About a year ago, my husband and I went to a new dentist. Money was extremely tight and we couldn't afford our regular dentist so we used a coupon and went to another dentist. Now, just to give you a little background, I have only had 2 or 3 cavities in my lifetime. When we went to the dentist, Paul and I were told that we both had 3 cavities, Paul had one that was effecting two teeth. I was shocked. Paul gets cavities from time to time but I couldn't believe that we both had three at once.
We decided not to get them filled. Upon your teachings, I increased my intake of Calc flour 6x and Calc phos 6x. Paul did not. We both continued to drink raw milk, also as a result of your teachings.
We received new health insurance which had dental coverage and our favorite dentist accepted our new insurance. On Valentines Day, we went back to our regular dentist and NO CAVITIES were found!!!! Was it because we went to a different dentist or did our body heal itself of the cavities?…..you decide. I never knew it was possible for your body to heal itself of cavities but, I am convinced that is exactly what happened. Thanks again for your guidance!
-Theresa Willard, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Last Friday night my wife and I were vacationing in Colorado. I'm a Level II PSIA ski instructor. This means I'm suppose to be a good, seasoned, rational skier.
But something happened that night. As I started off down one of the more difficult ski hills, not everything was working as it should have.
Right in the middle of traversing a steep section, my legs and skis didn't turn the right way, and my body was thrown into a forward catapult. The back of my head struck the ground, making a frightening snapping sound in my neck, while the rest of my body continued into a forward roll.
When I finally came to, my first inclination was to feel my toes and fingers – I honestly considered the possibility that I had broken my neck. When I could indeed wiggle, I was left only with an incredibly painful neck and a spacey, out of body sensation. It took me some time to pull myself together as people gathered around me.
Somehow, I got my shaky, disorientated and painful self back to the room. I don't even remember that part. I submitted myself to my adoring wife – who just happens to be a homeopathy student of Joette's.
Now, I must admit, I used to be a skeptical man, but I've learned through the years that this stuff works and there's no doubt that I was willing to get some much needed relief.
But what happened next surprised me.
It took 4 pills and 15 minutes later, my neck pain went from a 10 to a 5!….so did the shocked, shaken and weak sensation!
In 15 minutes!
But it gets better. Over the next two days I felt so much improved, that I taught 16 hours of ski lessons, which included a couple of classes of 3-5 year olds. This means that I had to bend over tens of times and pick up each child throughout the day….often with them hanging on my neck! And no pain!
Now, five days later and a call to Joette Calabrese, my wife is greatly encouraged (now having had her ability validated by Joette) and I am almost back to normal. Yes, the pain is still present but only as a 1 on that scale of 10.
Homeopathy saved the day, the weekend, my skiing career and my neck…literally. Thank you Joette, for teaching my wife this incredible medicine.
-Mark Smith, Chicago
Hi Joette, I am reading your article in Wise Tradition's Winter 2010 issue about your son's 105 degree fever. Something similar happened to me when my son was an infant. He had a fever of 106 degrees.
I don't remember the homeopathic remedy I gave him but the fever was gone in about a half hour also.
His doctor did not believe that he could possibly have had a temp that high. That was enough right there, to turn me off and steer me to the remedies that I had. I still use homeopathy even more so today. Homeopathy works.
My friend has been working with Joette and because of her improvement from Rhus tox, she thought I might also benefit from it. As a dear friend, she gave me a bottle and I have been taking it for a little over a week. 6 granules, 3-4 times a day.
Most of my DeQuervain's (tendinitis) symptoms have disappeared and I have experienced remarkable improvement with my rheumatoid arthritis.
I also have noticed that my depressed feelings have lifted and my fatigue has improved considerably. This is the best I have felt in years!
-Lynn from New Jersey
Making the transition from RN in critical care to my life's vocation as a Catholic wife and mother was wrought with many unexpected changes, not the least of which was my frustration with what I had known regarding health care!
As an RN, I had known nothing about homeopathy, and when I became a mom, I realized that what I knew in mainstream medicine did not serve me well in soothing and healing my children. Their illnesses often required a visit to the doctor, followed by a prescription of antibiotics and sometimes even steroids.
What was frustrating was that I often received nothing more than the advice that there was nothing to do to heal the illness, and to just have recourse to over-the-counter medicines to try and relieve my child's symptoms.
My heart told me that there had to be a better way!
A friend had success treating her infant daughter's blocked tear duct with homeopathy, and interest in this gentle and amazing method of healing began. The homeopathic theory of “like heals like” made such sense to me!
However, it was not until I took a series of classes from Joette that I felt confident to try using homeopathy for my family.
My first homeopathic success was with my daughter, who was 5 years old at the time and had gotten what looked like a case of conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane that covers the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Her eyes were red, irritated, and she was so sensitive to the light.
Inwardly, I groaned at the prospect of taking her to the doctor, getting a prescription, and then struggling to administer the eye drops.
I decided to give homeopathy a try.
The cost of the little kit of 5 remedies was the same as my co-pay would have been, so I figured it was a good opportunity to take the plunge! After just one dose of belladonna 30X, I started to see a lessening of the redness, and before long, she was even able to go outside in the sun! Later that day, I just repeated the dose one more time, and by the time my husband returned home from work, her normally big, beautiful brown eyes were just that–with no trace of redness or irritation remaining!
Thus began a long and happy relationship with this wonderful, gentle, and cost-effective method of healing!
Thank you, Joette! -Madeline, Depew, NY
Dear Joette,
I wanted to follow-up with you and let you know how wonderfully well my daughter, Dina is doing now. It was about a year ago that I called you, terrified because of her visual and aural hallucinations and withdrawn aspect.
You taught me how to use homeopathic remedies. Initially Dina refused to take the remedy.
At a certain point, she no longer wanted to talk about the visual and aural hallucinations with me, and I respected that; a few months ago, she told me that they had completely stopped!
Today is my daughter's first day at school and I can't tell you how abundantly grateful I felt, sending her off, smiling happily. This is a bright, creative, gifted, wonderfully kind and empathetic kid with a bright future ahead of her.
I cannot fathom what we went through a year ago, with neurologists telling us she was mentally ill, suffering from a form of psychosis, and in need of psychiatric care!
The only changes we made are the ones I mentioned: homeopathy, introducing Biokult probiotic along with fermented cod liver oil, and removing her from certain exposures.
Also, her mild asthma and allergies seem to be contained!
Mental illness still has an incredible stigma, and no one we know would ever guess what Dina has been through.
If we'd taken a different route, we could have subjected her to prolonged psychiatric meds, traumatized her, made her feel flawed as a human being.
Instead, she is vibrantly happy.
The only problem with using an effective remedy like Anacardium is that it appears to have worked so well and so quickly that Dina's grandparents doubt what we suffered. Also, what we were up against and they feel comfortable imagining that we had overreacted to something minor. I know differently. I hope that my experience will help others!
Thanks from my heart,
After reading an article recently about the increase in illness in American children due to modern medical practices such as overuse of vaccinations and antibiotics, it confirms what I see in my own children. While so many families around us struggled so much with illness this winter, my kids remained pretty healthy. Especially Sophia who, when she got a cold a couple weeks ago, I calculated that it was the 5th time she's been sick in over 5 1/2 years of life, and all of those sicknesses have been minor; no more than a couple of day incidents.
She was so funny when she was sick this time. She'd been feeling badly for maybe 3 hours and she looks plaintively at me and says, “Mommy, am I ever going to feel better?” I chuckled – she has no idea what so many other kids/ppl go through. To her 3 hours of feeling sick is a lifetime! Thanks for helping me give my kids this marvelous health! It is indeed amazing.