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Don’t Forget Sepia for Headaches!

Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

May 14th, 2023  |  5 Comments

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Joette Calabrese


Hello, my fellow moms! Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope your family is celebrating you, or you’re celebrating your own mom. There is nothing more heartwarming than having our children surround us.

Did your family give you some new homeopathic medicines to add to your collection? (If not, you know it’s never too late to drop a hint!) In my blog posts this year, I’ve tried to give one must-have medicine each week to help you create a well-appointed homeopathy kit.

So, why don’t we recap the remedies we have covered thus far? If you missed one of these discussions, click on the medicine name to link to its blog post.

  1. ColdCalm®
  2. Ruta graveolens
  3. Symphytum officinale
  4. Arnica montana
  5. Hypericum perforatum
  6. Oscillococcinum®
  7. Arsenicum album
  8. Aconitum napellus
  9. Hepar sulphuris calcareum
  10. SleepCalm®
  11. Pulsatilla nigricans
  12. Ignatia amara
  13. Rhus toxicodendron
  14. Helleborus niger
  15. Euphrasia
  16. Lycopodium
  17. Nux vomica

And today, it’s time to add number eighteen!

In honor of Mother’s Day, it seems only fitting to add Sepia to our list. But truth be told, we’ve covered Sepia quite a bit in prior blog posts.

No matter. I remain undaunted! Some medicines are so essential they deserve repetition.

And since we must include Sepia in any conversation about well-curated homeopathy kits, let’s discuss it again! (Besides, so many new readers and students have joined our ranks, and they need this information, too.)

Sepia 200 is a mainstay for headaches and a stellar medicine for women.

Why women? Because when we think of Sepia, we think of the female reproductive hormones as having been “flexed” in some way. In other words, women who have had children have been shown to benefit from Sepia as well as women who have spent years on birth control pills (the tiny hormonal assassins that they are).

Now, just because you have a whopping headache doesn’t mean Sepia is always the correct choice. Remember that a “Sepia” headache is NOT a sinus infection headache or pain resulting from changes in the weather.

Instead, a Sepia headache’s timing often— although not always — can be related to the cycle. The pain may come before one’s period, during ovulation, or even during menstruation (especially when accompanied by scanty flow). Whenever there is a calendar-like pattern to these often-repetitive headaches, Sepia may be considered.

As I’ve taught previously, we want to be able to defend our medicine choices in court. So, we endeavor to check off all the boxes:

✔️ Headache

✔️ Woman

✔️ Hormonal “flexing” (having had children or artificial hormonal tinkering)

✔️ Calendar pattern (surrounding menses)

And here’s another component I don’t think I’ve written about before. If there is also a thyroid issue at play, we can, generally, hang our hat on Sepia. (Or I should say, “rest our case,” in keeping with our court metaphor.)

✔️ Thyroid issues

Keep in mind that Sepia is generally not utilized as an SOS (meaning as an immediate reaction to a headache). As I’ve written before, as an SOS when the headache strikes, one might consider employing the Banerji Protocol of Picric acid 200 (Picricum acidum) mixed with Belladonna 3, every 3 hours.

However, Sepia 200 might be considered once or perhaps twice a week as a baseline to uproot the chronic propensity for this type of regularly occurring headache, rendering an SOS medicine eventually unnecessary.

Mothers bear the weight of a lot of stress. I know! I am one! So, I want to offer you a superpower — a power so great that it will enable you to embrace your motherhood more fully, develop an even keener ability to care for others, and even contribute to the financial security of your family.

I’ve prepared a short video to celebrate the day with you, and I hope you will take a moment to watch it.   Watch your inbox for my celebratory message.

Until then, have a wonderful Mother’s Day and pass on the good news of homeopathy!


Joette Calabrese


P.S. I discussed Sepia and headaches two years ago in one of my Monday Night Live events. Here’s the archive of that discussion, in case you want to learn more! And if Facebook is not for you, don’t forget that my Mighty Members have their own special enclave in which to watch and participate! The Mighties join me on our private server so they don’t have to deal with social media scrutiny.

There are many other benefits to being a Mighty Member, such as:

  • An additional, much more candidly written weekly blog, privately distributed as a Memo to Mighty Members
  • Daily inspirational quotes
  • Remedy Reference Guides (all my blog posts compiled by year into downloadable ebooks)
  • Personal videos from me (right now, I’m sharing my favorite homeopathy book)
  • A social center for discussing homeopathy with other members (all the fun of social media conversations without the censorship)
  • A 10% discount on course purchases

 I hope you’ll join us there.


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5/14/23 Don’t Forget Sepia for Headaches!



Joette laughingI am a homeopath with a worldwide practice working with families and individuals via Zoom. I'm also a teacher and most importantly, a mom who raised my now-adult children depending on homeopathy over the last 31 years. I lived decades of my life with food intolerances, allergies, and chemical sensitivities until I was cured with homeopathy, so I understand pain, anxiety, and suffering. You may feel that your issues are more severe or different than anyone else’s, but I have seen it all in my practice and in my work in India. My opinion is that nothing has come close to the reproducible, safe and effective results that my clients, students and I have achieved with homeopathy.

Call today and learn how homeopathy might just be the missing piece in your health strategy.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. Joette believes that the advice and diagnosis of a physician is often in order.

We've provided links for your convenience but we do not receive any remuneration nor affiliation in payment from your purchase.

The Author disclaims all liability for any loss or risk, personal or otherwise incurred as a consequence of use of any material in this article. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


5 thoughts on “Don’t Forget Sepia for Headaches!”

  1. Julie says:

    Happy Mother’s Day, Joette! For how long would you continue with the weekly Sepia if you are still getting hormonal headaches every month. Is there a maximum amount of time to allow it to take effect? From reading your blog posts my guess is it would depend on certain factors like how long you had previously been on birth control etc., but I wonder if there is a time limit whereby we should switch to another remedy.

  2. Mahesh Prasad debata says:

    Sepia is not at all a very good medicine for headache

  3. Nancy Brady RN says:

    Sepia never worked for me…but,then again, I’ve yet to find one that does! And, desperate! I’ve been getting Rt frontal lobe intense head pain AT NIGHT for over 12 years!! NOT hormonal, past that age. But, it seems that any sugars or frequencies of ANY kind, like a meditation audio or the Healy Device that emits frequencies or RIFE… any suggestions I would BE GRATEFUL forever!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M says:

      i have written other blogs on the subject of headaches and should you be interested, my online course titled “Pain: Make it Stop” found on JoettesLearningCenter covers the myriad of headaches and their protocols.

  4. Faith says:

    I HAD forgotten Sepia! I had forgotten that I no longer have a 3-day headache every month like clockwork because of Sepia!! For nearly 10 years, after the birth of my youngest (seventh) child, I suffered from a terrible monthly headache. At some point I discovered the Sepia protocol, and my monthly headaches disappeared! I can’t thank you enough, Joette. It probably took several months of using Sepia faithfully. And I think I stayed on it for a year (maybe two) before I was really sure that headache wasn’t coming back. And now it’s been several years of NO MONTHLY HEADACHE. When other headaches pop up now and then, I take Sanguinaria at the first sign, and that nearly always does the trick. Those two remedies have really been life changers for me.

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