Socks ✅
Underwear ✅
Toothbrush ✅
When packing for a trip, we all have our must-have lists of items to fill our suitcases. A recent blog reader asked me for a list of homeopathic medicines to include while traveling. It’s a great request, but not easy to fill without more information.
Where are you going?
If I were going to a foreign country where the food and water may disrupt my digestive tract, I would certainly want to include homeopathic medicine for gastrointestinal upset. If my family and I were going skiing, I’d probably be less apt to worry about tummies and, instead, I’d be more concerned about medicines applicable to overexertion and injuries. If I were going to a tropical island, I might need the ability to address someone’s sunburn. Or, if I were visiting elderly relatives, I may consider bringing medicines that could assist them with the pathologies of aging.
So, without knowing that crucial piece of information — your destination — I have formulated a list of 17 homeopathic medicines that meet the broad criteria of “travel.” This is by no means an absolute list, and one may choose to customize the list according to their family’s needs and the potential requirements of the destination.
I’m presenting these medicines differently today because I want you to do a little research yourself. In this list of 17 homeopathic medicines for travel, each is linked to a homeopathic pharmacy, where they may be purchased online.* However, I always encourage my students to read, read and read some more. So, I am also including a previous blog post detailing at least one condition for which the medicine might be utilized and which potency of the medicine has been historically shown to act. (One may even choose to travel with more than one potency of some of these medicines to address several conditions.)
So, there’s “homeowork” to do.
Obviously, I can’t list every blog post pertaining to each medicine in this article. Goodness, it would be as long as my arm! So, utilize my website’s search tool to learn even more. Put each medicine’s name in the search bar and read all the blogs that present. Or simply use Google to search my site by each medicine’s name. Don’t know how to use Google for this purpose? Read Let Me Google That for You.
Download — for free — the Remedy Cards from each associated blog and keep them with your new “travel kit.” While you’re at it, download and print the photo below as a label (and reminder).
- Aconitum napellus — Emergency Remedy Series: Aconite in My Purse
- Apis mellifica — Edematous Swelling and Apis
- Arnica montana — When in Doubt: Arnica!
- Arsenicum album — Stomach Flu
- Belladonna — If You Can’t Stand the Heat … Grab the Belladonna
- Cantharis vesicatoria — Cantharis for Burns
- China officinalis (Cinchona) — Sunburn and Dehydration? Homeopathy Offers the Cure
- Coffea cruda — Exquisite Tooth Pain
- Gelsemium sempervirens — E, F, G: Exhausted, Fatigued … Gelsemium
- Hypericum perforatum — Emergency Remedy Series: On My Last Nerves
- Ignatia amara — Psychological Protection
- Ipecacuanha — Ipecac: The Cough That Nags and Gags
- Ledum palustre — Summertime and the Ledum Is Easy
- Lycopodium clavatum — Bloating
- Mercurius solubilis — A Fungus Among Us
- Nux vomica — All Creatures Great and Small
- Pulsatilla nigricans — Fake Medicine
Although homeopathic medicines are readily available in many locales, it’s better to keep your family happy and well during trips away from home by carrying your own small inventory of commonly needed remedies. Better to be safe and smart.
Over time, you’ll customize your own travel kit to meet your family’s needs. Let me know what you always travel within the comments below.
Enjoy your trip!
(And, as always, pass on the good news of homeopathy!)
*P.S. If you purchase from Boiron, enter the promo code Joette at checkout. Boiron will apply (at the time of this writing) a 20% discount on your purchase. I might add that this is not an affiliate program offering me a kickback. I don’t participate in affiliate programs with anyone. The discount is given to you.
Many thanks for posting this, Joette. The list is so helpful! I never go anywhere without my Arnica, Hypericum, Apis (I’m allergic to bee stings), Aconite and Cantharis. As a little reminder, if someone gets a sunburn and doesn’t have Cantharis with them, they can put the law of “Like Cures Like” to the test by taking a comfortably hot bath. That’s what I did one time and in 20 minutes the burn was history. Key word: “comfortably” hot – no need to make the burn worse with water that is too hot.
Thank you for your post, Linda.
Good information.
Super helpful! Thanks, Joette. I add in my “out and about” kit which serves as travel kit too some Oscillo and also Bryonia. I used to carry cell salts too. I need to get those back in stock for traveling. Or at least Ferrum Phos.
You bet, Lisa!
When we take a remedy for an acute condition, do we have to pay attention to the personality or mental picture? I looked up sore throat and found that Chamomilla fit the symptom of only aching when swallowing. It took away my sore throat immediately. I did not fit the personality or mental picture. I am more mental, quiet, slow moving, and patient, and I am not clingy. So, what do we do when the personality or mental picture does not fit. Do we ignore it for acute conditions if the other symptoms fit? Is personality more for chronic conditions? Of course, when traveling not many people carry a Materia Medica, so having a travel kit may save the day. I am planning on taking your courses and will become a Mighty Member March 1. I guess that’s part of my mental picture, starting at the first of the month is orderly. Thanks for your wonderful information and I know it will get even better with your courses and contact with other members.
Such a good question, Susan.
Not all symptoms in a remedy picture need to match the person whethter for an acute or chronic. So you got it!
This is off topic, but important since you have helped me learn the importance of homeopathy. I have read about dental care on several of your blogs. It is incredible what you did for your sons. I had a small chip on my front tooth which the dentist fixed. I noticed the tooth next to it seems a little soft. Yesterday I started the Calc Flour and the Calc Phos protocol for teeth. An unexpected thing happened. All winter the tip of my nose has been cold. Last night for the first time, my nose was not cold. I pulled out my Materia Medica and in the nose section for Calc Phos, the first entry in bold read, “the tip of the nose is icy cold”. I assume bold is very important. Homeopathy is a fascinating puzzle. I love puzzles. I wonder if Calc Phos would help dogs when they have a cold nose? I am saying that tongue in cheek since one symptom does not always indicate a remedy. My nose is still warm today. Next time I will share my arnica gel story. Thanks for all you do.
Wonderful information. I was wondering what is your opinion about airport x-rays?
I see a lot of people talking about homeopathics losing their potency if scanned through x-rays. It is hard to ask tsa workers not to scan them every time, and many people travel quite often.Some would look at you quite funny when you tell about about homeopathic medicine, as many still don’t know what they are in 2024.
My time in India taught me a lot.
Travels to/from and in Kolkata have shown me that there doesn’t seem to be any loss of value.
X-rays of bags and purses are required to get into many malls and shopping centers. More than a dozen times I didn’t remove the bottles that were inadvertantly loose in my purse. They still acted fully.
Having said this I stll ask the airport attendees to keep my kit separate from the x-ray machine mostly becuase for years its always what I’ve done and it is indeed an opportunity to turn someone on to our medicine. Once, in Dubai, an attendee asked me about them and since she looked like a young mother, I told her how useful they are for ear infections. She eagerly jotted down the info I gave her.
Some young mother, working as an airport attendant in the DuBai Airport who by mere chance I happened to interact with now uses Belladonna for her child instead of antibiotics.
One down.
Just listened to your travel episode. What about putting remedies in a checked bag be carrying on?Would that potentially ruin them being exposed to the crazy temps under the plane? Thank you so much!
I’ve stored homeopathics in all areas of planes and never had a problem with efficacy. I find them to be more resilient than previously thought.