Your baby is here. But you’re not done.
Next is the placenta as part of the afterbirth. (more…)
If only I had known about this one during my first birth years ago. It likely would have been a game-changer. (more…)
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
Hmmmm … I think that line’s already taken, so, let me be more specific. (more…)
Take off those ghastly hats worn at the Women’s March. Put down the signs that declare our taxes ought to pay for someone else’s birth control, and cut it out that killing an unborn child is a woman’s right. (more…)
If you never experience pain in your back, joints and bone don’t read this. (more…)
A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child. Mindful Homeopathy Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions. These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use. I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more. This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use. |
Confession: In my late teens, on and off, up to about 30, I smoked.
At one point I was smoking a pack a day. It was stupid.
But I know how difficult it was to stop, even having smoked for just about 10 years. (more…)
A mother is only as happy as her unhappiest child. Mindful Homeopathy Anxiety…depression…bipolar…OCD…learning disorders…brain fog…PTSD…addictions…dementia… Homeopathy has a history of uprooting these conditions. These are my favorites that I guarantee you’ll use. I created an infographic to give you hope that real, safe, efficacious alternatives to chemical drugs exist. Click here and read more. This infographic contains some of my favorite remedies that I guarantee you’ll use. |
You’re sleepless. Again. Lying awake. All night. And whoever suggested counting sheep is on your last nerve right about now. (more…)