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Sebastian was colicky when he was born and had a lot of difficulty with my breast milk AND was a very frequent waker/poor sleeper. I took him to Joette when he was 10 months old and with the first remedy, he went from his usual sleep, to only waking 1 -2 times per night MAXIMUM. This happened within a week.

After about a month, I switched to another remedy and he started sleeping 10 -12 hours a night without waking, in his own crib, and hasn't been a night waker since.

He started soothing himself to sleep and for naps when he was 13 months old (without crying), and now since 16 months old he ASKS to go to sleep. When he wakes in the morning, he'll also play and talk by himself for up to 90 minutes or so. Mornings are very pleasant now.

See why I feel so strongly about homeopathy? Some of the same remedies we used for sleep we also use for teething. He still doesn't wake at night and really has only minimum fussiness with the teething now. Joette is fantastic. She has helped me enormously with postpartum depression, digestive issues, back pain, pregnancy issues and learning how to do more self-diagnosis for common ailments (like colds, sinus stuff etc.)

Tina Ingrassia-Dietz
Professional Coach and Workshop Leader, Williamsville, NY

We switched from conventional medicine to homeopathy in January 2007. We started going to our homeopath, Joette, for allergies for our children and me.

At that time, my home was in chaos. We have one son who had been diagnosed with ADHD, another in the category of ADD, our daughter had urinary reflux, another son had severe peanut allergy, another son, constant constipation.

My best description of the feelings I had after beginning with homeopathy that January was hope. Even my 4 year old son with the milk allergy stated on the drive home after his first appointment with Joette, “I feel hope, too, Mom!”

And the hope wasn't misplaced. Each of us has had dramatic and steady improvement since that time so that most of us have not had to return for follow-up visits.

Karen Sagan, full time home schooling mom, Cheektowaga, NY

After being in bed for 10 days, sicker than I've been in my life, I dragged myself to a clinic at school in Boston. My mom was so scared and worried and I was too weak to think.

The doctors said I had mono and that I should expect to be ill for at least a few more weeks, maybe even months, and that relapses many months later are common.

They said no medicine would help me, so I had to just wait with “enforced bed rest” to get better. Nothing could be worse for someone with my life.

That's when my mom called our homeopath, Joette Calabrese. I started the homeopathic remedy, Gelsemium 30. The very next day, I felt better by 50%! It was unbelievable!

By two days, I was back in school feeling better than I did before I got mono! That was two years ago and I never had the predicted relapse, even though I went on with my life in full swing.

Donny Williams, college student, Boston

After eighteen months of coping with breast cancer and conventional treatment, a PET scan found two problem areas in my lung. Faced with a very invasive lung biopsy, I was discouraged and overwhelmed.

Through the recommendation of a friend, I sought out a homeopathic educational consult with Joette. Within three weeks of using homeopathy, another PET scan found one of the problem areas in the lung had decreased in size. Three months later, a PET scan indicated the other area of concern was “totally unremarkable.”

Quite amazing, considering my conventional doctor said there was nothing they could give me that would help.

Homeopathy worked silently, deeply and swiftly, to bring my body back to health. The experience left me with a feeling of awed astonishment at the wonder of this extraordinary medicine. I am so thankful to have found homeopathy and so thankful to Joettte for her expert insight and inspiration.

Judy, Springville, NY

We rescued our dog, Katie, from a home that could no longer care for her. She came with her own set of problems that we had to battle one at a time. The most difficult was when Katie continuously urinated on our living room rug almost daily. We took her to the vet who said she had a urinary tract infection and put her on antibiotics. The antibiotics did nothing; Katie continued to mess on the carpet almost daily. We patiently continued the vet's recommendation, with no improvement in Katie's condition. We took her back to the vet who then informed us that it had progressed to a kidney infection. But how could this be, wasn't she on antibiotics? He gave us more antibiotics, stronger this time. Katie stayed the same; there was no change. I was not about to give up, so I called Joette, knowing that she had helped my husband with his health problems the previous year. We took Katie off the antibiotic; after all, it was doing nothing anyway. She suggested a remedy, and we gave it to Katie. Within 3 days, Katie's problems were over. She has not messed on the carpet since. That was 4 years ago.

Donna Jamison, Kingston, NY

With homeopathy, Victor is much improved today. Happy in spirit. Croup much subsided. Fever gone.

Katherine Mohney, Financial Professional, Smith Barney, Buffalo, NY

Springtime had lamentably become a species of torture for me until Joette came along. Where other medicines danced around the problem, homeopathy went to the root cause. Once again I am enjoying my favorite time of year allergy free.

Norman Fulkerson, American Society for Tradition, Family and Property, Springrove, PA

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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