and picket and hate doctors and modern medicine. We need them to a certain degree from time to time. What we don’t want is a ruling over us in terms of what we can and cannot take care of ourselves, and how we can take over many, many of the ills that come along in our families’ lives on a day-to-day basis.

Kate:  So, be strong, be brave.

Joette:  Yeah, have guts, spunk, and moxie — and pluck. I love that word, “pluck.” And then in the end, it’s all about being radical, baby. Radical!

Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Stitcher, and TuneIn radio.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.




Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


28 thoughts on “Podcast 57 – My Dirty Little Secret”

  1. Lore Murdock says:

    This is awesome! I’ve cured myself of so many things by not accepting “no”. Heavy things: Cancer, eating disorders, lead poisoning, CFS, fibro, on and on and on. From one “pluck” to another, well done!
    Bc if the horrible heavy metal poisoning I had, it gave me hypothyroidism, adrenal f and anemia, low iron, parasites…I took several remedies and the lead and parasites (I took turpentine protocol from Dr. Daniels, too) issues seem mostly abated. Now I’m focusing on my very tight fascia and hypothyroidism, which I found out (thru u) have a connection. I just started taking Rhus to 30 and lycop clav 30 yesterday. I wonder which dose to take and for how long? I’ve been taking them together, 5 each. I still have plenty of fatigue and achiness for now but I hope these will help? I’m also doing stretching, rolling etc for mechanical help. Thanks for your site, I love it.

  2. Lee Reed says:

    I have a medical background, and even working in that world, I trusted my gut. And that saved lives, made lives more comfortable, and made end of life situations less stressful,.Call it moxie, pluck, whatever. Trusting your gut is what I’ve always gone by. I worked with a generation of nurses who did whatever the doctor said, gave their seats at the desk up to them. Me, I researched. I knew that I knew more about my patients than the docs. I never had a problem questioning an order if it wasn’t in the patient’s best interest, if I knew there was a better alternative. Mind you, I wasn’t into more natural options at the time. BUT, I knew that patients on antibiotics needed probiotics (a great nurse practitioner turned me onto to feeding tube feeding patients yogurt). My children ‘knew’ that unless they were dead or dying, they picked themselves up an ‘walked it off’. So even tho I am not Sicilian, I totally get where you are coming from! Even before becoming a nurse, I did not accept the doctors word as ‘gospel’. My time in the medical field just confirmed that. Western medicine is at it’s best in trauma and emergency situations. And I thank God that we have that available. But when it comes to wellness and ‘disease’, there are many more successful options out there. So here’s me cheering you on for sharing your ‘dirty little secret’, because I couldn’t agree with you more!

  3. Margo MacLaren says:

    Ivan Ilich wrote Medical Nemesis. Robert Mendelsohn wrote: How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor (a must-have book for every parent). Thanks Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes. Thanks for the correction.

  4. Lindale Vail says:

    Great podcast and I love your spirit! I told my oncologist at 33 years old in 1981, NO! I will not have a blood transfer after my hysterectomy, I knew how to build up my own blood. To his credit, he said okay, gave me a script for iron pills, and gave me 30 days. I didn’t fill the script and no problem. So grateful, the blood supply was not being tested in 1981.

  5. Linda Vail says:

    Sorry, typo, the name is Linda

  6. Usha Singh says:

    Without diagnosing fibromyalgia without confirmed dose,time,power of drug and duration how can u give a drug.

  7. Nina Bence says:

    Thank you sooo much for your podcasts! I am learning so many useful things. Just started using the homeopathic remedy discussed in your last podcast and finding it very effective! This podcast has helped me be more determined than ever to find a remedy for my daughter… Will start “digging” now. Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Ariam says:

    Thank you Joette! I couldn’t agree more with you. I have experienced all kind Doctor’s of mistakes. Especially here. It is unbelievable! Thank you for sharing.
    Also, you mentioned Sepia. I would like to take it because I’m 50 years old and my sexual desire has changed (almost gone). How can I use Sepia 200c and for how long?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Google my name and the condition or name of the remedy and you’ll find articles/blogs, etc with pretty precise info.

      1. Ariam says:

        Thank you for responding. What do you think about the borion homeopathic brand? Where should I order the homeopathic remedies from?

      2. Ariam says:

        Thank you

  9. sahmpaw says:

    I have fighter in my blood. My great grandmother was a bootlegger during prohibition who chased the authorities out of her house with an axe. She was a widow raising four children in the early 1900s. So I have it in me; I’ve had to use it at the doctor’s office and hospital after being inspired by this movement you’ve started Joette. I’m sure I need to fine tune my spunk, add some finesse to my delivery and lawyer up for the next time. ;o)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You’re funny! I love your delivery.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      You’re funny! ‘Love you’re delivery.

  10. amlarrabee says:

    Joette, I think I speak for us all when I ask, if I’m ever in Florida can I take you out for a cup of tea?! You are a kindred spirit!!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      How lovely! Thanks for the invite. I’m not in FLA at the moment but will be moving into our new home in the next few months.

  11. Go, Joette! I loved this podcast – you have the kind of anger that makes the world a better place! I had the same kind of experience with psychiatrists when my son became depressed, then psychotic. They ALL told me mental illness is “incurable” and that he would need their (idiotic) synthetic drugs and talk therapy for the rest of his life. What a load of BS that was. Instead, I used “Orthomolecular” (nutritional therapy) and have now added homeopathy. (I wrote The Secrets to Real Mental Health” as a guidebook on how to use the orthomolecular approach.) MY son is 100% well and no longer needs the three antipsychotics they were forcing on him. Orthomolecular + Homeopathy are a dynamite combination! And, by the way, the total cost of the allopathic approach to psychosis would have been about $3,000 per month FOR LIFE, just for the drugs. The Orthomolecular treatment cost maybe $500 and his mental health was RESTORED. He has his normal, good life back and his lowest grade in college so far is an A-. “Mentally ill for life,” — my foot!
    Keep up the awesome work, Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes! Its the perfect combo. Good job Linda!

  12. I am Dr.Sadequle Islam DHMS(PDT).Bangladesh.

  13. Dinyar M. Dalal says:

    Hello Joette, First of all this info came in just at the right time. God bless you. I am a 71 yrs old male and have Psoriatic Arthritis, Chronic Lyme Disease, Polymyalgia and few other ailments. I grew up on homeopathy (in India).
    My question is about Extreme Fatigue/Exhaustion which I am going through right now and it started about 3 wks back. Is your suggested remedy Sepia 200 for women Only or for men also?

    I will appreciate your kind help very much.

    Thank you and God bless you.

    Dinyar Dalal

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I published this article that may be of help.


  14. Shaylynne says:

    Hi Joette! Can you direct me on where to find more information for this quote from you in your podcast:

    “Because we do have to be careful, they have an awful lot of power — especially if it’s over your children. That’s when you don’t argue, and I’ve talked about this many times before.”

    I believe this is something I need to learn about while raising my 3 children drug/vaccination free.

    Many thanks,


  15. Dinyar M. Dalal says:

    Thank you Joette. You are the Best. God bless you.

  16. Roz says:

    Hello Joette and team,
    I’ve suddenly found your articles with attached remedy cards no longer have a link when I use my ipad/apple. Is there some change you made software wise that the link only works from laptop (Microsoft)? Thank you for all the education you provide and true wellness information.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Apple has made a change; not us.

  17. Jaime Pearce says:

    Is the protocol for Polymyalgia the same as for fibromyalgia?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      As long as the 2 conditions present with the same general symtpoms, the medicine used for one is usable for the other.

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Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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