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It’s Sunday Morning Pancakes!! Gluten-free Style

In a food processor, blend the following ingredients:

2 cups almond flour

8 free range eggs

1 tablespoon maple syrup

2 teaspoons vanilla

½ teaspoon Celtic salt

½ teaspoon baking soda

Butter a hot griddle or cast iron frying pan and when good and hot, ladle a small amount of batter on to the sizzling surface.   Keep the amount small as these pancakes don’t have gluten, so they don’t have the “glue” to keep them from breaking. Fragile, but delicious!

Load with rich, raw butter and local  maple syrup, then serve with organic bacon and a glass of cold raw milk.  Yum.

Homeopathy Useful for Motion Sickness

Summertime brings family vacations and with them often comes motion sickness, whether the travel is by car, plane, bus, train or boat.  Over the counter medications often cause drowsiness, affect cognitive function and can interfere with other medications.  Homeopathy offers safe alternatives that address the discomfort of the symptoms and often avert them.  Doses of the chosen remedy may be given every twenty to thirty minutes for up to three doses for severe symptoms.  If the symptoms are relieved, use the remedy only if symptoms return.  If there is no relief after 15 minutes of the third dose of a remedy, try a different one.

Nux Vomica is a commonly used remedy that may fit many of the symptoms of motion sickness.  Nausea seems constant with a severe headache.  Sometimes there may be a ringing in the ears.

If motion sickness symptoms don’t point to any one remedy, Cocculus is the recommended remedy to try.  It addresses the common symptoms of dizziness, vomiting and nausea.  The person feels better lying down and craves quiet.  The smell, sight or even the thought of food often make nausea worse.

Petroleum will be useful for the person who gets nauseas and dizzy from riding in a boat or car.  There may be much salivating, he becomes pale and faint, and breaks out in a cold sweat.  There may be a headache and eating often relieves an uncomfortable, sometimes painful, sensation in the stomach.

Tobacum should be considered for one who exhibits symptoms of extremely intense nausea and suffers from severe vomiting made worse from movement.  There is cold perspiration and he is pale and cold. Symptoms are better in open air with closed eyes.

If you or a loved one is troubled with motion sickness, give homeopathy a try for safe and effective relief.

The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice.  The reader is encouraged to make independent inquires and to seek the advice of a licensed healthcare provider.

Thanksgiving Relief

If you eat or drink too much… and feel unwell from it….here are my top 3 picks for quick comfort:

• Nux vomica 30 from your homeopathy kit, every 2 hours up to 4 doses


• Nat phos 6x from your cell salt kit, every 30 minutes or so until improved

• If you don’t own a homeopathy kit, then 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda plus lemon juice of ¼ lemon in 4 ounces of cool water. Drink it down as the mixture fizzes.


May you have a happy, restful and meaningful Thanksgiving, Joette

Deodorant; If You Want it Done Right, Do it Yourself

‘Looking for a source of high quality deodorant, worthy of your skin and subsequent delicate organs? Why, make it yourself! No need to read ingredients, no need to wonder what they really mean because you are the manufacturer.

Homeopaths recognize that the skin and internal organs are keenly connected. We also understand that anything that’s placed on the skin has the potential of being absorbed and forces the system to distribute. So salves, roll-ons, sprays and creams, particularly placed on a most tender and delicate area of the body are important considerations. Remember, the lymph nodes responsible for battling infection and such are only millimeters away from the underarm area. So, what we apply on our skin must be worthy of our entire system. Here’s a good rule to follow that I teach my students and clients:
If you wouldn’t eat it; don’t wear it!

Below are my favorite ingredients, chiefly because they’re edible, but also because they’re the properties we’re looking for in a quality deodorant. If you have suggestions, especially that would help minimize the liquidly result caused by coconut oil in warm temperatures, please let me know. We’ll adjust the recipe.

1) Let’s begin with coconut oil. It’s a good ingredient choice because it has natural antibacterial properties and is soothing and nourishing to delicate, underarm skin. The only trouble with coconut oil is that it melts in very warm weather, so I recommend keeping it in a tightly sealed container if traveling or in very hot weather. The importance of it in the diet should also be considered, but that’s the subject of another article.
2) Our second ingredient is baking soda which has a reputation for naturally antidoting odor and balancing the acid/alkaline of the skin. ‘Right out of the kitchen pantry!
3) And of course, essential oils have been employed in an effort to reduce odor, so I chose sage because it’s also reputed to have natural antiperspirant properties as well as a pleasing aroma. ‘Very fresh smelling.
4) Cornstarch is an acceptable addition as long as one isn’t allergic to corn. Be sure to buy the organic version. At some point, I’d like to find GMO-free , but for now it works to absorb wetness. I’m still experimenting with arrowroot powder and bentonite clay. ‘Will keep you updated.

Here’s my home made sage deodorant that’s been a staple for my clients for some time:

Homemade Sage Deodorant

• 1 2/3 cup high quality coconut oil, such as from GreenPasture.org
• 1 cup of baking soda
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 1-2 drops of sage oil such as from YoungLiving.com
• Deodorant roll-up containers http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/package/product.asp?product_id=botdeod

Gently warm the coconut oil so that it’s either slightly liquid-y or just soft enough to stir easily. Keeping it near the stove before mixing, will accomplish this. Combine all ingredients in a bowl using a spoon. Once thoroughly blended, spoon the mixture into a deodorant stick container and there you have it!

Homemade, inexpensive, gentle, and effective….’Love it!

Gingivitis Treat it Naturally With Homeopathy

I love those “itis” diseases. You know, the ones that place “itis” after the noun that determines the location of the disease. Since itis means “inflammation of,” it's easy to determine the disease. Tendonitis = inflammation of the tendons. Tonsillitis = inflammation of the tonsils. Hence, gingivitis = inflammation of the gingiva. By breaking down the word into its components, it not only gives us information, but comfort in knowing that the disease is often not as serious as it sounds.

So it is with gingivitis. Generally, it is not a disease of severity in our world today. There are, however, varying degrees of severity. If it's a mild case, then herbs can be curative.

One of the easiest ways to treat gingivitis is with Myrrh. Yes, the gift given by the king at Jesus' birth. That in itself has value in my book. Another important ingredient is Propolis, which is found in honey. Both are available in high-quality toothpaste purchased from a reputable health food store. Having said this, in my estimation, it's always better to make whatever you can at home. (No hidden ingredients for the sake of shelf life or economy.) If you choose this path, both of these herbs can be purchased in tincture form, again from a health food store. Place 10 drops of each in a glass of water, then swish in the mouth 2-3 times per day, more often if the problem is severe.

So, local measures of treatment are important. However, if the gingivitis is of an ulcerative nature with severe erosion and halitosis, the problem needs to be approached with a greater degree of person-specific treatment. Homeopathic remedies have repeated success in treating this bacterial infection without antibiotics. Let's see what is available.

The key homeopathic remedy for gingivitis is Mercurius sol 30. This is of particular value when the tongue is heavily coated. It should be taken thrice daily for one week. Then one week off and then resumed again the following week. Alternate weeks on and off until results are complete, but no longer than over a period of 2 months. If the tongue isn't coated, then use Nitricum acidum 30 thrice daily in the same fashion.

If improvement is noted but is not complete, it is best to contact a homeopath for an in-person or phone appointment. Homeopathy has the ability to address even the most severe cases of mouth disease. It is safe, gentle, effective and carries no side effects. The next time your mouth speaks of illness, consider homeopathy; the world-accepted medicine worth spreading the word about.

“Health is not random,” says homeopath, Joette Calabrese HMC, CCH. Her book Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy and her CDs Perform in the Storm, a Homeopathy First Aid and Secret Spoonfuls; How to get Healthy Foods into Kids Without Getting Caught are collections of experiences as a skilled homeopathic consultant to hundreds.

Her lively, entertaining examples and solutions of what to use for the most common ailments a homeopath is confronted with, have graced national journals such as Homeopathy Today and Wise Traditions. The author, practitioner, and mother splits her time between working with clients throughout the U.S. and abroad and speaking in arenas such as Chautauqua Institute, national radio shows and college campuses. Join her at Homeopathy Works for events, forums and consultations.

‘WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR WEBSITE? Feel free, as long as you include this entire blurb with it: “Classical homeopathic practitioner and mother, Joette Calabrese HMC, CCH, teaches women around the world how to take care of their families’ health so that the business of wellness is in their hands. Get her FREE monthly articles and advice at Homeopathyworks.net and click on “newsletter” and download the most recent.


My Story

I'm often asked how I got into homeopathy. If this kind of discussion bores you, feel free to scroll down to stuff that will teach a bit more. Otherwise, read on and I'll try to give you the shortened version.

Around 33 years old, I lost my health. I was an account executive for NBC in Buffalo, NY and a director on a number of community boards including the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. Yet, nearly over night I was struck with chronic fatigue, acute allergies, migraines, asthma, anxiety and more.

Doctor after doctor visit proved senseless. Instinctively, I knew (I hear this from others today in my practice) that there had to be a way to be cured, not drugged. Just a few short months after finding a lay homeopathic practitioner (like I am; now), she had swiftly and capably cured me of over 80% of my problems. Wow! I thought. This stuff is incredible! No side effects, gentle, inexpensive and most importantly curative!

So…I asked and she agreed to teach me, and a small devoted group of mothers how to use simple homeopathy for our families. I'm fiercely big on independence and aware that its price is being very big on responsibility. We met every Thursday night for 4 years. Our teacher taught us how to treat injuries, influenza, skin ailments, and sleep disorders, irritability, even headaches. You name it; we greedily sopped up every word.

Merrily along I went, curing my kids of ear infections, colic, chicken pox and the like without ever calling a doctor. It was empowering, enlightening and inexpensive. I grew myself into a homeopathic mom. It was particularly pleasurable because I had a group of other moms with me. The community girded me. But mostly I studied alone. I studied while nursing my babies. I studied in the car while my husband drove. I memorized my homemade flash cards and listened again and again to my notes that I'd recorded on tapes. I was hooked.

It was pure inspiration to see folks get well. And let me mention the animals I cured: a cow of chronic fatigue (no chuckling, please), a llama of mastitis, a dog of mange and a cat with chronic cystitis.

As my family grew, my knowledge matured too and as our sons entered the teenage years I was armed with remedies for acne, behavior concerns and junk food fallout. I memorized all their indications and was in the ready when it hit.

Around that time, I learned that a famous homeopath from London, England was teaching a three year graduate level homeopathy course in Toronto. I simply couldn't resist. I had no intention of ever practicing as a homeopath available to the public; I just hungered to learn more. At least that's what I told my husband. We dragged our family to Toronto month after month, sometimes staying in hotels, sometimes in a rented apartment and I studied and learned and met other homeopaths. I was in paradise. Well, that 3 year course was followed by a 2 year master clinician course offered by another great teacher. That was followed by yet another 3 year clinical study course and I found myself with knowledge too precious to keep to my family.

Then one day, an acquaintance asked if I would take her case. I had neither office, separate phone, business cards, nor any idea what to charge. I sometimes recall my reaction as fool hearty when I answered. “Of course I'll take your case….tomorrow? Uh…….ok”. I never scrambled myself and kids so fast. On the back of our garage there was a bike room the size of a 1920's pantry that had a separate entrance. As soon as I hung up, I booted my kids into gear. We hauled out the bikes, basket balls and skis, schlepped in the paint cans and painted the walls and floor. That night when everything was sort of dry, I polished the little window, hung curtains I fashioned that afternoon and packed in a small table to serve as a desk. Two borrowed living room chairs were dragged in while my boys clutched boxes of accumulated homeopathy texts. Then I found a lamp from the attic, a mat at the door and a plant on the windowsill. I was in business. The following week I had 6 appointments.

It's been over 16 years and I've sat for more exams, received advance certifications and continue in my love of this elegant, gentle medicine. Today, I instruct my assistant to scheduled no more than 30 appointments per week because my new passion is to entreat other mothers to do the same as me – at least the taking-care-of-the-family part. That's why I teach.

The great dentist and nutritional researcher of the 20th century, Dr. Weston A Price said, “We teach, we teach, we teach”. Yet, I entreat you to “Learn, learn, learn.” Learn something new every day of your life. Once it accumulates and meets with what you already know, it merges into the loveliest of human mosaics…. A life well lived.

Here's what to learn today: Know that no matter what happens to your loved ones, there's a homeopathic remedy at the ready. It's only a matter of knowing what to do. Here's an example:

Mag phos 6x is the great spasm remedy. Spasms such as: leg cramps, hiccups, eye twitching, but did you also know it's great for neuralgias? Such as pains of unknown origin. For many women, it can be downright magical for menstrual cramps. Since it's free of side effects, it's worthy of our full attention.

Put 4 pills of Mag phos 6x in hot water, allow it to dissolve, stir once and offer a teaspoon as a dose. Give one dose every 10 minutes if the pain is severe and more infrequently if not so harsh. Stop once improvement has set in and of course resume if needed again the next day. Remember, homeopathy is not like vitamins. So in general we don't take them daily, but as needed. Then you'll see that the need will become less an issue and soon your body will be doing it on its own. Isn't that we really want? Genuine health as God intended it. My favorite brand of Mag phos is Hyland's because they melt quickly in water or on the tongue and they're top notch for quality. A bottle costs between $7 and $13 and will last you for years. Once you get the hang of using these remedies, you'll become a homeopathic mom (or dad) too!

Join me in this incredible adventure of homeopathy at home. My CDs, books, radio interviews and more are to be shared. Please send along this info to those who can benefit most…..mothers and others who want full autonomy. Feel free to sign up your friends. (They can opt out anytime.)
Want to learn more? Joette's book Cure Yourself and Family with Homeopathy is your #1 guide by going to: www.homeopathyworks.net/products.html.

Homeopathic Tips

Over the years I have been taught by my Homeopathic Master Teachers these and more little tips that I call Homeo-tips.

I share these and more with my ezine subscribers. http://homeopathyworks.net/newsletters.cfm As well Nutri-tips – fun and helpful Nutritional tips for kids meal ideas – How to get healthy meals into your family.

Enjoy and get healthy!

1)      Sleeplessness?  Arnica Montana 6 x and Calc phos 6x in half glass of H2O and sipped every 30 minutes. Homeopathyworks

2)      Hate humid weather? Nat sulph 6x every half hour often helps folks deal with the heat and humidity.me too. Homeopathyworks

3)      Too much alcohol?  Too much fast food? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for  up to 1 day. Homeopathyworks

4)      Menstrual cramps?  Mag phos 6x in half cup of hot H2O and sipped every few minutes while still hot.Homeopathyworks

5)      Injury to the eye? Aconitum 30 every 30c minutes until improved, but no longer than 2 days.

6)      Babes with diarrhea?  Podophyllum 30c every 3 hours until better.  No longer than 2 days. Homeopathyorks

7)        Anxiety before the surgical operation?  Aconitum 30c  every few hours the night before and day of Homeopathyworks

8)      Injury to nerve rich areas, such as finger tips….Hypericum 30c every few minutes until pain subsides.Homeopathyworks

9)      Puncture wound? Ledum200 every 2 hours.  No more pain nor infection.Homeopathyworks

10)  Insect bites? Ledum 30 every 30minutes if painful.  If not then every 3 hours. Stop when better. Homeopathyworks

11)  Sprained ankle? Ruta 30 every 2 hours for 2 days. Homeopathyworks

12)  Long lasting black and blue? Sulphuric acid 30, 4 times per day, for 4 days.Homeopathyworks

13)  Injury to soft parts, like calves or thigh? Arnica Montana 30 every few hours for first few days.Homeopathyworks.

14)  Ragged wound? Calendula applied directly to the wound and dressing.  Emergency rooms in Europe know.Homeopathyworks.net

15)  Food poisoning with coldness and vomiting?  Arsenicum album 30 every hour until better.  Homeopathyworks.net

16)  Baby with very high fever? Belladonna 30 every 3 hours. Stop when improved.  Most  fall asleep right after. Homeopathyworks

17)  Nausea after ice cream and other fatty foods? Pulsatilla 30 every 2 hours stop after 4 doses.Homeoapthyworks

18)  Baby with croup?  If caught in the 1st 24 hours, then Aconitum 30, every 2 hours. Stop when better.Homeopathworks

19)  Irascible teething baby?  Chamomilla 30 every few hours.  Stop when better.Homeopathyworks

20)  UTI? Nat phos 6x every hour for few days then frozen cranberries, H2o and raw honey to make a slush.yum Homeopathyworks

21)  Sunburn? Cantharis 30 every 2 hours. Stop when improved. Homeopathyworks

22)  Muscle strains due to overexertion?  Rhus tox 30c every 3 hours for 2 days or sooner. Homeopathyworks

23)  Deep muscle injury?  Arnica montana 30 . if no better after a day, then Bellis perennis 30 every 3 hours. Homeopathyworks

24)  Torn or wrenched ligaments?  Ruta 30 every few hours, as it gets beter, then every 4-5 hours.Homeopathyworks

25)  Fractured bone? On the way to hospital try Arnica 200 every 2 hours for up to 5 doses.Homeopathyworks.net

26)  Hard, long  labor? Arnica 200 every hour for up to 4 doses. Then after the birth to ease mom.Homeopathyworks

27)  Fractured rib? Bryonia 30 every few hours for  a few days.Homeopathyworks

28)  Indigestion? Arsenicum Album 30. 3 doses usually does it.Homeopathyworks

29)  Heat exhaustion? Veratum album 30 every hour until better. Homeopathyworks

30)  Jellyfish sting?  Apis 30 every hour until better. Homeopathyworks

31)  Hemorrhoids?  Nux vomica 30 is the one that works for most. Twice per day for up to 3 days.Homeopathyworks

32)  Extreme nausea? Ipecac 30 every 2 hours for up to one day.Homeopathyworks

33)  Eczema?  Nat mur 6x thrice daily helps some. Homeopathyworks

34)  Allergic reaction to insect bites?  Urtica urens 30 every hour. Stop when better.Homeopathyworks.

35)  Cramping clutching colic in baby? Colocynthis 30 every 3 hours for up to 2 days.Homeopahyworks.

36)  Chicken pox?  Rhus tox 30 every 3 hours if restless and itchy.stop when better. Resume if needed again. Homeopathyworks

37)  Conjunctivitis?  For early stage only: Belladonna 30 every 4 hours for up to 2 days. Homeopathyworks

38)  Sinus Infection?  Most folks respond to Kali bich 30 every 2 hours. Stop when imporved. Homeopathyworks.net

39)  Flu? Influenzinum 6 or 30 every 4 hours.Homeopathyworks.net

40)  Blocked tear duct? Silica 6x twice daily for up to 2 weeks. Homeopathyworks.net

41)  Feel shocked after bad news?  Aconitum 30, 4 times daily for up to 3 days. Homeopathyworks.net

42)  To avoid dehydration from fever: Coat bottoms of hands and feet with olive oil and insist on liquids, even ice chips.Homeopathyworks

43)  Abdominal cramps  but clutches the area for a modicum of comfort: Colocynthis 30 every  2 hours.Homeopathyworks.

44)  Hair loss?  For some Silica 6x thrice daily helps.Homeopathyworks

45)  Motion sickness accompanied by copious saliva? Nux vomica 30 every 30 minutes.Homeopathyworks

46)  Mom overwhelmed with mom-duties? Sepia 30 4 times per day for 2 days. Repeat in one week.Homeopathyworks

47)  Sinus headache form barometric pressure change?  Kali bich 30 every 2 hours for up to 4 doses.Homeopathyworks

48)  Headache of very irritable person? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for up to 4 doses.Homeopathyworks

49)  Headache of person with digestive problems? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for up to 4 doses.Homeopathyworks.

50)  Overeaten again? Nux vomica 30 every 3 hours for up to 4 doses. Then stop that! Homeopathyworks

51)  Some think there’s no difference between a health tactic and strategy.  I think otherwise.A health tactic is to incorporate organic foods  in the diet. A strategy is to have a long term plan.Homeopathyworks.net

52)  Leg cramps? Mag phos 6x and Calc phos 6x in 4 ounces of hot water and sipped I teaspoon at a time.Homeopathyworks.net.

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

Materia Medica Cover sm

I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

Combo pac lg

Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

cell salts300x200

The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

See More Products