The good news is that I am doing much better. My estrogen was increased, and the nausea stopped within 2-3 days. I have had this problem in the past with low estrogen levels causing nausea and digestive problems, but it was so many years ago that I did not recall the seriousness of the impact.
The acid indigestion stopped when I discontinued eating rice; apparently my system will take some time to digest starches. I have lost 18 pounds, but do feel that I am on the road to recovery. I think you are an amazing healer with homeopathy and your science/ knowledge base. Your reviewing my medical history for me has proven most valuable, as I have remembered in more depth past health problems and can better articulate them to others. When a doctor says that I am imagining a problem, I now have the confidence to continue my search for solutions to medical problems rather than accepting treatment that merely impacts the symptoms. Because I am on the road to recovery, I am going to discontinue my treatments with you at this time, and am canceling our appointment for April. Thank you again for your expertise, and very thoroughly educated approach.
Sally – Wyoming
I remembered the symptoms well even though I hadn’t suffered from a urinary tract infection in more than 5 years.
I started with Apis mel and was able to fall asleep that night. The next day I made an appointment with Joette to look into this further. Joette told me that Nat phos 6x is the first remedy we think of for a urinary tract issue. She suggested I also keep Sarsaparilla and Cantharis on hand because they too, are often useful in urinary tract infections.
The Nat phos delivered relief in quick order. The Sarsaparilla and Cantharis later finished the job. I was so pleased that I was able to remedy the situation with something other than a prescription. This is the second time I have contacted Joette regarding a health issue and I can say I am very confident in her ability and professionalism and will continue to seek out her advice.
My experience with Joette and homeopathy has been inspiring!
Cindy – New Mexico
I want to thank you for your help with my pregnancy. Before homeopathy, my 5 previous labors lasted days, (usually 2-3) and I still had to be induced because I could never get past 3 cm on my own. This last pregnancy, I went to a “routine” appointment in my 36th week. My midwife said, “you're having your baby today”. I was 4 cm, 80% effaced and had no contractions. I had no contractions until my water broke. My labor lasted 2 ½ hours. It was the easiest delivery ever and I ended up with the perfect baby. Thanks, Joette
Jen Webster – Vale, Colorado
Before I started using Homeopathy I had two bouts of “knock me out” mastitis. For each bout I took antibiotics and was bed ridden for a week. The third time I got mastitis I decided to use Homeopathy. When Joette(my homeopath) taught me about a remedy that has a history of making someone feel better in a couple of days, I chuckled, saying to myself “no way.”
Two days later my skeptical self was amazed. I was out of bed and feeling almost normal. It was kind of magical. From that day I have continued to use homeopathy for my family with wonderful results.
-Tracy, (Buffalo, NY)
I just want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me my life back. I had been on a downward decline in health for many years. My latest and worst affliction, food allergies, was the most difficult for me to accept since I'm a Julia Child loving amateur chef.
I got to the point where I would still make the dishes for family and friends, but had to be ever mindful not to taste anything containing gluten, casein or rice. In a word, I was miserable. I thought homeopathy was my last hope. I am so thankful I found you in the Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions Journal.
I got in my consultation with you and received your recommended remedies only days before we moved to South America. With the stress of the move, I was not able to start taking the remedies until a few days after we arrived.
It was hard for me to watch my husband eat the new and tasty looking treats available here in Uruguay. I would make him take a bite and then smell and closely examine his latest gluten and casein containing morsel!
One day he told me to try a bite. I finally gave in. I was prepared to suffer the gluten consequences even if I was not better yet. It was delicious and I was thrilled to find I didn't suffer any of my usual gluten induced symptoms! I have been enjoying dairy and grains once more.
It has made our move to South America complete. THANK YOU, Joette!
Mari Davis – Punta del Este, Uruguay
I am not sure I even know how to begin to thank you for the kindness you bestowed on me yesterday. I am thinking you may not know just how nourishing it was to/for me. Random acts of intentional kindness do great good. And yours was very precious. Your understanding, the safety to share that you offered. Your endless store of validation. The compliments about my writing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You must daily renew others' faith in humanity.
I feel so blessed.
M. M., Mom & author in NH
I've suffered from asthma nearly all of my life. It was an everyday occurrence and I've lived on Albuteral and Advair for many years. I've also had frequent bouts of bronchitis often accompanied by strep throat. This happened 4 times every winter and 2-3 times every summer for decades. It was not a way to live. Well, this is the way it used to be …until I met Joette and homeopathy just over 2 years ago.
After working with Joette for several months, I got off my daily meds for the asthma and only used the inhaler occasionally.
Joette didn't tell me to do this, there simply wasn't any need. But it didn't stop there.
The following year I was able to reduce the meds to only very occasional use. Meanwhile, I haven't had bronchitis more than once in the last 2 years. I was released by my ENT this summer after several years of using steroid nasal sprays. I had stopped using them for about two months before my appt. He was very happy with my results.
About a month ago, I got strep throat for the first time in a very long time, but instead of taking the usual antibiotic, I took my homeopathic remedy and it was improved the very next day.
No meds needed!
You have no idea how great this is unless you've been as sick as I've been from this in the past. An added benefit is the fact that I feel so good in general. I just told my husband today that Joette has saved my life and for that I'm forever grateful.
Tina – Florida