Homeopathy works!
I see it work for various conditions every day. And on a regular basis, students share their remarkable victories with me. (more…)
Happy Independence Day.
We who love homeopathy take our independence seriously. Self-reliance is one of the main reasons we love this medicine. (more…)
Happy Father’s Day! We say a loving thank you to the men who keep our families safe, secure and loved. You mean the world to us.
Now, please go mow the lawn.
Only kidding. Today is your day. The lawn can wait until tomorrow. (more…)
When we hear “allergies,” many people think only of hay fever in the spring.
But allergens are year-round. Some present as minor annoyances, while others can be downright dangerous.
Are you or a loved one Allergic?! (more…)
A woman’s work is never done … or at least that’s how the old proverb goes.
There’s no better example than cleaning. Am I right? We no sooner have dusted our shelves than we can see the dust falling yet again.
But do we burn down the house to prevent more dust? No! That’s just silly. (more…)
Pregnancy causes numerous changes in the mother’s body — some beautiful and celebrated, some … not so much.
Diastasis recti is a fairly common condition experienced during or after pregnancy in which the muscles in the abdominal wall separate. Some say as many as 60% of new mothers experience this complication. (more…)
Mother’s Day was last Sunday.
While it may be over for some, I still have mothers on my mind. In fact, I’ve decided to devote the entire month of May to the unique needs of moms. (more…)