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In this podcast, we cover:
05:22 The Secret Spoonfuls: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom Story
10:02 Herbalism and Natural Medicine
19:40 Note-taking
21:14 Homeopathic treatment of strep throat, food poisoning, coughs, and canker sores
32:03 Disney World miracle story
You are listening to a podcast from joettecalabrese.com where nationally certified American homeopath, public speaker, and author, Joette Calabrese, shares her passion for helping families stay healthy through homeopathy and nutrient-dense nutrition.
Paola: It’s podcast number 36 at joettecalabrese.com. Today, we’ve got a new episode for the Moms with Moxie miniseries.
Joette: All the way from my desk in New York, I get to see how homeopathy is transforming lives all over the globe. Some of my students have really caught my eye. Some of you have done all you can to learn how to cure those around you using homeopathic medicines. Your successes inspire me and they’re glorious and powerful. I can’t keep your successes a secret any longer. So, with help from my roving reporter, Paola, we bring you this mini podcast series that I call “Moms with Moxie.” It’s actually grandmoms, too but it’s Moms with Moxie. See how regular mothers and others, average people who want to cure those around them have gone from freaking to fabulous with homeopathy.
Paola: I am so excited to be doing another Moms with Moxie interview. This time, I actually have a friend of mine. Now, I have to say that all of the other Moms with Moxie I’ve interviewed have not been personal people that I’ve known before, but Mindy is a gal that I met. She was actually in one of the earlier pilot study groups that we were doing before we released study groups. So, that was fun to get to know her.
Mindy is a mom of four. She got her undergraduate in Elementary Ed. She taught a little bit before she got married and started having kids and stayed at home with them. What I really like about Mindy though is that she came from a background where she actually studied a lot of herbalism and wildcrafting — kind of reminds me of Joette who did a lot of that before she found homeopathy. So, let’s just talk about your journey Mindy and how you started and how you ended up with homeopathy. So, welcome.
Mindy: Great. Thanks so much. I’m so excited to be here and talking with you.
Paola: Okay Mindy. So, you told me earlier that you were not born or raised with alternative medicine.
Mindy: Yes, not at all. I went to the doctor just like anybody else for well-checkups, for vaccinations, for all the good stuff. There was never any, “Hey, maybe we could deal with these ourselves.” So, it was trust the system, trust what the mainstream is doing. I didn’t really think much more of it than that. Then I had a certain specific event that happened to my life that changed. When I left home and I went to college, I had the greatest privilege and honor to meet a lady who I called Mumsie. She kind of became my adopted grandma. She just blew me away with her knowledge of natural medicine. I think maybe I had always wondered before, but I never really have done anything about it. She was a student herself at the age of 70 learning about herbal remedies. She would just be throwing stuff at my husband and me, “Oh, you’re sick. Here, take this. I made this special concoction just for you.”
Paola: Cute.
Mindy: I remember the first time I smelled this remedy that she gave, this herbal salt that she gave to us (that now I use it all the time) but I remember thinking, “This stuff stinks. What is this witch doctor stuff?”
Paola: That is so funny, especially being like an older lady. She kind of has that little quirky profile.
Mindy: She truly was like a witch doctor in my mind. But I really admired her, the way she walked to the beat of a round drum kind of a thing. She was so passionate about it and just instilled in me a lot of new ideas such as anti-vaccination. She didn’t eat certain foods and especially… there’s just a funny story about my brother who was over there with me. We were eating some of these healthy cookies because every meal was beautifully healthy. He goes to say, “Hey, do you have any …?” And he was going to say milk but he turns and looks at her bookcase. There is this book front and center that says “Milk, The Deadly Poison.” Then we were just like, it’s like, “I guess you don’t have any of that.”
Paola: Until recently with the advent of Weston A. Price, the healthy diet was kind of that more vegan, vegetarian.
Mindy: Yes. She did eat meat but the idea that milk was not created for us. A lot of times, it would just make people so stuffy and full of crud in their sinuses. That was the answer to that, to just stay away from that cloggy, mucous stuff. So, that made sense to me. I’m like, “Okay, well.” I stopped drinking milk. I started eating a lot better, looking at health better, looking at alternative stuff.
Paola: I remember when we were in study groups. We were talking about homeopathy so much. We didn’t talk a lot about diet. But little things I said, and little things you said as we both realized we eat very different diets. So, I remember telling you. Go get Joette’s CD, “A Secret Spoonful,” I think it’s something … “A Sneaky Mom … Secret Spoonful of a Sneaky Mom.” So, you listened to this audio CD with your family in the car.
Mindy: Yes.
Paola: So, tell us what happened. I mean this is hilarious.
The Secret Spoonful: Confessions of a Sneaky Mom Story
Mindy: So, we’re listening to this. She starts talking about milk and how milk is actually really good for the body and it needs to be raw. My kids are looking at me with this horrified look on their face. They’re like, “What!” She is speaking like blasphemy. They put their fingers in their ears and go like, “La, la, la, la.” They just did not want to hear that because heretofore, I mean my oldest at this point was like 10. For the last 10 years, I had been telling them that milk was a bad thing. We never had milk in our house ever. We would have soy and maybe some almond, but we just stayed away from it.
Paola: I remember you told me that like the lard, spoonfuls of lard for her kids or like the bacon and the breakfast.
Mindy: I was kind of hyperventilating myself because I went to Paola and I said, “Okay, okay, look. We’ve got a problem here. I love this homeopathy stuff, but bacon and lard and milk, I don’t know what’s going on.”
Paola: That seems too much. But I remember the thing that really piqued your interest was you were saying about cavities, that you guys have dealt with cavities. For me, a lot of my dental problem stopped cold turkey almost when I really incorporated bone broth into my diet and those fats and everything.
Mindy: Yes. That’s really fascinating because we had horrific dental problems. Because I didn’t give my kids milk so I decided to give them 100% juice. Anyway, that’s another whole story that’s bad. But lately, we drink a lot of raw milk. I have to say that dentist’s appointments are looking pretty good, just saying.
Paola: Oh good. Good to know, very good. That’s kind of the side note, I think with Joette and her mission. She used to focus a lot about nutrition and homeopathy together but now, she’s kind of lasered into homeopathy. But that’s great. I love the la, la, la, mommy, turn it off.
What I like about you Mindy, is that you figured out for yourself that you didn’t want to go to well-checkups anymore. Because I needed Joette’s permission. I mean it was finding Joette and hearing her talk about the well checkups, that that wasn’t really serving me. That’s when I stopped doing those. But for you, you kind of snapped to it before you even heard about Joette.
Mindy: I did. What happened in my life, along with my Grandma Mumsie, was we moved here to Texas and started a family. My husband went into business for himself. Insurance for self-employed people is really horrible. One visit to the doctor is at least $100. We didn’t have $5. I realized really quickly that I needed to incorporate all those things I had heard Mumsie talking about and quickly. Then I was like, “Well, why do I need to take them to a doctor if they are well?” They look healthy and happy and beautiful. I don’t need someone to tell me that. I just know. I’m like I’m not paying 100 bucks for someone to tell me my baby is well. No, thank you, next.
Paola: Yes. That’s just such great independent thinking that you gave yourself the permission to do that. I really, now, today, try and think outside of the box. But it’s like until you try to, you don’t and you’re stuck.
Mindy: I realized I was a little fringy with that. People would look at me weird. I just stopped talking about it with people because I think it made them uncomfortable that I didn’t take my baby to well-checkups. It was like, not validating their actions. So, there are a lot of things I just kept to myself like I didn’t vaccinate my children. I just don’t talk about that with mainstream people because it makes them upset, and so same with not taking my kids to the doctor. There are some people I know I can talk with that about and others — not.
Paola: Now that I think about it, that’s exactly why I never intentionally stopped taking my youngest especially, so I call her my golden child because I did everything right. But with my youngest, I didn’t intentionally say okay, “Well, I’m not doing well-checkups anymore because they’re worthless or whatever.” I didn’t think that. Every time I went to think about making an appointment, I’m like, “Well, I’m just going to be yelled at so I’m not going to go this week. I’ll think about it next week.” Then just one thing led to another and then it was a year later … a year and a half later.
Mindy: Exactly, exactly.
Paola: Let’s talk about your experience with natural healing. So, you studied and went to school for understanding herbs and that stuff.
Herbalism and Natural Medicine
Mindy: I did. I decided because I was going to not vaccinate my children that I needed to be responsible about that decision. If I was going to be responsible then I needed to know how to help my children be healthy.
Paola: Interesting.
Mindy: So, that’s where I studied a lot about diet. Then I studied the herbal medicines. So, I went to Dr. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing. I took online courses. Then he had a student who started his own school. I took a lot of his classes. I attended his school.
Paola: Dr. Christopher, he’s mostly like herbs, tinctures.
Mindy: Yes. He’s 100% herbs, yes, making tinctures and salves and teas and lots of enemas.
Paola: Yes, interesting.
Mindy: Up until my story starts with homeopathy, I have been able to really treat my children with herbs. Now, I wasn’t always 100% as far as like not doing antibiotics. I think my second son got pneumonia. You take him to the doctor and they’re like, “Oh my goodness. We need to take him to the hospital immediately.” The scare tactic worked on me. So, we gave him an antibiotic for that and some steroids. But I can probably count on maybe less than two hands the amount of times I’ve ever given my kids antibiotics. Probably one hand — out of all four of my children, because I was just able to treat my kids with my herbs and my natural ways that way.
Paola: Which is great, that is great.
Mindy: So, that was really exciting. But then life threw me a curve ball, which it always does to all of us. I came up upon something I could not treat naturally. I got strep throat four times in six months. It just knocked me on my bum. I threw everything I knew at it. I threw herbs at it. I never really did the oils — the On Guard or whatever, the Breathe. I’m just trying. Whatever I had, I’m trying. I tried enemas.
Paola: Did you try cayenne pepper?
Mindy: Yes.
Paola: And the apple cider vinegar. I love it when people, “Well, did you try …?” I’m like, “Hey! I tried it all.”
Mindy: Exactly. That’s exactly what was going on. I was trying everything. I just couldn’t kick it. It kept coming back. I was scared. For the first time in a long time, I was really scared. Because I’ll go to doctors … the last lady I went to, she’s like, “Are you kidding me that you don’t have your tonsils out already?” She’s like, “This often? They need to be out. I can make the appointment for you now.” I’m like, “Oh my goodness!” I pushed my chair up. I’m like, “Thank you for your time,” after she’d already given me tons of antibiotics. I was like I have to find something else. Because you know what? After those four rounds of antibiotics, I know this sounds weird — but I could feel my health declining. I was getting sick all the time even in between those strep throats. I was getting sick with other stuff. I felt horrible.
I met a friend. It was like one of those tender mercies. Your friend comes up to the door. I’d been praying and just hoping that I would be able to find the right thing. I knew that there had to be something. I knew it. So, she says, “I want to share something with you.” She says, “I’m going to a class from my friend. And I treated my daughter with strep throat.” Then what was really interesting is I had a friend named Jen, who come to find out is your friend, and had strep throat four times in six months too concurrently with me. Except her last time, she went to you and had you treat it homeopathically. She’s like, “Mindy, it worked.” I’m like okay. Okay, folks. We got to check that out.
Paola: But technically, I didn’t treat it. I educated her, and she took care of it herself. But yes, that’s right. I had a very, very, very scary experience with strep throat where if you take my study group class, I tell the whole story in detail. But it was not good. So now, I feel like I know so much about strep throat and treating it. It can be tricky. I remember even Jen, our friend Jen who had it, it was a little tricky too to address hers. But we did it. There’s something to say for herbs and Joette says this. There’s nothing wrong with having other modalities like herbals and tinctures and whatnot in your kit. But what we’re going to get to here is that homeopathy really does. If you’re going to hierarchy this stuff, homeopathy is at the top for sure.
Mindy: Oh it is. It absolutely is. I’m coming from my background of herbs and loving herbs. Homeopathy takes the cake.
Paola: Right.
Mindy: I went to Paola’s study group, which thankfully was just about to start. It was the perfect timing. What was also interesting is that — I think it was the first class, right, Paola — where I talked to you about my daughter?
Paola: Yes. Your daughter had been dealing with the flu.
Mindy: It wasn’t actually quite the flu. It was more like she just had a fever that wouldn’t go away for 10 days. I was freaking out. So, she had had a fever for a couple of days when I first took your class.
Paola: Yes, it was at the beginning. We both felt like, “Well, it will probably just resolve itself because fevers usually do.” Then the next week, seven days later, we were like, “She is not doing good.” Then we were like, “Oh.”
Mindy: We were texting back and forth. You were so great. You were like, “Mindy, trust this remedy,” because I gave her a certain remedy. I’m trying to even remember what it was. I was like okay, well, she’s sleeping now. You’re like, “That’s good. That’s good.” I mean you helped me so much through that time. It’s so great to have somebody in your court that can help you.
Paola: Which is really the purpose of study groups. People who are probably listening to this will go like, “I need a friend that knows a lot of stuff.” First of all, I haven’t been doing homeopathy for very long, Mindy. I feel like you haven’t been doing it for a very long. The amount, the net gain you can gain in the short amount of time of just listening to Joette’s podcasts and reading her blog alone is incredible. But I really believe in study groups because it allows you to create a community, even if you meet online with people. There is this cute group in Canada that I’m going to interview. They did study groups. They were all just people in the same Weston A. Price chapter. They like messaged through the group, “Hey, let’s start this study group. Who wants?” And then randomly, six of them got together. They all met online. Now, they’re all in the same regional area of Canada. But they didn’t know each other and they just started it. The support that they get from each other is phenomenal.
Mindy: It’s huge.
Paola: So, I think we ended up giving your daughter Belladonna in the end which we probably should have used that right away, but — oops. Sorry about that.
Mindy: You’re right. It was Belladonna. That’s right.
Paola: I remember she had glassy eyes, very glassy eyes and that high fever.
Mindy: Yes. That was great. So, success number 1 to start a plethora of successes.
Paola: Then, I remember one time in study group — and this is an important lesson. We have a podcast that talks about not running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I think we all have to experience learning not to do that. So, talk about that in study group.
Mindy: Yes. So, this was a funny experience. Well, it wasn’t funny at that time, not at all actually. My son who’s four got an acute ear infection. Actually, I’m driving home from the study group. My husband is like you need to get here quick because Rocky has a really bad ear infection. I get there and he’s screaming bloody murder. Now, what’s good to know about Rocky — which would have been helpful to help me pick my remedy — is he’s just 100% in whatever he’s doing. He’s just very emotional. So, I come at it with Pulsatilla because that’s the first thing I’m thinking. I gave it to him and like he’s still screaming bloody murder. So, I’m like, “Oh my goodness. It’s not working.” Okay, it had been five minutes. So, then I’m like, “Oh, I got to try something else.” So, I gave him something else. Then like five minutes later then, “Okay it’s not working.”
Paola: So then you picked the third new remedy.
Mindy: Third remedy, actually, if I’m honest, I think that’s just four remedies and not three.
Paola: I find out about this later. I was like, “Oh Mindy, no. That’s not how it works.” You were so cute. You were so nice. I gave you a hard time. But that’s how you learn. You’ve got to make mistakes to learn and get to the other side. So now, looking back what should you have done?
Mindy: I should have absolutely kept with Pulsatilla because — just for his mentals, too, — like he was screaming Pulsatilla. I just have to say it’s really hard when you’ve got littles that are screaming. He was really screaming. So, that was a hard situation.
Paola: Well really, the point is if you pick Pulsatilla at the beginning …
Mindy: And I stick with it.
Paola: And this is before you had a protocol because the Banerji Protocol for ear infection, there are a couple but the one that I can think of right now is Pulsatilla twice a day and then Chamomilla every 30 minutes as needed, SOS for pain. So, either you could have done a protocol or if you didn’t have a protocol and you were going to just approach it by symptoms, kind of a little bit more classically, you would pick the remedy and commit to it for three to five doses-ish.
Mindy: Yes. Because it was SOS, I could have given it to him more often and it probably would have worked by the third dose, if I would have just stuck … but I didn’t give it a chance. I really didn’t.
Paola: But it’s such a good lesson.
Mindy: Yes, it was. It really was.
Paola: Let’s go through a few more experiences. Tell us how you keep track of all your homeopathy notes.
Mindy: Yes, I’m so glad you asked that because I think I have found the end-all-be-all for me. But I have all my file folders with all my kids’ names. I have my 20 notebooks around my house. I would write on each notebook, and then I would lose it. Because I love how Joette teaches that we need to keep track and write, so, I really took that to heart and I did that every time. But then I can’t find my papers to tell my success stories or to remember like, “What was it that I gave?”
So anyway, I found this app. It’s called OneNote. You can download it for free. It will give you folders. Within the folders, it has tabs. So, I have my homeopathy folder. In my folder, I have each of my children’s name plus my husband’s name and my name. I go through and I just write the date. I write the exact time. I write the symptoms. I write what I gave them. And then I follow up. Then at the end, I’ll just put like little asterisks and I’ll be like okay, this is how it went down. This is how it wrapped up. It’s just this running list on my tab. So, I can just go back to each individual and it’s wonderful. I keep track. It’s just great.
Paola: I am going to download that, really I am because I almost keep track of things through my email. Like I’ll email myself like blah, blah, blah. That’s terrible. They’re all over the place then. So, OneNote, it’s just an app on your phone, O-N-E-N-O-T-E.
Mindy: Yes. Yes. Download it and do it.
Paola: Okay, cool.
Mindy: It’s great.
Paola: So, as you scroll through your app, what kind of experiences do you find there?
Homeopathic treatment of strep throat, food poisoning, coughs, and canker sores
Mindy: I’ve got a couple of great ones that I love. Just so you all know, it’s been a year and three months since I’ve had strep throat last. Within that year and three months, I have felt my strep throat come on about three to four times.
Paola: Yes, because it kind of turned into a chronic problem after you take an antibiotic so many times.
Mindy: Yes. We went on a vacation up to Utah. Both my son and I — because my oldest son came down with strep with me one of those times and got it twice with me. We were doing this together. We went from Texas to Utah. By the time we got up there and you know how it is with vacations, you’re working hard before. You’re kind of stressed. Then you get there and there’s a lot going on, right? I could feel it coming on. I could feel it deep in my throat. I knew but I had all my remedies with me. I took that Hepar sulph 200 is what I took. I, no joke, by the third dose, it was going away. Then my son comes up to me about a day later, after I’m like, “Mine’s successfully going away.” Because it’s quiet because we’re with lots of family, and he’s like, “I don’t want to tell anyone but I think I’m getting strep.”
Paola: Oh no.
Mindy: It’s like, “Okay. This is what we’re going to take. We’re not going to tell anyone. We’re just going to take our stuff.” So, we take it and bam. I mean it’s done. It doesn’t even advance past that like that sharp, sticky … like a stick in your throat, deep in there. It’s gone.
Paola: That’s actually how they describe it in the materia medica for Hepar sulph. There feels like a splinter in your throat.
Mindy: Yes. That is like a huge success. I want to scream it from the rooftops. I want to write Joette 100 thank you notes and Paola for teaching me this because it truly changed my life. I’m so, so, so grateful.
Paola: It’s all Joette, girl. Yes, just because the way she teaches it to you and how passionate she is, it makes you feel dumb if you don’t do it which is a good thing. You need to be pushed.
Mindy: Joette, I have to tell her that I feel like I’m in this grassroots effort with her. Because she is so awesome the way she gives out all these … the podcasts, all the blogs. It’s just all this free information right there at our fingertips. That’s how I’m learning. I have one of her “Good Gut, Bad Gut” classes, but that’s it. That’s all I have so far. I’ve had all these successes, because she has shared out of the kindness of her heart and out of her mission. She’s getting this word out there. I am so, so grateful. So, let me tell you just a few more little stories about awesome success stories.
I woke up once in the middle of the night and it was just all of a sudden and I’m shaking violently. It’s coming out one end, about to come out the other. It feels like food poisoning.
Paola: So, vomiting and diarrhea. Oh no.
Mindy: Yes. So, I ordered the red kit and then got all of her cool …
Paola: Oh yes, that’s true. If you ordered Joette’s top 100 remedy kit in 30C, at this time at least, she gives a bunch of free materials with that.
Mindy: It was that. I love everything that came with that. So, I was reading through that and I knew Arsenicum album, that’s what I need right now. So, I wake up my husband and he’s like, “Okay. You’re freaking me out with how weird sick you look.” I’m like, “Just get me the Arsenicum album.” I take it. I’m not lying. Like less than 10 minutes later, I am back in my bed. I have fallen fast asleep. My husband is left like scratching his head like, “What just happened here? How was that possible?”
Paola: That’s amazing.
Mindy: It was so crazy. Not everything happens like that. It’s not like an in-day thing. So, then we have other stories with chronic coughs. My husband gets these coughs twice a year that last for like three or four months. They start with just the regular coughy, coldy stuff. Then they’ll just last forever. He had one earlier this year in January. I was treating it with actually a different remedy that I don’t have in front of me right now. So, kind of the main cold left, but he was left with this cough. The cough was the forefront remedy.
Paola: That’s pretty typical for him. He tends to at the end of a cold have this lingering cough.
Mindy: Yes. So, I had done my research. He was going out of town. I sent him with these remedies. He calls me in the middle of the night like two in the morning, “What do I take?” He’s coughing. I said take the Phosphorus. I really think that the Phosphorus is going to work. So, he takes it. He tells me later, I mean, it stops the cough right away. He had like more of a wet cough. So, it stops that cough right then within five minutes. It’s done. He can go back to sleep. It happened to him in the morning. He took Phosphorus again. It stopped it in its tracks. He got a little bit better. I think he maybe took it maybe once or twice in the next few days. That was awesome.
Then I get a cough a couple of months later. But mine looks completely different than his. It’s more of this dry gagging. There’s no productivity to this cough. It’s just completely dry. I had to do some digging. I tried one. It helped me feel better but the cough, the gaggy cough was still there. So, after looking through my materia medicas and I always go on Google. I type in “gagging cough, homeopathy, Joette Calabrese.” That’s my go-to, right? So then, I decided on Ipecac and Ipecac 30 did the same thing for my dry, gaggy cough that Phosphorus did for my husband’s wet cough.
Paola: That’s amazing. So, I like that you said that this isn’t typical. It doesn’t always work that quick. I think if you get into this, and you start using your remedy kit, you will see that sometimes it does work that quick — not always —and that’s just awesome.
Mindy: Yes.
Paola: I wish it always worked that way, but …
Mindy: I know. I do too. But there are a lot of times that it really does work pretty quick if you pick the right remedy. It’s not hard. If you’ll just take the time to say, “You know what? I want to learn this.” I’ve shared this with a lot of my friends. There are some people that are like, “Well, I just want you to tell me what to take.” I’m kind of like, “No.” I want you to learn this because it’s so empowering. I’ve listened to a lot of your podcasts. I feel the same exact way as all these other moms, that it’s just, it’s empowering and freeing.
Paola: I think that is why Joette says if you don’t have moxie — that’s why this is called “Moms with Moxie” — if you don’t have moxie, if you don’t want to do it yourself then this may not be the right thing for you. Maybe you do need to just stick with the doctor or whatever. So, another one that kind of acted quickly was for hiccups, right?
Mindy: Yes, okay everybody, if you don’t like hiccups as much as I do not like hiccups, Mag phos 6X. I’ve tried this twice now. I’ve actually tried to give myself hiccups so I can try it again. But I’ve tried it with two of my kids too and it works. By the time I put it under my tongue, by the time it has dissolved, the hiccups are gone.
Paola: That’s just awesome.
Mindy: It makes me giggle. It’s so amazing.
Paola: It is. It’s so amazing. They don’t bother me that much but you must get them kind of awful.
Mindy: For some reason, they really bug me. I hate them.
Paola: Well good. Keep that Mag phos with you. And then you did canker sores.
Mindy: I don’t get them very often but I got one a couple of months ago. Joette has a great blog on that actually.
Paola: She does.
Mindy: Where she talks about her son being like Mr. Smarty Pants, being like he can just eat whatever he wants and cures canker sores.
Paola: Right. Canker sores are often like a food intolerance a little bit.
Mindy: I loved in that podcast where she talked about her son knowing. It really inspired me to make sure my kids know — these are the remedies for this. I used Merc sol 200 for the canker sore, and it was just gone. I think it was gone within less than a day.
Paola: Yes.
Mindy: It was really, really awesome.
Paola: Do you have time, Mindy? I mean I’m loving these stories. Can you tell us a couple more or one more?
Mindy: I could go on and on forever. So, yes, I’ll tell you I’ve got two more great stories that I love. My youngest, he is my accident-prone guy. Homeopathy is probably going to save his life by the time it’s all said and done. But he got sand in his eye. He was just playing out and he’s like, “Oh mom I got some sand.” Like little kids do, he’s rubbing it, rubbing it, rubbing it. The first thing I thought of was Aconite. He seemed to be good the rest of the day. But the next morning, he woke up and he was just in a lot of pain. He’s like I can’t keep my eye open. He’s crying, crying, crying. So, I opened my trusty materia medica. I’m looking up remedies. Actually, I think that this one was also in one of those extra books from Joette where she talked about eye remedies. It’s Euphrasia 30.
Paola: I think Euphrasia, is it called Eyebright?
Mindy: Yes, Eyebright. What’s interesting is I have an herbal tincture called Eyebright. So, I was having him kind of swish his eye with this eyecup I have with that tincture. But he’s like, “Ah.” He doesn’t want to do it. It’s kind of messy. So, I’m giving him that remedy. I give it to him a couple of times that day because he’s in some pretty good pain. He just has to keep his eye closed. We got this eye patch on him. For a six-year old, that’s kind of hard for him. So, it was really amazing. By about 24 hours from when I started that remedy, it was drastically better. It wasn’t all the way better. It probably was a good 48 hours before he could keep his eye open and it wasn’t red anymore. Then I kind of gave it to him maybe just like once on the third day or something. But I was also doing Echinacea and Goldenseal on the outside. I made a tea of the Echinacea and Goldenseal and like rubbed it on with a cotton ball. So, it was kind of doing it internally with the homeopathy and externally with some herbs. That was cool to have both. But I know that that Euphrasia really helped him on that.
Paola: That’s amazing. I like to tell people because this is just a fun, little nerdy homeopathy fact that Aconite is also the Arnica of the eye. I think you did use Aconite right up front.
Mindy: Yes. It seemed that helped. I thought the issue was done. I thought like we were good to go. We didn’t complain about it the rest of the night. Then he woke up and it was like, “Oh, okay.”
Paola: So tell us your last story because this one just makes me — I mean it’s not funny but it’s so funny …
Disney World miracle story
Mindy: I know. I call this my Disney World miracle story because I was so excited. Obviously, Disney World is a big deal. We drove out there from Texas to Florida. I am sick on the drive. I’ve got all my books out. I’m kind of like cold sick. It kind of felt at first like this is what happens on my vacations. I feel like I’m getting strep throat because of the stress of getting everything ready. So, I took the Hepar sulph. It moved from my throat more into my head. So, by the time I get to Disney World, we’re at this pool and I am miserable. I’m not in the pool. I’m sitting on the sidelines. I am sick with this good deep cold. My nose is totally stopped up. My head is heavy. I am on my phone texting Paola.
Paola: Yes, you were.
Mindy: Paola, help me. I am at Disney World. I am sick, and I need you. She texted me back and she says … because you asked me a question, right?
Paola: Yes, because you sounded like you have this terrible mucousy situation. I wanted to know is it more like a head cold or is it more like a chest bronchial cough cold?
Mindy: Yes.
Paola: I didn’t know which direction to go. Like what was bothering you the most.
Mindy: Right. So, she said, “Okay, if it is more the head cold/sinuses, you want the Sanguinaria 200 combined with the Hepar sulph 200 mixed together, and then the Bryonia 200 with the Aconite 200 mixed together.” When I saw that text and I said, “Well it’s the head cold.” And you said, “Okay, well it’s the Sanguinaria mix.” And I was like, “Score!” Because those were the two I had. I didn’t have the other one. So, I went back to my camper. I took that remedy. I went to sleep. When I woke up, I wasn’t 100%, but I could breathe. My head didn’t hurt. I could function. I could totally do Disney World that day.
Paola: That’s so awesome.
Mindy: From that time, I definitely needed that next dose, because I took it twice a day. So, then I was so grateful that I could just take that dose. The next morning, I felt a little bit better. So, it wasn’t the night and day. It wasn’t like better from zero-to-a-hundred-better. But it was enough. For me, it was my Disney World miracle. So again, homeopathy, I love you!
Paola: Yes. That’s wonderful. So, I just want to review this protocol. Joette has this blog. It’s called “My Solution for Colds and Cough: Homeopathically, of Course.” In the blog, she talks about Bryonia 200 mixed with the Aconitum when there’s a cold that’s generalized, but also affecting the coughy chest area. But then also if you look in the comments, someone says, “Now I thought Hepar sulph 200 mixed with Sanguinaria was for colds.” And Joette responds, “Yes. But that’s good for a cold that attacks the sinuses and the postnasal drip and the nose areas.”
Well, Mindy, you are so awesome. Thank you for having moxie. Thank you for taking time to meet with us. You are just a delight to talk to.
Mindy: Thanks so much.
Joette: Are you or someone you know a Mom with Moxie? Well, we’re on the hunt for you. And of course, we don’t want to hear just from moms but from anyone who uses and loves homeopathy. Reach out to my podcast team and let us know why you’re a Mom with Moxie. For more information, contact [email protected].
Thank you for listening to this podcast with Joette Calabrese. If you liked it, please share it with your friends. To learn more and find out if homeopathy is a good fit in your health strategy, visit joettecalabrese.com.
These Moms with Moxie podcasts are designed to be inspirational, not specifically educational. No Remedy Card is provided.
everytime I click to download a remedy card, my email address is added yet another time to your list, so I get multiple emails and even more the next time! And I do not know how to download the card for a later time to print it out!
I’ll have our IT person take a look at it today.
Another excellent podcast. Wondering what would be helpful for moms and dads to take for the stressfful pre-vacation hoopla that so many times results in coming down with something on the trip. Any preventative remedies for that?
I don’t often use a medicine as a preventative in that there are no symptoms to direct me. However, you might want to read my blog article https://joettecalabrese.com/blog/the-chatter-in-my-head/.
When you need a remedy for certain condition, google my name and the condition…its likely I’ve written on it.
I am a Pediatrician and like many here, have also gone the herbal route and it was helpful to an extent. Now I am looking to push the boundary even further and I find Joette’s blogs, articles and courses very spot on when it comes to describing remedies.
My daughter is away in college and just this morning texted me a picture of her throat which looks very much like strep.Last friday when she had the same thing we gave her hepar sulf 30 ( no immediate access to the 200 c ), every 3 hours and she felt better.
But now a week later her Sx have reappeared , so do I go back to Hepar sulph ( I ordered it from Amazon ) .Can I also add Belladona as she is feeling all achy and headachy and unwell?
No cough , no congestion
Thanks in advance for any additional recommendations
I always follow up with the medicine that did good work previously. It may not remain the perfect choice, but its always best to not tinker with success unless there is a strong rationale for another more obvious choice.
Thank you for the great podcast! My 5 year old daughter gets cough quite easily I find it hard to select which remedy to choose right when it happens- always reverted to hep sulf! I will try combining them with another remedy as well. Love these podcasts. Joette, I’m saving money to have a one on one with you!!
Hi! Is it Sanguinaria Canadensis or Sanguinaria Nitrica that I should be using? The remedy card just says Sanguinaria 200. Thanks!!
If you click on the link, you’ll find the rem. It’s Sanguinaria Cand.
Hi Joette. I’ve said this a few times when leaving a comment, you and homeopathy have helped our 4 year old immensely. I am a strong believer in homeopathy, but sometimes doctors try and scare and make you second guess it. My daughter broke out in an itchy rash after a couple of hives. She has sandpaper feeling rash with some redness all over her torso (front and back) and down to her finger tips and toes (the itchiness did go away after giving her arsenicum). I gave her histaminum because that is what has helped her hives before. It wasn’t working. I brought her into her pediatrician this morning just to see if we should test her for allergy issues. Her pediatrician did a strep test and it came back positive, so she went on to prescribe antibiotics. She said it looks to be a form of strep through scarlet fever. I have been searching your site and Google for a remedy that will help her. That fear of not giving her antibiotics from today’s doctors is running through my mind and I don’t want to go that route. Any thoughts from you or any other mamas who have experienced this? I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you.
Me too, as my 3 year old is home with strep! And I don’t know if I can give him Hepar sulf 200c (what I have on hand), I’ve never given anything in that high of potency. He’s on the tail end of it, but still complaining of an “itchy throat” when he swallows something cold. 200c okay instead of a 30?
As I always say, you may use whatever you like but if you hope to get results that I have observed over the years, you might want to stay tight to the protocol.
Hey, I’d really like to see a remedy card on this one!