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Stomach And Gastro-Intestinal Ailments

Gastro-intestinal disorders can sometimes be relieved by simple kitchen cupboard methods.

Indigestion, for example, can be quickly eliminated with a teaspoon or more of baking soda in 4 ounces of water to which the juice of 1/2 lemon is added.

Often raw vinegar can be the catalyst for relief when a splash of it is added to 4 ounces of water.

When using homeopathics it is useful to know that the remedy doesn’t have to be digested to be effective; it just needs to be dissolved in the mouth.

Three Leading Remedies for Gastro-Intestinal Complaints

1.) Arsenicum album

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Exhausted by illness
  • Restless, changing position
  • Anxious about illness and being alone
  • Fears illness could be fatal
  • Very thirsty
  • May be fever
  • Often chilly and craves being under blankets
  • Worse at night
  • Drinking even a little causes vomiting
  • Cramping in abdomen
  • External warmth is soothing
  • Burning in rectum from diarrhea
  • Good for food poisoning

2.) Nux vomica

  • Use when illness brought on by stress or over-indulgence
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Dry retching
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Worse in morning
  • Bloating
  • Gassiness
  • Desires vomiting for relief
  • Urge for bowel movement with little excretion

3.) Sulphur

  • Complete loss of, or excessive, appetite
  • Food tastes too salty
  • Drinks much, eats little
  • Desire for sweets
  • Weak and faint about 11 AM
  • Water fills patient
  • Abdomen sensitive to pressure
  • Internal feeling of rawness or soreness
  • Abdominal movements as of something alive
  • Morning diarrhea drives patient out of bed

Other Remedies to Learn and Consider for Further Study:

1.) Veratrum album

  • Violent and voluminous diarrhea with vomiting, may be simultaneously
  • Watery stools with greenish color
  • Cramps in abdomen relieved by diarrhea
  • Motion aggravates
  • Chilly
  • Very weak
  • Very thirsty for cold water

2.) Aloe

  • Aversion to meat
  • Flatulence after eating
  • Nausea with headache
  • Pain around navel, worse with pressure
  • Abdomen is full and heavy, hot and bloated
  • Weak feeling as if diarrhea will come on
  • Stool passes without effort
  • Constipation pressure in lower abdomen

3.) China

  • Vomiting of undigested food
  • Slow digestion
  • Hungry and longing for food which stays undigested
  • Flatulence
  • Belching of bitter fluid with no relief
  • Worse eating fruit
  • Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen

4.) Phosphorus

  • Much vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Restlessness
  • Thirsty for cold drinks
  • Better to use Arsenicum first unless vomiting triggered by smallest amount of liquid
  • Warm water immediately aggravates
  • Weakness in abdomen
  • Feels hungry
  • Involuntary stools

5.) Pulsatilla

  • Symptoms from poor diet or excess of rich foods
  • Look also for general symptoms of remedy
  • Symptoms not too severe
  • Heartburn
  • Heaviness after eating
  • Coated tongue
  • Cold drinks relieve

6.) Ipecac

  • Extreme nausea possibly with no diarrhea
  • After vomiting, still no relief
  • Not that ill, but maybe a fever and weakness
  • May be caused by excessive eating
  • Vomiting can be almost nonstop
  • Pains in abdomen
  • Lots of gas
  • Green stool

7.) Bryonia

  • Digestive symptoms are aggravated by motion
  • Small amounts of liquid may cause vomiting
  • Pressure on abdomen helps
  • Diarrhea worse after waking
  • Desires to be still

8.) Podophyllum – this remedy is not commonly found in remedy kits and is of immeasurable value during a bout of severe diarrhea. It would be prudent to purchase it separately to keep in your stock.

  • Common for diarrhea
  • Frequent and voluminous diarrhea
  • Completely liquid stools
  • Sometimes with headache
  • Vomiting seldom accompanies the diarrhea

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