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Here is a quick look:

  • 11 Boiron-produced videos with Joette – all designed to help you find the safe, homeopathic remedy for: Click here.
    • Sleep and Stress
    • Pain
    • Allergies
    • Fever
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    • Cough and Cold
    • and more…
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  • Joette’s weekly blog. Find the same results as one reader: Click here.

“My daughter is 21 and has had acne since 14. She had worked with a classical homeopath but did not get very good results. GAPS helped a little. We read your article “Pippa and Pimples,” and she did that protocol. I am happy, no ecstatic, to report that it has cleared her face!!!
We tell everyone about it!!!”
(this is a comment that appeared on my blog submitted by Gay 2014/10/06 at 12:44 am)

  • (Newest addition). Short, informative and inspirational podcasts. Learn today/use tonight safe homeopathic remedies to treat your family’s everyday conditions. Click here.

There you have it. A quick tour: informative, inspirational, transformational and all FREE.  Now go cure your family!

If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.” Ben Franklin

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