About great remedies like Staphysagria. Staphysagria is a homeopathic remedy of capabilities. Here is an example of how it worked in John’s life. John was a hard working foreman for a large construction company. He had worked for the company for years until, one day, he was told he was fired because his supervisor was unhappy with his performance. This news not only took him by surprise, but it was especially shocking since he couldn’t defend it. For weeks after, he was unable to sleep and was retreating emotionally so that he couldn’t talk about what happened to anyone. After meeting with a homeopath, she suggested John take a remedy that is specific for people who suffer from suppressed emotions. It also encompasses the emotion of being humiliated and for someone who can not stand up for himself. After taking Staphysagria for a week, John was able to get back to sleep at night and instead of retreating into his room, he set out to find another job. The incident simply became a thing of the past. Homeopathy is a method of healthcare that addresses not only the pathology, but the underlying cause. It is medicine of rational thought and intelligence.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Tired of the antibiotics? The pain relievers that only cause the problem to reemerge later? Try homeopathy instead. It doesn’t bankrupt your health like drugs. Instead it gets to the essence of the problem and often unearths it.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Homeopathy has a reputation for uprooting illness. It is a world recognized form of medicine that is used by 40% of medical doctors in Europe, South America and India. Homeopathy is making a strong comeback in the U.S. because it is gentle, effective, non-addictive and will not interfere with conventional medications or procedures. Working with a certified homeopathic consultant is best seen as an opportunity to resolve health issues. The scope and range of homeopathy is wide and varied. Peer into the world of homeopathy by considering it for your and your family’s care.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Homeopathy can turn the day around for someone who is sick. All it takes is a well chosen homeopathic remedy. Take Bella, for example. She came home from 4th grade feeling woozy. Within minutes of entering the warmth of her house, she began vomiting and it was down right relentless. She was weakened, cold and frightened. Her mom had recently taken a seminar on using homeopathy to treat ailments at home. She quickly paged through her new book and found the remedy that most closely resembled Bella’s symptoms. She gave her Arsenicum album and within 15 minutes, Bella fell asleep on the bathroom floor. When she woke an hour later, the vomiting had passed and now she just wanted something to drink. Although the nausea was still present, she and her mom were grateful for the end of the violent response. The nausea passed an hour later after her mom gave her another dose of Arsenicum album. “Wow”, thought Bella’s mom, “this worked like a charm”. She was convinced. Never again did she consider anything but homeopathy for her family’s ills. It was homeopathy for Bella’s family from then on. Homeopathy. The intelligent medicine. No side effects, low cost and, of course, effective.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Fingers crossed. Let’s hope the economy recovers this year. Here’s a suggestion that might help your pocketbook now and in the long haul. Learn how to use a little homeopathy. I don’t mean drop what you’re doing and return to school. I’m suggesting taking more control of your health and finances by treating your family with simple inexpensive remedies. Arnica montana for bruises, Belladonna for ear infections and fever, Mag phos for cramps. Fewer co-pays. No expensive meds. There’s nothing more empowering than taking control of your healthcare. It’s intelligent, rational and offers big dividends. Homeopathy is economical medicine.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Health was never like this and more is the pity. The health and wellbeing of our kids is paramount, yet we have allowed antibiotics, analgesics and a myriad of other questionable meds to be administered to the youth of America. Only a generation ago, our grandparents would have been suspicious of a drug that had a small print warning of side effects. Today, we think nothing of subjecting our children to these atrocious drugs. It’s time to turn the tide. Think as independently as possible. Think homeopathy. It takes years of study to become a certified homeopath. Yet, a parent can easily accomplish seemingly miraculous work at curing her child of ear infections, fevers and even injuries with a small commitment to learning basic homeopathy. It is not unusual for a mom to eliminate the use of antibiotics and painkillers from her child’s world with homeopathic remedies. Consider becoming your family’s healthcare provider. Homeopathy. Medicine of empowerment.
The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.
Homeopathy is a great method of self and family care. Many moms have been impressed with the ability they wield with a little knowledge of homeopathic health care. Repeated ear infections in children can be treated at home without antibiotics. So can croup, fevers, and flu. Homeopathy offers a family an inexpensive method to treat common family ills that is safe and efficacious.