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After having pneumonia last year I knew it was time to quit smoking once and for all. In one of Joette's classes, she taught us about a homeopathic product called “Stop Smoking” available from Washington Homeopathic Products. Within about a week or so of taking it, I quit and didn't have another cigarette from November to January.

Then in January, a friend left a pack of cigarettes in my apartment and I succumbed to the temptation for a day or so. But took the “Stop Smoking” again and haven't' had another one since!

It's now the end of March and I'm free of the habit. Occasionally I have the urge, but I take the remedy and it goes away again. This was so much easier than stopping “cold turkey”. Thanks for the great info, Joette!

I'm a physical therapist and last year had a trigger finger in my thumb. That means I couldn't bend the left interphalangeal joint without intense pain. Even if I could withstand the pain, I couldn't use my thumb and forefinger to grasp because it seized up. Needless to say, it interfered with my ability to work. It was like this for over 3 months.

Out of desperation, I went to the doctor and let him give me a cortisone injection. OH MY GOSH, was that painful! He told me I would get full relief within 24 hours. Three weeks later, no change in the pain and flexibility…not even a small amount.

I was angry with myself for letting him talk me into such a procedure. I guess I did it because I didn't believe homeopathy could help with such a thing. Boy, was I wrong!

After meeting with Joette, I learned that Rhus tox is commonly used for trigger finger and so I took it right away. Within 2 days, I could move my thumb and over a period of about 10 days, the pain left completely….never to return!

While I was suffering from this, I couldn't work and was just about useless in cooking and most other tasks. Now I'm in full swing and have had no residual problems in the last year.

Wait! There's more. I've suffered from hypothyroidism for years. My doctor told me I should be on Synthroid. No thanks, I said. Have you read the side effects?

Once again, Joette and homeopathy came to my aid. I started Thyroidinum and within about 2 months, my energy returned, my weight began to drop and I was no longer cold all the time.

What I've learned from my beloved Joette is worth millions.

Joette taught me about the use of Nat Sulph in water to help with my breathing during the oppressively hot days in this area.
This past Friday was supposed to be a hot one. I wanted to take a morning walk to get some fresh air, exercise and check out my neighborhood (I rarely get outdoors for pleasure; I'm in the car back and forth to work and activities or events; So I've begun to walk on the weekends and whenever else that I can).

I was worried about the air so I decided that if it was too difficult to breath I would use our gym to get exercise. I was planning to inhale once I got outdoors and that would let me know whether or not to walk.

Well, I got outside and found it hot, but not oppressive. Heat doesn't bother me when I'm not dressed up. Anyway, I completed my walk with no strain and even went further than I'd planned.

It wasn't until I got back inside and heard the weather report that it dawned on me that something was different. I asked my daughter, to check the air and she confirmed that it was reported as being oppressive.

I then remembered that I hadn't been bothered by the air for a while even though it had been hazy, hot and humid here.

It had to have been the effects of the Nat Sulph, which I'd taken more than a week prior to this walk.

Dear Joette, I wanted to thank you for helping me many years ago when I was very ill. You were not only a consultant who had helped me heal with homeopathy, you were also a teacher that provided sound guidance of whole food nutrition, and a dear friend who would talk to me time and time again on the phone, helping me through some very rough times. I was thinking of you today, as I do often, and wanted you to know how much you are appreciated and needed in this world. Thank you sincerely.

I get your monthly email newsletter and just wanted to say the Halloween one was GREAT. I did as you suggested: made my 5-year-old son eat a large fatty grassfed steak and a HUGE glass of raw milk before trick-or-treating. He had a great time, but didn't ask ONCE to eat any of the candy! Wow. The next day I offered the trade you suggested: a toy for his bag full of candy. The toy won hands down. So, thanks so much for those wonderful ideas.

I have rheumatoid arthritis…well…maybe I should say I had rheumatoid arthritis. It has not only blown my mind, but my rheumatologist's mind too. He's still scratching his head. When I first sought Joette's help, my joints were like those of a 90 year old. My hair was falling out, I had abnormal stools, a carbuncle on my forearm, repetitive sinus infections and was waking nightly at 2-3 AM with night sweats. I loved golf, but that was no longer an option. Joette has taught me how to use homeopathy and a gluten free diet that has given me my life back. My rheumatologist didn't believe me until her saw my tests. My SED rate in June 2009 before homeopathy and dietary changes was 70. I started working with Joette January 2010 and in Oct 2010 it was 20. Then I went off all meds for arthritis and a myriad of other issues. Now July 2011 the SED rate is 6! I also had little to no allergies this past spring. That event alone is a remarkable one. Thank you for giving me my life back. ‘Gotta go…I have a tee off in an hour!

Hi Joette, I hope you had a great weekend -I should begin here by making a wee confession…When we talked by phone on Monday, and you told me that you wanted me to begin with Nux Vomica, I thought to myself that because I (knowing little of homeopathy) had heard of this particular remedy that it must be an often used and common one, and that my freakish level of insomnia must need an obscure remedy…. not logical, exactly, but there it is. Well, I'm thrilled to report your wisdom and my ignorance: Just as you suggested, so it has happened. There's a distinct “softening” of the whole condition – no butterflies in my stomach as I lie down at night to attempt the impossible, no more feelings during the day of being awash in adrenaline, no more heart palpitations, and best of all, about 3+ hours of sleep every night! After a year of hell and cycling through every alternative and mainstream approach known to mankind and with no change at all, here it is – PROGRESS. Also, the Nat Phos, which I had to wait to get until Saturday (as the local store didn't carry it), seems to be doing the trick, as well. Wow – I'm so excited, Joette!

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Books & CDs

Joette’s Materia Medica

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I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

Protect Yourself from the Flu


Deal with the flu without drugs and expensive commercial products.

Combo Pack: Top 7 Products

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Go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible.

Cell Salts: Learn Homeopathy at Home

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The easiest, safest and most inexpensive way to treat your whole family.

Homeopathy in First Aid


Learn to choose the correct homeopathic remedy to give on the way to the emergency room or better yet,
avoid the trip altogether.

Cure Yourself and Your Family with Homeopathy


Homeopathy is inexpensive, non-invasive and profoundly curative.

Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom with Kid Pleasing Recipes – CD & Booklet


Boost and maintain optimum health with simple foods, instead of vitamin pills.

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