You hear this word all the time in my podcasts and Facebook Live events. You read it on my blog posts and in the Facebook groups.
What is it?
The word “dose.” As in, “I took one dose twice daily until very much better.” (more…)
I’m five feet tall. That makes me practically nano-sized compared to the rest of the world.
But from my standpoint, I figure there are some unique advantages to my size. One of which is it makes me ideally suited to doing what I do: teaching, writing and consulting on the subject of homeopathy. (more…)
Round and round and round she goes.
Lisa woke up one morning and couldn’t get out of bed. Literally. Every time she moved her head, she would spin; the bed would spin; the room would spin. (more…)
Ahhhhhh, fall.
Children are back in school, temperatures are cooling, leaves are turning, football referee’s whistles are blowing, pumpkins are appearing … and cold season strikes.
There’s always something to spoil the fun, isn’t there? (more…)
Listen. Can you hear it ticking? The tick, tick, tick of the time bomb we trigger when we suppress symptoms with allopathic drugs? (more…)
Freedom — we Americans love it, and we expect it!
Ever since the 1960s, when the contraceptive pill became widely available, women have celebrated the “freedom” it granted them. No longer bound to child-rearing, women embraced “the pill” for affording them a freedom that was unimaginable in millennia past. (more…)
It happens every year, just like clockwork.
Well, come to think of it, it is exactly clockwork … it’s the end of summertime. (more…)