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Podcast 83 – Moms with Moxie: Truly, Madly in Love with This Medicine

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

October 15th, 2019  |  5 Comments

Joette Calabrese



05:55 Roadblocks to Learning

13:11    Gateway I and II Classes

17:28    “Careful, I might bite.”

19:54    Headaches, Feeling Overwhelmed, and Earaches

25:00    A Badly Broken Nose

27:10    Words of Encouragement



Good Gut, Bad Gut:  A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illness in Body and Mind

Gateway to Homeopathy I and Gateway to Homeopathy II study groups

Podcast 57: My Dirty Little Secret

“No Joy: Postpartum Depression”





Kate:  This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast Episode Number 83.


Joette:  Joette Calabrese here, folks. I’m happy that you’ve joined me for my podcast today. You’re in for a treat. From my virtual classroom, I’m privileged to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe. Their successes inspire me. They’re glorious and powerful, and I can’t keep their triumphs a secret. I want you to hear the excitement my students experience, too. So, you can be inspired by their unique stories. With the help from Kate, my reporter, I bring you a podcast series I call, “Moms with Moxie.” Sometimes we even interview “Dads with Audacity” or “Teens with Tenacity.” See how regular mothers and others — average folks who love healing those around them — have gone from freaking to fabulous by simply applying what they’ve learned using what I call Practical Homeopathy®.



Kate:  Hi. This is Kate. I am here with a wonderful Mom with Moxie who I am really enjoying getting to know. Her name is Emily. Emily, I want to welcome you to the podcast. Thank you for being here.


Emily:  Oh, thank you for having me. I’m very excited.


Kate:  Emily, tell us a little bit about yourself.


Emily:  Well, my husband and I have been married for 25 years. We have nine children ages 23 to almost 2. I homeschool them all. I’ve graduated two, and I have a senior this year.


Kate:  Wow! You are a busy mom. I just want to pick your brain how you’ve done this.


Emily:  Not well. There you go.


Kate:  I’m sure you’ve done a great job.


Emily:  My kids are amazing. But I am pretty sure that it had very little to do with me. They’re just great kids.


Kate:  Oh, no. You seem like a great mom already since I’ve known you only 15 minutes.


Emily:  There you go. That’s the limit! After that, it’s downhill!


Kate:  Downhill? No. You were telling us about yourself. You homeschool?


Emily:  Yes. We’ve homeschooled since the beginning, and I’ve graduated two. I always say that that gives me street cred — that I’ve got them all the way from beginning to end. Then my 17-year old is a senior this year. So, I have a senior, a freshman, a fifth grader, a second grader, a first grader, and then I have a first grader (but she has Down syndrome, so she has special needs), and then the baby.


Kate:  I feel like you should be given the title, “Supermom.”


Emily:  That’s not true.


Kate:  Emily, I loved what you wrote when we were going to record this podcast. You wrote down that you’re truly, madly in love with this medicine. It sounds like you are really excited about homeopathy. You have been using it for a while. Tell us about that.


Emily:  Well, I’ve been using it consistently for 15 years. But my first experience was Hyland’s Teething Tablets when my oldest was a baby. I was a very young mom. I was at the mercy of the doctors we could afford, and they used a lot of fear tactics to manipulate me into doing what they felt was best for my kid — not what I felt was best. But I knew I shouldn’t be giving her Tylenol every time her mouth hurt, every time she had a shot. It just seemed like a lot. So, I went into the health food store and asked. They gave me teething tablets, and they worked like a dream. Right? Because they’re good things.


Kate:  Yes, they are.


Emily:  I still actually have a bottle of the old teething tablets, and I hoard them.


Kate:  Yeah. Right.


Emily:  Then fast forward with my fourth baby, I had really bad afterbirth pains. My midwife recommended Arnica. We actually stopped at Walgreens because they carried Arnica back then. I don’t remember. But I used that instead of Tylenol, and it worked so much better.


So, I was hooked, and I loved the idea. I was fascinated with the idea that I’d been able to treat my family, myself. Another homeschool mom offered a class on the flu. It was just basically you bought the book, and she just flips through it and mentions some of it.


I bought the book, and I inhaled it. I read it cover to cover three times. That’s all the classes I had. So, I just read materia medicas. I read Kent’s lectures. I did National Center for Homeopathy First Aid class, and I taught one of those. (hose poor moms. I just was just kind of like a fire hydrant at them.)


I loved the results we were having. Every single time, I give it to my kids or anybody and it works, I’m always just shocked. I’m like, “Isn’t this amazing?” Even though I know it works.


Kate:  I totally understand. You could do it 15, 20 years, and every time you see that result, you’re just so thankful!


Emily:  Yes, and in an instant. I’m impatient, and I love the instant gratification that it gives.


Kate:  Right. We know it’s not always that way. But when it does happen that way, it’s glorious.


Emily:  I don’t know. I don’t have any numbers on this. But in my experience, first time people who use it for the very first time, it almost always seems to work. They’ll go, “I tried that, and it worked.”


I’m like, “Oh, you’re hooked now. It’s over!”


Kate:  You talk about sharing homeopathy with other people, and I know that the people that you reached out to have had a lot of successes. But at that same time, you were struggling a little bit. There were some roadblocks to you taking that next step in your homeopathy journey. Tell us a little bit more about that.


Roadblocks to Learning


Emily:  Yeah. Well, the only thing I had available at the time was classical homeopathy — which to take the case of a cold is hours. It takes a long time to look through the books. The people I was sharing it with, while they were having successes, they weren’t sticking with it. It just was too complicated.


Kate:  Right.


Emily:  I didn’t have any online sources, any places to go. I didn’t really have a sense of community, and I started to lose steam. I felt like a lone wolf. While I loved reading about it, and I loved the results we were having, I just needed something faster.


Even though my husband and I, we had invested hundreds of dollars in remedies, I wasn’t using them. I’d started using oils because you have a headache, you take a drop of this. You’ve got a muscle pain; you rub on a drop of this. I just needed that quick fix that oils were giving me.


My husband said, “But what about all this money we’ve invested?” I didn’t have an answer for him. I just stared at him and said, “I don’t know.”


He said, “You’re a homeschooler. You guys have curriculum for everything. Surely, you can find a curriculum for homeopathy.”


I was frustrated with him because I was thinking, “I’ve tried that. I’ve spent years looking for that.” But it had been years ago that I had done that.


So, I just Googled “homeopathy curriculum,” and Joette’s Good Gut, Bad Gut class popped up.


Kate:  Oh!!


Emily:  I watched the little video, and I just sat there for a little bit thinking, “Hold on. Every book I’ve ever read said you can’t do chronics unless you are a professional homeopath.” So, I would watch her video again, and then again. “Is it true? Could I do this?”


We invested again, but this time it was in her class, which at the time felt like a lot of money. It just, you know, it was just investment in my education. So, I did this, and because I’m an “all-or-nothing” kind of gal, I had this huge spreadsheet, and I was going to have my whole family … I had them all on four different protocols each. There’s eleven of us. It was a rough time.


So, I just dialed it back, and I just did the three things that I thought were most important, which was my gluten intolerance, my daughter’s thyroid issues, and then I have a daughter who has a dual diagnosis: she’s Down syndrome and autistic. And so, we focused on her.


Kate:  Okay. Tell us. How did all of that go after you took the Good Gut, Bad Gut and you started giving these remedies? What happened?


Emily:  Well, you know, you watch her videos and you get very excited. You order the remedies, and then you take these three little pellets, and you go, “I feel the same.”


You just kept taking them. Honestly, with the remedy for the gluten intolerance, I took it for about six months, and then, still didn’t do anything. I’d never tried bread. I just stayed off of it. My kids all went back to it, but they’re braver than I am. I had such strong reactions to it.


I started teaching the Gateway I and then the Gateway II classes, and my group really encouraged me to try it. “Just try a cracker. Just try it.”


So, I did. I tried a cracker. I didn’t tell my family because I didn’t want them to get mad at me for being in bed because of the stomach pains.


And nothing happened. And so, I waited a couple of days, and then I tried a cookie. Nothing happened. I had no pain! No joint pain. No headache. I was a new woman!


Kate:  Wow!


Emily:  At my daughter’s wedding last month, I had cake.


Kate:  Yay!


Emily:  I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that. But it was amazing!


Kate:  That’s awesome.


Emily:  I didn’t even know I also had a corn allergy. If I ate corn, I’d have a three-day migraine which nothing touched — even remedies — nothing touched. One day, I tried just to see if the corn intolerance was gone as well, and it was! I can go out to Mexican food which is a big deal in South Texas. We’ve got to have our corn. I can eat it in meal and foods. It completely changed everything for me!


Kate:  Wow! I never get tired of hearing women like you who talk about their allergies to foods that are really debilitating, life-changing. I don’t have that kind of severe allergy, but I can only imagine how much that must affect your life. If you eat the wrong thing (you don’t know what’s in there), then you’re down and out for days or even weeks sometimes. What an amazing thing this is for you to have learned this on your own and to now be free from that!


Emily:  Yes, because I would carry remedies that would help if I had an exposure. But now, I don’t even have to do that. I carry them for other people. It was life-changing.


By finding the protocols, when I say it changed my life, I’m not even kidding. Because I went from spending days trying to take a case to: you have a headache; you take the protocol. You have muscle pain; you take the protocol. It just revolutionized everything for us.


Kate:  I want to go back for just a minute. In the beginning, when you were talking about taking this Good Gut, Bad Gut course, and you said you had taken a remedy. You took it, and you didn’t notice anything right away. I just want to clarify for our listeners that you’re talking about taking remedies for chronic conditions like the food intolerances.


When you take a remedy in that situation for chronic conditions, you would take them generally for six to eight weeks, and then you’re going to evaluate. It’s different when we’re talking about acutes versus chronics. I just wanted to clarify that for the listeners for just a minute.


Emily:  Right. I was working on a chronic condition. Before, I had no hope to deal with. But I took the remedy for a certain period of time, twice a day or every other day, depending on what the protocol is. Then I reevaluated how it is working, not anything like an acute which is a much faster relief from the symptoms.


Kate:  Right. You would expect a remedy to start acting within one to three or four doses in an acute situation.


Emily:  Right.


Kate:  Were there other conditions or situations that you applied homeopathy using the knowledge from that course?


Emily:  Yes. I have a daughter who at seven was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s which is chronic hypothyroid. We just treated her with synthetic thyroid. I put her on the protocols.


Her numbers have stabilized. She’s still on the thyroid medicine. But any time she would stand for just a few minutes, her feet would start to swell. If she stood in line at a grocery store or stood up to sing hymns in church, her feet would swell.


The protocol I put her on was for one that had swelling, and that has completely healed. That really, really bothered her that her feet would swell. She always said she was like an old lady. That did clear up completely.


Gateway I and II Classes


Kate:  Great! Emily, you mentioned just a bit ago about leading some Gateway I and Gateway II study groups. That’s Joette’s curriculum called Gateway to Homeopathy I and Gateway to Homeopathy II. She has a study guide that people can purchase and go through themselves. Or oftentimes they purchase the book and lead a group of people locally or via Zoom or other video conferencing software. Tell us about how you led these groups, what you guys did, and how it went for you.


Emily:  Well, I purchased the Gateway class the same time I did the Good Gut, Bad Gut, just figuring I would read through it. I’ve been studying it for a long time. I doubted there was anything she could teach me. So, I was confident it was just going to be a flip-through.


But then I noticed that I could get a discount on another class if I had more people with me. I thought, “Oh, now you’re speaking my language!” So, I did. I started a Gateway class at my sister-in-law’s house.


Now, I have done three or four Gateway I classes. As soon as the Gateway II curriculum was available, I purchased it and started teaching those as well. In fact, I’m gearing up next week [at the time of this recording] to start my next Gateway I class.


Kate:  Yay! That’s awesome. Now, do you teach all locally or via the internet?


Emily:  I do it all via the internet now because it just works better for my family’s schedule for me just to be home. I really enjoy doing it in person. The questions are better, and you stick around longer and visit. But I can’t do that right now, and I’m grateful we have the technology we do, so we don’t have to.


Kate:  Yes. I love getting to know all the people when you do those groups, don’t you?


Emily:  Oh, yes. I feel like we get really close. That’s why I was so excited about the Gateway II because then I got to get back with my friends again. And then when the last class of the Gateway II — in fact, the last one we did — we did our Q&A with Joette, and she said, “Oh, ladies, I’m going to go.”


She got off, and then we stayed on another hour, just talking and laughing and enjoying each other.


But I’ll say, “Okay. Well, that’s it.” And then nobody gets off.


So, yeah, I feel like we grow pretty close with each other.


Kate:  Tell me. You said that when you got the book, you thought you would just flip through it, and you would know all the information in there. Was that true?


Emily:  It was not true. The first chapter, I did know all of that stuff: how remedies are made and the history of Hahnemann. I did know all of that. Then after that, maybe the second chapter, but definitely didn’t know about the acutes and the chronic protocols in the back. And, I didn’t know anything about the Banerjis.


Kate:  Do you feel like I do every time I lead the Gateway study group, and we go through that — whether it’s the Gateway I or the Gateway II book — every time I’m reminded of something that I had forgotten about. And I’m jotting it down, “Oh, yes. I forgot about this remedy combination for this.”


Do you feel that way as well?


Emily:  Absolutely. One thing I’ve learned in studying my daughter’s brain (the one that has special needs), is that “constant review makes permanent.” The constant review … it helps it lock in my brain, so I’m not having to constantly look it back up (which is nice in the middle of the night).


Kate:  Right. I know. When you need that, you often don’t have time to spend looking for that information which is why the protocols are great in the first place.


Emily:  Right, right. My brain doesn’t work like that. In the middle of the night, I don’t even think to look it up.


Kate:  Or where? “Where did I see that?”


Emily:  Right. I’m really bad about that.


Kate:  For those of you who don’t know, we do have an index in the back of the Gateway II book, so you can look up a condition or a remedy. Then it will tell you which page it’s on. We did that purposefully in that book because I want to be able to just look it up super-quick. “Is this condition in there?” Then find where to get the information.


Emily:  Right. Well, I’ve been able to … when people will maybe text me or email me and say, “What do you recommend for X, Y and Z?”


I’ll say, “You know what? That, we go over in Week 5,” to encourage them to get into their book — to make theirs look as messy as mine with all the notes.


But I’m able to go, “That’s in week 5. I know that. That I know.”


“Careful, I might bite.”


Kate:  All right. Let’s talk about some of the other ways that you’ve used homeopathy. I know you have some really great examples.


Emily:  I do. Well, I’ve been using it a long time. I’ve had four pregnancies and three miscarriages since I started using homeopathy. I’ve been able to use it during my pregnancies, during labors, during the postpartum. I was able to use Pulsatilla to turn a breach baby once.


Kate:  Really?


Emily:  She wasn’t breach. She was transverse. She was my seventh — there’s a lot of room in there! So, she was lying sideways. Back labor, that one, phew! One time, I actually did bite my husband, and I had made a bottle that said, “Careful, I might bite.” He gave that to me.


Kate:  You’re kidding.


Emily:  No, because I’m the one with the knowledge. When I have my babies, I label the bottles in such a way that those around me will know what to get.


Kate:  So that it makes sense for them.


Emily:  Right. It says, “Careful, I might bite.”


I have one that says, “I’m scared.” I was able to use that in a labor I got very fearful in. I was able to use the Aconite to calm that down.


Of course, Joette’s cell salt protocol, the prenatal cell salt protocol. Whew! I’m convinced that’s what made my last two at 38 years and 42 … I was 38 years old and 42 years old in my last two pregnancies. I’m convinced that’s what made those so easy. The recovery was like a dream.


Kate:  Wow! That’s great.


Emily:  So yeah, I love the cell salt.


Kate:  I feel like you’ve just given me a great idea how to label bottles for my children or other people. That’s a great way to do it is to put something on there that they can understand rather than just … Like I’ll put “head injury” or something like that. But I love those creative little ways that you label that. That’s awesome.


Emily:  In my cabinet, I have two big drawer systems. They have all the remedies in them, and they’re labeled with their name. Then I have a smaller one that says “Headaches,” “Nausea,” “Diarrhea,” so that they can just go directly into that little drawer and help themselves. My goal is to get me out of it, so they’re not always having to ask me, but they know it themselves.


Kate:  Right.


Emily:  That’s what I’m trying to do, and I’ll often quiz the kids, “Okay. So, Henry just fell and hit his head. What do we need to get?”


“Yes. Good job.”


Kate:  That’s great.


Headaches, Feeling Overwhelmed, and Earaches


Emily:  Another thing I love homeopathy for is headaches. I talked about my migraines. I have suffered from headaches a lot in the past. You take the remedy for it. It’s gone — faster than you could take an over-the-counter med. I use it for headaches a lot. I’ve been getting those less and less since I’ve been using it. Right?


Kate:  Yay!


Emily:  Uprooting.


Another one that I lean on a lot is Sepia. I had a very rough day, not “Supermom” at all. I gave the children to an older sibling, and I said, “I’m going to go to the store.” I wandered around the store and bought some Skittles and a candle.


Kate:  A candle?


Emily:  I just needed to get out of the house for a minute. On the way home, I was listening to a podcast of Joette’s about moms who lose their moxie. I’m from Texas. I wasn’t really sure what “moxie” meant, but I knew I didn’t have it anymore.


Kate:  Whatever it was, you did not have it!


Emily:  I didn’t have it. She recommended Sepia. So, I said, “Okay.”


I walked in, gave the children the Skittles. I took some Sepia, and I stayed on that for a while. Man! That is good stuff. I can always tell when I need some more of it because I start to feel overwhelmed, over-mothered, overworked. It’s a good remedy.


Kate:  We have to label the Sepia bottle, “Moms with young children who think they’re losing it.”


Emily:  Right.


Kate:  When you say Sepia, you’re talking about Sepia 200C. That’s S-E-P-I-A 200C.


Emily:  Yes.


Kate:  I know Joette talks about Sepia in a number of places, in her blogs and in the podcasts. There’s one blog called No Joy: Postpartum Depression.” But a good thing to do if you’re trying to find out about a certain condition or a remedy, on Joette’s website — joettecalabrese.com — you can go, and at the top right-hand side, you’ll see a search bar. You can just enter the word Sepia” in there or “mom” or whatever. Then you can search the blogs and the podcasts and the articles that she’s written and find a link to those places where she mentions that particular condition or remedy.


Another thing that you can do — I know we’ve talked about this over and over — but I think it’s worth mentioning here is — I don’t know if you do this, Emily, but I even do it — I’ll just go on to my Google search bar, and I’ll type in “Joette Calabrese” or even just “Joette” and a condition, and it brings up different blogs or a podcast where she addresses that.


Emily:  Oh, absolutely! When my last child was born, she was two days old, and the four-year old was screaming in pain. I mean, just screaming! And my husband texted me. It’s in the middle of the night, obviously — that’s how it always happens. He texted me, and he said, “Her ear … she’s dying.” But he didn’t want to bring her in with the baby, in case she had a cold or something.


I did, from my phone — Googled “Joette” plus “earaches.” And up popped it, and I texted him Hepar sulph.” That’s what he gave her. Two doses later, she was sound asleep, and he went back to sleep.


Anytime she has an ear infection, it’s always for her. It’s Hepar sulph. But it takes two doses. I wrote that down in my notes: “She takes two doses.”


Kate:  That’s awesome that you keep those notes. I think that’s very important because we can see patterns, I think, with our children. Like, for this child, this seems to work, this child … Do you notice that, Emily?


Emily:  Absolutely. But for me, the two doses was important because my years as classical study, I wanted it to work with the one dose within minutes. If it didn’t, I had a tendency to, like Joette says, run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I would panic. “This didn’t work. Let’s try this one. Let’s try this one!” Before I’d know it, we had done three or four.


So, writing down, “it takes two doses” …


But that’s another thing I learned through the Gateway was to give it four doses before you decide to change. That really helped me stay focused. So, writing that down for that child to take two doses with the Hepar for her ear pain.


Kate:  Do you keep notes like that for all of your children? What’s your system for keeping track of the different remedies for all the kids?


Emily:  It’s often written in the last page of the current book I’m reading. But I do, I just will write it down or praise the Lord for our phones that we can do that. But because of Joette’s system of the file folders, I can just rip that page out and throw it into their file. I’m not very good at note taking. I’ll just write it down in the closest thing to me.


Kate:  But like you said, then you can take that and put it into their file. Yes.


Emily:  Right. I tried notebooks. I tried notebook per kid. Then I got too many kids. The file system makes perfect sense.


A Badly Broken Nose


Kate:  Yeah. Tell us the story about your mother-in-law. I know she had a very bad accident. Tell us about that.


Emily:  She was leaving my home and tripped over some decorative rocks that I had put out. She fell and didn’t catch herself with her hands. She just fell onto her face. When we got her back inside the house, she was profusely bleeding from her nose. Her nose was completely flat against her face.


Kate:  Oh, my gosh!


Emily:  My sister-in-law and I both use homeopathy. She went directly to my cabinet. We got her Arnica and Hypericum right away and started alternating those back and forth while everybody around tried to discuss, “What are we going to do? Are we going to take her to the ER? Are we going to call 911?” She’s in her 70s, so a fall is kind of a big deal.


Kate:  Right.


Emily:  She said, “Are you sure I need to go?”


We pulled the towel away from her face, and her nose was very broken. But at this point, the bleeding had almost stopped … thanks to the Arnica. They took her to the ER and continued to dose the Hypericum and the Arnica.


When she got there, and I hope this isn’t TMI (too much gross), but she was complaining of something in her nose. She scratched at her nose, and a very large blood clot was there.


The doctor said, “You look fine. You need to see an ear, nose and throat guy in a couple of days. But there’s nothing I can do.” Two days later, she saw the ENT and he was shocked. He couldn’t believe how good her whole face looked.


Kate:  Wow!


Emily:  Then we started her on the Symphytum because he said, “We don’t need to do surgery. Everything is set.” We started her on the Symphytum. Other than bruising, she was fine which is shocking.


But the funny part about that one, she called me about a week later and said, “What were you giving me?” I said, “I gave you Hypericum.”


She said, “Well, I have this knee pain that’s been waking me up in the middle of the night.” She said, “It’s gone!”


So, she wanted to buy herself some Hypericum to keep on hand, in case her knee pain came back.


Kate:  Wow! That’s great.


Emily:  I didn’t even know she had that knee pain. I would have helped her.


Words of Encouragement


Kate:  I’d like to transition now into having you give a few words of encouragement to our listeners. To start that out, I wanted to just read a few sentences from an email that you wrote to Joette, if that’s okay with you.


Emily:  Sure.


Kate:  It was a great email. I wish I could read the whole thing. But in this email, you say, “The real reward,” and I’ll just paraphrase here, “of teaching those Gateway classes is seeing the moms fight for their kids. They know there is something better out there. They just need to be shown the way. The pride on their faces, I know you know what I’m talking about. I’m so grateful for your classes. Not only have I healed my own family and many others, but I’ve given them the tools and confidence to do it for themselves. Thank you,” you say.


I just love what you wrote in this email to Joette. I think that is it. That is it! Just seeing people get a hold of this, get the knowledge and see their lives transform.


Just talk to us a little bit more about encouraging those moms. What would you say to friends of yours or others who are starting on their journey to homeopathy or even have been using homeopathy for a while? What are your tips, Emily?


Emily:  It’s funny. I know I wrote that email, but I teared up remembering writing that because I think I cried as I wrote that to Joette.


As a young mom, I was only 20 when I had my first baby, I really wanted somebody to tell me that I was enough, that I was her mom and what I know to be true in my gut was right. I didn’t have anybody to tell me that. That’s what I often tell moms.


You’re the mom! You’re the mom, and you’re the one that’s going to stay up two nights in a row making sure that you’re doing the right thing. You’re the one that’s going to sacrifice to make sure that they’re eating the right thing. Nobody else. You’re the only one that’s going to fight for your kids. That’s what you’ve got to do. Sometimes you’ve got to dig your toes in hard.


You’re not tossed to and fro on the whims of the popular fad.


“This is the newest and greatest drug.”


You don’t have to worry about that. You can let others worry about that, if it’s safe. You know that this is safe, and this is going to take care of your kids.


We are the ones that carry these children. We love these children. Now, we can take care of our children.


That’s our job! I love that homeopathy gives us this safe way — that works. It’s not just safe, but it works! So, that in the middle of the night when they have an ear pain, we’re there! Or when they fall and they hurt themselves, we have something for them. It’s such a gift to give, not just our kids but to other moms around us.


Joette:  As I hope you know by now, on my blog, podcasts and Facebook Live, I offer as many protocols for simple conditions as I can — for free, without affiliates or advertising. But let me be clear. When it comes to more complex conditions, it’s key that you learn how to use these medicines properly. I want you to be well-trained. So, I save discussions of the more involved methods for my courses in which I walk students through each method with step-by-step training.


In these podcasts, I focus on those students of mine who have already tunneled in and learned how to take care of themselves, family, friends, and pets, and even livestock using homeopathic medicine. Many of these students began their education by participating in one of my Gateway to Homeopathy study groups. And now, after taking one or more of my courses, they’re well-trained to use my spceific brand of homeopathy. I hope listening to this podcast has inspired you to follow in their footsteps. With the proper training, you, too, can nurture and protect the health of your family and loved ones with Practical Homeopathy®.


Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Pandora, Stitcher, TuneIn and iHeartRadio.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.


These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.




Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


5 thoughts on “Podcast 83 – Moms with Moxie: Truly, Madly in Love with This Medicine”

  1. Carole says:

    Great post!
    Wonderful stories. Thanks for sharing

  2. Nancy Grant says:

    A beautifully encouraging ‘Moms with Moxie!’ Emily, you are a wonderful blessing to your family and friends! Thank you for sharing some awesome tips and amazing homeopathy successes?

  3. Nancy says:

    Great interview – I love that Emily admitted she wanted instant gratification……LOL! Me too! Anyway, I’ve loved the idea of homeopathy since I first knew of it in the 90s….but the classical was just toooooo much for me to even think about. So except for some arnica use here and there, I abandoned my 200C remedy kit and went on to herbs. Fast forward to finding Joette (don’t remember how – seems she just popped up into my search bar!!) and the Banerji’s and diagnoses and I was sold! As a nurse, I could really relate to that and it’s changed my whole perspective on health and healing.

    1. Hélène says:

      The classical is crazy method IMO I think they wanted to keep it hard so ppl had to use their services, I honestly do. Akin to the AMA telling everyone theyre not a dr so only listen to THEM.

  4. Vicky says:

    Just listened to this podcast for the third time! Emily was so informative. So right on instant gratification. All my issues seem to be chronic so will keep reminding myself it takes time.

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