Is this eczema resolved or is it suppressed? This is an important distinction that is not considered in modern medicine. In homeopathy, however, it is a critical one. Homeopathy approaches health from a different position than modern medicine does. It sees the use of drugs as an impediment to the well being of the human.
When a drug, such as cortisone or other creams, is applied, the pathology still remains and only the outer experience or appearance is addressed. However, the disease not only remains, but is driven deeper into the essence of the person. In other words, the illness isn’t cured; it becomes subterranean.
On a practical level, what does this mean? Well, it is no mystery that eczema and asthma are keenly connected. They are both pathologies of epithelial cells that have been exposed to outside elements. Hence, the skin and lungs are not only similar, but are mirror representations of each other. So, when cortisone, or the like, is applied to the skin, eczema recedes after a time and lung issues, such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. often appear. This means that when we suppress an illness on the skin, we’re trading it for a disease of the lungs that can be life threatening. The trade is a less serious illness for a more sobering one. Not a sound choice.
In the world of homeopathy with its proven laws of health, the homeopath works to assist the person’s ability to resolve the illness with a gentle stimulus from the remedy. Instead of slamming the sufferer with a new more potent illness, the remedy gently nudges the sufferer’s ability to resolve the pathology on his/her own.
Consider the woman who had been suffering from eczema that included cracking of the skin, relentless itching at night and inability to use her hands for her daily work. The reason she chose homeopathy was because it had worked so well for her children and husband for other illnesses. This eruption wasn’t resolved in very short order. In fact, it took months. However, during that period of time, other areas of discomfort were also resolved.
The remedy chosen for this undeniable transformation was Mezerium. It is specific for eruptions in a “stocking-glove” distribution on hands and feet. It relates to skin that is cracking and even patterned in a geometric fashion. There can also be corresponding pain in the bones. There is a sensitivity to touch with anxiety and irritability as common concomitants.
Until her hands were cleared, the young mother used nothing over the counter or prescribed. For centuries, homeopaths have known that the only acceptable thing to go on the skin is from the kitchen. That is, if the product can’t be fully eaten, it does not belong on the skin. Lard, unsalted butter, plain yogurt, coconut oil and olive oil are examples of acceptable skin creams. Unpronounceable ingredients don’t belong inor on our body.
All skin difficulties, such as eczema, psoriasis, warts, acne and the like are outward pathologies that represent the inner health of the person. If driven inward, it has been shown that the pathology will become a more profound infirmity. Hence, eczema that is suppressed with drugs of commerce may inspire asthma to follow.
For true skin and subterranean health, choose homeopathy. It is not superficial or of questionable safety. Indeed, it offers the vigor of clear, glowing skin that everyone deserves.
Traveling by plane soon? Don’t let jet lag put a damper on your long-awaited vacation or family gathering.
I like to recommend the following protocol to my clients and students. It’s worked wonders for them, so pack your bags and take these remedies along.
The trick is to combine the following 5 remedies together in about 4 ounces of water. One sip (approximately 1 tsp.), every 2-3 hours upon arrival of your destination, is the way this little combo remedy is taken.
Here it is:
Arnica 6x
Cocculus 6x
Kali phos 6x
Nux vomica 6x
Passiflora 6x
If you don’t have these remedies in a 6x potency, you can use 12 x or 12 c as well as 30x or 30c potencies for all of them except for Kali phos. Kali phos should only be used in the 6x or 6c potency for this protocol.
If you are unable to obtain all of these remedies, at least use Arnica, Kali phos and Passiflora.
I confidently wish you “Bon Voyage!”
This protocol is solely intended to provide a format in assisting the student in learning the principals of Homeopathy. It is in no way to be considered a substitute for a consultation with a health professional
This lovely recipe is based on the flourless cakes that have become so popular in high-end restaurants. (See my Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Recipe below!) It is rich, satisfying and doesn’t seem like a substitute cake at all. It’s become my family’s favorite birthday cake.
The main ingredient may surprise you.
Here's what you do:
Soak 2 cups dry of white beans overnight in double the amount of water.
Next day, rinse well and cook until tender.
(You might have a little more than 2 cups once they’ve been hydrated and cooked, but only use 2 cups.)
Cool to room temperature and add the following to a food processor and puree well:
Puree again
Pour into spring form pan, lined with unbleached parchment paper, well oiled with butter or coconut oil.
Bake at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes. I like to check to see if it's done by inserting a toothpick into the middle. If it comes out mostly clean, it's done.
(Cupcakes take about 20-22 minutes)
Chocolate Butter Cream Frosting
In a food processor add the following:
When the cake has fully cooled, smooth on the frosting. Keep refrigerated.
It’s that time of year when our lives are in full swing. Each day is packed with dance classes, soccer practices, weekend activities, grocery shopping, oh! The list goes on and on.
We end up following the daily planner to the “T” just to be sure that everything gets done.
If you’re like me, marking your calendar with the remedies you and your family might, need keeps life a bit more tidy.
One way to be sure that we take our homeopathic remedies, is to carry them along with us; they are great for on-the-go!
A fabulous purse, utilitarian back pack or diaper bag…..these all work just fine.
Carry them either as dry pills or in water. I like to put my cell salts in a glass water bottle, label it and take it with me. That way, if it’s in the car, at school, or out shopping, I can always have my remedy handy, if needed.
The one I usually take along is Calc fluor 6x. It’s great for strengthening teeth, keeping wrinkles from forming and nails hard.
How do you keep your remedies close by?
Kvass. It might be new to the store shelves, but it’s actually an age-old beverage, hailing from Russia and it’s lip-smacking good.
Years ago, I discovered Kvass (Russian for “leaven”) and it definitely raises the bar. Here’s a drink that takes the simplest ingredients and transforms them into a refreshing drink, but what’s more, a healing elixir, too. All starting with bread and water, or beets and salt.
With a simple fermentation process involving sourdough or sourdough rye bread, glucuronic acid is produced. If you’ve never hear of this-don’t worry. All you need to know is that your liver makes this acid, too. It gathers up toxins and poisons and evicts them from your body.
So, after a glass of Kvass, your body gets a boost of glucuronic acid and can really accelerate the detoxification process.
It’s typically flavored with fruits, such as apples and raspberries or vegetables like beets. I highly recommend you add it to your shopping list or better yet-make it yourself and follow in ancient footsteps when you craft and enjoy this detoxifying drink.
To our health! Or as the Russians say, “На здоровье!”
Here’s a great recipe to try from Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions (page 595):
You’ll need:
4-5 slices whole grain sourdough bread
2 quarts filtered water
¼ cup whey
2 teaspoons sea salt
½ cup raisins
2 apples, peeled and quartered
“Place bread in warm oven until dried out. Place in a large bowl. Bring water to a boil and pour over bread. Let cool before adding sale and whey. Cover and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. Remove bread and strain into a 2-quart container. Add raisins and apples, cover tightly and store in refrigerator for about 1 month before drinking. Kvass is ready when the fruit floats-a sign that sufficient lactic acid has been produced.”
Sodium Fluoride, Triclosan (a pesticide according to the EPA!), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Propylene Glycol.
These are the common ingredients in your tube of toothpaste. None of them are good for you, your gums, your liver or your pearly whites.
Lately, I’ve received inquiries from folks who are looking for effective and safe toothpastes to use while taking their remedies.
Let me share with you what I personally use and what anyone else can try!
Not only is this toothpaste safe to take when using homeopathic remedies (remember, mint can be an antidote to homeopathic remedies), it is also far safer for the entire body than most products on the market today.
And it's inexpensive to boot! I also like the idea that moms can make these kinds of products at home with their children in order to teach them the importance of self reliance.
Here’s what you do:
Mix together the following ingredients:
I keep my toothpowder in a pretty porcelain cup.
To use this mixture, just wet your brush and dip it into the toothpowder. In essence, you are cleaning the brush; the mechanics of the brush are what really clean your teeth.
Important note: Because baking soda is an abrasive, using too much can be detrimental, so a very little goes a long way. If you have too much powder on your brush it can be too abrasive and remove the dentin.
With 1 in 133 in the U.S. affected with celiac disease[1], it’s not too surprising that gluten-free diets are popular these days. But people with Celiac’s disease aren’t the only ones who benefit from gluten-free fare. Did you know, it’s been estimated that 97% of Americans who have Celiac’s disease are not diagnosed?[2]
Many people are completely unaware that they have gluten intolerances and end up experiencing years of discomfort (in mild cases) and much worse, in others.
I like to challenge many of my clients to go gluten free for 30 days and find out whether or not gluten is the culprit responsible for their health dilemmas.
Why don’t you take the challenge, too?
In the process, you’ll discover new ways to make old favorites as well as creative alternatives. Perhaps you’ll realize that you’re better off gluten, as many already have.
Let me get you started! Check out my gluten-free pancakes and banana bread recipes. Or how about pizza with an almond flour crust? A simple bread or a festive almond cranberry loaf are good options, too.