Suffering from bursitis can be miserable any time of the year. But for some folks, cold weather (such as we have been having around the United States recently) can really flare up their pain! (more…)
As I discussed in greater detail with my Mighty Members last week, I endeavor to write blog posts with broad appeal to both women and men. However, at times, I get so many questions on a gender-specific topic that I feel I should address it. (more…)
Isabelle couldn’t sleep. No matter what she tried, she woke up repeatedly throughout the night, and her workdays were suffering. (more…)
One can get whiplash from the abrupt changes in school policies these days. One week, in-person learning prevails; the next week, there may be limited teaching staff available to keep the schools open. (more…)
What is it about nice round numbers and clean slates that appeal to us as humans? We are conditioned to believe that something magical happens at midnight on January 1, allowing us to start over again from scratch. (more…)
If you listened to Podcast 100, you might recall my husband Perry’s courting confession. Yep, it’s right there for all the world to hear. While we were dating, my spaghetti with red meat sauce caused Perry tremendous suffering — heartburn, reflux, indigestion. (more…)
Although cluttered with flashing lights and inflatable yard Santas, the Christmas season should serve to renew our faith.
So, this week, as I contemplated the importance of faith, my mind segued to my trust in homeopathy and to the seemingly infinite number of times I have been asked, “How does homeopathy work?” (more…)