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How Safe Are Homeopathic Remedies?

Here’s a little exchange I had recently with a reader via our facebook site.  I think it’s a helpful illustration of the safety of homeopathic remedies.


Q: Based on what I learned from your webinar, I recently used Chamomilla with great success on my grandson.  My daughter was curious about the remedy so she looked it up on the internet.  She read that Chamomilla is a blood thinner.  Should we be concerned by this?


A:   What your daughter likely found on the internet was information regarding chamomile, the herb.   Homeopathic remedies can be made from herbs but utilize a special process that renders the original substance relatively safe.   The potency or dilution process as well as the frequency of dosing is what determines the safety. When used in the common potencies such as 30x or 30c (available at health food stores and in our office) and when used as directed,  homeopathic remedies are one of the safest forms of medicine on the market.   The unique dilution process eliminates toxicity and brings forth the curative aspect of the original substance from which it's made.  There is nothing in these 30th potencies that should cause any concern as long as they are used according to the directions.


Further, Chamomilla acts as a blood thinner only in those whose blood needs thinning.  In the same way, it will only work for teething problems when teething problems are present.  Remedies don’t force a pathology like drugs.  They simply stimulate the body’s ability to make things right.


Remedies are prepared from benign as well as noxious substances.  During the dilution and succession process, the toxicity is actually reversed and the substance becomes restorative.  For example, if exposure to poison ivy causes a painful rash, poison ivy made into a homeopathically prepared remedy can help someone suffering with the same symptoms.  Hence it would be considered for chicken pox.


Chemically speaking, once we move past a 12C dilution, there is only a nano amount of the original substance that remains in the remedy.  Even if we begin with something toxic like poison ivy, once diluted and potentized, its toxicity is eliminated.  That is the great mystery of chemistry.


In all of homeopathy’s 200-plus years of medical history, not a single remedy (all of which are regulated by the FDA, by the way) has been taken off the market.  I’ll bet the drug companies wish they could say that!


Be bold in taking charge of your family’s health, but rest assured that homeopathic remedies are safe when administered properly.  If you are already using homeopathy at home, you’re on the right track.  I encourage you to take advantage of the resources we offer at homeopathyworks.net to help you develop confidence in your ability to treat the illness that are bound to come your way.  Yearn to learn.


Handle Fevers with Homeopathy, Not Drugs


As a parent, is there anything more frightening than a young child with a high fever? Even those of us who have decided to raise our children without the use of drugs could find our resolve weakening without proper preparation in the face of a thermometer reading north of 103⁰. Before you grab the Tylenol, take the time to memorize these three fever remedies.


This is the whole point of my recently introduced system How to Raise a Drug Free Family. We owe it to our families to learn this stuff now, before the fever hits or the flu appears.


Here’s my easy to remember ABC guide to treating fevers with homeopathy:


A) Aconitum 30: This remedy is useful for a fever with quick onset. In contrast to an illness that develops over several days, fevers that can be helped with Aconitum are suddenly high. However, if you don’t catch the fever within the first 12 hours of illness, don’t bother with this remedy. It won’t be the correct choice at that point.


B) Belladonna 30: If the fever is very high, think Belladonna. The child’s face might be flushed bright red from the heat and his eyes may be glassy with dilated pupils. He may even appear delirious.


C) Chamomilla 30: Chamomilla is an extremely useful remedy for fevers accompanying teething. The child who needs Chamomilla is fractious, unable to be comforted, and irritable. He may beg to be picked up, but then demand to be put down again. If you see a child arching his back in frustration while being held, this is a good indication that Chamomilla is the remedy required.


Give a dose of your chosen remedy every 3 hours up to 4 doses and stop as soon as there’s improvement. If your child falls asleep, that’s a great sign that you’ve probably selected the proper remedy. If the fever has returned when he awakens, then continue using that same remedy.


If you’ve selected correctly, you’ll witness a thing of beauty.  Remember, we’re really not treating a fever; we’re just using the characteristics of it to help us determine the remedy that needs to be used to treat the child as a whole.


The fever will inadvertently melt away, but more importantly, the child will be well—most noticeably in his demeanor.  If you don’t see this occur, then you've chosen incorrectly or not used the correct procedure because homeopathy ALWAYS works when the remedy is right on.  There you have it!  Now you’re a fever expert.



Just a gentle reminder that if you find this kind of information useful , then consider studying with a select group of mothers and others in my year long system;  How to Raise a Drug Free Family. I promise you’ll love what you and your family will get out of this. 

Try These Homeopathic Alternatives to Popular Drugs

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Thanks to each of you who joined me on my first, free webinar called, “The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health.” We had a great turnout and I hope that many mothers (and others!) are encouraged to give homeopathy a try in their own homes.


In case you weren’t able to attend, I’d like to share some easy remedy suggestions that you can administer for popular pathologies, instead of resorting to over-the-counter meds, antibiotics and all the other drugs that you’re advised by the medical establishment to use.


THIS is how you set your purpose into motion.  This is how you reclaim your God-given right to take care of your children.


This is how you can easily create a home setting where you’ll be prepared for anything. Don’t wait until it happens; learn this stuff now.

  • Rhus tox instead of Tylenol for chicken pox
  • Belladonna instead of acetaminophen for fevers over 104°
  • Hypericum instead of Vicodin for dental work
  • Chamomilla or Belladonna instead of codeine for ear infections
  • Arnica instead of Ibuprofen for strains, sprains and injuries in general
  • Coffea instead of Lunesta for insomnia
  • Aurum instead of Zoloft for mild depression
  • Staphysagria or Cantharis instead of antibiotics for UTI’s
  • Nux vomica or Arsenicum album instead of Imodium or Xifaxin for diarrhea


With the right tools, you’ll be well prepared for the typical illnesses that most families face.


Homeopathic remedies are the best tools we have; you and your family deserve nothing less!

If you’d like to learn more about raising your family without drugs, consider joining me and other moms throughout the world for my first, year-long webinar course, “The How to Raise a Drug Free Family System.” Check out more details here!

Can You Raise Your Family Without Drugs?

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Photo courtesy of www.wopular.com

I can’t imagine what my life would be like without homeopathy. It has changed my life, and the lives of my entire family, too.

Years ago, I thought antibiotics were appropriate simply because my doctor said they were. I fell for immunotherapy and my allergies were driven to a deeper, more entrenched state. I firmly believed the falsehood that drugs, meds and medicaments were irrefutably valuable.

To think of the poor choices I made all of those years irritates me to this day.  But, instead of getting caught up with my mistakes, let me share with you how I overcame them.

(By the way, if you’ve made similar blunders, you can overcome them, too!)

Instead of using drugs, my foremost medicines have long been homeopathy and nutrient dense foods. Thanks to this bold resolution, my family and I took a colossal leap into robust health.  And we’ve never turned back.

I never doled out a single drug to my family; not a Tylenol capsule, not a spoonful of Benadryl and no antibiotics.

Zip, nada, zilch!

Does this sound impossible?

Well, it would be impossible without the correct tools, knowledge and motivation.

That’s why I have organized a FREE webinar called The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health.

Over the years, my clients and students have shared with me their mistakes and I’ve noted what the most popular errors have been. Many of them are made repeatedly by both parents and grandparents alike.

Some of these 5 blunders are grave, but others are minor.

Recognizing our mistakes is one thing – correcting them is another.

How did I correct my blunders?  By using intelligent methods coupled with pig-headed determination.

And that’s what you can use, too. A knowledgeable mom can aptly deal with much of what faces her family’s health. There are methods you can employ today that will help you safely uproot illness instead of just covering it up with drugs. It takes perseverance and persistence, but really, what is more important than the health of our families?

I know you have the motivation already, so let me provide you with the correct tools and knowledge that took me decades to “get”.

I’ll get you started with my Free Webinar, The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health this Tuesday, April 10 at 8PM EST.

Let’s right the wrongs together.

I hope to see you there!

Note:  If you can’t make my webinar, sign up anyway and you’ll receive instructions on how to hear/view the webinar later.

Moms, Are You Making These 5 Mistakes?

There’s no time like the present and now is the time to take control of your family’s health and well-being.  Let me get you started mom and baby blogwith my free webinar called “The 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make in Their Children’s Health.”

We’ve all made mistakes without realizing it, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep making those same mistakes over and over again, does it?

Truth is, many of us have goofed up when it comes to helping our children through an illness. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

In my upcoming webinar, I’m not just going to fill you in on those five infamous mistakes; I’m going to share a tried-and-true method that’s both safe and effective to correct those mistakes.

Millions of parents are already using this model to either reduce their visits to doctors’ offices or to take 100% control of their family’s health altogether.

I’d like to show you 5 ways to fever-proof your kids and how homeopathy is the sure way to address sickness in your own home.

In fact, homeopathy is the safest and most reliable health system in the world today.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom with a large family or a professional mom who just needs those easy, go-to tips to keep your children healthy, join me and I’ll show you how to be prepared for anything and everything!

Plus, wouldn’t you like a chance to win a scholarship for my new system that’s starting up soon?

I hope you’ll join me. I know you’ll learn so much! Sign up HERE.

AHHH CHOO! It’s Hay Fever Time Again

sneeze article1 blogIt’s that hay fever time of year again.  Not only does springtime bring us bright, cheerful blossoms, but it also bestows upon many of us a not-so-cheerful-time: allergy season.

Fortunately, some of the great minds of homeopathy have taken up the subject of hay fever.  They maintain that it’s the result of poorly treated fevers during childhood and youth.

In other words, hay fever can be directly attributed to the countless doctors, who unknowingly handed out detrimental drugs like aspirin, Tylenol and antibiotics to address fevers in children.  This is what many believe cause hay fever later in life and this is reason enough not to use drugs of commerce when addressing fevers.

Since we can’t return to the past, we must work with what we have.  Luckily for us, we have homeopathy!

Homeopathy is unique because it doesn’t treat the illness, but treats the entire person.  This means that five people with hay fever could receive five different remedies, depending upon each person’s symptoms or how each illness presents.

A homeopathic remedy is chosen based on the symptoms at hand and generally, it’s given hourly, if the symptoms are severe.  If the hay fever is not presenting yet, but is forthcoming, then give the remedy three times per day, every day, during the weeks leading up to it.

The premier remedy to not only prevent the threatening attack, but to subdue one that has already begun, is Mag Phos 6x.

Mag phos is a remedy for spasms, so it will relax the spasms of sneezing fits.  It is best administered in a cup of hot water and then sipped, one sip at a time, every 30 seconds or so.   I like to call this remedy Mug phos because it works so well in a mug of hot water; it is often the only remedy needed to abort a sneezing episode.

If a person craves salt and the sunlight worsens both the sneezing and runny eyes, and if the nose and other associated areas itch, then Nat mur 6x is indicated. This can be taken 3 times per day for maintenance and up to 10 times per day when the suffering is more extreme.

Silica 6x is a remedy for those who have itching deep in the nose, in the back of the throat and deep in the ears.  There is often violent sneezing with tingling in the nose, especially in the morning.  The mucus can be of a burning nature, accompanied by hoarseness and dryness in the throat.  This is relieved by a cool drink of water. All of these symptoms, especially a tickling in the throat, are made worse by lying down at night.  Use this in the same fashion as Nat mur.

Then, there are combination remedies such as Sabadil, made by Boiron. It’s made up of several remedies, all of which are known to address hay fever.   Many of my clients have found relief from it.

We can’t assume that the above remedies will thoroughly eliminate hay fever forever, but they can certainly make enduring allergy season a bit easier.

It’s always worth a try to do this alone, but if complete success is the goal, and there’s an interest in deepening the curative action of homeopathy, contact your homeopath. This way, you’ll get to the bottom of it and prevent it from becoming an annual affair….often forever!

True Soup

beef stew blog“Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup.”

Leave it to the great Beethoven to mix morality with soup. (A tall order for his distressed servants, no doubt!)

Allow me to be “pure-hearted” here and share a recipe that represents a key nutritional foundation with a symphony of possibilities. This soup base is the foundation of every well prepared soup imaginable. Plus, it is free of MSG and preservatives that flavor many store-bought broths and soups.

I start with roasted bones and end with a gorgeous stock.  I find that the most delicious and nourishing stocks are those made from a variety of bones, so plan to save your roast chicken, roast beef, pork, lamb, buffalo and rabbit.

Here’s what else you’ll need:

4 lbs (approximately) of bones (carcass, head, feet, cartilage, antlers, etc)

4 or more quarts cold, filtered water

½ cup vinegar, distilled or raw

2 apples, halved

3 onions, halved

3 celery stalks, halved

3 carrots, halved

Several sprigs of fresh thyme

1 tsp dried green peppercorns, crushed (optional)

1 bunch parsley (optional)

Once your roast has been served, add approximately 4 quarts of water to the roasting pan and scrape the bottom to infuse the drippings into the mix. Toss in any additional bones, heads, feet, etc. and add the remaining ingredients. Be sure that the bones are covered. If not, add more water.

I like to include apples and onions because they impart a sweeter aroma to a stock that might smell gamey otherwise. Vinegar is necessary to draw out the calcium, magnesium and zinc from the bones and render the bone stock more nutritious.

Then, set the pot to simmer for 12-72 hours. Skim off the scum and discard. The pot can remain on the flames for an entire 72 hours or turned off nightly, left at room temperature and reignited in the morning. Once strained, the stock can be frozen.

While it’s still on the stove, this stock can be used as a base for a myriad of soups.  You might find that the stock doesn’t have a particularly appealing aroma but it will taste delicious after it’s strained and used to cook with.

With this base, you can offer “medicine in a bowl” in tandem with the other, family-pleasing meals you serve day after day.

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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