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Podcast 81 – Ladies Only

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

September 18th, 2019  |  52 Comments


Joette Calabrese



01:16    Infections

08:48    When the remedy is acting; use of observational skills

14:59    Uprooting the condition

18:08    UTI and honeymoon cystitis

20:53    Feminopathy relaunch


Kate:  This is the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast Episode Number 81 with Joette Calabrese.


Joette:  This is Joette Calabrese, and I’d like to welcome you to the Practical Homeopathy® Podcast. Women and men worldwide are taking back control of their families’ health and learning how to heal their bodies naturally, safely and effectively. So, if you’re hungry to learn more, you’ve come to the right place. Stay tuned as we give you the tools — and the inspiration you need — as I share my decades of experience and knowledge using this powerful medicine we call homeopathy.


Kate:  Hi. I’m Kate, and I’m here with Joette again today for another podcast. Today, we’re talking about female issues. So, all you ladies, listen up. This is going to be an important podcast for you. We’re going to talk about a common condition that a lot of women experience. Get your pens and papers ready to take some notes.


All right, Joette, let’s get down to business and talk about these feminine issues. What do you want to discuss today?




Joette:  Well, one of the most common female conditions is infections: bladder, kidney, urethra, ureter, et cetera. I do want to cover that. Particularly for those who have chronic UTIs, I’m speaking to you because everyone believes that they have to take antibiotics. In my experience — not my personal experience, although I’ve certainly had a few UTIs many years ago — but in my experience in listening to my students and clients and taking cases for the last 25-30 years, I have noted that the history — because I take the history and I take the history of a person’s health quite seriously — that the history is often, “Got a UTI, used an antibiotic. Got another UTI, used an antibiotic; another UTI, antibiotic; UTI, antibiotic; UTI, antibiotic.” It gets faster and faster and tighter and tighter.


Now, they’re using that more and more frequently until after many rounds of antibiotics, we often see women left with interstitial cystitis that feels like a urinary tract infection, but they don’t find the microorganisms in the urine.


So, it’s declared, “Nope, you don’t have an infection!”


“But it feels like it. I have the urgency. I have the frequency. I have the pain, pain afterwards. Sometimes the pain radiates down the legs. I have aching in my kidneys. What is going on? You don’t find anything?”


That is often interstitial cystitis.


Kate:  What is “interstitial cystitis?” That’s a tongue twister.


Joette:  Yes, it is. Well, interstitial cystitis is what they often call bladder pain syndrome. It is a feeling as though you have a bladder infection and those other areas: lower urinary tract, upper urinary tract, in the back, et cetera. Often if it lasts more than about six weeks, that is frequently what is then pronounced as, “Well, it’s a syndrome instead of an acute infection.”


Not nice! Because what it is — a syndrome, especially in this particular case — means what was originally an acute condition is now a chronic condition.


What’s the difference? An acute comes and goes, and it’s over with. If treated properly, it comes and goes and is often over with for many months or years or perhaps even forever. If treated incorrectly, in a sloppy manner such as just throwing drugs at it that only kill microorganisms, then we often end up with a chronic condition — which means that the person, the woman is suffering (it’s usually a woman) … suffers from this chronic pain and discomfort and urgency and frequency. But more often, it’s really awful pain.


One person described it to me once as, “It felt like someone set my uterus on fire, and then stomped on it with combat boots.” The pain was horrible! So, it felt like she had been kicked. But before she was kicked in the bladder, there was tremendous burning pain.


And so, their entire lives — and I’ve worked with many, many women with this condition — their entire lives are focused around one organ, the bladder (and those that are relative to the bladder, so, the kidneys, the ureter, the urethra, et cetera), and it ruins their lives.


Now, they can’t go anywhere. They can’t count on anything. They have to wear pads. The pain is all encompassing. Being tethered to the bathroom is chronic. It’s not nice.


I believe that the problem has to do with the sloppy, poorly way the urinary tract infection was dealt with at the onset. If we use a homeopathic medicine that is correct, that suits this condition and this person, we will find that there is no need to go to a bazooka to kill a mosquito.


Kate:  A bazooka. What an image.


Right! That happens so often.


Joette:  Listen. I know that antibiotics have been lifesavers in the past. They have saved people from disease and death. There is a place for antibiotics, but not if you have homeopathy, to be honest. But let’s say you didn’t have homeopathy; I have to give credit where credit is due.


However, what has occurred in our society, not just the U.S., North America, but all over the world. Certainly, the same thing happens in South America and Europe and India, et cetera, and China, is that any time there’s any infection, the doctor automatically gives antibiotics.


So, infections come. We live on this earth where there are microorganisms everywhere. It happens frequently. So, that means that antibiotics are administered frequently. They become less and less valuable as time goes on, not only for that particular person but for that particular microorganism. So, we want to try to avoid them at almost any cost, if possible.


Now, if you don’t have the homeopathic medicine or you’ve used it, and it’s just not working for you … because most of these medicines, when we discuss this, will work on approximately 80% to 85% of the population who has this particular condition. That’s a very high percentage.


How do we know those numbers? The Banerjis have done the research. They have shown time and again that by using their specific protocol for this condition, that is the kind of result that they can expect.


Now, what happens if you happen to be in the 20% to 15% of society in which that doesn’t do any good? And I will say parenthetically, most people think they belong there?


Kate:  That’s true.


Joette:  It really is true. Most people feel, “Oh, well, what if I’m there? I guess I am there. It’s not working fast enough, et cetera.”


We have a second line. I teach this particular condition in Alternatives to Antibiotics, my course. But I also teach it in our course Feminopathy. We’re going to be talking about that. Should you be interested, this is where I train you how to use this. But I’m not going to leave you high and dry now. We will go into, in-depth, what remedy I would certainly begin with. I’ve also talked about it on my blog.


So, any time … also parenthetically, let me also mention … any time you have a condition, just in your browser, put in the words “Joette Calabrese” and the name of the condition. You’ll find that I have probably covered it with the name of the medicine, the potency, the frequency, and often a story behind it so that there’s a little more understanding of how to use it.


When it becomes a more complex condition, then I say I have to save that for when I teach courses. That’s where we really dig in and learn how to use these medicines.


Kate:  Joette, when someone has a urinary tract infection, they want relief right away because they’re suffering. So, how easy is this to solve with homeopathy?


When the remedy is acting; use of observational skills


Joette:  Well, I think it’s relatively easy. But I will tell you that the most difficult part is not finding the homeopathic medicine. That’s the easy part because I give it to you. I’m going to give it to you today. I give it to you in all of these forums. If you get a simple homeopathy book on the shelf of a bookstore, you will find the medicine that probably will do the work. The hard part, I believe, is in observing “what is it that you are now seeing.”


Most of us want more, faster. A lot of times, they’ll say, “But I still have the urinary tract infection!”


Well, does it still feel as though someone set your bladder on fire, and that you’ve been stomped on by boots? Or is it now maybe a 6 instead of a whopping 10 in degree of pain and discomfort, urgency, frequency, et cetera? That is the part that folks don’t understand that they need to pay very close attention to.


Kate:  Right. They just want it all gone right away within hours, I think, really.


Joette:  Right. It can happen that way. But more often than not, we see not only the condition abating (so, that is the pain is not as extreme; the frequency is not as grand; the urgency is not as trying), but we also see that their disposition has changed.


I know that sounds like, “How could that possibly matter?”


But it does matter because they become less frantic. They feel as though they can take a nice long nap and when they get up from the nap, they can feel refreshed. Or, they find they have more energy now, and their focus isn’t on the constant sensation in the bladder. They still have the sensation, but now they’re able to prepare their meals. Now, they still have the sensation of urgency, but it’s not so bad that they can’t get to the grocery store and get what they need for their families.


Kate:  If this isn’t yourself that you’re treating, say you’re helping one of your children or another family member, you can often tell how a remedy is working by looking at their face, I’ve found. Because like you said, if their facial expression is that of pain and they’re not talking, that’s often a higher pain level. Then when they start to relax a little bit, maybe take their mind off of the pain and do something else or start talking to you, that is often that the pain is lessening. They may not realize how much their pain has lessened. But if you watch their body language, you can tell.


Joette:  That is absolutely so! What homeopathy offers us, as the person who is healing the members of their family, is the opportunity to gain observation skills that they might not have had before. Instead of asking questions, we just observe:


  • Is her face still in a frowny position?
  • Is she still rocking back and forth?
  • Is she still running to the bathroom sighing and freaking every time she goes?


If you see that that’s changing, then you know it’s very likely that you’re onto the right homeopathic medicine.


Kate:  The person, themselves, may not realize that there’s a change, but you can see that there’s a change. That’s very important.


Joette:  Yes, it is. They probably won’t realize there’s a change until there’s quite a dramatic shift. You’re looking for the nuances to observe.


One of the things that I love about homeopathy is that when we’re using a homeopathic medicine, whether it’s for an acute condition or a chronic condition or a species of both, is that the medicine, if it works 10%, don’t give up and say, “Oh, it’s only 10%. It’s not good enough. I have to go to another medicine.”


No, no, no. This is where the mistakes are made.


Continue using the medicine and go to 28% improvement. Then keep using the homeopathic medicine and use it accordingly — meaning you’re going to use it according to the need. In other words, the greater the symptoms, the more frequently we use it, usually. Then it goes to 28% improvement. Then we watch, and we watch. Now, we’re on the second day. Now, we’re seeing 60% improvement. If we keep going, we will see that it will most likely take us to 100% — particularly in an acute condition or an acute UTI.


Kate:  But, Joette, what if the person has that 8 out of 10 level pain? You hate to see someone suffer like that. We just went through this with a family member. How often should you give it? You’re talking about that 10% you’re watching. And say, the remedy works, and their pain level comes down now from an 8 to a 7. Right? That 7 is still very painful. You’re talking about, “No, stay with that remedy because it still helped that 10%.”


Joette:  If the pain is severe enough, then we’re going to use it more frequently. We would use the medicines maybe every hour. If the person was in danger, let’s say hemorrhaging, and you’re on the way to the hospital, you might use it every 15 minutes. I don’t imagine that someone is going to generally hemorrhage from a urinary tract infection but using that as another example. Or if the pain is very, very severe, yes, you can use it every 10 minutes. As the pain minimizes, then you start going to every 30 minutes. As you see that the person’s shoulders are now dropping instead of being tight up against their ears with angst, now it’s getting better and better. Now, you’re going to administer it every hour … every three hours …then perhaps every six hours.


If you start every six hours — let’s say by the second day or even later in the first day — and now at six hours, you can see it’s not close enough, then go back. You’re looking for that tipping point. You go back to every five hours or every four hours and allow it to do its work. And then try to go back to six hours later, and then to 12 hours. Usually, a urinary tract infection that’s an acute, particularly in a young person, will abate within hours. You see some shift within hours or a day or so. Then over a period of three or four days, we can put it to rest.


Uprooting the condition


Kate:  Say that infection clears up. Now, two weeks later, a month later, the infection comes back, now what do we do? Do we just repeat those medicines again?


Joette:  I never tinker with success. Certainly, we start with the medicines that were used last that did the best work. We start in exactly the same fashion. We’re going to use it again, start it up again.


But! I pretty much guarantee — it’s not hundred percent of the time so maybe it’s not a hundred percent guarantee — but I see it so frequently that the second round (without antibiotics and all the medications that are allopathic and using only homeopathy that the second time this infection comes back, it doesn’t come back as a screaming 10 like the bladder was set on fire and tromped on by combat boots.


Now, it feels like it’s achy. It’s back again, and mostly more often than not, women will say, “Oh, no, it’s back again.”


I say, “Oh! It’s great that it’s back! Not because I want you to suffer, but here’s another opportunity to uproot it.” Because homeopathy’s unique ability is to uproot the condition, not suppress it, not kill the bugs, not kill the microorganisms. There’s no need to determine whether this is a bacterial, it’s a strep B, whether it’s a viral infection. That’s unnecessary.


What we need to know is what is the name of the condition (it’s a UTI), and how is it presenting. Once we see that, we know what to use. We use it a second time around. Now, instead of it coming back as a 10, it’s come back as say a 7 — 7 is still pretty painful or still too much urgency and frequency. However, once you started at 7, now you can go down to a 3 or a 4 faster. Then we go down to a 2, and then we go down to a 1 — administering all along. Now, the infection is gone again.


Now, let’s say it happens again. Let’s say six months from now, it happens again. This time — and it’s not always perfect like this, but it often presents this way — this time in pain, in urgency, frequency, et cetera, instead of starting at a 7, now it’s more likely to start at a 4. However, what most often women experience is the angst that goes along with it. The first thing they think is, “Oh no, it’s coming back again!”


No, no, again, another opportunity to uproot.


Now, how many times does this take? It depends on the person. It depends on how many drugs have been thrown at this condition.


Let’s say this is honeymoon cystitis. Honeymoon cystitis, you know, when young couples first get married, the woman often has pain and gets urinary tract infections from a greater amount of activity at that time in her life. So, it’s going to be more frequently that way. When we use these medicines, we’re looking to uproot the conditions so that the allopathic drugs are no longer necessary, and they actually become superfluous. Then we uproot the propensity for this to become a chronic condition — which is what we want very much to stay away from.


UTI and honeymoon cystitis


Kate:  All right Joette, let’s get down to the remedy. You have to share with us what remedy we should use for a UTI?


Joette:  Well, there are a number of them as you probably would have guessed. But my all-time favorite is Cantharis. Every classical homeopath knows the use of this medicine. We usually start it in a 30th potency, Cantharis 30C. If you only have X, then certainly you use Cantharis 30X.


But make sure that you’re well-stocked, folks. There’s nothing worse than knowing exactly what medicine to use and not owning it. You need to own the top 100 medicines. I cannot urge you enough to own a kit.


Cantharis 30 and it’s generally used every few hours depending on the severity. If it’s very severe, you might use it, as I said, every 15 minutes to get started or 10 minutes. Then you open it up to less frequently, as needed.


Then I also like Medorrhinum. That is in a 200 potency. That is generally used twice daily during this period of time. Sometimes when it’s a very severe case, then we increase the use of Medorrhinum, and it’s used perhaps every 3 hours.


Now, all classical homeopaths, all homeopaths of any stripe know that these two medicines are some of the best medicines. But the Banerjis have done even more work than that, and they used Medorrhinum much more frequently than the way that I was ever trained to use Medorrhinum. I don’t have a worry about it as long as you know that this indeed is a urinary tract infection. It is appropriate.


Kate:  And that is important. You have to know what you’re dealing with because you don’t want to be taking Medorrhinum frequently thinking that it’s UTI, and it’s not.


Joette:  Or Cantharis or anything else for that matter. What you want is always to know what it is you’re dealing with. You don’t have to know which microorganism is at play. What you need to know is what is happening to the bladder or urethra, et cetera.


Kate:  The honeymoon cystitis that you were talking about Joette, does Cantharis address that as well?


Joette:  Well, it can but we, homeopaths, we all know that one of the grand homeopathic medicines is Staphysagria 200C for honeymoon cystitis. It’s those women who after having relations are told they absolutely must empty their bladder, or else they’ll get a urinary tract infection, it’s Staphysagria. I like to use it in a 30th potency or a 200 potency. It is used in the same fashion as Cantharis.


Kate:  So, every …


Joette:  Every 3 hours is the general rule of thumb in the very beginning. If it’s very extreme, it can be taken every 15 minutes. If it’s not so extreme at all, it’s just mild and the person is expecting that this is going to turn into something, but it hasn’t quite yet, then we might use it only twice daily.


Feminopathy relaunch


I have an article on this, a blog article. It’s called UTIs and antibiotics. You can look at it, “Recurring UTIs and Antibiotics: Stop the Cycle.” So, check that out. You’ll be able to read up on it a little bit more. But we go into much greater detail in all of these — because these are not the only three homeopathic medicines for this condition. It depends on how it’s presenting in other ways as well. And we’ll go into great detail in my course Feminopathy.


Kate:  You also have an infographic called The Three Feminopathy Fates. How do they get that though, Joette?


Joette:  I believe it’s going to be down below, and you just click on it. It will tell you how to go about doing that. You can download it, and you’ll keep it on your refrigerator or keep it in your medicine cabinet right by your homeopathy kit. If you got a book going that you’re putting together —- a loose-leaf binder. Many people tell me that’s how they do this. Under the category of “Female,” you put this infographic in there, and you can refer back to it time and time again. For those infographics that you use time and again, I urge people to put them in a plastic sleeve and put them in their loose-leaf binder.


Kate:  That’s just what I’ve done, Joette. I have the infographics for all of your courses. Again, these are free resources that Joette and her staff offer. You just go on her website, and you can download any of these infographics from the courses. I’m looking at the one for the Feminopathy course right now. You have some things on here for menstrual cramps, for PMS, varicose veins, hot flashes, flooding.


Joette:  Osteoporosis, that’s right, cystic breast, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, morning sickness. We tried to pull from as many different areas of a woman’s life as we possibly could. But in my course Feminopathy … which, of course, we’re re-launching, that’s what we’re talking about. We’re re-launching this course. You will be able to learn each of these and many, many, many more. Because we start at menarche in young girls and go all the way to women of a quite elderly age and cover all of the conditions that I could come up with that would be useful to most folks.


Kate:  I lead a lot of the Gateway study groups. People are always asking me, “What should I do next? Should I take a course? Should I purchase a materia medica?” I often tell them that you’re going to get the most protocols from Joette’s courses. I’m not just saying that because we’re doing a podcast. I honestly believe that if you want to learn protocols, you need to, after taking the Gateway study groups, take Joette’s courses because she details so many protocols in those courses that those courses are your best resources.


Joette:  Well, that’s right Kate. But for those folks who cannot afford a single course right now, just stick around the blog. Hang out on the podcast. Watch me on Facebook Live, and you will learn plenty. Then buy as you can. Buy a materia medica when you can. Order a number of homeopathic medicines when you can and make this a focus of your life.


Kate:  When we were talking at the beginning of the podcast, I was talking about being prepared. If you want to be able to treat these conditions yourself, you have to have the knowledge, the information, and you have to have the medicines. I just want to kind of wrap up this podcast by saying it is so important that you be well-stocked in your remedies like you said earlier Joette, and that you have the resources.


Whether it’s studying free information that you offer or your courses, just have that information at your fingertips and have some friends that you can talk to about these things. Have your study group buddies on your speed dial and be ready to contact them when an emergency situation arises because it’s hard to think when you are in that situation.


Joette:  That’s absolutely so. We have to be fiercely interested. If you take this very lightly, it can still work for you. But if you really want this to become an important part of your lifestyle, then you almost have to be fierce about it. What I mean is that focus on it, learn as much and as fast as you can, own as many homeopathic medicines as you can. Go to Wal-Mart or Wegmans or Whole Foods or your local health food store and look at the section that Boiron puts out and Hyland's puts out.


Boiron is in blue tubes. Hyland’s is usually in white bottles. Look at even the combination medicines. You don’t have to just use single medicines. You can find combination medicines.


Now, I put a cautionary note to this. Those are the companies that I trust for combination medicines that are out there for the public. I’m not impressed with those pharmacies that manufacture homeopathic medicines that have 30 medicines in them all at once. But I do trust, and I’ve used them myself through the decades, these companies that I just mentioned and their combination medicines.


You can actually find some that are called bladder pain or something like that. I mean, they have their own names to them. And then you look on the bottle, and there are the medicines I’m talking about. I don’t think you’re going to find Medorrhinum, but you’ll certainly find Staphysagria and Cantharis.


Also, buy those because those are good for in a pinch. Leg cramps or overuse or restless legs or insomnia, sleep medicines or ColdCalm. There are many that are combinations.


Now, that is not a classical suggestion. Classical homeopaths do not normally suggest this. Because I’ve gone into a more practical way of teaching and using homeopathy, I find that it is so necessary for folks to learn how to use these medicines whether they’re a combination or not.


So, be diligent. Be curious. This is your secret weapon folks. This is a quiet way of taking care of yourself and your family that’s inexpensive. What I always say is this is what I call “intellectually delicious” because this work is so rewarding.


Joette:  As I hope you know by now, on my blog, podcasts and Facebook Live, I offer as many protocols for simple conditions as I can — for free, without affiliates or advertising. But let me be clear. When it comes to more complex conditions, it’s key that you learn how to use these medicines properly. I want you to be well-trained. So, I save discussions of the more involved methods for my courses in which I walk students through each method with step-by-step training.


I hope listening to this podcast has inspired you to follow in their footsteps. With the proper training, you, too, can nurture and protect the health of your family and loved ones with Practical Homeopathy®.




Kate:  You just listened to a podcast from PracticalHomeopathy.com where nationally certified homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese shares her passion for helping families stay strong through homeopathy. Joette’s podcasts are available on iTunes, Google Play, Blueberry, Pandora, Stitcher, TuneIn and iHeartRadio.


Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit for your health strategy, visit PracticalHomeopathy.com.


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Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


52 thoughts on “Podcast 81 – Ladies Only”

  1. Teresa VB says:

    Thank you so much for posting this information! I have started seeing amazing success with staphysagria 200c for my chronic UTI that I learned about from an earlier blog post. This blog post is even more helpful and informative as it describes how often to take in greater detail. I hope to be posting a testimonial of complete healing in the near future. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information!

  2. tariq saeed says:

    very precious information I got to treat UTI,thanks dear Dr

  3. Tash says:

    Thank you for this podcast! You describe exactly what I experienced…7 years of chronic UTIs with antibiotics each time and they just kept coming back stronger and stronger. Ultrasounds and other tests proved inconclusive.

    Finally I saw a Homeopath out of desperation and the results were so dramatic that I decided to study Homeopathy!

    I have only had 3 UTIs since 2009 when I started using homeopathy, and the last one was over 3 years ago. It may take time, but with incremental progress as you have mentioned, it’s totally worth it.

  4. Mayda says:

    I can’t thank you enough. I know I say that all the time but it’s true. If I have not gained anything from homeopathy (which I HAVE, I can’t count the ways), at least it has been so interesting, it has been food for my brain and most important, it has given wings to my calling, motherhood. Now, unintentionally, when I read stories, hear people talking, etc. I constantly go through my head to figure out what the homeopathic solution would be. Hahah.
    But if there’s anyone out there who is just learning about homeopathy, this is what I’ve gleaned. What you find here on the website is different than what you will find in the podcasts and the courses. So in a sense it is not a regurgitation of the same thing with different words. It is information ABSOLUTELY necessary and important at every level. There is nothing in Joette’s material that is not important. If you think so, just listen or read the same article a month later and see if you’ll still say the same. You will realize you had missed something. So off my soap box. Every one has their own path. I just wanted to say Joette, you’re honest and it’s as if you read my thoughts. Best of all, though, your stuff works. End of discussion. Period end. HA!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Many thanks for your kind words, Mayda.
      My motto is content, content, content. Its what I was starving for decades and now that I have the information it’s my life’s mission to get it out to families.

  5. Jessica says:

    First off, thank you so much for all your information. I’m loving the material I’ve ordered from you so far. I’m wondering if you can take Cantharis and Medorrhinum at the same time or is it one or the other? Thank you!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The protocol from Drs. Banerji is to use both in the same schedule.

  6. Laurie Paul says:

    Bladder infection is what got me into homeopathy. Fifteen years ago a friend finally talked me into going to one of the homeopath’s in our city. After many rounds of antibiotics for this infection. I was cured in the first week and it has never come back. I know Cantharis & Staphysagria was part of the protocol. I don’t remember is there was another remedy or not. Yeah for homeopathy! It was after this that I discovered Joette.

  7. Jill Oneglia says:

    For a 90 year old woman, can 200c potency be used?
    Or should I drop to a 30 c potency w/medorrhinum and or Staphysagria?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I don’t usually adjust for age when it comes to protocols.

  8. Tisha Schwartz says:

    I have read everything I could find that you have written on UTI and have tried Cantharis, Staphysagria, Medorrhinum, and Sepia per your protocols. Due to the usual over prescription of antibiotics (before I discovered homeopathy), I have had an almost continuous UTI since 2014. Fortunately the only symptom I have ever had is a strong urine odor. Another UA last week confirmed the presence of UTI due to e. coli. What do you advise?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I cant’ advise you specifically unless I take your case but should you be interested I cover this condition fully in my course Antibiotic Alternative as well as in Feminopathy. Having said this, it actually sounds as though you already know what to do.

  9. What can I use for hot flashes
    From menopause

  10. Maria E Bandosz says:

    What can I use for hot flashes due toenopause

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Whenever you want to know which medicines I choose for a specific condition, search my name in your browser with the name of the condition and voile!

  11. Rebecca says:

    I can’t get any answers! I am 52, according to my labs “post meno”, yeah right. Still have periods. Since about 3 years ago, I started w/my 1st UTI, and since then, I have a reoccurring problem, I can’t urinate at night. Feels like a bladder spasm, but can’t go. After getting up, walking, hot packs, 30 mins to sometimes 2 hours, will start. Then with a few more trips I am can go. Seems worse around my period,and when my body “tries” to ovulate. I have fibroids,and been thoroughly tested, bladder & uterus and no one can tell me why I have this issue, and only at NIGHT. I think it is related to perimenopause, but I just need relief.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      I teach folks to not get overfocused on why and instead look for how to rid yourself of it naturally. Should you be interested, consider taking a look at my online course titled “Feminopathy” or “Alternative to Antibiotics” where I focus heavily on this condition along with the protocols I’ve used for it.

  12. Laura says:

    I can’t thank you enough or find enough people with whom to share the Banerji Protocols/Practical Homeopathy. (I own your materia medica and the Banerji’s book.) I’ve loved homeopathy since I was a little girl but the classical approach can be so overwhelming. I have a question, actually two, about this protocol specifically and the Banerjis/your approach in general. 1. The Banerji book lists the 1st line protocol for cystitis as Cantharis 200c 2D and Staphysagria 200c e3D. From what I read above, it seems you employ both remedies 2D or even more frequently, depending on severity. Is the difference in the Staphys. use just professional preference or did I miss something? 2. When utilizing the BPs, I don’t want to be blind, so I try to read each remedy in a materia medica to learn. What should I do if I don’t “match” a remedy in a 1st line protocol and/or “match” a remedy in the 2nd line? Do I start with the 2nd line, knowing that I may fall into “the 20%” that are missed by the 1st line? Or should I start with the 1st line because it has the best proven track record and I may have missed something? I ask primarily because I’m concerned about proving a remedy I don’t need (or just clouding the issue). (Specifically, in this UTI discussion, if there is no burning, do we skip Cantharis or just assume maybe we caught it very early and still use the Cantharis?) Thank you!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      The differences are based on what I observed working side by side with Drs. Banerji for the years spent with them amalgamated with my clinical experience before and after. It’s less likely that by using the “wrong remedy” that it would set up a proving particularly in an acute setting. 1st/2nd lines are defined hierarchy as 1st and 2nd for a reason.
      We have such a great pathway laid out before us by the Banerjis. Stick with the hierarchy.

  13. Tammy says:

    Thank you so much for all the valuable information you share. I am so blessed by you.
    I need help finding the medorrhinum. Where may I purchase the remedy medorrhinum, and from which company?

    On Amazon they only have it available through a company I am not familiar with. I already have the kits through WHP and I have a lot of boiron products; but, I can’t find 30c nor 200c medorrhinum through these companies. Well, a couple of years ago WHP said I couldn’t purchase it because I wasn’t a practitioner. I am a registered pharmacist who loves homeopathy far more than traditional meds and wish I had been trained as a homeopath!!

    Thanks again for all of your help!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Contact Washington again with your license # and you’ll be able to get it. Also Helios in England (on line)

  14. Audrey says:

    Any recommended places to buy Medorrhinum 200 from? Im seeing thr 30cc but the 200 seems harder to locate, thanks!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      If you’re a student or a client of mine you may purchase difficult to find medicines from OHM Pharma in Texas. Helios in England is also a source.

  15. M.C. says:

    So if I’m understanding correctly the cantharis 30 and medorrhinum 200 are used for cystitis as well as UTI? The article started off for cystitis then went to UTIs but symptoms are very similar.just wanted to check. Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      That’s correct.

  16. Sarah Wargo says:

    Can Staphysagria also cover protruding hemorrhoids? I’ve read that it potentially can if the picture fits.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:


  17. Tammy Pike says:

    is cantharis appropriate for a uti in pregnancy or should another remedy be used?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      Cantharis is not contraindicated during pregnancy, per se.

  18. Sarah Wargo says:

    Joette, I am suffering with urinary urging, and discomfort towards the end of urinating. I have not had this issue in years but when I’ve had it before, it’s always a day or two after sexual relations. Is Staphysageria to be used in tandem with other remedies possibly such as sarsparilla? I’m desperate to avoid antibiotics. Thank you.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) says:

      We use the medicine that is indicated by the most outstanding circumstances and/or symptoms. Read your materia medica or at least look at my blog for UTI’S.
      What you’re asking is called case management and I fully cover this specific to UTI’s in my course titled “Antibiotic Alternative”.
      Allow me to add that if this is something that you suffer from time to time, it would behoove you to be fully apprised of how to address it and this is the best place I know to get that accomplished.

  19. Gina says:

    Like another poster on here I have tried everything you mention for a UTI and many remedies recommended by other homeopaths. Nothing has worked. I’m in terrible agony. I’m 57 and this is only the second UTI I have ever had. The other was only two years ago and it was found by accident. Now I have another one. My only symptoms are the most severe urgency and frequency one could imagine. I can’t sit still. I am terrified of an antibiotic but got one a little bit ago. I’m going crazy. I can’t stand it anymore! I’m terribly afraid I’m going to bang my head against something to stop this. Between the urgency and the fear of the antibiotics I don’t know what to do. I’ve never tried so many remedies in all my life. This has been going on for over four days now and no doctor is open because of the weather. I had to call an online doctor to get the antibiotics. What does one do when there is no time to take a course in a situation like this?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      When you don’t have information nor remedies on hand, I would say thank God for antibiotics.

  20. Regina says:

    I have many remedies on hand. Turns out I had to take the antibiotic and there was no UTI. That’s why nothing worked. No doctors were open because we were frozen under due to the weather. Some people have been without electricity for over nine days. I had no other choice because of no diagnosis. But now the possible diagnosis is urge incontinence or IC. Can’t find anything on your site about these. No words I put in give me any info. So I searched high and low for the Banerji Protocol and found Cantharis 200c twice a day and Medorrhinium 200c ever other day. Still not working but is a week and a half enough that I should start to feel a little better. This came out of the blue only last week. From nowhere literally. I know you gave Paola Medorrhinium 200c for IC but am having major trouble getting a diagnosis.

    1. Regina says:

      Oh still can’t sit still. Have no choice but to take pyrideum (sp?) so I can sit for a few minutes. Still taking remedies thought.

      1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

        If a homeopathic medicine is not acting, it should be halted. These are not supplements, nor vitamins and taken just because.

  21. Regina says:

    I know that. I thought since I hadn’t taken them that long that they just hadn’t had time to work. You always said to give it eight weeks. I found out today it is OAB and I’m taking the Banerji Protocol for that. I had already figured that’s what it was so had already started the remedies before the diagnosis. Shouldn’t I give them more time. It’s only been about a week since I started them. Was using the UTI Protocol initially but then found out it was not a UTI so that’s why it wasn’t working. Look above at the previous post so you can see the history. Thanks Joette! I’m a Mighty and I’m taking your Gateway 1 as soon as it arrives. Already have a good group to join in. I need a consult so bad but it requires all this stuff before that can be done. I’m in misery but I’m holding on as hard as I can. I hate drugs but wait until we consult. Not sure what you’re going to say! Trying so hard Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Please remember that 8 week assessments are considered for chronic; not acute conditions. Additionally, getting the correct diagnosis is key so stay in touch with your practitioner.

      I certainly understand the desire to avoid drugs but there are times in which they can be lifesavers. So when in a pinch and you don’t have another choice, it’s good to have them available.

      I’m happy to hear that you’ll be joining a group.

  22. Regina says:

    They said it was OAB. Isn’t that a chronic condition? I’m taking Cantharis 200c twice a day and Medorrhinium 200c every other day. Found that on the Banerji website. Couldn’t find it on yours but it’s not helping so far.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      Until it’s possible for you to meet with me, should you decide to go that route, given the urgency of the condition, I urge you to work with a local practitioner. That is; an MD, naturopath, chiropractor, nurse practitioner.

  23. Regina says:

    I’m in absolute misery. But I have chronic conditions I need to consult with you about as well.

  24. Regina says:

    Working with another homeopathic physician. He has cured RLS for me before but he is a practical homeopath so as you know the method is different. Have found Ruta to be of some help today. Still working on it. He says fibromyalgia is hard to treat but I know you feel and can do differently. Have to consult with you as soon as I can. The Banerji Protocol for that isn’t working for me yet but I’m trying what you did so time will tell. Hopefully we can meet soon.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      I urge you to stay with the homeopath who has helped you; even if it’s not been complete yet.
      It’s not a good plan to homeo-hop.

  25. Regina says:

    He said he couldn’t really help some of the chronic problems I have like fibromyalgia. He’s also a naturopath so he’s not a full homeopath only. In that case is it ok to homeo- hop? If so, can I send in my paper work to get on the list for a consult so that by the time I get my course done I won’t have to wait. Sometimes you just have to leave when they can’t help you. Just like having to change doctors. Homeo-hop! That’s funny Joette!

  26. Laura says:

    Regarding interstitial cystitis, which you mention here, specifically, reasoning for choosing 2nd line over the 1st line protocol: The person has burning soles at night (Cantharis? but also Med.) abated by eating something cold but does NOT have a bacterial infection OR burning with urination. She has needle-like spasms of the bladder (Medorrhinnum?) that only occur during sexual relations (Sepia?) or sporadically during late pregnancy. She has a history of pelvic/bladder prolapse (Sepia), “irritable uterus” (Staphysagria?) and distastes recti (Sepia + the new protocol you just published). Also, during this pregnancy, the balls and heels of her feet hurt (Med.). All this to me, points to the 2nd line interstitial cystitis protocol, possibly with Medhorrhinum. Am I wrong to start her off on this instead of the Cantharis 1st line? I know you encourage us to stay with hierarchy, but you also encourage us to read and pay attention to the whole picture 🙂 and I don’t want to blindly pick #1. Thank you!!

  27. Radha says:

    what if there were many UTI’s in the past during the time of Menopause, with many antibiotics that never helped to fully cure the UTI, and that has turned into many years of having chronic lower abdominal/pelvic burning/pain, and frequent urination, with occasional strong smelling urine, but no burning or pain while urinating? Would medorrhinum 200 be good for this? all urine analysis tests come back negative and other gastro/intestinal tests are negative too. MD has no clue. I have always felt I have a chronic bladder problem.

  28. Penelope says:

    Hi Joette:
    I was on the Helios website and was looking up Medorrhinum. They offer two versions: Medorrhinum and Medorrhinum Americana.
    Would you please kindly clarify which of these two forms of Medorrhinum you are referring to in this post?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:


      1. Penelope says:

        Thank you!

  29. CL says:

    Sorry, I found this confusing. For interstitial cystitis – is the B protocol then the Cantharis and Medorrhinum? Burning, urgency, painful – chronic not UTI (but had a lot of UTIs and antibiotics). It appears you differentiate, but then don’t provide treatment for the IC. I appreciate any help! Thank you!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH says:

      My podcasts are not intended to give specific instructions. However, should you be interested in delving deeper, you might want to consider my super detailed online course “Feminopathy”found here

  30. Nan says:

    Any preventative treatment? If you know relations causes your UTIs then is there a protocol you can use prior and directly after to prevent it from ever taking hold?

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