In May 2010, Little Lizzy, my three-year old daughter, woke up with very labored breathing and taking a short breath every second or two. She also had congestion. I gave her some cell salts to try to help her. Nothing was helping. After 8 hours, I took her to her pediatrician because I was afraid and unaware of what this type of breathing might do to her oxygen level. They said she was having an asthma attack and need to give her steroids and a breathing treatment. Begrudgingly, I allowed them to do so. They sent me home with 2 prescriptions, one to help her congestion and the other a steroid. Upon going to bed, I gave her the congestion medicine, but my husband and I could not bring ourselves to give her the steroid. Thankfully, we had an appointment with Joette the following day. After our meeting with Joette, we started her on Sulphur for one day, then Arsenicum album for the next two days. It worked like a charm. When we went back to pediatrician for a follow up visit the next day, they were very pleased with her progress. I did not give her any steroids and only two doses on the congestion medicine. After seeing Joette, homeopathy did all the work – WITHOUT STERIODS. Thank you Joette!
Maria from Cheektowaga, NY
Thank you so much for what you have done for me! Last night I went to bed with no fear or anxiety. Actually, it was a little odd, because some part of me wanted to be afraid or was expecting to be afraid, but the rest of me was quelling that and I could actually feel a real peace. I was overwhelmed. My husband had to leave at 2 AM which if it was a day before, I would have lost it, but I had that peace and assurance. I went to bed around 9PM and got up at 8 AM. I am an early riser, but I haven't had more than 5-6 hours of sleep in so long.
I did wake about 7 times, but easily fell back to restorative sleep. This is like a miracle to me! I am so grateful to you and homeopathy.
Aconitum has definitely made a change in me. I truly believe that peace was from God and it has been so long since I was able to lay hold of it. I am actually crying while I am writing this because I am so happy. Thank you again Joette.
Ann – Adirondacks, New York
This exciting email was received regarding a boy who had Crohn's disease for over a year. Here is the mother's email:
Joette – Evan's doctor just called me…… All his lab results are normal!!!!!!!! The SED Rate went from 80 – 120 to a ONE – yes the number 1!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU….. for all your guidance, direction, and hope. You have been invaluable to me and my family! XXOO
Nancy – Orchard Park, New York
I so appreciated your deeply respectful manner today, all the kind and validating things you said and your careful and out-of-the-box way of thinking. I was anxious to reach out for help, since prior efforts with other health professionals were so often not only unhelpful, but hurtful. Thank you for making this experience such a safe one. It was healing in and of itself. Entirely refreshing for me as a mom after everything my family has been through. Bless you!
Sara – Hartford
I have been meaning to send you an email to thank you for fixing me, but I have had too much energy to sit at my computer!! Auntie Joette, I am so happy right now. I was a little skeptical at first because I just couldn't imagine not having a headache. But, after the fifth day of waking up without one, I started to think, “Hey this is really working!”.
I just don't know what to say to thank you. I feel like I have my life back and that I am the old me. I saw my friends the other day and I was talking and laughing and smiling and I started to cry because I haven't done that in so long.
I am playing with the boys again and really wanting to play. I have my energy back and best of all I feel so in love with Billy again! Gosh, it makes me cry just thinking about how bad it really was. I just wish I would have spoken to you months ago! I am so in awe that some hormones off balance can actually change your life as it did mine.
I was starting to think my life was just going to be that bad. Ugh, I am so happy I talked to you and I just can't repay you enough. I am getting ready to take my second round of Sepia on Saturday. Things are looking up over here! I'll shout it from the mountains how happy I am!! Everyone can know. Thanks again for everything!! I truly am grateful.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
Love you- Diane Jerimias, Chicago
Several years ago (about 6), I took your advise of using garlic olive oil for my ear infections and it worked wonders.
At the time, I was getting monthly ear infections which were excruciatingly painful. We later discovered that they were the result of an antibiotic I took for mastitis.
I bought a bottle of garlic olive oil in a small tincture size bottle with a dropper from Feel Rite when you gave me the suggestion. I still use the same bottle (which I store in my fridge) whenever anyone in the family complains of ear pain. Usually one dose takes care of it! Thanks Joette!
Tammy – Cheektowaga, NY
I come from a family with a lot of doctors, and so I have conventional medical care readily available. I love and respect every niece, nephew and in-law with a medical degree, but not one of them, as well intended as they have been, has helped me. Nor have their colleagues. Actually, the meds they've offered only made me worse.
This is why, and the only reason why, decades ago I stopped asking for their help and turned to a more intelligent and curative method: Homeopathy.
I'm in my 80's now and have suffered with chronic osteoarthritis. Sometimes it was milder; other times it kept me on the couch for days. But in the last years since I've been working with Joette, I've had very few flare-ups, and when they do come as meek as they are now, I take the remedy and I'm well in hours.
As the years pass, I'd label it only a little discomfort if I've over-gardened or walked too long.
I was told previously that arthritis only gets worse as you age, but I've found the exact opposite to be true. I think the reason they say this, is because they can't help arthritis like homeopathy can, so all they've witnessed is suffering.
Not for me!!
I don't know what I would've done without my Rhus tox, Tuberculinum and my Joette for having shown me the way into my golden years.
I've told friends about Joette and they've all had remarkable results too!
It makes me jump for joy with wellness and pride….and now, I can actually do it!
-Francis Gianna, Boynton Beach, Florida