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Podcast 112 – Moms with Moxie: When Every Day is Mother’s Day

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

April 25th, 2021  |  7 Comments


Joette Calabrese



03:34    Road of Change

13:17    Homeopathic Medicines Used

27:44    Dr. Dale's ALL FLU

29:09    Tips for Caretakers



Podcast 87 – Moms with Moxie: A “Spouse with Spunk”

Relish: activities for elders with dementia

Best Remedies for Seniors

Joette's free resources

Mindful Homeopathy: Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions

Role Reversal: Taking Care of the Elderly

Podcast 92 — Flu Got You, Too?

Podcast 110 — Moms with Moxie: Eavesdrop on Study Group Friends

My blog, podcasts, Facebook Live events and courses

Gateway to Homeopathy: A Guided Study Group Curriculum



Kate:  This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast Episode Number 112.


Joette:  Joette Calabrese here, folks. I’m happy that you’ve joined me for my podcast today. You’re in for a treat. From my virtual classroom, I’m privileged to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe. Their successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful, and I can’t keep their triumphs a secret. I want you to hear the excitement my students experience, too. So, you can be inspired by their unique stories.


With the help from Kate, my reporter, I bring you a podcast series I call, “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview “Dads with Audacity” or “Teens with Tenacity.” See how regular mothers and others — average folks who love healing those around them — have gone from freaking to fabulous by simply applying what they’ve learned using what I call Practical Homeopathy®.


Kate:  Welcome back to the Practical Homeopathy® podcast. With me today is a dear friend of mine. Welcome, Tracey.


Tracey:  Awww. Thank you, Kate. It’s nice to be with you.


Kate:  Thank you. For those of you who want to get to know more about Tracey, go to Podcast 87, and you can hear her story.


But today we’re going to be talking about something that’s near and dear to our hearts. Tracey and I work together — but not only do we work together, we share a very special bond that was created because of our moms. Tracey, you and I …we live far apart from each other, many, many states apart.


Tracey:  Yes.


Kate:  But Tracey, even though we’ve never met in person, I can honestly say that you’re one of the few people that “gets” me.


Tracey:  I feel the same way. You have been a lifeline for me more often than not. Thank you.


Kate:  Yes, like seriously, like tears are welling up in my eyes as I say that because you’re just so dear to me, and I know that you’re always there to listen when we’re struggling.


I’ll explain to you why that is in just a minute. But to give you a little background, our mothers both had a stroke several weeks apart a little over two years ago. Crazy, right, Tracey?


Tracey:  It was incredible, Kate, because one moment you were keeping me afloat by sending me your care and concern and lifting me up. Then a few weeks later, you were in the same boat. It was surreal. It was surreal.


Kate:  Yes. Right. I mean, that whole time seems surreal in my life. It still kind of does anyway, right?


Tracey:  Yeah. Yeah.


Kate:  Are we living in a dream?


Life has been extremely interesting over the last two years. I know you feel the same way; you're nodding your head right now.


Tracey:  That's one way to put it — extremely interesting.


Kate:  Yes, interesting. To me, this whole thing has made me aware that to live each day to its fullest because you never know when your life is going to change. It’s gut wrenching, and I don't even know how to put it into words. How …


Tracey:  It almost makes it feel like life is fragile. I don't mean that to sound pessimistic. We should be grateful for every day that's going smoothly and well. But things can change in the blink of an eye. So, we have to be appreciative.


Road of Change


Kate:  Right. For both of us and our moms, I know that that has been the road. It's been a road of change daily, just trying to navigate this.


But in case you haven't noticed by now, Tracey and I are going to spend some time talking about what it's like to walk along this road with our moms and to navigate their care. So, we're going to spend this podcast talking about some remedies that have been helpful for us and just some tips about walking down this road in a way that is honoring to our moms and in a way that hopefully is helpful to them physically.


I thought we could start off by giving everyone a sneak peek into our days with our moms — what that's like — and just to help people to understand what that looks like. So, when we talk about the homeopathic medicines, you'll have a little bit of a picture as to what's going on. Tracey, go ahead.


Tracey:  Sounds perfect.


Kate:  Tracey, go ahead and share with us.


Tracey:  Mom lives with us now. After the stroke, it became necessary.


Um, she … Let me back up a little bit and just say that her stroke occurred in her visual cortex. She could still speak. She could still walk. But she was basically blind on one side of her body. From her nose all the way over to the left, she could not see.


Since the stroke, that has reduced into just a small blind spot, but it's not a blind spot she's aware of. Her brain fills it in, but it doesn't fill it in with accurate information always. Sometimes a dog will suddenly appear, and she'll say, “Where did the dog come from?” And it's just, he's been in your blind spot until you get to the right place, and then you're able to see him. You know?


It makes navigation difficult. I think it affects her confidence level — just because she’s uncertain of what she's seeing. So, that was difficult.


That same region that was affected was also what — I had never heard this word before, and it's a brilliant word — it affected her “sequencing.”


I never appreciated what a big thing sequencing is. It's … if I tell you, Kate, “Hey, it's time to go to bed,” you know to go brush your teeth, to put on your pajamas, to pull down your bed covers, to do all of that.


Well, that sequencing is gone.


So, we operate (getting back to your day-to-day questions), we operate on lists. There's a getting up in the morning list: comb your hair; brush your teeth; put on your socks and shoes — just all these different things that have to be done in a sequence to help her along.


In the morning, she's usually pretty good. She can get together her breakfast, which is the same thing every day. Then as we go through the day, a typical day includes a shower. She doesn't do that on her own. I'm in the shower with her helping her sequence through the steps.


Crossword puzzles are a big part of her day. It's no longer really working the puzzle. It's flipping back and finding the answer and filling it in. But it's cute and takes up her time.


She is starting to do jigsaw puzzles. I found this company that has amazing jigsaw puzzles specifically for people who have cognitive decline. It doesn't say that anywhere on the box, so they don't know. But the puzzles are easier, and the pieces are cut in a way that are designed to be helpful. So, she'll do those.


Kate:  Tracey! I didn't even know that existed. My mom likes to do puzzles, too, on occasion, and so you'll have to fill me in after the podcast.


Tracey:  Yes. Well, I suppose I could say it now.


Kate:  Yes.


Tracey:  Yes. The company is called Relish, R-E-L-I-S-H. When you go to their website, they have different … you take a little test with things that are going on for the person, and they'll tell you what stage they suggest. Then they have different stages … different puzzles, excuse me, for different stages. I'm thrilled with them because now she can finally do puzzles, again — jigsaw puzzles.


And we exercise. Mom does Pilates twice a week over Zoom. I assist her with that because she can't … you know, it needs to be a little hands-on and somebody supporting her. I prepare the meals; keep her entertained; keep her on track. It's just kind of a constant thing. Bathroom duties require assistance. So, I'm just kind of her Girl Friday.


Kate:  Yes, right. I don’t know about you …


Tracey:  What is your day?


Kate:  Well, what you just said there, it makes me think about how — do you feel this way, too — that you're on a heightened sense of alertness?


Tracey:  Oh! Yes. Yes.


Kate:  You're always watching and listening for the littlest indication that something is wrong, or they're confused, or pain, or whatever. It's just a constant.


Tracey:  Yes.


Kate:  What is the word I'm looking for?


Tracey:  High alert! That’s what I call it. I am on high alert all the time. It feels like the stress of an air traffic controller all day every day and barely get away from it at night — because I feel responsible. If any little thing happened, I'd never forgive myself. So, you're right. I'm always listening. I'm always trying to read in between the lines.


Kate:  All the signs.


Tracey:  Yes.


Kate:  Well, our day is a little bit different because my mom is actually in a group home. My mom's stroke affected her a little bit differently than your mom's, in that my mom was lying out actually outside in 30-degree weather on cement with a car running right next to her for an hour before they found her.


So, she had her stroke. She fell down and was laying there. Her neighbor, thankfully, found her. They called the paramedics and got her to the hospital.


But it was six hours before they actually removed the blood clot from her brain. Half of her brain was without oxygen for that long, and her body temperature was extremely low. It took several days for it to come back up to a normal temperature.


I think that was a positive thing in a way because it slowed her blood flow down, and it probably saved …


I don't know. Because really, it was a difficult surgery, I guess, to remove the clot. They tried three times.


So, after the surgery, then she was on a ventilator. And then it was every moment was like, “Well, is she going to come off the vent? Is she going to now be able to open her eyes and sit up?” I remember everyday thinking, “Okay, what's the next thing?” You know?


My mom is still, she's in a wheelchair. For the most part, she's paralyzed on the right side of her body. She has aphasia and apraxia, so that means she has problems with speech. She also has problems with sequencing things — kind of like you said — where if you … like, she would know that she wants to pick up a paper. But then to get her brain to tell her hand to do it, and her hand to actually pick up the paper — it doesn't always communicate effectively.


Her speech … she's come a long way in two years, but she's still as I would say, for the most part, nonverbal. She can say things, but it doesn't always come out the right way. I've learned the “yes” that means “no,” and the “yes” that means “yes.”


Tracey:  I understand that.


Kate:  That's where we're talking about always being on high alert. Our days are a little different. I usually go there in the mornings. I help them with anything that she needs done.


We usually have some sort of appointment. Whether it's a virtual speech therapy or in person speech therapy, doctor's appointments, exercise, whatever it is. Because she's still making progress from that stroke two years ago. She's continually improving, even though it's small improvements that she's making at this point.


I will be with her about four to five hours a day, something like that. I do work at her place while she's watching TV or eating lunch or whatever. So, just to be there to monitor her I guess because it seems like there's always a need that she has.


There's been a lot of health things that have come along the way and a lot of pain. Communication, like I said, is hard. So, just having someone there to read when she is in pain. Because I know you feel this way, too, Tracey, right — we're connected to our moms. Like I almost feel like I can … I'm a mind reader! You know? Like we can communicate without saying a word. I can look at her face and know instantly if she's in pain or what's going on.


Tracey:  That's an interesting thing you bring up, Kate, and I'd be more interested to hear more about that. How do you use observation to figure out what she's trying to communicate and can’t?


Kate:  And that's a big part of homeopathy, right? Is observing.


Tracey:  Right!


Kate:  That is the only thing I have. It’s like, when you have a newborn that can't talk yet — you know, a baby, and you're going to use homeopathy. All you have is observation, and that is so critical. We should rely upon that more with people. But I think we kind of skip over that and ask the questions instead of observing first.


Tracey:  That is very true because I think sometimes when I talk to my husband about what he's experiencing to try to narrow down a remedy for him, I'd probably be better off observing. Because sometimes he can't verbalize which kind of pain it is. Is it sharp? Or better for motion, worse for motion? You know, sometimes observation is — you're so right — we should use it more with everyone.


Kate:  Yes.


We've kind of shared a little bit about our days. Let's talk now about the medicines that we've been using with our moms.


Tracey:  Sure.


Kate:  The different situations where we found these medicines useful. If you don't mind, I'll let you talk a little bit about some things that have been important to you.


Homeopathic Medicines Used


Tracey:  Sure. Because I'm dealing with cognitive issues that were triggered by the stroke, but being honest, were also occurring before the stroke. So, there has been a cognitive decline. Just for the listener’s sake, my mom is a lot older than Kate's mom. My mom is about to turn 98. So, you know, with age come these issues.


I found on Joette’s site …  she has an amazing resource called Best Remedies for Seniors. You can find it in the free resource area. Hopefully, there'll be a link to it in the podcast. But one of the first remedies that I started using with mom is Helleborus niger 30, twice daily. That was to slow the progression of the cognitive decline.


And I think it has really worked. It's hard to know because she's been doing that for a couple of years. Where would she have been had I not been doing it? You know, it seems like it's kind of kept it at a fairly steady pace.


Recently, I noticed some more decline occurring. So, I did some more reading. Also, in that article I just mentioned is Anacardium 200, once every two or three days. And I added that to her regimen. That made a huge difference. I'm really pleased with how that's working.


Originally, I was using it every three days, and I could kind of see an ebb and flow of her cognitive ability. I noticed that it was kind of too much of an ebb and flow. So, I narrowed the dosages to every two days instead of every three days, and that's the ticket! It's really helped a lot.


Kate:  Tracey, before we go on, I think it would be helpful for people to understand a little bit more about the Anacardium. Give us a picture of that remedy and why you used it.


Tracey:  First of all, it was introduced also in Joette’s Mindful Homeopathy course as something for dementia. That course is tremendous if you're dealing with any of these kinds of things with a parent. But looking at online materia medica, it's senile dementia, impaired memory, reduction of senses of smell, sight, hearing, absent mindedness, kind of a brain fog. That's really the basic picture — just basically senile dementia. It's made such a difference. I just can't express.


Kate:  Yes, it also says in Robin Murphy's, Alzheimer's disease, which is interesting.


Tracey:  That's interesting. Yes. Okay. Very interesting.


Kate:  Those remedies, you've seen a big change with your mom?


Tracey:  Yes, with the Helleborus, I feel like it kept her from progressing more rapidly into the descent. Descending more rapidly, I probably should say. With the Anacardium, I really saw it pick her up.


The other remedy that is fascinating because I stumbled on it by accident was Mom had somewhat of some bloating and gas, and so I tried Lycopodium. It worked for the bloating and the gas, of course.


The next day, she was more alert. I did some reading on the Lycopodium and discovered that it also helps with diseases of the mind. People that are extremely sensitive, headstrong and kind of obstinate when sick (that was a big one), a loss of self-confidence, failing brain power. It just had all of these things that I hadn't even realized it had, and I discovered it by accident.


About every, I would say probably once a week, once every two weeks, when it seems like she just needs a little pick me up, I'll give her the Lycopodium, and it works for the brain issues as well.


Kate:  That's great. It's wonderful in homeopathy, when you find that medicine. You had a little clue, right? That was the gas and the bloating, and you use that clue to choose a remedy, and that remedy has fixed more than that one issue — which I love that about homeopathy.


Tracey:  I really love that, too! And it was so inspirational because I realized that I haven’t prescribed to Classical Homeopathy. I've never gotten a constitutional remedy or what they do. But it just feels like this encompasses so many things about Mom's personality and what she's going through that this might be her constitutional. You know? At least it is in my mind.


Like you never catch me without Nux vomica.


Kate:  That's because you're overworked, Tracey.


Tracey:  Thank you. Yes, you are right.


Kate:  I think this leads us to another medicine that you can talk about a little bit, but we're probably both living on Nux vomica. For just, I know, we're both up late, burning the candle at both ends, just constantly on high alert like we talked about, exhausted all the time. Nux vomica 200 has been extremely useful for me.


Then what's the other one, Tracey that we always used?


Tracey:  Ignatia, Ignatia, Ignatia!


Kate:  Yes, tell us why?


Tracey:  Just for the emotional upheaval that this causes. I mean, you and I wouldn't be any other place than by our mother's side. This is where we want to be.


Kate:  Absolutely.


Tracey:  But it's hard! It can cause sadness. There's a lot of things that have to fall by the wayside because of what we're doing, and it's sad. There's a grief to it. There's an emotional component to it. Really, you and I, text to each other “Ignatia, Ignatia, Ignatia,” quite often.


Kate:  Right?


Tracey:  It really makes all the difference.


Kate:  It's very helpful. For those of you who are caring for any age person who's going through a difficult time, and you're the caretaker, Ignatia is probably a great one to have. I would add Aconite as well. Then the Nux vomica, of course, because Aconite for shock. There have been so many times where we've had to transport my mom to the ER because of extreme pain that she's having.


Something interesting happens to my mom where, I don't know, we're not 100% certain if it's a seizure. But she just kind of … when she has extreme pain, she shuts down. Like her whole body shuts down. She leans forward, and you can't talk to her. There's just no communication. Then we're left guessing, like, what is going on with her?


So, Aconite and Arnica have been my lifesavers as far as remedies to use for my mom and then myself as well. When my mom gets in those states where she just isn't communicating; she’s shut down; something's going on. The first thing that I do is Arnica 200. That seems to bring her out of it most of the time which has been amazing.


My mom, just like your mom has a team of doctors, from seizure doctors, her regular doctor, speech therapists, all kinds of doctors. Doctor, doctor, doctor.


Tracey:  Yes.


Kate:  I'm not a person who goes to the doctor very often. But I know that my mom is, and so I respect her wishes. But I love — this is something I wanted to share with everyone — I love our team of doctors. All of our doctors are more than happy for us to use homeopathy. I've talked to them about it. They encourage it. My mom's main general practice doctor who actually specializes in geriatrics, she will actually write it down. When my mom was in a nursing home, she would write down, “Give Dorothy this homeopathic medicine two times a day,” because otherwise, they wouldn't administer it, right?


Tracey:  That’s brilliant!


Kate:  I want to encourage you that. I think it's possible to find doctors that are supportive of alternative therapies because I think a lot of them now are coming to realize that they don't want to just add another drug, another drug, another drug. You know?


Tracey:  Absolutely.


Kate:  That we need to have other tools, and so …


Tracey:  Forgive me for interrupting, but I think a lot of us feel like we can't say “no” to doctors. That's something that Joette has really bolstered us on that this is our health care, we can control it.


I've kind of always been that way. So, I agree with you; I've done the same thing. If a doctor does not want to listen to me about alternative or adjunct medicine, then they're not my doctor. I leave and go to another doctor.


Kate:  Exactly.


Tracey:  I've switched doctors. Mom had a cardiologist that I did not like. We switched cardiologists, and I love the new one. And our general practitioner — love him!


So, don't take no for an answer. Find another doctor.


Kate:  Yes, I agree. There are people out there I think that will listen and will be supportive.


Even pharmacists, I know we've talked about this on another podcast. But pharmacists are your friends. You know? They are a great resource. Joette likes to say, “Bake them brownies; bring them treat. Call them later when they're not so busy. Pick their brains.”


I'm thankful to have several pharmacists who I consider to be my friends. They're who I rely on when a doctor does suggest a medicine. I call them up, and I say, “What do you know about this?” (I look it up first, of course.) But then I’ll call them, and I’ll say, “What do you know about this? Have you seen this to be successful?”


Because the pharmacist, really, they're the ones that are prescribing the medications. They have the monthly face-to-face with their customers, and they really know, I think, what's going on with these medications. So, have a pharmacist that's on your team as well. Don't be afraid to talk to them about medications.


As we're navigating this, Tracey, I know you and I are in the same boat where we use homeopathy, and we use other therapies, and we use allopathic medicine. We're trying to navigate this with our moms. I feel like we're doing a great job, Tracey.


Tracey:  I feel like we are, too. I think we deserve a round of applause for each other.


Kate:  I want to encourage those people who are listening that it can be done. Joette likes to talk about getting a diagnosis. I think that is important.


Like with my mom, she's not verbal. I can't tell! Has she had another stroke? Is she just in pain? One time it was a kidney stone that we were dealing with. A lot of things come up like she's dealt with UTIs, constipation. (There it goes that Nux vomica again, although it's in the 30 that you use for the constipation.) Speaking of that, there's a good blog, and it's called Role Reversal: Taking Care of the Elderly.


Tracey:  Yes, that's a very good one.


Kate:  That talks about the UTIs, pneumonia, and constipation, and some other things. If you want a good resource, that's a great one to look up.


Just last night, my mom had, all of a sudden, a big rash pop up on her arm. I used Apis, three doses about 15 to 30 minutes apart, and it took care of the rash. The rash went away overnight. But the itching had stopped by the second dose. She was feeling better and — not totally — so, then I gave her that third dose and went home for the night. I came back in the morning, and the rash was gone.


Tracey:  That’s amazing.


Kate:  Yes, the same thing happened with a something on her leg where all of a sudden, she had a big red, swollen, hot spot on her leg. I don't know. Was it a spider that bit her or cellulitis? Did it rub up against a brace she was wearing? I'm not sure, but that took us a longer time to figure out. We use several different homeopathic medicines for that.


But my point is that we're always dealing with something with our moms, I think. Constantly having to research the appropriate medicines and talk to the pharmacist, talk to our doctors, and try to get an idea of what the picture is that we're dealing with and then choose the right medicine.


Tracey:  Exactly. I'm at least lucky because I can talk to my mom to find out if she's improving — if she's reached “very much better.” I feel for you in having to observe all this strictly yourself. At least mom is verbal and can talk to me.


The coolest thing is mom actually used to go to a homeopath when she was a little girl.


Kate:  Wow!


Tracey:  Yeah. She said instead of going to the doctor, her mom would take her down the street to a homeopath. She was used to this and had just kind of forgotten about it over the years. So, she has no problem taking the remedies and believes in them. So, that's great for me.


Kate:  Well, that's the opposite for me.


Thankfully, again, our doctors are wonderful. They will write things down for the facility to administer to her. It's funny because she will have no problem taking the remedies when they give them to her. But sometimes when I want to give her an additional one for something special, sometimes she fights me on it and doesn't want it. And I have to respect her wishes.


When I asked her how she's feeling, she can get upset, like, “Leave me alone; I don't want to talk about it.” She doesn't say those words, but she gets very grouchy, and she starts shaking her head. And I know I have to stop pushing her.


It is very difficult to determine how those medicines are working or not working. Sometimes, I don't know; I can only judge by if she seems to be in pain or not.


But that leads me to something that I did want to talk about. I know the Banerjis (I've heard Joette say) when there are clients who really have an issue with finances, they will combine some of the medications in one bottle, and the person will take all the medications at one time as a combination.


Tracey:  Right.


Kate:  That's not optimal. But to be honest, that's what I do with my mom twice a day, because I know she'll get them in that way. I have about six things that she's taking daily. They just put them all in one little bowl, and my mom just eats them up. That's the way we have to do it. How do you administer?


Tracey:  I've done that, too. I would like to be able to separate it. It seems easy in theory, but it's not always easy in practice, or I'd be constantly putting something else under her tongue.


Right now, a big thing is trying to keep her hydrated. I want to make sure she's drinking water throughout the day. Sometimes it's easier to just give her things together.


The one thing the Helleborus niger that I was using, originally the recommendation was in liquid form, and so I was using that. But that got a little difficult. I actually got the pills, and the pills seem to be working just as well. So, I think sometimes, even if it's not the optimal way you want to be doing it, just doing it at all is a rescue.


Kate:  Exactly.


Dr. Dale's ALL FLU


Kate:  There was something else I wanted to bring up, Tracey, that I did this past year that seems to have worked.


Tracey:  What's that, Kate? Do share. Do share. I need all the help I can get.


Kate:  Well, I was using Dr. Dale's ALL FLU. I know Joette has mentioned that on another podcast for the flu season. If you come down with a flu, that can be an option. That's a combination medicine. It has a number of different homeopathic remedies for influenza in that medicine. But I gave it to my mom once a week throughout this past virus season. And she has not — in two years since her stroke — she's not come down with any virus.


Tracey:  I'm knocking on wood as you say that.


Kate:  Right. I know. So, I'm thankful. Was it that? Or did she just not come into contact with anything? I don't know. There have been sick people around her.


What's interesting is that all the other residents on her floor — that granted is only three — but they've all tested positive for a “virus” this past year. My mom never did. She never got sick. She never tested positive.


Tracey:  That’s amazing!


Kate:  Yes.


Tracey:  That's a great testimony. Yes.


Kate:  It is.


Tips for Caretakers


Kate:  So, Tracey, what other tips do you have for those people who might be listening to this podcast for caretakers?


Tracey:  I think you said it earlier that it's doable. We can do this! Just remember that and to take care of ourselves.


Everybody says that. We all nod and say, “Yeah, that's right.” And then we don't do it because it just seems like there's not enough time in the day. But that's where homeopathy has come in for me because I honestly don't think I'd be standing upright if it weren't for Nux vomica and Ignatia. They've really bolstered me. Just the anxiety that Ignatia has helped defray has been amazing.


So, you can do this. If you have a parent that something happens to, you can do it. You can do it better than anyone else can. Like you said, because you and I have a bond with our mothers, we can kind of read minds.


This is doable, especially with homeopathy.


Kate:  You said it, Tracey. Yes, I agree. I couldn't have done this without homeopathy for sure. I'm grateful for the tools that we have. Thank you for sharing all your tips for caretaking with us, Tracey.


Tracey:  Thank you for sharing yours, too, because I always learn from you. That's kind of awesome.


Kate:  Yes, find a partner that's in this with you that can support you and you can bounce things off of. If you're not in a study group, that's a great way to find someone to share these things with. I've just made the most amazing friends in the study groups. As you might have heard a couple podcasts ago, we had some of our study group friends on there.


Tracey:  That was one of my favorite podcasts. That was just so inspiring. Yeah, it was great.


Kate:  Yes.


Tracey:  You're so right, having somebody to bounce ideas off of is perfect. Listen, at our age, this is starting to happen to all of our friends. Everyone's going to be dealing with this. So, we all need to support each other.


Kate:  Right. Exactly. Thank you, Tracey.


Tracey:  Thank you, Kate.


Joette:  As I hope you know by now, on my blog, podcasts and Facebook Live, I offer as many protocols for simple conditions as I can — for free, without affiliates or advertising.


But let me be clear. When it comes to more complex conditions, it’s key that you learn how to use these medicines properly. I want you to be well-trained. So, I save discussions of the more involved methods for my courses in which I walk students through each method with step-by-step training.


In these podcasts, I focus on those students of mine who have already tunneled in and learned how to take care of themselves, family, friends, and pets, and even livestock using homeopathic medicine. Many of these students began their education by participating in one of my Gateway to Homeopathy study groups. And now, after taking one or more of my courses, they’re well-trained to use my specific brand of homeopathy.


I hope listening to this podcast has inspired you to follow in their footsteps. With the proper training, you, too, can nurture and protect the health of your family and loved ones with Practical Homeopathy®.


Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Pandora, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify, and iHeartRadio.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.


These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.



Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


7 thoughts on “Podcast 112 – Moms with Moxie: When Every Day is Mother’s Day”

  1. M. says:

    Oh, Kate and Tracey, THANK you so much for this podcast. The love y’all have for your moms comes through. I find this most encouraging and uplifitn, when so many today would whine about being put out by such difficulties that y’all face. I am sure it is not an easy road to travel, but it sounds as though y’all are traveling with grace.

    I’d like to say, “Two thumbs up” for Ignatia. I found that lovely remedy when my much-younger sister was in hospice. I knew I had to stay level-headed for Ro, as the hospice team was doing such a great job. I did NOT want to lash out at them or cry my eyes out every day. Ignatia is my new best friend!

    Again, Ladies, thank you for this inspiring podcast. It is one of the best. God bless, y’all!

  2. Cynthia says:

    Excellent post, as always very informative, thank you.
    I have a question, please:
    I have been giving my mom Baryta Carb for almost a month and noticed that it started to make a difference. I cannot give her the pills directly in the mouth as I used to, so I put a few pellets in a bottle of water that she sips through the day.
    While this helps, there are also other symptoms that come up a few times a day which Baryta does not address: She forgets who I am and thinks that she is dealing with a totally different person, such as a man, and it seems that Anacadium would help. And she has times where she cries during the day without any reason, in this case it seems that Ignatia would help.
    Since she is taking Baryta in 12c, should I give her the two other medicines as well, and in 30 or 200? Thank you in advance for your response.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I urge you to take my online course Mindful Homeopathy where you’ll learn not only which medicines to consider, the correct potency, frequency as well as the all-important subject of case management.

  3. B Maxwell says:

    A friend of mine had a stroke a week ago (4/30/22) at 39 yrs old. They were able to remove the clot from the brain about two to three hours after the stroke (she did not get the C-jab. Her physical abilities are coming back a lot faster than her speech. I noticed in repertorizing that lachesis and causticum keep coming up with stroke and speech issues. I wondered if it would be wise to start with a dose or two of 200 in one of these remedies and continue with 30c twice daily for a couple weeks to see if speech returns more rapidly. I’m having a hard time deciding which remedy to start with, since the stroke was on the left side of the brain, affecting the right side of the body – lachesis is a “left-side” remedy. Do I count the clot on the left as a left-side problem, or the semi-paralysis on the right as a right-side problem? Causticum fits a few of her issues, and in one place I saw it mentioned as a right-side remedy. I wonder if she could benefit from taking both. She is a busy mom of 6, and pregnant with her 7th, and they want her to be able to communicate and to recover quickly, of course. (Unfortunately I don’t have the time or the budget to take the “Mindful” course, and not even sure if it covers this issue. I have the GGBG course, but have not started it yet.) Any ideas?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      We use the symptoms that present as the most telling condition. That would mean it’s not nearly as useful to know which side of the brain a condition originates but rather what/where the symptoms reside.

      1. B Maxwell says:

        And for speech? Lachesis and Causticum are both indicated. As far as I have researched, both seem to equally fit, other than the fact that she does still have some sluggishness on her right side. But slow/sluggish/difficulty with speech is the main symptom. Searching for this online doesn’t find me much of anything helpful. Start with causticum and see if it helps? Give it… a couple days? weeks? This is one of those tricky areas – she improves daily without a homeopathic for speech right now, though slowly, so improvement here could be hard to judge. The question (after starting a remedy) will be – is it from the homeopathy or just happening because she is recovering?

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

          What you’re describing is the complexity of case management; something that I teach at length in my Academy of Practical Homeopathy and in part in many of my online courses.

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