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Homeopathy for Catholics

Do you wonder if homeopathy is acceptable within your religious beliefs? Well, if you’re Catholic, consider its use and acknowledgement of its efficacy by the Vatican. Popes Pius VIII, lX, X, Xll, as well as Mother Teresa and her order, used homeopathy. Pope John Paul ll’s physician, Dr. Francesco Negro, was awarded the Order of St. Gregory for his work as a homeopathic physician. The Order of St. Gregory is the highest honor bestowed on a lay person by the Vatican.
Many Catholic hospitals and clinics throughout the world, especially in Italy and India, have used homeopathy because it is safe, has the ability to address much suffering and is inexpensive. The Jesuits, under direct service to the pope, have had a long history of using homeopathy throughout the world. As a certified homeopath, I support the right to life movement personally and professionally as do many other homeopaths. Consider homeopathy for you and your family’s healthcare with confidence and comfort knowing you are also supporting a rich history that the Vatican and other great Catholics have sanctioned.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a healthcare provider.

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