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Welcome to Good Gut, Bad Gut Syllabus



By the completion of the GGBG course, the student will come away with not only an overview, which is necessary to use homeopathy effectively, but  specific strategies for each condition covered.  The protocols  taught in this course are unlike any other methods used in the U.S. and Europe because they are distilled  to simplify an otherwise complex method. Joette uses the Banerji Protocols to give the astute student near immediate skill, bypassing years of homeopathic study.

Webinar 1:

  • Our problems are not as unique as we think
  • What causes a ‘bad gut’- problems with antibiotics, vaccines, drugs, suppression, bad diet and environmental toxins
  • General rules for using homeopathic remedies
  • Observation according to homeopathic theory: asking questions and taking note of symptoms that the patient might not notice or realize
  • Pacing of chronics vs. acutes and measure in degrees of changes
  • The connection between the health of the gut and the rest of the body
  • Diet alone is often not enough
  • Treating acutes to prevent chronics, dealing with chronics once they’ve  set in
  • Obstacles to cure
  • Questions

Webinar 2:

  • How to take a case
  • Age-specific Banerji Protocols
  • Thoughts on the role of diet and other lifestyle factors
  • How to integrate the remedies to represent the person
  • Intro to nosodes
  • Some cases
  • Questions
  • Protocols covered:

o   Opening a case

o   Colic

o   Excessive crying

o   Teething

o   General food allergies

o   < sugar

o   < junk food

o   Reflux

o   Abdominal pain in children

o   Off in physical growth

o   Delayed milestones- mental or physical

o   Gastro with palpitations

o   Anticipatory anxiety

o   Eczema

o   Acne vulgaris

o   Teenage acne

o   Temper tantrums

o   Hypersensitivity, ADD, restlessness and autism

o   Morning sickness

o   Nursing mothers

o   Improving vitality and nutrient absorption in the elderly

o   Alzheimer’s, dementia

o   Anaphylaxis

o   Using homeopathy to treat emotions, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders

Webinar 3:

  • More pathology-specific Banerji Protocols and how they are laid out-prioritizing and combining
  • Cases
  • Reviewing questions and complex scenarios
  • Protocols covered;

o   Dysmenorrhea

o   Infertility

o   Mastitis

o   Irregular menses

o   Clearing a miscarriage

o   Anemia

o   Menopause

o   Hot flashes

o   Low libido, infertility or poor sperm quality

o   Headaches with nausea

o   Headaches-migraines

o   Colitis, ulcerative

o   Regurgitation

o   Burning in chest/throat after eating

o   Vomiting and poor appetite

o   Nausea, vomiting or gagging

o   Failure to thrive-to improve immunity

o   Failure to thrive-marasmus

o   Irritable bowel

o   Bad stool with rumbling

o   Hard stool

o   Prolapse with pain

o   Loose stool, gas and acidity

o   Constipation and bleeding and pain

o   Diarrhea

o   Parasites

o   Interstitial cystitis, UTIs

o   Bladder, kidney and cystitis with a temperature

o   Bladder, kidney and cystitis with dysuria

o   Candida glossitis

o   Skin rashes (in general)

o   Depression and feeling overwhelmed

o   Alopecia

Webinar 4:

  • More pathology-specific Banerji Protocols
  • More cases
  • Reviewing questions and complex scenarios
  • Ordering from OHM Pharma
  • Administration, dosing, antidoting
  • Protocols covered:

o   Colic

o   Food sensitivities

o   Crohn’s

o   Chronic fatigue

o   Indigestion, heartburn, bloating, gas

o   Gastro-related food intolerance

o   Undigested food in stool

o   Fungus infection

o   Peptic ulcer

o   Nausea

o   Fistula ano

o   Anal pain in general

o   Shingles

o   Diverticulitis

o   Panic attacks, anxiety

o   Dry, cracked skin

o   Pain from ovarian cysts

Webinar 5 (An Extra Scoop)

  • An examination of cases from Class 3 that were skipped
  • Some additional new cases
  • Questions answered
  • Protocols covered:

o   Bedwetting

o   Yeast/fungus

o   ADD

o   Protocols from webinar 3

o   Low thyroid

o   Food allergies

o   Severe constipation

o   Asthma

  • You’re doing it yourself!

It is no longer necessary to undertake years of classroom study and countless hours of clinical practice for you to master a health strategy that is both safe and effective in treating CHRONIC and ACUTE GUT ISSUES. I am swinging open the doors to reveal a proven system I have used in raising my kids… literally taking your hand in mine to show you my methods, and answer your questions. Find out more about my most popular course: Good Gut, Bad Gut: A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mindhttp://courses.joettecalabrese.com/goodgutbadgut

If you are interested in learning more… watch this short 9 minute informative video.  Click Here.



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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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