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Homeopathy is…

Homeopathy is not an insignificant medical therapy. It has been a part of the cloth of medicine in hospitals, clinics and practices throughout Europe, the US, South America and India for centuries. The tenants of homeopathy have been known since the time of ancient Greeks, but were not fully fleshed out until the late 1700’s. It is generally acknowledged that Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and scholar, was the man who systemized the method. Today, homeopathy is enjoying a predictable comeback as a result of the overall disappointment with conventional drugs.

Consider peering into the world of homeopathy for your and your family’s health care. You, too, may find the older, more stayed therapy is the best.

Homeopathy is…

Remember the old term “miracle drugs”? The first time we heard this was in reference to antibiotics. Unfortunately, the concept was taken to an extreme and every sniffle, cut, ear infection and UTI was considered an opportunity to throw the big guns at the immune system. Well, we know better now. It took half a century, but the populace is clamoring for better medicine and care. Consider, instead, homeopathy.

It has a proven track record of no side effects, not even those that might show up decades later. Just plain, good medicine with a reputation for curing the most stubborn illnesses.

homeopathy is…

Homeopathy does not mean home remedies. It’s actually a branch of medicine that was used in the US by physicians and is still used in major hospitals, clinics and by doctors throughout the world. The difference between conventional meds and homeopathic is in the way the substances are made pharmaceutically.

Conventional meds are left in their gross form while homeopathic remedies are highly diluted so that the toxic aspects of the substance are removed. This is why homeopathic remedies do not have side effects and conventional drugs of commerce do. Side effects or no side effects. You choose.

Homeopathy is…

Tired of the antibiotics? The pain relievers that only cause the problem to reemerge later? Try homeopathy, instead. It doesn’t bankrupt your health like drugs. Instead, it gets to the essence of the problem and often unearths it.

Homeopathy is…

Along with chiropractic, acupuncture and naturopathy, homeopathy is a holistic therapy. It does not mean home remedies, but is a specific medical paradigm that has been used by millions throughout the world. In fact, theVatican, the British Royal family and many U.S. presidents have not only used homeopathic physicians, but often call it their medicine of choice. Consider learning more. You might find it a capitol idea.

Homeopathy is…

Homeopathy is the real McCoy. It’s the medicine we all hoped we were getting all along. In other words, homeopathic remedies are not cover ups of symptoms. They actually go to the heart of the problem and often resolve it. And as if this isn’t enough, there are NO side effects. In fact the FDA has approved all the homeopathic remedies on the market since the 1940’s at the advent of the FDA and not one – not even one – has ever been removed from the market because of detrimental effects to the public.

That is a track record of astounding proportions when one considers that there are over 3,000 homeopathic remedies available. Effective and safe. Can we ask for more?

Five Homeopathic Remedies For Holiday Over Eating and Drinking

The holidays are the time for over eating and drinking. So what can we do to prepare? Have the following remedies on hand and then pass the turkey, potatoes, pie, and wine.

The best way to use these homeopathic remedies is to take one dose every 3-4 hours over the period of 1-2 days. When improved, stop.

  1. When over eating has caused nausea that you wish would just produce vomiting to get it over with, then your remedy is Nux Vomica, 30X.
  2. Nux vominca is also a capitol choice for the proverbial hangover. It will end nausea and vomiting in relatively short order.
  3. When relentless vomiting is the main symptom, try Ipecac 30c
  4. When there is simple indigestion and over acidity, then Natrum Phos. 6x.
    can be taken every hour. Use in place of antacids.
  5. For true food poisoning such that causes chills, stomach pains and anxiety then Arsenicum Album, 30X, Tablets, should be taken. This is best saved for when your turkey is tainted.

Try these tried and true homeopathic remedies for the holidays and you might just find it easier to enjoy all of them.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and best to you and yours for a joyful New Year!

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