Somewhere in heaven, an office has gained a furry new co-worker — a “Bad Office Dog” extraordinaire!
Buster, our beloved pet and company mascot, passed away last week. (more…)
Hi, my friend. Grab a cup of tea, and let’s chat for a minute.
A couple of months ago, my husband shared an article from The Epoch Times entitled Glaring Problems in Our Health Care System. (If you have a subscription, the entire piece may interest you.) (more…)
Summertime, and the livin’ is easy …
Well, at least that’s how the song goes. But it seems as though more acute conditions occur in the summertime. The kids are out and about, getting into all kinds of mischief! And that usually translates into plenty of bruises! (more…)
Summer and baseball! Don’t you just love this season?
Just about a year ago, I attended a Cleveland Indians baseball game and had the best time (as you can tell from my face in the photo). But we were sitting safely tucked away from where any errant baseballs could pose a hazard. (more…)
Beth was scrolling through Instagram this summer, getting more and more annoyed. Besides the fascination everyone has with photographing their dinner plates, one of the more ubiquitous photos circulating on social media is a photo of freshly manicured feet overlooking a swimming pool! (more…)
“Toughen up! You’re too thin-skinned!”
Have you ever heard that before? Well, maybe we can try to thicken our “psychological” skin with a bit of introspection. But what do we do when our physical skin has become too thin? (more…)
Recently, one of my sons shared a story about his girlfriend’s dog, Flynn. Now, if you look at his picture above, little Flynn may not look as intimidating as he thinks he is. But he tirelessly stands guard against squirrels and other equally fearsome creatures. (more…)