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The Wrong Question Begets the Wrong Answer: Ear Pain, Teeth Pain and Homeopathy

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

September 20th, 2015  |  40 Comments

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Here’s a little exchange I recently had with a student of mine.

QUESTION: Based on what I have learned from your webinars, I  used Chamomilla 200Cir?t=homeopathywor 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0006NXGA2 with great success on my granddaughter. She had a really bad ear infection and within an hour (and after two doses), she fell into peaceful sleep. This was after nearly two days of screaming and crying and a history of this, which had been treated repeatedly with antibiotics. It’s been nearly a year and she’s not had another incident since. This is pretty significant, given she had practically lived on antibiotics for the last year or so for repeated infections.

However, around that last incident, my daughter was curious about the remedy and asked her pediatrician about it. After he scribbled down the script for yet another round of antibiotics and a brief discussion about surgery as the next step, he looked up chamomile on the net and declared that it is dangerous because it is a blood thinner. What’s up with that?

ANSWER: Your daughter was questioning the wrong stuff and asking the wrong guy. She should have questioned the antibiotics and the fact that the doctor had not gotten rid of your granddaughter’s problem the first, second, or even FIFTH time around.

In fact, instead of asking why, she should’ve fired him!

(Sorry, I get wrapped up in this archaic drug-happy-pediatrician thing. Back to the question of chamomile; it’s better for my blood pressure.)

What your daughter’s pediatrician likely found was information regarding chamomile, the herb; not the homeopathic medicine, Chamomilla 200Cir?t=homeopathywor 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B0006NXGA2.

HUGE difference.

Homeopathic medicines are often (not always) made from herbs, but everything changes once the special process of dilution and succession of the substance is employed.

This is the homeopathic method.

This mathematical process eliminates toxicity and brings forth the curative aspect of the original substance from which it is made.

That is the great mystery of chemistry.

Indeed, the homeopathic medicine Chamomilla 200C is different from the herb chamomile because it is potentized 200 times to the hundredth power.

In fact, there is nothing in these potencies that should cause any pause for concern, as long as they are used according to directions.

Hence, homeopathic medicines are one of the safest forms of medicine in the world.

This is the medicine I used for my children for ear infections related to teething and for when, as adults, they had wisdom teeth pain.

I made it my duty to learn about this remedy, and if I do say so myself, I did it with alacrity.

It worked every time.

Further, throughout homeopathy’s 230-plus years of medical history, not a single remedy (all of which are regulated by the FDA, by the way) has been taken off the market because it caused harm.  

Juxtapose that against what conventional drug companies consistently assume, despite the fact that their “patented” drugs are yanked from the shelves every few months because the only way to know if their products are safe is to: give it a few years, watch for new ailments and deaths, and learn from others' sufferings.

Otitis Media (the clinical name for a common middle ear infection) was cured with Chamomilla 200C in Germany in 1795 in the same manner it is cured today in Hoboken, New Jersey, in 2015.  

Nothing capricious here. Just good old-fashioned, safe, inexpensive, efficacious, mother-friendly, doctor-baffling (sorry, I can’t help myself!) medicine.

I implore you to take advantage of my resources on this blog and my website.

For crying out loud … it's free!  

My advice would be to encourage your daughter to get off her keister in the pediatrician’s waiting room, go home, and learn how to cure her family herself.

That’s how she’ll become more like her wise mother. Her (and your granddaughter's) life will be better because of it.

Chamomilla 200C for Teething; Even Wisdom Tooth Pain.

Despite most common misconceptions, wisdom teeth are not superfluous. Unless there is a grossly apparent problem, and I mean seriously pathological, be sure to get a second opinion from a biological dentist whom you can trust. Otherwise, leave those puppies in and try Chamomilla 200, twice daily for a few weeks (or less).

And of course, for otitis media that has been principally ushered in from teething, especially if accompanied by severe pain, (and particularly noteworthy if the child is irritable) Chamomilla 200 is your go-to medicine.

Hopefully, after reading this, the next question anyone asks will be: “Why did I spend so much time with that outdated goofball … ahem, I mean pediatrician?”


Next week I’ll cover the Banerji Protocol for genital herpes.

Stay tuned.


Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


40 thoughts on “The Wrong Question Begets the Wrong Answer: Ear Pain, Teeth Pain and Homeopathy”

  1. Lucy says:

    This is a good one to know. My daughter had a horrible reaction (diarrhea) to the antibiotics prescribed for her ear infections. Had I only known. Thank you, Joette!
    Would Chamomille 200 be a good choice for grownups with an ear infection?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Yes, but it is often associated with ear infections that are linked to teething. So a young adult who has a wisdom tooth coming in and simultaneously gets an ear infection would most likely be a candidate for Chamomilla 200. Otherwise, an ear infection in someone without these two associated events would most likely respond to Hepar sulph 200.

  2. Paula A. says:

    Would Chamomile help with a chronic wisdom tooth problem? I have a pocket that developed around my lower right wisdom tooth and it flares up every once in a while, but I manage it with good hygiene. It affects my right ear, but not with severe pain. My dentist thinks I’m just being stubborn… I’m thinking of trying the Chamomile protocol, but the condition is not acute right now. Does it make sense?

    Thank you so much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If the wisdom tooth is infected, that is another story, but Chamomilla 200 has a history of dealing with both acute and chronic.

  3. Chandrakant Kulkarni says:

    How about Mulein Oil Ear Drops?
    This medication is available OTC in homeopathic pharmacy shops here (in India).
    Cham 200 internally & M. Oil externally will be a good combination, I sincerely think.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Mulein oil is good. I used it myself for my children when they were young, but found it to be unnecessary once I began using homeopathics.

  4. Rose says:

    Another excellent article. Thank you so much for all the knowledge and wisdom you pass on to us. I have created quite a large “go to” file for health issues from birth to death. What a gift. Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Thanks, Rose. I hope this helps you and yours.

  5. Mary F says:

    Great article Joette! I’ll be forwarding to my children and list. I am a mother of eight, four of whom are adults who all have their WTs. Chamomile is a wonderful tooth remedy, too.

    Oh, how we are glad for remedies for ear aches. One of ours responded to Belladonna and Pulsatilla for wind ear aches and only once or twice in these 28 years did any of our children have an earache longer than 45 minutes. Be encouraged folks. Our family enjoys what Joette has taught here.

    1. Joanne says:

      Hi I recently had an ear infection and treated it with Bella Donna 30.
      As a result of the ear infection I blew out my ear drum.
      Is there any homeopathic remedy that can help with this healing? I have stopped blowing my news. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

        In England, pediatricians don’t treat ear infections and allow the ear drum to rupture. They just allow it to heal naturally, as you are with yours. I’d have to take the case to give you specific information. Meanwhile, know that you’re not alone.

      2. Michelle N. says:

        Hi Joanne, my daughter had an ear infection and I dutifully took her to get antibiotics within 12 hours of the first indication of pain, treated her for 2 days, during which the ear pain never subsided and she had diarrhea so bad it was like water. She held her stomach and rocked back and forth b/c of the stomach pain. The doctor switched the amoxicillin out for something “milder” and the ear drum ruptured durning the night after the 2nd day anyway! I gave her children’s ibuprofen the entire time and the pain never subsided until it ruptured. I didn’t know any homeopathic remedies to try at that time, but watching her have to endure the pain for several days broke my heart and made me determined to figure out a better way. After that, I began reading about the Banerji Protocols on Joette’s website. Since that infection, we have had 2 instances where once the first sign of ear infection rears its ugly head, we go right to the Banerji protocol for External Otitis in their book “the banerji protocols”. I am not sure if Joette mentions it in one of her later blogs or not. I highly, highly recommend this book if you can get one from Amazon or Joette. Grab the meds and have them on hand ahead of time if you can. they give you a first, second and third line of medicines to try…the first line Medicines are as follows: Psorinum 1000c in liquid, (one dose every 15 DAYS), Pulsatilla Nigerians 30c (two doses daily), Chamomilla 30c in liquid (one dose every 30 minutes (SOS) if in acute pain, stop this when the pain subsides). If the chamomilla fails to give relief, give Carbolic Acidum 6x in liquid (one dose every 15 minutes (SOS) in case of very acute pain, stop this when the pain subsides). I never used the Carbolic Acidum b/c I didn’t have any. I didn’t have to resort to the second or third line medicines because they were both ameliorated within 3 doses of the chamomilla!!!! Absolutely amazing-thank you Joette for bringing exposure to this way of thinking about homeopathy (and of course, to the Banerji’s for pioneering it!)

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Many thanks for your input and kind words. You, my friend are the kind of mother that others need to listen to because you clearly have your priorities in firm placement.

  6. Marilyn says:

    Will this work for an ear that is continually plugging? I am told I have a small amount of water in the ear. It has been plugging off and on daily for several years now.
    I do not have pain. Just an annoyance.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Unless it is an infection, it does not fit.

  7. Jodi says:

    Does Chamomilla aid in the tooth dropping and coming in? My daughter has braces, now providing room for a canine tooth to come down. But it’s been a few months, and no progress in the tooth dropping. (once the tooth comes in, the braces come off, so I’d very much like to help it along if possible)

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      No, it doesn’t aid with dental growth or movement. But there are other homeopathics that have been used for that condition.

  8. choni says:


  9. Sandi Waskewicz says:

    Hi Joette, As you know I have so enjoyed your classes and I am always anxious to read each and every blog. My daughter bought a kit from you and she too is enjoying your blogs. My question to you is my 6 year old granddaughter is going through tough times with friends at a new school. She is so sensitive and gets her feelings hurt very easily she is a bit on the immature silly side. Is there something you could suggest that help her with these issues? A loaded question I know! Anything you might suggest we will give a try. Thank so much a worried Nana

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Hi Sandi, I won’t make a decision as to which remedy is specific for your granddaughter, but instead refer you to a blog I wrote here http://joettecalabrese.com/blog/homeopathic-remedies/post-traumatic-stress/

      Remedy choices don’t need to be an exact fit with all situations, but you will likely find enough here to make your decision.
      My best to you and your family.

  10. Joanie Calem says:

    Hi Joette,
    As an adult, I have constant itching in my right ear, it feels plugged, and recently I have been getting dizzy. I hadn’t thought of chamomilla, as that was something we gave our kids for colic when they were babies. Do you think this is a possible fit. My suspicion is that I have a low-grade infection that is causing the dizziness.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Chamomilla is not usually associated with what you are describing.

  11. Sandy Owe? says:

    Hi Joette! Can you comment on what remedies are appropriate for cases of eustachian tube dysfunction. Also, the sensation that the ear has pressure in it and needs to pop but cannot? I am referring to cases where no infection or pus are present. Thank you!

    1. Deanne says:

      Sandy, did you ever get a homeopathic remedy to work for you? I am in search of a solution for my sister with seemingly the same problem after Covid 8 months ago. Ears are clogged, pressure, no infection, no hearing loss.

      1. Savanah says:

        I am also in search of this information! I’ve had perpetually clogged ears with that feeling of pressure for as long as I can remember. I’d love to have some guidance as to which remedies I ought to consider.

  12. Galena says:

    Hi Joette, excellent article! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.
    I have a chronically ill child who is on daily drugs. Do you think that homeopathy still could help him?
    I mean he is currently teething and has recurrent ear infections. Does it make sense to try homeopathic remedies keeping in mind all the drugs he is on?
    Thank you very much!


  13. Megan Trask says:

    Hi Joette! Megan (Torrey) Trask here. My seven month old daughter is teething and we are using baby orajel which has calcarea phosporica 12x, chamomilla 6x, coffee cruda 6x, and passiflora incarnata 6x. She doesn’t want to be left in a room alone for more than two minutes since she began this last round of teething 3 days ago-she also had a low grade fever and clear runny nose (right side). Wondering if we should try pulsatilla instead or keep going with the orajel or just go to straight chamomilla? Also not sure if it helps but most of her modalities occur on the right side-hemangioma on the outside corner of right eye; bronchiolitis started at 2 months on the right side; any runny nose-right side.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t offer personal advice here but if you read the article again, you might find your answer there.

  14. Diane says:

    What do you do if you had your wisdom teeth as a teenager? In our gateway class zoom meeting you mentioned that it was bad to get your wisdom teeth out and it can cause problems. I think that might be me! Thank you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’m not sure I understand your question.

      And allow me to finetune my statement. It’s best to avoid having teeth extracted as a preventative measure. If pathology already exists, and there is an imminent danger, then it may be a sound decision.

  15. Danielle says:

    Hey Joette, Im glad to stumble on this most recent comment of yours regarding wisdom teeth. I am considering having mine pulled to make room because I have crowding at the bottom , and they want to pull the ones at the top because I may get Invisalign to help close my gap in my two from teeth. Any Homeopathic remedies that you’ve heard of to help close gapped teeth? or is that a bit of a stretch?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I’ve not used homeopathy for closing a gap in teeth.

  16. Sandra says:

    Dear Joette
    Can Homeopathy help with anger issues left over I believe from unfinished business between a mother and child?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If often can.

  17. Cindy Haffner says:

    My grandson is 12 will have tubes put in his ears in mid Jan. I want to try Homeopathy on him in the mean time and perhaps we won’t need the procedure done. No discharge just can’t hear on his right side. Am I on the right path with any of these Ferrum Phos. Or coffee cruda or China?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I wouldn’t consider China or Coffea cruda. However, I’d also consider what preceded the hearing loss, such as previous infections, antibiotics, etc. and use that history to help determine the remedy choice. Should you be interested, I cover this pretty fully in my online course The Antibiotic Alternative.

  18. Karen says:

    What can be used if a dentist (a biological one I might add!) said my daughter has her 4 wisdom teeth that “could” cause a problem..they have not grown in yet at 18. But I asked are they impacted, answer no. Are they causing any trouble? answer no. Then what is the problem? They said they could crowd the tooth in front of it and cause both of them to be extracted. This makes no sense to me at all, but of course scared my daughter. So I thought Calc Fluor 12x and Calc Phox 6x, 2D would be best…since there is not tooth pain, then Chamomilla might not be a good choice? Thanks.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Oh, those “coulds”!
      One “could” also wait until children are fully grown so that their pallet expands with their growth.
      It’s surprising how often nature just takes care of crowding with a little patience and super nutrient foods.

  19. Karen says:

    Yes, I made the mistake when she was in high school to get a palate expander prior to braces (same thing I had as a kid). Anyway, no problems since and now her wisdom teeth look like they exist and we just need to be patient to have them grow in on their own. It’s funny how a dentist will say if they grow in, be careful because they could cause damage to the tooth in front of it, since it doesn’t look like it will grow in straight. Thanks for the reminder of the super nutrient foods as well.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Merry Christmas!

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