Happy Mother’s Day!
There is nothing — and I do mean nothing — more rewarding than being a mother. We care for our young. We teach them to care for themselves. We protect. We nurture. We love, and we are loved in return.
But choosing when to become a mother involves careful decision making.
Perhaps we need to assess our stability — financial or situational. Maybe we have a big enough brood already, and we don’t want to add more children to our family. (The more ducklings you have, the harder it is to keep them in a row!)
Hi Folks! Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here again.
Stop what you’re doing!! I have important news!
Did you know that today marks the beginning of National Pet Week? (more…)
Hi Folks! Buster, the Bad Office Dog, here.
Wanna know something really cool? My mom has produced a Practical Homeopathy® course for human puppies. Or … what do you call them? (more…)
I just can’t get Charles Dickens’ quote from A Tale of Two Cities out of my head: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …”
Boy, if that doesn’t perfectly describe our last year, I don’t know what does! (more…)
PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC – OCTOBER 13, 2018: The fresco of Ascension of Jesus inside apse of church kostel Svatého Václava by S. G. Rudl (1900).
Buona Pasqua (Italian)
Felices Pascuas (Spanish)
শুভ ইস্টার Śubha isṭāra (Bengali)
Joyeuses Pâques (French) (more…)
I've talked about Nux vomica ad nauseam (yes, a pun).
But here's one usage for Nux vomica that I probably haven't discussed often enough: post-surgical gut problems (and by “post-surgical,” I also mean post-hospitalization).
For instance, let's take the case of the newborn baby boy, Joseph. (more…)
Have you ever experienced a time when your brain just turns to mush?
No matter how you describe it, brain fog (or confusion, insecurity, lack of confidence, ditziness or grogginess) profoundly affects our productivity and emotional health. (more…)