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Sickening Summer: Count on Homeopathy Part 1


Watch out! Heat can be a monster.

Our global neighbors in India have been dealing with devastatingly extreme heat this summer.

As of June 1, 2,330 people have died from heat-related illnesses in India as the country waits for monsoon rains. Temperatures as high as 118 degrees Fahrenheit were recorded in Indian cities in early June.

I recently spoke to an ER doctor in the U.S. who saw five patients in one shift so far this summer, each suffering from heat exhaustion. The ages of those patients ranged from a healthy teenager who spent too much time on the beach to an active 50-something who pushed himself too hard during a 5K race.

When you’re not hydrating properly throughout the heat, you may pay the price, my friend — regardless of how healthy or fit you are. (And no, I’m still not promoting Gatorade or other imitation sports drinks! Refer to my post on the best sports drink you can have on hand.)

But, never fear! (more…)

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