It is a brand, spanking new YEAR!
It’s 2021.
It’s time to address the situations you have been led to believe were hopeless…
with homeopathy! (more…)
Our children are targets.
Commercials target them for expensive toys and sugary cereals.
And all too often, psychologists and other “experts” target them for the disorder du jour. (more…)
What a beautiful French word. (more…)
No doubt, Santa is going to be very busy in the coming days. You know the drill; he’s making his list … checking it twice.
He might even look to you to lend him a hand! (more…)
There’s an old saw in carpentry (pardon the pun): Measure twice; cut once.
However, when it comes to our bodies, it’s better not to cut at all!
Many people immediately turn to orthopedic surgeons when they experience intense joint pain. But surgeons are trained to cut! (more…)
Calling all husbands and sons!!
Here is a little-known exercise concept I’d like to introduce to you:
If you haven’t worked out in a while, ease back into it!
“No pain; no gain” is passe. (more…)
They fed us; they bathed us; they diapered us; they strolled us around in the fresh air.
Now they need us to do the same for them. (more…)