Cell Salt Series: Nat mur, The Water Distributor

Cell Salts, Joette Calabrese

Did you know our human bodies are, on average, about 60 percent water?

Remarkable, right?

Doesn’t it make you wonder, though, how the water stays effectively distributed throughout our systems? Why don’t we slosh when we walk … or dry up and blow away, for that matter?

Well, it’s because of salt!

While the human body contains a variety of salts, sodium chloride makes up about 0.4 percent of our bodies (fairly equivalent to the salt content of the ocean).

If the delicate balance between water and salt is off, our health — and even our emotions — can become disrupted.

The next in my series on cell salts is Natrum muriaticum. Nat mur (as it’s more commonly called) is simply sodium chloride!

Because we’re partially made of this salt, Nat mur is very powerful in its ability to keep our water content in balance — and the word “balance” is the key.

Nat mur is indicated for both ends of the spectrum — whether our symptoms involve too little fluid or too much. For instance, Nat mur would be called for when addressing either dry eyes or excessive tearing of the eyes (lacrimation), as it also would when craving either salty foods or having an aversion to salt.

There might be constipation (because there’s not enough fluid) or diarrhea (from too much). An individual requiring Nat mur may experience low spirits or dejection. They may also experience weakness as a result of low potassium.

I had an elderly male relative who suddenly became so profoundly weak, he felt as though he couldn’t even lift his eyelids. He thought he was having a stroke! His son immediately called me, not realizing I was sitting in traffic in the middle of Kolkata, India!

I learned the following technique from my friend Dr. Pratip Banerji. So, this long-distance advice was to dissolve about a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and have him drink it.

Being half a world away, I couldn’t rule out the possibility of low blood sugar playing a part in this episode, given his history. So, I also suggested adding sugar in the water as well.

He began to sip the soothing beverage while I waited on the phone and within minutes, he returned to his usual self! Even in spite of this occurrence having plagued him for hours.  

Interestingly, my relative had just come out of the hospital only a few days earlier where he had felt this same alarming sensation time and again.

A full blood panel was run and showed no problems! (This honestly makes me wonder if some of these blood tests are not as accurate as we are led to believe! I see inconsistencies far too many times. This, of course, can lead to unwarranted or erroneous treatments dictated by the results of the test rather than the symptoms the person displays — or lack of symptoms, which can be equally important. It’s my belief we should treat the person, not the lab report.)

Anyway, these episodes repeated occasionally, but never with this severity again.

Why? First, he continued to use the saltwater blend (with salt added “to taste,” as one might desire in a broth) daily for some time.

What’s more, we added the cell salt Nat mur 6X to his regimen, twice daily, to keep his potassium at a balanced level. Eventually, he no longer needed to sip the saltwater and depended on Nat mur 6X to keep his fluids in a healthy balance.

So, think of Nat mur as nature’s water distributor. Whether too much or too little, Nat mur will prompt the body to regulate itself back into balance. And what could be better than encouraging the body to naturally take care of itself?

Pass on the good news of homeopathy!


Joette Calabrese

P.S. If you’re interested in learning more about the cell salts, and how I use Nat mur for other conditions, check out my CD/digital download entitled, Cell Salts; The Easy Homeopathy™ to help you get a firm grasp on all of the cell salt remedies. 

If you are ready to continue your homeopathy education, I suggest you employ Gateway to Homeopathy I, my guided study group curriculum. You can assemble your own study group with friends and family. Or, if you don’t have a group of your own, we can help you find one through our dedicated Facebook page.

We now also offer Gateway to Homeopathy II as an exclusive offering for those who have completed the prerequisite (find the link on your Study Group Resource Page).  The Gateway II curriculum covers cell salts in much more detail.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for all of the posts in my series on the cell salts, here are the links for your convenience:
Calc phos
Ferrum phos
Mag phos
Nat phos
Kali phos
Calc fluor
Nat mur
Nat sulph
Calc sulph
Kali sulph
Kali mur

41 thoughts on “Cell Salt Series: <em>Nat mur</em>, The Water Distributor”

  1. Thank you Joette
    I have really been enjoying this series!
    Would this work for my elderly mom with dementia who I have trouble getting enough fluids (and food) into her?
    God bless you

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      It acts on conditions that are as a result of salt/water conditions. So if that’s what’s presenting, it might be useful.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      You’re very kind, but it’s not me; its homeopathy. Pls spread the word about this medicine.

  2. Under what circumstances is it helpful to give salt water? Would nat mur alone not have been enough in your story? Thanks for the article. I just started on nat mur this week and immediately noticed an improvement in my dry skin. so cool!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      When there’s a severe drop in potassium as indicated in the story I relayed. Having said this, most us don’t get enough good quality salt in our diet.

  3. My ankles have been retaining fluids on and off for two years. I tried eating less salt, I tried eating more naturally, very little take out etc. SO I started really investigating Cell Salts, and before I buy the whole lot of them, I decided to try Bioplasma. I swear to you I think I lost 5 lbs in water over the last week. I am almost back to normal by taking this and by sipping it all day long. OMG AWESOME! If it flares up I will go to NAT MUR only with a daily regimen. Homepathy and Cell Salts are my friends!

  4. Would this help a person who sweats excessively to address the sweating issue, or just for the dehydration that comes afterward? We have used your “gatorade” alternative recipe with much success in overcoming the headache and extreme fatigue that come on after exertion in the heat. But I’m still trying to figure out what would help with the excessive sweating in the first place.

  5. Joette, I hope I’m not being too obtuse; but what does Nat mur (which, I think is sodium chloride) have to do with the potassium level in our bodies? Is it that if the sodium level is off, then the potassium also gets out of whack? Please forgive me; I was terrible at high-school chemistry and biology!

  6. I took one dose of Nat Mur 6x the other day and since then I have experienced a significant increase of grief/depression/sadness. I don’t know if I should just let it run its course or take a remedy that is supposed to antidote it. I didn’t even think about this until coming across a forum post in which an individual was asking for antidotes to Nat Mur.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

          Google “JoetteCalabrese bladder incontinence” as well as synonyms for such and you’ll find information on how to approach bladder conditions.

  7. Could Nat mur be used for vaginal dryness during pregnancy? I’m trying to avoid Sepia due to pregnancy which I keep reading about in relation to vaginal dryness.

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Its certainly possible that it will act but there are other medicines that are best used during pregnancy. I’m teaching all about this in my upcoming relaunch of the course “Feminopathy” with a whole new, updated section on pregnancy.

  8. Thx for this article. I just started using homeopathic drops for my eyes for dryness. My question is I feel like I don’t drink enough water, can one please some salts and drink through the day? And how do we know we don’t require the salts anymore ? Is there any harm in taking salts for a long time ?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      Homeopathy is medicine. We stop using it when its no longer needed. That can take different times for different conditions and people.

  9. Could NatMur be used when you are drinking enough water daily (1/2 my body weight in ounces), but you still feel “thirsty” and your mouth is dry? Would it help with absorption of nutrients/distributing water in your body correctly? Could you take it just one time? And can it be used if you are already taking Ignatia on a daily basis?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      It’s possible to use both NM and Ignatia in the same schedule. But don’t use theory as a rationale for the use of these medicines. Instead, you want to use them for a specific condition.

    2. Karen did you end up trying the nat mur? I am having similar issue. I am taking ignatia for anxiety and insomnia but still having the frequent urinating and dry mouth.. wondering if you had any success. Thank you

  10. Hi Joette, I am using Ignatia 200C twice daily for anxiety, but I really feel that I need Nat Mur as well for constipation, dryness. What potency and frequency would one take for NM? Is there a Banerji protocol?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

      I discuss constipation in my blog, etc. Feel free to Google my name and the name of the condition to find specifics.

  11. Hi Joette, how do we know when we should go up in potency with Nat Mur? You said above that 6X is a very nice potency. When would people use the much higher potencies of NM?

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH

      I’m afraid the answer to that question would require more than a simple answer here on this forum.

  12. In your article you say a teaspoon of salt, now that people are using sea salt, Himalayan salt etc. would this matter or were you referring to the form of salt found in Morton’s iodized table salt? I am wondering if someone was using another form of salt would the teaspoon amount still apply?

  13. Would this be useful for someone that seems to have electrolyte imbalance (frequent/clear urine, thirst) started after an excess of coconut water was ingested over a weeks time , UTI ruled out. Salt in water seems to help keep water in body. Also anxiety and insomnia

  14. Is this good for someone who has to wear compression socks and has circulation and vericose issues in legs? Ankles can become swollen as well

  15. Could nat mur also be used for speech delay in a toddler? If so would this be used in a 30 or 200C? Thanks Joette!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      It could but it would not be the 1st one I’d consider. I urge you to take a look at my online course titled Mindful Homeopathy where I teach precisely this condition and how I approach it.

      1. Rachel Vazquez

        Ok, thank you for that! I will consider looking into that course in the future. I will be taking “Good Gut/Bad Gut” next & I’m very excited for that! In the meantime, do you have any blogs on toddler speech delays? I could find one in my searching.

        1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

          I discuss fully and in great detail in my online course titled “Mindful Homeopathy” all mental conditions including all childhood delays.

    2. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      Its possible but a good deal more would need to be considered. Have you studied my online course titled Mindful Homeopathy? You’ll find it when you go to JoettesLearning Center and scroll down to the course. It thoroughly covers this.

  16. In reference to Mighty Members memo 233 I want to thank you for it and also to ask about two concerns I have. I am 74 learning and using homeopathy, now realize I have dry mouth. A year ago I was having a problem with a tooth and went to a dentist, had xrays to help determine the cause which I was able to treat, but now a year later another tooth issue which I again I agreed to xrays and was shocked with what I saw. I have healthy gums and teeth but the xrays showed 8 new cavities. I was told dry mouth and having sugar in my mouth a lot such as hard candies which I do not do was probably the cause. So my concern is can the sucrose remedies and/or dry mouth help cause cavities? I do use sucrose remedies 2xD for some health issues. Thank you for all you do for us!!

    1. Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M

      You may purchase homeopathics in water or alcohol from OHM Pharma if you’re a student or client of mine. Also, Helios carries them.

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